îl!' ^lìnrtlanh (ïftbseruer Page B6 May 03. 2006 S ports 30 Years Later, Clippers Win a Playoff Blazer on Friendship Team Could face fellow LA Lakers next (A P) - The Los Angeles Clippers were a happy bunch alter putting an end to a 30-year drought of never w inning a playoff series. C uttino Mobley and Corey M aggette each scored 23 points. Elton Brand added 2 1 points and 13 rebounds, and the Clippers took com ­ mand in the third quarter to beat the Denver Nuggets 101-83 M onday night and win the first-round best-of-seven W estern C onference series 4-1. M obley pumped his fists repeatedly in the final minute, and his team m ates waved at the Staples Center fans, who s U mk I and cheered a s the final seconds ticked off. “W e've got to keep winning," Mobley said afterw ard in a somewhat subdued locker room. “ I saw what we had in training cam p," fellow new com er Sam Cassell said. "This team was in a lot o f gam es last year. They just didn’t have guys to finish gam es.” They do now, in the veteran backcourt com bo o f Mobley and Cassell, but finishing w asn't an issue in the series finale. The Clippers h adn't won a playoff series since 1976, when the team was playing in Buf­ falo with Coach Jack Ramsey and beat the Philadelphia76ers in the opening round before losing to the Boston Celtics in the Eastern C onference semifinals. T he franchise m oved to San D iego in 1978. then to Los A ngeles in 1984. T he C lip ­ pers are in the playoffs for ju st the seventh tim e in their 3 6-year h istory, o nly the fourth tim e since heading w est, and the first tim e in nine years. The franchise was 13-22 in the postseason entering these playoffs, including 9-13 while playing in Buffalo. “For the organization, it’s a trem endous accom plishm ent," said third-year coach Mike Dunleavy. " It's been a long time since this has happened. But for me, it's the vision I had. My Portland Trail B lazer Ha Seung-Jin will join NBA play­ ers in Shanghai, People’s Re­ public o f C hina on June 8-11 to participate in Basketball w ith­ out Borders basketball camps. Ha Seung-Jin is the first South Korean to play in the NBA, and is one o f several cur­ rent and form er NBA players along with team personnel to coach Basketball W ithout B or­ ders. The global basketball in ­ structional cam p for young people prom otes friendship, healthy living and education w ithanem phasisonH IV /A ID S aw areness and prevention. The cam ps visit four conti- Ha Seung-Jin n e n ts th is y e a r, a r r iv in g in Lithuania and Puerto Rico for the first time. OFF.: (5 0 3 ) 286 1103 X" FAX: STATE FARM (5 0 3 )2 8 6 1146 INSURANCE COMPANIES HOME OFFICES: BLOOMINGTON. ILLINOIS ERNEST J. HILL, JR. Agent WE'VE MOVED! 4 9 4 6 N. Vancouver Ave. Portland, OR 97217 Los Angeles Clippers' Sam Cassell in the final minutes against the Denver Nuggets, as the Clippers won 101-83 in Game 5 of the first-round of the NBA basketball playoffs. (APphoto) philosophy through it all is you have to defend to be good.” And defend the Clippers did, holding the Nuggets under40 percent from the floor in four of the five gam es in this series. “ It’s ju st a great feeling." said Brand, who played in 544 regular-season gam es before making his playoff debut April 22. "It's still kind o f surreal. I might not appreciate it until we start the second round.” The Clippers meet the w inner of the Lakers- Suns series. Should the Clippers face the Lak­ ers, it w ould be the first postseason meeting ever between Los A ngeles teams in the NBA, NFL or m ajor league baseball. Cassell was one C lipper who made it clear w ho h e'd like to face next. “I was always a L aker fan - Magic Johnson, Jam es W orthy, my main man N orm Nixon,” Cassell said. "Kobe Bryant’s my favorite player. Il would be the battle o f Hollyw ood - it would be great for the city.” R egis S alon Located in Lloyd Center M all Specializing in Ethnic Hair Care Basic Shampoo Set for $15.00 ( Includes Comb Out) Contact Abel at 503.282.2888/8652 or 'Stop by and give me a try ’ Wally Tesfa To Place Your Classified Advertisement Residential and Commercial Broker Oregon/Washington Vancouver Youth to Explore Careers Contact: Kathy Linder Phone: 503-288-0033 Fax: 503-288-0015 e-mail: classifieds@ portlandobserver.com co n tin u ed fr o m M etro rensics at work, food handler’s li­ cense, the art of interviewing, law as a career and more. Youth 14-19 years o f age are eligible to participate. Cost is $15 per teen and covers lunch, confer­ ence t-shirt and materials. T o re g iste r, v isit th e W SU V ancouver W eb s ite a, Vancouver, w su.edu/ca/pace. pdf or contact M ichael Holroyd at 360- 546-9121. W SU V ancouver is located at 14204 N.E. Salmon Creek Ave., east o f the 134th Street exit from either l-5orl-205. Joz/j Us! 503-267-7586 cell 503-249-1903 office 503-249-6527 fax wtesfa1@ comcasf.net PROPERTIES. Multi-M illion $ Service for the 7th Annual Cory Washington M emorial A ll -S tar B asketball G ame tfW - L presented by JftVW’iV 9S.S ★ ^ a rtía n ó (©bseruer Bashor’s TEAM athletics A Saturday, May 27th, 2006, doors open at Noon Admission: $3 Adults • 12 and under free LOCATION: Self-Enhancement Inc (SEI) at 3920 N. Kirby Avenue, Portland, OR 97227 ★ M a in A ttra c tio n : PIL Girls Allstar Game a t 5 p.m . This game is a tribute to Dennis Carline for 22 years o f hard work at Benson High School ~ also featuring ~ (at Noon) Cory Cougars vs Jammin ’ 95.5 Nike Big Bailers & 8th Grade Showdown: Portland Disciples takes on Showtime Proceeds benefits the amateur athletics and education program. For more information call Mark Washington at 503-288-0033 or email markw@portlandobserver.com