ilu |Jo rtla n ò © bseruer Page B2 T hese are Twin Sister of ‘Flight 93’ Victim Reflects th e sort oí things th at push you on in m usic- the curiosity, a passion ior new ideas. Elvis C ostello krnhd May 03. 2006 Movie on doomed jet stirs emotions i % O nthem om ingofSept. 11.2001, Sandra Jam erson was attending a business meeting in St. Louis, un­ aw are o f the 9/11 crisis that was unfolding. The meeting was interrupted by a staff m em ber who notified her group that tw o planes had crashed in to the W orld T rad e C en ter. Jam erson im m ediately wanted to know which airline the planes were from , because her tw in sister. W anda G reen, was a flight atten­ dant for United Airlines. In the agonizing hours that fol­ lowed she eventually learned that her sister’s flight was not one o f those that hit the Tw in Towers. However, her 11 ight — United 93 — went down in Pennsylvania when the crew and passengers attem pted to overtake the hijackers. United Airlines headquarters notified the family that G reen was am ong those w ho had given their lives to save thousands o f others. "It was devastating for our fam ­ ily, how ever United co u ld n 't have been m ore su p p o rtiv e . T h ey show ed my sister’s adult son and daughter, my m other and all o f us 89.1www-*(m*ic*-fm Tune in a t 89.1 EM to h e a r a v ariety oi m usic irom tra d itio n a l jazz to m odern rockin b lues p re se n te d by local v o lu n te e r o n -a ir program m ers MARTIN CLEANING SERVICE CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Residential & C om m ercial Service CARPET CLEANING $25. 00 2 CLEANING AREAS OR MORE PRE-SPRA Y TRAFFIC AREAS INCLUDES 1 SMALL HALL Each Area 1 CLEANING AREA PRE-SPRA Y TRAFFIC AREA (HALL EXTRA CHARGE) $35.00 STAIRS (with other service) $1.50 Each Mystery turns to comedy Additional Services U P HO LSTERY C LEA N IN G SOFA-------------------------------------- $ 6 9 .0 0 LOVESEAT -------------------------- $ 4 9 .0 0 SECTIONAL ---------------------------- $ 9 9 .0 0 CHAIR OR RECLINER _________ $ 3 5 .0 0 THROW PILLOWS ------------------------ $ 5 .0 0 I ■ I I ' I . 1 I i $135.00 CALL FOR APPOINTMENT: (503) 281-3949 M ich ael E. Harper, Sr. 9OI5SW Babur. Suite 109 Rutland.! )K97219 lots o f concern and love. United are depicted as heroes, and for that em p lo y ees did ev ery th in g they Jam erson is grateful. could to help us and com fort us,” “In this film, everyone on the she said. Her family was also among plane was a hero. There w ere not those w ho m et w ith P resid en t ju st three or four people involved. G eorge W. Bush in New York right F orthat, my family is grateful,” she after the tragedy occurred, where says. he co m m en d ed the h ero ic s o f W hen asked if her sister was United 93 passengers and crew. accurately portrayed, she adm its, In Universal Picture’s “United “W e have a few m inor concerns 93, "all 4 0 aboard that fateful flight and one m ajor issue. For instance, ‘The Butler Did It’ • AREA & ORIENTAL RUG CLEANING • AUTO / B O A T /R V CLEANING • DEODORIZING & PET ODOR TREA TMENT • SPOT & STAIN REMOVAL SERVICE • SCOTCHGUARD PROTECTION COUPON SPECIAL ANY 3 CLEANING AREAS PLUS HALL & SOFA OR HALL. LOVESEAT & CHAIR Sandra Jamerson (left) with son Frank and daughter Arion, along with her twin sister United flight attendant Wanda Green and her son Joe Jr. and daughter Jennifer in the mid-1980s. The Tragedies T heater Com pany w ill present their original com edy The Butler Did It: A M urder M ystery at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center, 5340 N. In­ terstate Ave., on Saturday, May 6 at 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. and with a Sunday matinee, May 7 at 1 p.m. The show will be re­ corded live at all three per­ form ances fo rcab le televi­ sion and a DVD. The Butler Did It was o rig in a lly p erfo rm ed in January as part o f the Epi­ lepsy Foundation’s annual Out o f the Shadow s Gala. The m urder m ystery farce features such characters as Edgar Allen Poe IV and A gatha Christie, both o f whom suffered from epilepsy. Kelly I.inss. house-scribe for The Tragedies, tells us, "W hen you take a m urder mystery and rem ove all pretense o f mystery o r sus­ pense, w hat you are left with is pure distilled com edy m oonshine - strong, sharp and lethal ly funny. In a sen d -u p o f the traditional British parlour mysteries. The Butler Did It dispenses with the ‘w hodunit?’ and leaves only the question o f ‘how will he do it next?’ A com bina­ tion o f wry, intelligent dialogue and farcical nonsense.” For reservations and tickets for The Butler Did It, call Brian at 503- 36 7 -2 100 orem ail w ebm aster@ . A wish changes nothing. A decision changes everything! HOME OFFICES: BLOOMINGTON, ILLIN O IS Experienced Attorney over 25 years defending People against 1. Employment Discrimination: Race. Age. Sex, and Disability A X * Kimberly Adams, Owner Mortgage Broker Your Care Dr. Marcelitte Lailla Chiropractic Physician We a re lo c a te d a t 1716 N .E . 42nd Ave. Portland, O R 97213 , Between Broadway and Sandy Blvd. > • Automobile accident injuries • Chronic headache and joint pain • Workers Compensation injuries Call for an appointment! » (503)228-6140 C in c o d e M ayo B om b - Jam m in’ 95.5 brings some o f the most talented rap and R&B per­ form ers to the Rose G arden T hursday, May 4 as part o f their "C incode Mayo Bom b." Slated perform ers include Bow W ow, Tw ista, Ne- Yo, E-40 with Keak da Sneak, Dem Franchize Boyz, Ray J.L il’ Roh.Cham illionaire.T-Pain, B ubbaSparxxx. and Rihanna. Tickets are $ 15 to $55, plus service charges. For more infor­ mation visit w w w .rosequarter.eom . - N ordstrom 's celebrates Asian Pacific A merican Heritage M onth with an exhibit titled Love Now, now through May at the dow ntow n location. The latest exhibit can also be viewed online at w w w .nordstrom .com . C eleb ra tin g L ove S ea Q u een T a les — Sea Q ueen, an evening of tales from com m ercial ftsherw om en, will be pre­ sented Friday. May at 7 p.m. at In O ther W ords, W o m en ’s B ooks and R eso u rces, 8B N.E. K illingsw orth St. Love Now exhibit ‘C le a n ’ at th e M ilagro - M iracle Theatre Group com es "C lean" with audiences, telling the tale o f an inquiry into the power o f faith with a Puerto Rican family living in the U nited States. Perfor­ mances are May 12 through June 3 at the M ilagro Theatre, 525 S.E. Stark St. Tickets are $ 16 to $ 2 0 and are available by calling 503-236-7253. A K iller M usical -- “A ssassins" explores the history and fascination of M en o p a u se T h e M u sical - “M enopause The M usical" opens May 31 at the Portland C enter for the Perform ing Arts. The hilarious celebration o f w om en and "the change" features four w omen w ho have nothing in com m on but hot flashes, night sweats, m em ory loss, chocolate binges and not enough, or too much, sex. Tickets are $44.50 plus fees, available at Ticketm aster, 503-224-4 4 0 0 o ro n lin eatw w w .tick etm m . or by visiting the box office at 1111 SW Broadway. B lack E yed P eas - Catch the hip-hop global phenom enon Black Eyed Peas, plus the Pussycat Dolls & Flip Syde. at the Rose G ard en 's Theater o f the C louds on Sunday, May 14 at 7 p.m. Tickets are $35 plus include service charges. 503-241-1113 Free Phone Consultations Our First Priority State University presents T hird A nnual Jazz W eek, Thursday, May 4 through Saturday. May 6 at various PSU locations. See perform ances by the Mel Brown Trio. M arcus Shelby and more. Tickets are $ 10 in advance/ $ 12 at door, and are available at the PSU box office or Ticketm aster outlets. . For schedule information, call 503-722-3307. H ip -H op w ith C ool N u tz - Join the “Cool Nutz Celebration o f Life: A Birthday 2 Rem em ber" on Thursday. May 11 at B erb ati's Pan, featuring Bosko, Sirens Echo. Boom Bap Project. Maniac Lok and more. Show starts at 9 p.m., and is open to 2 1 and over. Tickets aic $ lo a d$ 12 at the door, available at w w w .JusFam ilyRecords.eom and w w w .Tieketw eb.eom . SONA JOINER CALL NOW 2. Criminal Accusations: • Sex crimes • Drug crimes • All misdemeanors and felonies T h ird A n n u al Ja zz W eek - The L eroy V inegar Jazz Institute at Portland presidential assassination in A m erica, from John W ilkes Booth to John Hinckley. The w inner o f five 21X14 Tony A w ards including Best Revival o f a M usical appears through June 4 at the A rtists Repertory Theatre, 15 16S.W . A lder St. Tickets are $ 15 to $40. for more inform ation call 503- 241-1278 or visit w w w .artistsrep .o rg . STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES 003)221-30» I wish she had been given more lines, because she was a very talk­ ative person. More importantly, the film doesn't show it, hut we strongly feel she was m urdered by the hi­ jackers, because she was an atten­ dant in the first-class cabin. We believe this was the ease because if she had had the opportunity, she would have made contact with us. but we d id n ’t hear from her." The film is based on the facts c o m p ile d fro m th e te le p h o n e records, the black box, 9/11 C om ­ mission Report and over KXtfamily m em bers who were interviewed, which included G reen 's family. W hen asked if the film brought closure, Jam erson adm its it does not. “It’s really hard. Even though it has been five years, it seems like yesterday. 1 miss my sister every day. She was not only my twin, she was my best friend. I miss not being able to talk to her. I miss not being able to travel the world with her. We had gone everyw here and we were making plans to go to Paris.” A fter alm ost 30 years o f flying, her sister had talked more and more about retiring her wings and get­ ting involved in real estate full­ time. She had already earned a li­ cense and w orked as an active real estate agent and office m anager for N orthStar Realty. Our Home Ownership and Mortgage Expertssm will BENEFIT YOU bv delivering personalized home loan solutions to fit your needs. Good or bad credit! We’re local. We care. Experience the difference! Call (360) 433-2466 Toll free 1-877-436-2466 apply online at equal housing lender servinq Oregon & Washington A frican M u sic B en efit - M aster drum m er O bo Addy will perform with his traditional group O kropong in a benefit perform ance for the Toguna Cultural C enter in Mali. Africa, on Thursday. May 25 at 7 p.m. at Jackson Middle School, 10625 S. W. 35th Ave. Admission is $5, for more inform a­ tion call 503-916-3411. A n im a tio n at O M S I — Explore how art. math, science, and technology com e together in the exciting world o f anim ation at the Oregon Museum o f Science and Industry. Experim ent with storyboarding, character design, m ovem ent, timing, filming, sound, editing and more as you explore the process o f anim ation and create your own anim ated se­ quences. For adm ission and tickets, call 503-797-4000. I -ive M usic Every N ight - Kick off your week with live jazz every Sunday at 9 p.m. at The Blue Monk (3 3 4 1 SE Belm ont). Participate in a mixed-media open mie night each Monday at the Back to Back Café (614 East Burnside). The Thorn City Improv, featuring m em bers of Oldominion. Q uivah, The Chosen and The Black Notes, perform at C onan’s(3862S.E . H aw thorne) every Tuesday at 10 p.m.