il?e^ o r tla n ò © bseruer May 03. 2006 Page B5 Matt Dishman Promotes Healthy Lives continued from Metro Within Reach” program, it offers a variety of exercise classes, in­ cluding aerobics, yoga, Tai Chi, walking and kickboxing. In addition to Dishman, the classes are held at Allen Fremont Plaza, Wild Oats Market at 3535 N.E. 15th Ave., King and Sabin schools, and two other community centers. AAHC provides these ac­ tivities for free for qualifying indi­ viduals. “ Everyone from 18 to 87.” Dempsey said. "We went to people in the community and asked, 'Why aren't people exercising more? What are the barriers?” A m ong the a n sw ers w ere affordability of the classes and fa­ cilities. accessibility and a “com ­ fort” factor. “ People felt more com fortable being next to people like them ­ selves," Dempsey said. "They wanted to be with people who were raised in the same com m u­ nity." In that respect, he said, "The benefits of our partnership have been enormous." Cummunity A.M .E. Zion Church 3605 Eiist 13,h Street Vancouver, W A 24th Annual Women’s Day Celebration TI IEME: “A V irtu o u s W om an Is A W ise W om en” — Proverb, 31:10-31 Letter Carriers Help Stamp Out Hunger continued from Metro Oregon and southw est Wash, ate meals from an emergency food box. The NALC Food Drive pro­ vides some o f the most nutritious food we receive. This high-qual­ ity food is particularly important for the growing bodies and brains of the estim ated 72,(KM) children WB each month who eat meals from em ergency food boxes." The most needed foods include canned tuna, peanut butter, soups, stews, chili, canned fruits and veg- Two-Doy Celebration Saturday, 5*2.0-06 Noon etables, beans, rice and pasta. For more information or tomake acash I -800-777-7427 o r 5 0 3 -2 8 2 -0 5 5 5 or visit R eligion Hat Luncheon ($10.00) Guest Speaker Dr. Corine Conway Sunday, 5*21*06 3:30 p.m . D r . Corine C oinrtrv Vrmious Wmnen International Ministries Higginsei/le. MO. Prayers, Support for Pastor’s Healing Was critically injured working on church van Rev, Abraham Lyles, 77, is hospitalized in stable condition at Emanuel Legacy H ospital’s In­ tensive Care Unit for severe inju­ ries received in an autom obile accident April 6. Lyles, pastor o f Prayer T aber­ nacle C hurch 2244 N.E. Martin Luther King BI vd, was injured by a church van on which he was working. He was stopped and Rev. Abraham Lyles under the hood in Schucks Auto parking lot on MLK when the van slipped into gear and overran Lyles causing severe leg. arm, chest and head injuries. “ Recovery will be long and arduous," said his longtime friend and fellow pastor Robert W eaver o f Lifeline Christian Church. "But with G o d 's love and healing pow ­ ers, Pastor Lyles is im proving daily.” Lyles who also serves as Se­ nior W arden o f Scottish Right - St. Luke M asonic Lodge, is well known for his charitable and spiri- tual work throughout the Port­ land community. A “ C a re F u n d fo r P a sto r Abraham Lyles”has been estab­ lished at all US Bank branches to help defray uninsured medical and family care expenses. Prayers and fund contributions are in­ vited in lieu of flow ers or cards. W hile visitations are not yet perm itted, a daily hospital vigil has been maintained by his wife, family and close friends since the accident. For more inform ation, con­ tact Carl Flipper at 503-309-6251. Stevie Wonder Named Champion for Justice CME Church cities his racial advocacy Legendary singer Stevie Won­ der has been named a champion for justice, human concerns and racial harmony. The Christian Methodist Epis­ copal Church has presented the Gram my and Oscar a ward-w i nning recording artist and producer with the CME Human Concerns Award because of his legacy o f humanitar- ian efforts and his outstanding ser­ Stevie Wonder vice as a civil rights advocate, en­ Luther King, and W onder's hit re­ trepreneur and Christian leader. cording, "Happy Birthday.” During a recent ceremony, CME Additionally, Bishop Williamson Bishop Henry Williamson Sr. ap­ noted the social activism efforts of plauded Wonder and other leaders W onder when he won the Oscar for combining their efforts with award for Best Song in 1984 and Coretta Scott King which led to the dedicated it to then-imprisoned civil national holiday for Dr. Martin rights leader. Nelson Mandela; and Dear Deanna! My wife and I have been married for 11 years. She wouldn’t wear linge­ rie and the lights had to be off when being intimate. I expressed my con­ cerns on these matters. Later in the marriage she quit work because I was taking good care of the house­ hold. There was still no intimacy, so I had an affair with a female friend. I told my wife about this but then I saw her ear at a man’s house. She denied being there at first but later she said they only sat and talked on the sofa. Am I a fool or what? — AskDean/ia! Real People, Real Advice An advice column known for reality based subjects! when in 1985 he collaborated with others on the smash hit, "We Are the W orld". Through the W onder Founda­ tion, many of the funds from W onder’s records are donated to HIV/AIDS research and Katrina su rv iv o rs . W o n d e r has a lso Kosahell Holloway Graveside services were held for Rosabel) Holloway who died April 4 , 2(X)6. at age 83. She was bom Oct. 2 7 ,1922. in ( heraw. Colo. She was helped thousands o f needy chil­ dren in Los Angeles during the C hristm as season through his ra d io s ta tio n K JL H . B ishop W illiamson applauded W onder for his latest recording. “A Time to Love," which shines as a great message from God that addresses the needs of a hurting world. Upon acceptance of the award. Wonder thanked God for the many blessings bestowed upon his life, and encouraged the churches to continue to be a beacon in the com­ munity by providing role models and mentors to our youth and after­ school programs. Thereafter, he performed a moving harmonica ren­ dition of “Falling in Love with Jesus" to a standing room only audience. 360-693*4566 For mtonnation call: ,r 360-891-0972 Allen Temple CME Church Spring Revival Theme: “[)r¡ven ßy Qod’s PurpOSß », Jeremiah 29:11-13 Guest Evangelist Dr. Jerome E. McNeil, J r — Senior Pastor Christian Cathedral C M E Church in Dallas, T X 5P V V Wet/tie.vt/ttv M ay 3"1 2006 @ 7:00pm Thursday M ay 4'h 2006 @ 7:00pm Frida y M ay 5'h 2006 (ft> 7:30pm F o r more information contact: Allen Temple CME Church, 4236 NE 8'" Ave, Portland, Oregon 97211 Phone: 503-287-026! M a ra n a th a C h u rc h Hosting a Day Prayer At 4222 NE 12th Ave. I’ll WEB Schedule of Events 6am - 8am: Life Change Christian Center Grace Covenant 8am - 11am Open Prayer D 1 lam -1 pm New Hope Missionary Baptist N ortheast P ortland lpm - 3pm Vancouver Ave 1*' Baptist W orship & Prayer 3 pm - 4pm Bethel AME Church Service 4pm - 5:30 pm Highland United Church of Christ 6am - 9pm 5:30pm - 7pm the International Fellowship Family Church Thursday 7pm - 8:30 Maranatha COG mass choir of all May 4 ,2 0 0 6 participating churches in a Celebration of Praise. Dear Deanna: I would like your opinion on a mar­ riage where one spouse constantly degrades another spouse verbally while not doing what the Word says they should do as head of the household. Shouldn't they both be accountable to G od's Word at all times and not just when they claim to be a Christian? If the unhappy one has suggested and tried prayer or counseling is it their fault if they divorce to pursue grow th? -- Anonymous; On-Line Reader for many minimum wagejobs. I’ve gone through resume and inter­ view classes and still nothing. My family is giving me a hard time and they think I'm not trying hard Dear Anonymous: Tyrone: O n-Line Reader enough. They don’t understand. Both of you need to stop playing Dear Tyrone: I'ni on probation and there's so around and juggling the Word to You ’ re not a fool, but your wife is a much pressure to make illegal make it suit your interpretation. Lixk trickster. Nine times out often when money. I need some help or posi­ it down with some hardcore biblical your woman who claims to love tive advice. -K .L .C .; Los Angeles facts. The only reason for divorce given by the Lord is fornication and you skips out on her womanly du­ Dear K.L.C: any other cause is without biblical ties, she's cheating. Y ou've been With the chips falling around you. authority. Talk to your spouse and deprived, you've been used and now is the time to become an hon­ get to the root of the problem and fix you’ve been lied to. Two wrongs est entrepreneur. When all else fails, things together. God put you to­ don't make a right and you burned find jobs such as cutting grass, gether as one and also provides each other with the cheating. Make washing ears or towing away junk. you with the wisdom and tools to a decision and decide to be to­ You would be surprised that with a work, resolve and fix the issues. gether, have an open relationship little word-of-mouth advertising or call it quits and keep it moving. and family and friends you can make Ask Deanna is written by Deanna money and start a business doing M. Write Ask Deanna! Email: Dear Deanna! I'm 24-years old with a criminal odd jobs. But be prepared to work askdeanna/@ o r 264 record for forgery, burglary and a hard and deal with a few disap­ S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283 few other things. I've been trying pointments but if you stick with it. Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Website: n un*, askdeanna. com really hard to get a job. I've applied you'll be successful. In Loving Memory Ck»sing Worship Services Guest Speaker Dr. Canine Conway disabled all of her life, residing lived in Colorado Springs, Colo., before moving to Portland in the 1950s. Survivors include her brothers, Robert Jr. and Oscar; sisters. Peggy Crawford. Jenny Black. Nellie Bradwell and Kathy Hendrick. She was preceded in death by two brothers, Walter and William; and two sisters, Willa Mae Grissom and Mary Lou Anderson. Arrangements were under the direction of Rose City Cemetery and Funeral Home. -Remember Those Who Serve- Candle Light Vigil Service In Honor of National Armed Forces Day May 21, 2006 2:30pm Ross Hollywood & Little Chapel of the Chimes 4733 NE Thompson Portland, Oregon 97213 503-281-1800 Please join us as we honor those who are so courageously serving our country. Reception to follow service Officiating- Reverend Thomas Baker -Guest Speaker- Operation Tribute to Freedom - Music- Womens Vocal Ensemble From Central Catholic High School