^ ÏJ o rtla n b (ßbserucr A p r il 12. 2 0 0 6 Page AS Second Lents Resource Fair Coming Southeast community ,/jAi to celebrate Eric Lee Presley A fter the success o f the last y ear’s Lents Resource Fair, the Portland Development Commission will host the event for a second year on Saturday, April 29 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at L ent Elem entary School, Natasha Lei Nichols Motel Arson Fire Investigated The Portland Police and Crim e is a 30-year-old black female. 5 feet Stoppers need help finding Erie 8 inches tall, weighing approxi­ Lee Presley and his girlfriend, mately 210 pounds, with black hair N atasha Lei N ichols, for ques­ and brown eyes. She has m ultiple tioning in a suspected arson at the tattoos on her knees, w rists and W esterner M otel, 4333 N. Inter­ hands. state Ave. The M arch 27 fire dis­ C rim e Stoppers offers a cash placed more than a dozen resi­ reward o f up to $ 1,000 for inform a­ dents. tion, reported to C rim e Stoppers, Presley is a 43-year-old black that leads to an arrest in this case, male, 5 feet, 9 inches tall, weighing or any unsolved felony, and you approxim ately 235 pounds, with rem ain anonym ous. Call Crim e black hair and brown eyes. Nichols Stoppers at 503-823-HELP(4357). Test Doesn’t Clear Lacrosse Team Prosecutor does not need DNA (A P )— Standing before a mostly black audience, the district attor­ ney in charge o f the D uke U niver­ sity rape investigation in Durham, N.C. said Tuesday he does not need DNA to bring charges and vowed, “This case is not going aw ay.” District A ttorney M ike Nifong spoke one day after defense attor­ neys said DNA testing failed to connect any o f D uke’s lacrosse players to the alleged attack on a black stripper w ho said she was raped at a party by m em bers o f the nearly all-w hite47-m an team. Nifong stopped short o f con­ firm ing the defense assessm ent o f the DNA results, but said the case w ould not be ham pered by a lack o f DNA evidence. “ It do esn ’t m ean nothing hap­ pened,” N ifong said at a public forum at North C arolina Central U niversity, where the 27-year-old alleged victim is a student. “ It just m eans nothing was left behind." 5105 S.E. 97* Ave. The neighborhood fair brings together representatives from PDC, city bureaus, elected officials and area non-profit organizations to celebrate the com m unity and pro­ vide information on resources avail­ able to people who live, work and do business in Lents. There will be inform ation regarding hom e ow n­ ership opportunities, park improve­ m ents, street repair and the 1-205 M AX light rail line that is planned to c o n n e c t L en ts to G atew ay , Clackamas Town Center and Down­ tow n Portland. There will be activities for kids including free bike helmets donated by the Lents K nights o f Pythias Lodge. A rea non-profits will also par­ ticipate including Z enger Farms, Rose C om m unity D evelopm ent N o charges have been filed. N ifong said prosecutors were | aw aiting a second set o f D NA re­ sults, but did not say how those differed from the tests reported M onday. N ifong added that in 75 percent to 80 percent o f sexual assaults, there is no DN A evidence to analyze. The district attorney said a rape The Urban League o f Portland is case can built on testim ony from team ing up w ith Sen. M argaret the alleged victim and other w it­ C arter o f north and northeast Port­ nesses. Nifong also said the h o s-| land, the M edicare Rx A ccess N et­ pital exam o f the w oman has led , work o f Oregon, the Social Security him to believe a crim e occurred at A dm inistration and Senior Health the M arch 13 party. Insurance Benefits A ssistance to A ccording to court docum ents, host tw o M edicare Part D events a doctor and a specially trained that will provide inform ation and nurse found the alleged victim had assistance with the new prescrip­ “signs, sym p to m s and injuries tion benefit for seniors and dis­ consistent with being raped and abled people. sexually assaulted.” The events at the Urban League “ My presence here m eans this Senior C enter, 5325 N.E. Martin case is not going aw ay," N ifong 1 Luther King Jr. Blvd., are free and said to applause from an audience open to th e p u b lic . o f about 700. On Thursday, April 13, from 12:30 4 small parkway brings a welcome mat to the Lents neighborhood o f southeast Portland. Corporation, Mt. Scott Com m unity Center, Johnson Creek W atershed Council and many more. K ids w ill have an o p p o rtu n ity to learn about the P o rtlan d Fire B ureau through a v ariety o f a c ­ tiv itie s, learn ab o u t w atersh ed h ealth th ro u g h the B ureau o f En- v iro n m e n tal S erv ices e d u c ato r program and locate th eir hom es u sin g an in te ractiv e co m p u ter program . There are many positive events happening in the Lents N eighbor­ hood. The Resource Fair is an op­ portunity to bring people together to celebrate successes, learn about ongoing efforts and program s, pro-- vide ideas and com m ents to PDC staff, city elected officials, and other city staff and discover the m any non-profit groups offering their services in Lents. Medicare Drug Plan Help Urban League hosts two events Black Studies Scholar Visits Black Studies author and scholar W illiam Cross Jr. will lecture at Portland State Uni­ versity on Tuesday, April 18 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. He will also give a book reading from his text “Shades o f Black” on Wednesday, April 19, at 7 p.m., at R eflectio n s C offee and B o o k s, 446 N .E . Killingsworth. “Shades of Black" is con­ sidered required reading for students and scholars inter- William Cross Jr. ested in the study in African American identity. Cross has held positions in Psychology and Africana Stud­ ies at Cornell University, Penn State University and the Uni­ versity o f M assachusetts at Amherst. Currently he is a pro­ fessor at the Graduate Center for the City University of New York. The PSU lecture will take place in Room 355 of the PSU Smith Memorial Student Union. p.m. to 1:30 p.nt., an inform ational overview will provide details about the new prescription benefit pro­ gram. Sen. C arter will attend the event to encourage seniors to ex ­ plore their options within this new program. On Friday, April 21, from 9a.m . to noon, Medicare-eligible people will receive one-on-one counseling and enrollment assistance from SHIBA representatives. Those with M edi­ care who are interested in receiving counseling or enrolling should bring their Medicare card, any additional insurance information, and a list o f their prescriptions and dosages. “T his is too im portant to let slip by any o f us and it’s tim e for A fri­ can A m ericans with M edicare to make a decision about their pre­ scrip tio n co v e rag e, n o w ” says D ’N orgia Price, adult and senior services program director for the Urban League o f Portland. "W ith ju st a few w eeks until the enroll­ ment deadline for M edicare Part D, the decision about enrolling in a M edicare prescription plan has b e c o m e u rg e n t fo r s e n io r s .” Statistics released March 18 by the C enters for M edicare and M edic­ aid Services show that 6 1 percent o f M edicare beneficiaries in Oregon -3 3 5 ,4 3 4 individuals - have some kind o f prescription coverage, ei­ ther through stand-alone prescrip­ tion plans, M edicare managed care plans that include prescription cov­ erage, or som e other type o f pre­ scription coverage. People with M edicare also can 1 Sen. Margaret Carter get assistance and enroll in a M edi­ c a re d ru g p la n by v is itin g www.medicare.gov or by calling 1- 800-MEDICARE( I -800-633^227) or O regon’s Senior Health Insur­ ance Benefits Assistance H elp Line at 1-81X1-722-4134. ‘10 M inutes’ with the Mayor M ay o r T om P o tter w ill be m eeting w ith resid en ts o f the King N eighborhood and the su r­ rou n d in g co m m u n ities on S at­ urday, A pril 15 from 9 a.m . to 11:3 0 a.m . at R eflections C o ffee and T alk in g D rum B o o k sto re, 4 4 6 N.E. K illingsw orth. C o m m u n ity m em bers are en ­ co u rag ed to sign up o n -site fo r a ch an ce to speak for 10 m inutes w ith P o tter ab o u t issu es im p o r­ tant to them . T he m a y o r’s goal is to co n n ect w ith resid en ts from d ifferen t p arts o f the city about local com m unity issues and ideas. P o tter will be ac co m p an ied by staff, a n eig h b o rh o o d p o lice o f­ ficer and local co m m u n ity m em ­ bers to p ro v id e in fo rm atio n al re ­ so u rce s. Buy a bucket Buy a bin Save a bundle Chronic Headaches & Neck Pain? STUDY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! We are seeking participants for a headache-related research project. If you are 18 or older and have frequent headaches with neck pain, you may qualify for this important study. No financial obligation to participants. This is a drug-free study. a Metro, € 1 M etro recycled latex paint Earth Machine compost bins • Available in 16 colors • Now available year-round for $35 • 5-gallon pails $25-$39 • 80-gallon capacity • 1-gallon cans $8-$ 10 Where can you buy a bucket or a bin? • Use on exterior and interiors MetroPaint Store • Used by over 35,000 satisfied customers 4825 N. Basin Avenue, Portland Open CALL 800-678-9072 For more information WESTERN STATES CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE 8 a m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday 7 a m. to 4 p.m. Saturday Easy off/on 1-5 to Swan Island M etro Call (503) 234-3000 Funded by National Institutes o f Health Keep Nature in Neighborh(x>ds w w w .m e tro -re g io n .o rg /p a in t