4 œi’‘^Jnrthntb © hscruer Page B6 el A p ril 26. 2 0 0 6 O bservador More Immigrants Seek Citizenship Surge follows debates, protests (AP) — Efforts by Congress and local governments to crack down on illegal immigration - and the protests that followed those efforts - have produced a surge of interest in learning how to be­ come a U.S. citizen. More of the nation’s 8 million legal immigrants are showing up at citizenship classes and semi­ nars sponsored by churches and community groups. "I didn’t think it was important before, but now 1 think it’s very important to be acitizen,” Leonida Santana said during a break in a Saturday morning class discus­ sion about the separation of pow­ ers among Congress, the presi­ dent and the courts. Santana, a Dominican Repub­ lic native, arrived in the United States in 1983 and a year later secured a green card, signifying permanent legal residency. She signed up for the 10 weeks of citizenship preparation classes after the House last year passed a bill that would deport illegal immi­ grants as felons and erect 7(X) miles of fencing along the U.S.- Mexico border. “We are not criminals,” she said, explaining that she decided to apply for citizenship because she now wants to vote. Alfonso Aguilar, director of the Homeland Security Department's Office of Citizenship, said current events - most recently the 2(X)I terrorist attacks - have triggered naturalization surges in the past. Legal permanent residents have the right to live and work in the United States and are protected by state and federal laws. They are eligible for some federal ben­ efits. But they still can be de­ ported if they commit certain crimes and cannot vote in federal and most state and local elections. The Mexican pop-rock group RBD comes to the Rose Garden on Friday, May 5. ‘RBD’ to Rock Rose Garden M e x ic a n p o p -ro c k m u sic adults alike, spurring the creation group RBD comes to the Rose o f the band, which has had w ide­ Garden Friday, May 5 at 8:30 spread success. The band arrives with its first p.m., as part of their North A m eri­ concert tour in the United States can Tour "G eneracion RBD.” RBD grew popular from a that will cover m ore than 30 p rim e -tim e te le n o v e la on cities. They have released three Univision called “Rebelde” (hence a lb u m s to d a te in c lu d in g the name). The show has be­ “ R e b e ld e ,” “ En V iv o ,” and com e am azingly popular among “N uestro A m or” that were all Latin Am erican teenagers and released in 2005. Tw o o f R B D ’s album s have p la c e d on th e to p fiv e o f Billboard’sT op Latin Album chart since the beginning o f the year. They have sold more than 2 m il­ lion albums w orldw ide, and have sold out co n certs throughout South and Central America. Tickets are avai lable at the Rose Q uarter Box O ffice and partici­ pating Safeway outlets. Soliders Torn by Immigration Debate Loyalties clash for Latinos in military (AP)— Marcial Rodriguez, a U.S. Marine who grew up in a Mexican fanning village, is offended that the country he went to war for might deport his relatives who are living here illegally. Three months after the lance corporal returned to Ohio from the fighting in Iraq, the U.S. House adopted a bill that would make Rodriguez's cousin a felon for be­ ing one of the nation’s 11 million illegal immigrants. Rodriguez, 20, said he enlisted in the Marine reserves to repay the debt he felt owed to a country that Ernesto Rodriguez stands with a picture of his son, Marine had given him an education and a Lance CpI. Marcial Rodriguez, at his home in Painesville, Ohio. The younger Rodriguez is offended that the country he went to home for his family. “People from many different war for might deport his relatives living in the U.S. (AP photo) countries are fighting, not just from Rodriguezenlisted in 2(X)4 after near the Syrian border. He barely Mexico,” he said. “We want to par­ graduating from high school in escaped death when three friends ticipate in this country.” Painesville,Ohio. Nine months later, of his were killed by a roadside It is unclear how many soldiers he was combing Iraq forinsurgents bomb last June. find their loyalties sim ilarly d i­ vided, but at a time when the Pentagon has stepped up recruit­ ing of Hispanics to fill recruiting quotas, experts say a crackdow n Qhapd of the on illegal im m igration would un­ doubtedly cause resentm ent in Caring fo r People - Making a Difference the ranks. “How do you tell them we’re urial and remation going to deport their parents and g ra n d p a re n ts? " asked H ector There is a Difference in Funeral Homes Flores, president of the League of NE 2 Is' and Broadway 503-287-1155 United Latin American Citizens, a group that has encouraged His­ panics who do not plan to attend college to join the military. “That's no, America." Hispanics are increasingly join­ lhem e: ing the military as their numbers have grown, according to a 2(MX4 Jeremiah 29:11-13 study on Marine recruitment by CNA Corp., a research firm in Ar­ lington, Va. Hispanics accounted for 16.5 percent of Marine recruits las, year, up from 13.4 percent in 2002 and 11.7 percent in 1997, the firm said. Soldiers and veterans have been Dr. Jerome E. McNeil, Jr — Senior Pastor a popular presence a, a wave of pro­ Christian Cathedral CME Church in Dallas. TX immigrant rallies across the coun­ try in recent weeks, 5F Wednesday May 3"1 2006 & 7:00pm "They stick out like a sore thumb," Medina said. “When (dem­ 4F Thursday May 4"' 2006 (s> 7:00pm onstrators) see people in uniform, it V Friday May 5* 2006 @ 7:30pm gives them tremendous pride and For more information contact: validates that we are contributing Allen Temple CME Church, 4 2 36 NE S'* Ave. Portland. Oregon 97 2 1 1 to this country." A legal permanent resident who encing heavy downloads of immi­ has lived in the country at least five gration forms, including 162,000 years is eligible to take required naturalization forms, said spokes­ English, civics and history exams man Christopher Bentley. to become an American. If the resi­ Nemecio Cotoc, 32, who tied a dent is married toa U.S. citizen, the civil war in Guatemala and eventu­ wait is three years. ally became a legal resident, said he Applications for naturalization will never forget that he was once have increased since December, undocumented. when the House bill was approved. “We can't elect a Hispanic presi­ The Homeland Security Depart­ dent, but if we can become citizens ment received 53,390 applications we can defeat those who have a for naturalization in January, 23 mind-set against us,” Cotoc said. percent more than the same month "Really, what we want to do and a year earlier. In February, that num­ look for is to work and maintain a ber rose to 57,056. grxxl life and grow and pay our The department’s Citizenship taxes on all we buy, like a house, and Immigration Services isexperi- food and other things." Wally Tesfa Residential and Commercial Broker Oregon/Washmgton 503-2677586 cell 503-249-1903 office 503-249-6527 fax wtesfa1@comcast.net PROPERTIES. fo r the 7th A nnual C ory W ashington M emorial A ll -S tar B asketball G ame presented by c e¿6e r (© b se w e r Bashor s Roso P B Multi-Million $ Service Join Us! 1 y Leonida Santana and Nemecio Cotoc attend a citizenship class in Washington, D.C. (AP photo) TEAM athletics C Saturday, May 13th, 2006 Admission: $3 Adults • $ 1 for 16 and under • 12 and under free Allen Temple CME Church location : Self-Enhancement Inc (SEI) 3920 N. Kirby Avenue, Portland, OR 97227 Spring Revival God’s Purpose” Main Attraction: Cory Cougars vs Jammin’ 95.5 Nike Big Bailers Guest Evangelist Phone 503-287-0261 8th Grade Showdown: Portland Disciples takes on Showtime Proceeds benefits the amateur athletics and education program. For more information call Mark Washington at 503-288-0033 emaiI tnarkw@portlandobscrver.com I I > I