î,!e JJortlanb (©bseruer PageA2 A p ril 12. 2006 Community Support for Police Chief Motives behind allegations questioned by S arah B i . o in t T iu P ortland O bserver Supporters o f P o lite C hief D er­ rick Foxworth gathered in north­ east Portland Friday for a rally to counterbalance the brew ing scan­ dal that threatens F oxw orth's cred­ ibility and career. Foxworth is under investigation for alleged sexual im propriety with A ngela Oswalt, a police department desk clerk, when he was com mander o f the Northeast Precinct six years ago. O sw alt's lawyer filed a claim for unspecified financial dam ages with the City of Portland last week, charg­ ing sexual discrim ination and un­ la w fu l w o rk p la c e p ra c tic e s . Foxworth adm itted to a "brief but intense” relationship with Oswalt, but says he did not supervise the Rev. Robert Richardson (from left) Charles Ford and Joe Bean Keller address a community rally in support of Police Chief Derrick Foxworth at Reflections Coffee, next door to the Northeast Police Precinct. Chief Foxworth's mother Maggie Wright em ployee at the tim e nor did he violate any city rules or regula­ tions. The energy at Reflections C of­ fee, the site for the Foxworth rally, approached fervor as a crow d ft 1 led the room. M any o f those present have joined several tim es over the years to protest police brutality, racial profiling and even tragic Joseph, was shot and killed by a tecostal Church. deaths at the hands o f police. “ It’s not a black and w hite thing, F riday’s gathering show ed a Portland police officer in 1996. For m any P o r tla n d e r s , w e’re making this a right thing.” weary but strong group, facing the Many speakers questioned the potential dow nfall o f a man they F oxw orth’s appointm ent to c h ief in call their chief, advocate, neighbor 2003 was adoorw ay toeam ing their true m otives o f the accusations. M aybe h e 's doing too good o f a and family. It was clear they will trust, follow ing the volatile leader­ ship o f form er ch ief M ark Kroeker. job, speculated Erma Plumber. “We stand by Foxworth. The general attitude was that should make sure we find out why Joe Bean Keller organized the rally, inviting several com m unity O sw alt’s claim shouldn’t be a race she w aited until now to bring this members to speak their mind against issue, and shouldn’t be much o f an against him .” There is still far more specula­ the overpow ering m edia perspec­ issue at all until the facts surface. tion than fact, but the purpose o f “The b u ll’s eye could have been tive. this rally was to focus on Foxworth’s on any o f us,” said Rev. Robert He acknow ledged his legitim ate personal character. M any testified R ichardson, church eld er from reasons not to trust the police de­ to his honor and objectivity. Emmanuel Temple Full Gospel Pen­ partm ent; K eller’s son, Deontae “Look at his track record,” Rev. Richardson said. “ H e’d arrest m e if I was out o f line. There are no gray areas.” W oody Broadnax stixxl at the podium and illustrated that point perfectly. “ He arrested me about seven years ago and sent me to the peni­ tentiary,” Broadnax said. “ He did for me what I co uldn’t do for m y­ self.” M ag g ie W rig h t, F o x w o rth ’s mother, said the ordeal has been very hard for her, but held her head high and said this too will pass. She praised her son as a man o f integrity and dedication. W right thanked the crow d for their support, and said sh e's pray­ ing for O sw alt. “ H e’s going to continue being chief,” she said to an uproar o f applause. A fter the rally, K eller said there will probably be another one, and possibly a march. “So far this has been one-sided,” he said. “W e’ll continue to show our support and another side.” Foxworth Put on Leave Potter names interim chief Police C hief Derrick Foxworth was placed on paid adm inistra­ tive leave by M ayor Tom Potter Tuesday pending an investiga­ tion o f a c o m p la in t b ro u g h t against him by a w om an who claim s sexual im propriety and police m isconduct. Potter nam ed Southeast C om ­ mander Rosie S izer as i nteri m ch ief Chief Derrick Foxworth effective im m ediately. Sizer is the form er com m ander o f the dow n­ tow n Central precinct. F oxw orth has denied the a lle­ g atio n s by A ngela O sw alt, a form er desk clerk w ho claim s he co ercered h er into a clan d e stin e sexual relatio n sh ip w hen he was co m m an d e r o f the N o rth ea st P recin ct six y ears ago. He a c ­ k n o w led g ed h aving had a p e r­ s o n a l “ r e l a t i o n s h i p ” w ith O sw alt, b u t d en ies any w ro n g ­ d o in g . Input on Jefferson Shared Local ‘governance’ of school explored Protection Sized To Fit One thing you want your family to always feel is protected. We understand. At American Family Insurance, we feel that way about our family of customers, too. That’s why our agents are so knowledgeable and eager to try to help you select an auto policy that fits in perfectly with your family's needs. No feeling compares to the confidence of knowing family's got your back, no matter what comes down the road. Visit us at www.amfam.com or call today and talk to a helpful, friendly agent about the variety of auto coverage options we have to offer. American Family Mutual Insurance Company and its Subsidiaries American Standard Insurance Company of Wisconsin American Family Mutual Insurance Company American Standard Insurance Company of Ohio Horn* Office C oh n vb u \ OH 43240 AMERICAN FAMILY amtsm com ©2006 001631 - 7/05 A* your proiacfton u n d tr on» n o t* A team of community leaders is inviting area residents to a meeting to discuss a ‘governance model” for Jefferson High School. The Jefferson High School Community Gov­ erning Board Project Core Team will host the session on Saturday, April 15from 9a.m .to I p.m. in the Jefferson cafeteria. R efreshm ents, childcare, and Spanish language interpretation will be available. The comm unity is asked to attend to learn more about what school community gover­ nance is, and weigh in on whether or not this type of model would be advantageous for Jefferson High School. A governing board, made up of parents, teach­ ers, students, and community representatives, would have full responsibility and authority for Jefferson, including hiring of the school’s princi­ pal, input on school improvement plans, and over­ all direction of the school. “Given all that is going on with Jefferson Black Bag Series at PSU I right now, this is a critical time to make sure the com m unity’s voice is heard regard­ ing the future direc­ tion o f Je ffe rs o n .” said Tony Hopson, president and chief executive officer of S e lf E nhancem ent, Inc. “ Most of the is­ su e s s u rro u n d in g Jefferson right now would not be as acute if there was a way for the community to not only be engaged, but to have an authoritative voice in what direction Jefferson should go.” In April 2005, Self Enhancement announced that they received a $35,000 Parent. Family, and Community Involvement Grant from the Portland Schools Foundation to study the po­ tential of a community “governance” model for Jefferson High School. The project is a part­ nership between SEI and Jefferson High School. The Black Studies D epartment at Portland State Unviersity will sponsor an issues sem inar on “ Po­ lice Brutality and G entrification in Portland" with Rev. Dr. T. Allen Bethel and Pastor Donald Frazier, as part o f its Black Bag Speakers scries. Bethel will speak on the issues facing Portland police and Frazier will discuss gentrification along N ortheast A lberta Street. T h e e v e n t is sc h e d u le d for W ednesday, April 19 from nix>n to 1:30 p.m. in Rtx»m 228 o f the PSU M ulticultural C enter in the Smith Memorial Student Union, 1825 S.W. Broadway.