50)¿ Gateway to College Jefferson Dancers home for Spring Concert after winning scholarships years of •^community service See story, Metro section inside ‘City of Roses Established in 1970 Volume XXXVI. Number 16 .Week ¡n The Review Porter Talks Blazer Buyout Form er Blaz­ e rs g u a rd T erry P orter arrived in Port­ land Tuesday to meet with p o te n tia l in ­ vestors interested in buying the team and the Rose G arden arena. He will m eet with the m ayor W ednesday . See story, page A3. Quake’s 100th Anniversary S irens w ailed through San F ran­ cisco at 5:12 a.m . T uesd ay as resid e n ts m arked the m om ent 100 years ea rlier w hen the G reat Q uake struck, shattering the city a n d to u c h in g o f f fire s th a t burned fo r days. T he 1906 d i­ saster w as one o f the w orst in U .S. h isto ry . Lacrosse Players Charged T w o D uke U niversity lacrosse p lay ers w ere arrested on rape ch a rg es T uesd ay in a scandal th a t h a s r o c k e d o n e o f A m eric a’s elite cam puses and raised ex p lo siv e q u estio n s o f race, class and the p riv ileg ed status o f co lleg e ath letes. S ee sto ry , p age A2. Gas Prices Push Inflation A big ju m p in g asoline prices pushed inflatio n at the w h o le­ sale level up in M arch at the fastest pace in three m onths, as oil prices above $ 70 a barrel sent co n su m ers a h igh-octane w a rn in g o f e x p e n s iv e c o s ts ah ead . www.portlandobserver.com Committed to Cultural Diversity Wednesday • April 19. 2006 Wide Open State Rep. Election ‘Fit g i g F abulous ’ May Primary sees competitive race Ebony fashions hot styles for charities by S arah B lount T he : P ortland O bserver Three north Portland residents are bri ng i ng thei r ideas for healthcare .jobs and education to voters in a com peti­ tive race for State Representative in an election that has no incumbent run­ ning. Tina Kotek. Mark Kirchmeier and Jim Robison are vying for voters in the May 16 Democratic Primary in the heavily Democratic House District 44, encom passing most o f north Portland from 1-5 to St. John’s. The w inner will advance to the General Election in November. The 48lh Annual Ebony Fash­ ion Fair Show “Fit to Be Fabu- lous” stops in Portland on Friday. April 21 celebrat­ ing new, varied and exciting designs in an event to raise schol­ arships for local African American women. Fit to Be Fabulous is the w orld’s largest traveling fashion show, featuring extrava­ gant styles from high-profile designers around the globe. The Portland C hapter o f The Links, Inc. will sponsor the fair at the Oregon Convention Center, 111 N.E. M artin Luther King Jr. Blvd. at 8 p.m. Twelve Ebony models, including two men, will showcase the glam orous and elegant designs of Givenchy and O scar de la Renta, and black designers, including B. M ichael and Tracy Reese. Fashion authority Eunice W. Johnson produces and directs the show. Since the fashion fair’s inception in 1958, Ebony has donated more than $52 m illion to charitable donations. A Persian inspired print gown o f silk chiffon is banded in gold beading and word with a contrast­ ing god-bordered stole is one o f the many fashions to be featured at Friday's Ebony Fashion Fair benefiting local scholarships. continued Pointer Sister Remembered T he y oungest m em ber o f the Pointer Sisters isbeingrem em - bered after her death last w eek o f cancer. June Pointer sang on the hits ‘I’m So E xcited,' “Jum p (For My L ove)’ and ‘F ire.’ She was 52. See story, page A6. Students Raise Voices Minority Scores Omitted S ta te s a r e h e lp in g p u b lic s c h o o ls e s c a p e p e n a ltie s by sk irting the No C hild Left B e­ hind law that stu d en ts o f all races m ust show annual a c a ­ d em ic pro g ress. S chools d e lib ­ era tely a r e n 't co u n tin g the test scores o f nearly 2 m illion stu ­ d ents w hen they report progress by racial groups, an A sso c i­ ated P ress co m p u ter analysis fo u n d . Immigrant Bill Vetoed Gov. Janet N apolitano vetoed a bill that would have crim inalized the presence o f illegal immigrants i n Arizona, citi ng opposition from police agencies that want im m i­ gration arrests to remain the re­ sponsibility o f the federal gov­ ernment. Tina Kotek Occupation - Policy director r fo r C h ild re n F irs , fo r O r­ egon. K otek lives in the Kenton k •’/?*** $ n e ig h b o rh o o d with her part­ ner, Aimee. She ran in a close race for House District " 43 in 2004, the T'n a K otek $ 1 FA 4 1 adjacent state representative district where she used to reside in the nearby W oodlawn neighborhood. Although she’s never held public office, K otek's passion is in state policy; her professional careerincludes significant bipartisan work in Salem, including the state’s M edicaid A dvi­ sory Com m ittee and Human Services Coalition o f Oregon. Kotek describes District 44 as one with twogroups: veterans w ho’ve lived in the area for 40 or 50 years, and the newcomers. “T hat k i nd o f ne w and old creates an energy in the com m unity,” she said. “The state needs to look at affordable housing and how we can keep people in their hom es.” Kotek said the solutions com e down to jo b s and money to m aintain a livable community. “It's a challenge to keep the w ork­ ing-class tradition alive,” she said. “We need lots o f different things to live and work in north Portland.” Her advantage over K irchm eier and Robison: "W hen you work for non­ profits y o u ’re not a D em ocrat o r a Republican. My experience has been w orking in a bipartisan way. I d o n 't think my opponents have com e close.” For more inform ation on K otek’s candidacy, visit w w w .votetina.com . Mark Kirchmeier photo by I saiah B ouie / T he P or t i . and O bserver Faridhy Torrecilla raises her voice to support irrigation rights at a downtown rally. She was one o f hundreds o f local stu­ dents who walked out o f classes in an organized protest Friday. School walkout for immigration rights Hundreds o f local students walked out o f Portland area classroom s, jo in ­ ing students from Southridge to Sandy, to gather at the Southwest Park Blocks downtown in support o f im migration rights. The blocks by the Portland Art Museum were packed by nixrn Friday, mostly with students from high school but alsoelemen- tary school, alongside police. Students from Madison High School in northeast Port­ land were given permission to join the protest as a civics lesson. The sea of protesters waved signs and listened to speakers who spoke so excitedly their English interpreters had a hard time keeping up. O ccu p atio n - hom ebuilder and legislative a s s is ta n t to State Rep. Gary Hansen; former sta ff assistant for Rep. Ron W yden. K irch m eier lives w ith his Mark Kirchmeier w ife and tw o children in University Park neighbor­ hood. Schools, jo b s and healthcare are his top priorities. “O ur best strategy to keep north and northeast Portland racially and ethnically diverse is to provide afford­ able housing,” he said. “T he best way is tw ofold - increase the supply o f ow ner occupied hom es and m ake sure agencies like the Portland D evelop­ ment Com m ission provides rent assis­ tance and other assistance to keep housing prices low .” continued on page A 6