ilîf JJortlanh (©becrue April 26. 2006 Elections Full Court Press Retirement Living S m it h T o w e r 515 Washington Street Vancouver Washington 360.695.3474 • Studio & One-Bedroom Apartments • Federal Rent Subsidies Available • No Buy-In or Application Fees •Affordable Rent includes all Utilities except telephone & cable television • Ideal urban location near shopping, bus lines, restaurants, and much more! Governor Defends Record, Effectiveness G ov. T ed K ulongoski sees a health ier state than w hen he launched his first hid for gov­ ern o r in 2002. M ost notably, the econom y has risen steadily during his term and the go v er­ n o r c r e d its th e c re a tio n o f 100,000 jobs. T he e x -M a rin e and boxer m akes a point in his radio ads that it’s not the loudest person w ho w ins the fight, but the m o st p e r s is te n t. H is tra c k re c o rd a lso in c lu d e s fo rm er state leg islato r and Suprem e C ourt ju stic e . Kulongoski pledges to con- Career Opportunities at Providence Health System We’re looking for the right employees for career opportunities in many areas. Whether your professional skills are in financial services or nursing; medical records or facility maintenance; administrative support or health care management, consider a career with Providence! Visit our Employment Center at 1235 NE 47th Avenue or view current opportunities and apply online today! EOE =1 Health & Services City of Portland, Oregon PORTLAND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION continued from Metro will step up.” Hill doesn't have the name rec­ ognition and campaign funding of the current governor, but he se­ cured major endorsements from in­ fluential unions, including the Ser­ vice Employees International Union and the Oregon School Employee Association. Oregon, in many ways, is a wounded state, and the Democratic candidates share similar ideas on The P o rtla n d D e ve lo p m e n t C o m m issio n (PD C ) re q u e sts qualifications from experienced development teams interested in purchasing and developing a 20,000 square foot site owned by PDC at the corner of NE Grand Ave. and NE Holladay St., in the Oregon Convention Center Urban Renewal Area. Goals for the Property, known as Block 45, include development of a medium to high density residential project that: (1) Activates the site with a 24/7 use; (2) Achieves high density home ownership; (3) Achieves a mix of housing unit sizes and sales prices; (4) Activates the street through ground floor commercial uses; how to restructure health care, our economy and education. Hill has fashioned his campaign platform into an "Oregon Come­ back Plan", detailing solutions for a statew ide turnabout. He has pledged to establish a rainy day fund and raise the corporate mini­ mum tax, which currently bottoms at $10. “C orporations aren ’t paying their fair share of the tax burden,” he said. "I want to balance that system to fund schools.” On education, Hill said he’d "do whatever it takes to reduce class sizes”. He considers his two-term expe­ rience as state treasurer a leading advantage, and when speaking about our economy he looks north to Washington’s success, and be­ yond to Southeast Asia. “Som eofthe largest countries in the world sit on the Pacific Rim,” Hill said. "We should be out selling the state in terms of international trade.” continued ■ r i ’* l)\\ (Il l’ll\M