Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 26, 2006, Page 9, Image 9

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A p ril 26, 2006
Page B3
White Bird Season
Interpreting J y o f c
End with Dazzle
Asian American
Aki Sogabe 's ‘Mom ' is one of the paintings depicting love on
exhibit through the month of May at Nordstrom stores for Asian
Pacific America Heritage Month
In c e le b ra tio n o f A sia n P a ­
c ific A m eric an H erita g e M o n th ,
N o rd s tro m has se le c te d a ta l­
e n te d g ro u p o f A sia n A m eric an
c h ild r e n ’s illu s tra to rs an d a r t­
ists to sh a re th e ir id eas ab o u t
lo v e in an e x h ib it c a lle d L o v e
N o w . P o r t l a n d 's d o w n to w n
N o rd s tro m w ill p a rtic ip a te in
th e e x h i b i t t h r o u g h o u t th e
m o n th o f M ay.
N o rd stro m b eg an the L o v e
N o w e x h ib its in 2 0 0 3 d u rin g
B lack H istory M onth as a c e l­
eb ratio n o f d iversity and artistic
ex p ressio n th ro u g h a collection
o f p h o to g ra p h s fro m A fric an
A m erican photo g rap h ers across
A m erica.
L ater, the L ove N ow them e
w as in co rp o rated in to H ispanic
H e rita g e M o n th , fo c u sin g on
w o rk s by H isp an ic illu strato rs
an d p ainters, as w ell as A sian
Pacific A m erican H eritage M onth
hig h lig h tin g A sian A m erican il­
lu stra to rs.
T h e latest ex h ib it can also be
v ie w e d o n lin e th ro u g h o u t the
m onth at w w w .n o rd stro m .co m .
White Bird con
eludes their sea
son with the Port
land debut of
Israel's acclaimed
Inbal Pinto Dance
African, Japanese Percussion
Cultures will converge on a
beloved neighborhood eatery
when Hakim M uhammadofSoul
D ee p
P ro d u c tio n s
an d
M onmouth Taiko G roup per­
form on a unique shared bill to
raise funds for local playwright
Lava Alapai at Tin Shed Garden
Café, 1438 N.E. Alberta St., on
M onday, May 8 at 7 p.m.
These local celebrities are com ­
ing together for one night o f the
finest world drum m ing the Portland
area has to offer to raise funds for
the production o f the m ulticultural
play "M utt" by A lapai, who is both
African Am erican and Japanese.
A lapai is the au th o r o f a play
about gro w in g up b i-ra cially , so,
“ it w as like a dream to h av e both
those cu ltu res rep resen ted at our
fu n d ra ise r.” A lapai said. "S in ce
‘O y s te r ,’ a c irc u s
the play is about a young
w om an d isco v erin g w hat it
m eans to be o f co lo r, it’s
ju st p erfect to have all o f
th e s e d if f e r e n t m u s ic a l
sty les on o ne n ig h t.”
M uham m ad is known lo­
cally as a dynam o perform er,
a tireless educator, and co m ­
poser o f jingles for Nike and
th e
P o rtla n d
T r a ilb la z e r s .
M onm outh Taiko com es to Port­
land frequently to play events for
the Japan A m erica Society o f O r­
egon and U w ajim aya’scom m unity
celebrations in Beaverton.
fa b le fo r o u r tim e
W hite Bird is proud to conclude its 2005-06 season
with the Portland debut o f the internationally ac­
claim ed Inbal Pinto Dance Com pany from Tel Aviv,
Israel on W ednesday, May 3 at 7:30 pm at the Arlene
S chnitzerC oncert Hall.
Artistic Directors Inbal Pinto and A vshalom Poliak
will bring theircom pany o f 12 outstanding performers
for the work "O yster,” described by The Village Voice
as part surreal vaudeville, part circus and part toy
store after midnight.
The production brilliantly straddles the dividing
line betw een a dream scape and the world o f the real,
a magical universe w here the w him sical and the gro­
tesque som ersault over each other, playing tag with
our imagination.
E m ploying an inv ig o ratin g blend o f m odern
dance, ballet, m im e and acro b atic m ovem ent, the
p erform ers altern ate as dan cers, m ario n ettes and
puppets. The w ork unfolds in a series o f short,
surreal vig n ettes w ith a cast o f co n tin u ally c h a n g ­
ing ch aracters set in a w orld recallin g a run-dow n
carnival sid esh o w — th in k o f a w ildly o ff-k ilter
C irq u e du Soleil.
Dancers wearing short, spikey wigs, whose faces
are painted like dolls, perform with m arionette-like
strings attached to their wrists and ankles. Gro-
tesqueclow ns, muted ballerinas with stools attached
to their tutus, and Siam ese twins inhabit a world that
conjures up dream like qualities.
Tickets are $ 19-$43 plus service fee are available
at the Portland Center for the Performing Arts Box
Office and all Ticketmasteroutlets, 503-790-2787 and
online at w w w .ticketm aster.com .
Turner Focus: Race and Hollywood
‘Black Images
on Film,’ month
long series
Beginning in M ay, T urner C las­
sic M ovies (TC M ) will launch an
unprecedented, m onth-long festi­
val o f films as part o f its series Race
& Hollywood:
B lack Im ages
on Film.
H o ste d by
renow ned film
h isto ria n , a u ­
thor and TCM
special consult­
D o n a ld
Bogle, this cin­
ematic event in- Donald Bogle
eludes 38 films.
chronicling eight decades o f the
African American image in film from
blackface to blaxploitation, from
slavery to social justice.
A iring on Tuesday and T hurs­
day prim etim e evenings from May
2 through May 30, Race & Holly­
wood includes com m entary from
prominent African American actors,
film m akers and producers includ­
ing Eva and Evangela Anderson,
(the wife and daughter o f Cabin In
The Sky star Eddie “Rochester”
68(X) NE MLK Blvd
1 Small, 8”
Philly Cheese
P o rtla n d B lvd.
For $2.99
( I Block N o f Portland Blvd)
Hours: 7 days a week, 11 am-9pm
The division o f race in the South around the time o f the Civil War is captured in the film Gone
With the Wind.' one of the movies to be featured in May during ‘Race & Hollywood: Black Images
on Film' on the Turner Classic Movies cable network.
Anderson; Lenny Bluett, musician
and perform er in Cabin In The Sky;
Bill Cosby; Charles Dutton; W ill­
iam G reaves; Jam es Earl Jones;
R igm orN icholas; Bill Nunn; R ich­
ard Roundtree; Cicely Tyson; Ri­
c h a rd W e s le y ; an d F o re s t
W hitaker.
F ilm s in the series - from the
co n tro v ersial to the ce le b ra ted -
include B irth o f a N ation (1 9 1 5 ),
Dance Around the World
Celebrating Cinco de Mayo
C elebrate C inco de M ayo with
cultural dances from M exico and
b ey o n d at D ance A ro u n d the
W orld, a benefit for the Multiracial
Family Center.
The event takes place Friday,
May 5 at 7 p.m. at Portland State
U niversity’s N ative A m erican Stu­
dent & Community Center, 7 0 1 S . W
Scheduled perform ance groups
include S.E.I.S. Salseros, a Mexican
dance group from Roosevelt High
School; the V ietnam ese Student
Association o f PSU; Kaibigan, a
Filipino student organization; and
the Pacific Islanders Club. An Afro-
Brazilian battle dance. Indiandance.
Flam enco and A rgentine Tango are
also planned.
T he Jazz Singerf 1927), G one with
the W ind (1939), G u ess W h o ’s
C o m in g to D inner? (1 9 6 7 ) and
D evil in a Blue D ress (1 9 9 5 ), to
nam e a few.
B ogle is one o f the forem ost
au th o rities on A frican A m ericans
in film and is the au th o r o f D o r­
othy D andridge: A B iography;
T o m s,
C oons,
M u la tto e s ,
M a m m ies, an d B u ck s; B right
B oulevards. Bold D ream s: The
Story o f B lack H olly w o o d : and
Prim etim e Blues.
r o je e
• A pril 2 1 -2 2
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Portland, Oregon
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