'Z'1" JJorthxnò (Observer Page A6 S tate Rep Considered K irchm eier has some experience under his b e lt- h e worked with Sen. M argaret C arter and Rep. Hansen last year on Senate Bill 847 that created tax abatem ent for low -in­ com e, ow ner-occupied homes. On health care: K irchm eier sup­ ports the proposal o f ballet m easure 40, w hich would make access to health care a basic right o f all O rego­ nians. He also supports a ballet m ea­ sure to raise the cigarette tax by 60 cents, providing health care for another 2(X),(XX) O regonians. C ur­ rently, O regon collects $1.18 for each pack, w hereas W ashington collects $2.02. His advantage over Kotek and Robison: “I’m a liberal with m oder­ ate style, like Hansen, and we get more done in Salem .” F o r m o re in f o rm a tio n on K ir c h m e ie r ’s c a n d id a c y , v isit www.neighbors4mark.com. Jim Robison O c c u p atio n -A d ­ m inistrator for W est M ultnom ah Soil and W ater C onservation District. Robison is form er D em ocratic precinct com m ittee­ m an , M u ltn o m a h County D em ocratic P a rty c h a ir m a n , 2 0 0 0 -0 4 , and 3rd j j m R o b iso n C ongressional D is­ trict D em ocratic C om m ittee chair­ man. He lives in the University Park neighborhood. Robison said h e’s running be­ cause not enough is done regard- 4FittoBe Fabulous’ ing healthcare and education. “I get tired o f seeing people tink­ ering around edges o f system ,” he said. Healthcare is his num ber one pri­ ority: "If we simply went to universal system and abolished adm inistrative costs for determining eligibility, w e’d save more than enough to pay for cost o f all uninsured.” Robison believes a universal sys­ tem also ties into im provem ents in education and less financial burdens for schools. Regarding affordable housing in the district, Robison supports mixed- incom e com m unities in north Port­ land, with an eye tow ard making sure af fordable housing is in all com m uni­ ties. “New C olum bia takes a step i n that direction," he said. “But also steps backward in encouraging low-income fam ilies going into one area.” W ith Kirchmeier and Kotek also holding healthcare, education and housing as top priorities for north Portland, he said his ad­ vantage over his opponents is familiarity with the community. “I ’ m able to work wel 1 with people I d o n ’t agree with. I know and understand what people are going through in their daily lives in this dis­ trict.” For more inform ation on J con tin u ed J g fro m Front con tin u ed fro m Front This year is no exception; the Portland Links, Inc. benefit high school seniors across the Portland area and southwest Washington with educational scholar­ ships. Links plans to raise $30.(XX) for their scholarship fund. Tickets will not be sold at the door, but are available at Geneva's Shear Perfection - 5601 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. 503-285-1159; Simply Elegant Nails/Salon - 332 N.E. 82nd Ave, 503-262-8208; One Stop Record Store - 1615 N.E. Killingsworth St., 503-284-2425; Tondalayera Designers Salon - 5401 N.E. Cully Blvd., 503- 284-0712; Reflections Coffee House - 446N.E. Killingsworth, 503-288-6942; Me Rae's on 42nd - 5852 N.E. 42nd Ave, 503-288-5258; or any Link mem­ ber. Ticket prices are $75 for patrons and $45 for general admission, and include a choice of a one-year subscription of Ebony or a six-month subscription to Jet, plus chances to win round-trip air transportation for two to any destination served by American Airlines or Ameri­ can Eagle, in the domestic 48 states; a 2(X)6 Ford Explorer; and selected items from Fashion Fair Cosmetics. R o b iso n 's candidacy, visit www.jimrobison.org. A rea residents can meet all three candidates at a candidates forum, Tuesday, April 25, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at University Park United M eth­ odist Church, 4775 N. Lombard. Katrina Damaged Cars Delivered Consum er alerts have w arned to be on the look out for vehicles dam aged by hurricane Katrina. But in this case some o f those vehicles are going to good use as Ford M otor Com pany has donated four K atrina-dam aged ve­ hicles to the Mt. Hood Com m unity College autom otive program. The ve­ hicles, all suffering from water dam ­ age, will be cleaned and back to run­ ning order for use as instructional A p ril 19. 2006 > tools for autom otive students. Ford executives will present the vehicles to M HCC on Thursday, April 20. Students and faculty will be on hand to receive the vehicles. The ve­ hicles include two 2(MX> Ford Taurus, a 2(XX) Ford Mustang and a 2005 M er­ cury M onterey. The donation is val­ ued at more than $I(X),O(X). The ve­ hicles com e from various locations in Louisiana and Alabama. A n g e lic a J o n e s m o d e ls a D o u g la s H a n n a n t v e lv e t a n d d é c o lle té ' b o d ic e with c a s c a d ­ ing row s o f fra yed silk. S h e is o n e o f 1 2 E bony m o d e ls with th e “Fit to B e F a b u lo u s ” fa sh io n fair c o m in g to P ortland Friday, April 2 1 . Juneteenth Up and Running Juneteenth C om m unity Unity in­ vites all interested volunteers - com ­ munity members, vendors, church and corporations representatives and busi­ ness professionals - to attend the Juneteenth C om m unity Unity m eet­ ing Saturday, April 22 at 4 p.m. at Yam Y am ’s Southern Barbecue, 7339 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. B lvd.C om e out and add your expertise to this year’s event at Peninsula Park and Freedom Trail Parade. For more information, contact Larry M a tth e w s, W o o d y B ro a d n a x o r Regina W illiams at 503-978-9229 or 503-285-8898. The 48 th Annual E B O N Y F A S H IO N F A IR P R E S E N T S Save This Date Youngest Pointer Sister Remembered June Pointer dead at 52 June, the youngest o f the sing­ ing Pointer Sisters known for the 1970s and 1980s hits “ I’m So Ex­ cited," “Fire,” and “Slow H and," is being rem em bered after her death at age 52. Ju n e P o in te r, th e y o u n g e s t m em b er o f the trio died o f can cer A pril 11 at S an ta M onica U n iv er­ sity o f C a lifo rn ia, Los A ngeles, M edical C enter, the fam ily said in a statem en t. She had been h o sp i­ talized sin ce late F eb ru ary and the ty p e o f ca n ce r w a sn ’t d is­ clo sed . She died “ in the arm s o f her sis­ ters, Ruth and A nita and her broth­ ers, Aaron and Fritz, by her side,” the fam ily statem ent read. “ Al­ though her sister, Bonnie, was un­ able to be present, she was with her in spirit.” The Pointer Sisters began as a quartet in the early 1970s with sis­ ters Ruth, Anita, Bonnie and June. The group becam e a trio when Bonnie em barked on a solo career. The group’s hits also included “ H e’s So Shy," “ A utom atic" and “Jum p (For My Love).” The sisters, along with their two older brothers, grew up singing in the choir o f an O akland church where their parents were ministers. Bonnie and June formed a sing­ ing duo and began perform ing m clubs around the San Francisco Bay area. Anita and Ruth later joined the group and together, they sang backup for Taj Mahal. Boz Scaggs Sponsored by The Portland Chapter The Links, Incorporated Benefit of Links Educatlonal/Scholarship Fund’ Friday, April 21,2006 • 8:00 P.M. Oregon Convention Center Portland, Oregon Ticket Price: $45.00 General Admission $75.00 Patron Tickets Available At Oetwvt’i Shear Perfection 5801 NE M.L.K. Blvd. 503-288-1159 Me Rae's on 42nd 5882 N.E. 42nd 503-287-5258 i The P o in ter S is te r s . R u th (from left), J u n e a n d A nita in N e w Yorl in 1 9 9 0 . (AP p h o to ) J u n e P o in ter and Elvin Bishop, am ong others. T h eir first, se lf-titled album , “T he P o in ter S iste rs,” d eb u ted in 1973 and the song “ Y es W e C an C a n ” becam e th eir first hit. They fo llo w e d up w ith th e alb u m "T h a t’s A P lenty," w hich featured an ec le ctic mix o f m usical styles ranging from ja z z to co u n try and pop. T hey w on the first o f their three G ram m y aw ards in 1974 for best co untry vocal perform an by a g r o u p f o r th e soi “F airy ta le.” Bonnie left the group in 191 and the sisters recorded sevei more album s, scoring several I songs that becam e identified as t soundtrack o f the 1980s. T h e su c cessfu l 1984 albu “ Break O ut" earned tw o Gramn aw ards for the songs “Automati and “Jum p (For My Love).” T1 album ’s other hit song, “Neutri D ance,” was prom inently featuri in the m ovie "B everly Hills Cop June recorded tw o solo album and later left the trio. A nita and Ruth still perform u d e r the g ro u p ’s nam e. Ruth daughter, Issa Pointer, is the trio newest member. T w o years ago, Ju n e P o in t w as ch arg ed w ith felony cocair p o s s e s s io n an d m isd e m e a m p o ssessio n o f a sm oking devic She w as o rdered to a rehabiliti tion facility. t