^^^ìnrtlanò ©bseruer A p ril 12. 2006 Page A3 Better Economy Hasn’t Closed Racial Gap Disparities between blacks, whites persist (A P ) — E v en th o u g h th e econom y has picked up, stubborn gaps between blacks and w hites remain — a reality highlighted by Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath, the National Urban League reports in a new study. "T w o years ago, we saw that things were tough, but there w as a recession,” Urban League Presi­ dent M arc H. M orial said. “ Now that things are better, w e're still suffering. The jobless recovery is a real thing for black A m ericans." T he U rban L ea g u e’s annual State o f Black A m erica report, re­ leased T u esd ay , pulls to g eth er governm ent data and academ ic analysis to m easure black progress and problem s. T he nearly 3(X)-page report includes charts, essays and suggested policy changes. F or three years, blacks’ overall w ell­ being com pared to w h ite s h a s s ta g ­ n a te d , th e re p o rt says. Though some A frican-A m erican s are p ro sp erin g , in econom ics, health, education, social ju s­ tice and civ ic e n ­ Marc H. Morial g a g e m e n t, b la c k s generally fare about three-quarters as well as w hites, the report noted, citing figures from G lobal Insight Inc., an econom ic analysis com ­ pany. Government data show that black A m ericans have more than double the rates o f infant m ortality, unem ­ ploym ent and poverty as whites, the report also notes. cent o t black A m eri­ w hites. A nother essay analyzes causes cans ow ned homes, the highest rate ever. and effects of the nation's balloon­ Still, that was 25 ing prison rolls. G eorge Curry, an p e r c e n ta g e p o in ts editor at the National Newspapers lower than for whites, Publishers A ssociation, writes that and b la c k s' hom es harsher laws for drug offenders were worth less. Free­ helped to alm ost double prison and man writes. Census jail populations in the 1990s. data in 2000 showed Curry cites a Justice Policy study blacks had barely one- that found that, by 2(XX), there were tenth the net worth of more A frican-A m erican men in In g re d ie n ts fo r life. Katrina's impact M orial, form er m ayor o f New O rleans, w rites that the nation's attention was turned to the plight o f poor Am ericans during Hurri- cane Katrina. He called the storm and flood that hit the G ulf Coast Iasi August "this g en e ratio n 's Bhxxly S un­ day," referring to the March 1965 civil rights march in A labam a that focused the nation’s attention on racial segregation in the South. "U nfortunately," he writes, "the initial Hurry o f concern and atten­ tion to poverty and injustice has given way to the status quo.” SAFEWAY L i Home Ownership O w ning a hom e is the way most A m erican s accu m u late w ealth, w rites Lance Freem an, a C olum bia University urban planning profes­ sor, in one essay. In 2 0 0 4 ,4 9 .1 per- Save Deliciously this Butcher's Cut Smoked Shank Half or Whole Bone-in Ham or Fresh Butcher's Cut Turkeys 10 to 22-lb. 28 Employees Cited for Selling Alcohol to Minors As part o f the Portland Police Bureau’s Enhanced Patrol M issions for Spring Break, Portland Police O fficers from the five precincts, the D ru g s and V ice D iv isio n and School Police D ivision in partner­ ship with Portland Police C adets and the O regon Liquor C ontrol C om m ission (O L C C ) conducted a m ission to identify em ployees o f businesses who sell alcohol to m i­ nors. T he m issio n w as co n d u c te d on M arch 28, 2006, betw een the h ou rs o f 2 p.m . and 10 p .m ., and in cluded 100 random ly selected b u sin e sse s lo c ate d th ro u g h o u t the city. O f the 96 busin esses th at w ere open, em p lo y ee s in 28 o f those b u sin esses sold alcohol to m inors. S om e o f the e m p lo y ­ ees did not ask to see id en tifica- prison and jail (791, MX)) than were in higher education (6O3,(XX)). "W hen we send (students) to college instead o f prison," Curry writes, "w e strengthen them , their fam ilies and our country in the pro­ ce ss.” While supplies last Limit 2 SAVE up to S2 00 lb < tion, w hile o th ers did not check the id en tificatio n clo sely enough. T he em ployees w ere cited for Fur­ nishing A lcohol to a M inor, w hich is a C lass A m isdem eanor. These m issions are conducted throughout the year and annually every Spring Break. Eight-percent more citations were issued in this y ea r's Spring Break mission than in last y ear’s m ission. "N ationally, underage drinking resulted in 2,283 fatalities in one year alone," says C hief Derrick Foxworth. "A nd, as we can see from the results o f our m ission, m inors' access to alcohol continues to be a problem in our com m unity. These m issions are im portant and we thank the Cadets and our partners, the O LCC, for their participation in this w orth­ w hile endeavor." Butcher’s Cut Spiral Sliced Ham Choose Whole o< HaH Limit 2 While Supplies Last SAVE up to S1 80 lb CLUB PUKE 99 Rancher's Reserve Angus Beef Ribeye Roast or Steak Bone-m Vafci Pack SAVE up (o $4 SO lb CIL'8 PHICE ■■■MHNMMnMMMNMtiMMHNNMBMNMIlMMMMHtiMHtiHNMMnMMi Scarlett Named Permanent Development Director by L ee P erlman T he P ortland O bserver bureau was "to be the best o f its kind A m id palm trees and in the nation, bar sa n d , c o m m u n is s io n e r none."T his would R andy L eo n a rd 's office m ean p ro v id in g g o o d c u s to m e r celebrated the official hir­ ing o f Paul Scarlett as di­ service and em ­ ploying teamwork, rector o f the Bureau o f D evelopm ent Services. he said. Scarlett has worked Scarlett was in Portland city govern­ born in Jam aica ment since 1989. He had Paul Scarlett and grew up in served as interim director o f the T oronto. He attended B righam bureau for the past six months. Young University on a track schol­ BDS, as it is know n, oversees arship. A fter graduation he re­ and regulates new developm ent sponded to an E-M ail offering in­ through perm itting, inspections ternships for college graduates in­ and review o f land use change re­ terested in w orking on the Albina quests. It is also responsible for Com m unity Plan. During the course responding to com plaints o f im ­ of his work he becam e a planner and proper land use activities and code a full-tim e city em ployee. violations. City Hall was decorated with a “I’m so happy to have Paul Ja m a ic a n th em e. G u ests w ere head BDS,” Leonard recently told seranaded to reggae music by Katt the crow d o f more than l(X) in the and Root Revolution and fed by basem ent o f C ity Hall. "H e cares, M ontego Bay. an d h elp s p e o p le get p e rm its "O ther bureaus offer new d i­ quickly and easily." rectors coffee and cake." Leonard Scarlett said his vision for the quipped. "W e have a them e party.” E verybunny L oves the H ealthy K ids’ Fair! Nearly 3,(XX) people are expected to attend one o f the Portland area's biggest E aster w eekend events - the Healthy K ids’ Fair at Legacy Em anuel C hildren s Hospital. The fair, now in its 23,d year, will be held on Saturday, April 15 from 10a.m. to 2 p.m. in the atrium o f Legacy Emanuel Hospital, 5 0 1 N. Graham. The H ealthy K ids’ Fair is a fun. free way to introduce children to the hospital and its caregivers by providing hands-on m ethods for fam ilies to learn health and safety tips. Among the planned activities are the Easter Egg Hunts for kids up to eight years old, photos with the caster bunny, healthy kid cheeks, a C ar Seat Safety C linic, the Teddy Bear Clinic (w here favorite stuffed anim als can be mended), the M er­ cury T herm om eter Exchange and a discounted bike helmet sale. Kids also will be able to have a thum b east; see a real police car. am bulance and fire engine; view som e o f the equipm ent doctors and nurses use to keep us healthy; and get health and safety inform ation from a variety o f com m unity o rga­ nizations. Parents can chat with a physician at the "Ask the Expert" table and get all o f their tough ques­ tions answered. The Healthy K ids' Fair is just one o f the many w ays that Legacy Emanuel C hildren's Hospital shows oureom m itm ent to the health o f our patients and the com m unity. For more inform ation,call Public Rela­ t i o n « S()3 415 5725. Homi* F»r« Stock Up On Vintages Arrowhead Water Tostitos Tortilla Chips 18-Pack Budweiser or Coors Seated vanen** 12-oz cans Selected varieties Hus deposit m Oregon B O O N L l.l IO N I FREE ? 4 .4 ( « c L 16 9 or Imi tin Kjwi oaiUM W M nur SAW up to S? 00 due nun 9»BS^ k SAVE up to $3 49 on 2 SAVI up to SI 71 CLUB PUKE Panther Creek Bennger Knights Valley or Williamete Valley Uff nutriti Iffilon uiu N U iM rtinynEiytrM Fresh Cut Tulips Pie Extravaganza 499 10 stem bunches Club Price SS 00 ea 9 inch hurt cream or Oven Joy Bread «Sor rw»nque Selected varieties Wiiile ur Wheat Club Pnce S0< ea SAVE up to St SO SAVE up to 98< on 2 C U M P W tt BV Napa Domaine Chandon or Argyle sur» C tlU ii SAFEWAY« COUPON SAFEWAY« COUPON SAFEWAY « I 7 DAYS ONLY! 1 7 DAYS ONLY! 1 7 DAYS ONLY! 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