íl?e}Jortlanb ffibseruer Page B6 P o r tla n d O1 »server A u to Jvcview 2006 BMW 325i el April 12. 2006 O bservador Student Ambassador to Explore Europe T ow er for a dazzling view o f Paris, watching the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace, and spend­ ing a full day o f adventure and fun at D isneyland Paris. A ccep tan ce into the Student A m bassador Program is an honor. A fter being n o m in ated to enroll, G am ez R eyes subm itted letters o f re c o m m e n d a tio n an d su c c e s s ­ fully co m p leted an interview pro­ ce ss. G am ez-R eyes will travel under the leadership o f Travis Edward Nodurft, a teacher- leader from West Linn. A local delegation manager who coordinates the cultural and recreational excursions and is fa­ m iliar with local custom s will meet the group upon arrival. President Eisenhow er founded People to People during his presi­ dency in 1956 with citizen leaders including entertainer Bob Hope, O lym pic cham pion Jesse Owens, a m u se m e n t e n tre p re n e u r W alt Disney and Hallmark Cards founder Joyce Hall. Represents People to People program Tested Vehicle Info: Price:39,165; Engine: 3.0 liter DOHC 24- vavle inline six-cylinder; Transmission: &speed manual. K athleen C arr BM W has launched the first all- new 3 Series models in six years, the 325i sedan o f 2006 rides on an ex­ panded RW D platform with longer w heelbase and w ider track to en ­ hance chassis dynam ics and hone handling traits. The BMW 325i sedan accelerates quicker, stops shorter and turns with more lateral grip than the 2005 models. They are roomier, with more standard and optional equipm ent and more sophisticated electronic controls. For entry-luxury market shoppers who put a prem ium on driving satisfaction, the BM W 3 Series remains the place to start. One o f the most obvious points is that the vehicle is two inches longer and three inches wider. The 3 Series sedans no longer have a keyed ignition switch, relying instead on a slot-type key fob and a starter button. Seats have alw ays been one o f this ca r’s strengths, and the new ones are better than ever. Even the standard-trim front buckets pro­ vide excellent support without feel­ ing too hard. T h e 3 2 5 i s e d a n b a s e p r ic e ($ 3 0,995), w ith a new engine that g en erates 225 horsepow er, for an in crease o f 4 0 o v e r the 2005 m odel. It com es w ell eq u ip p ed . by w ith autom atic clim ate and head ­ light control, a clim ate-controlled ce n te r console, h ead lig h t w ash ­ ers, rain-sensing w ipers, a pow er m oonroof, 12-speaker A M /F M / C D and the trick new se lf-b ra k ­ ing D ynam ic C ruise Control. Burr w alnut trim is stan d ard , though th e s ta n d a r d u p h o ls t e r y is B M W ’s L e a t h e r e t t e v in y l. L ig h ter poplar trim and alu m i­ num are av a ila b le as n o -ch arg e o p tio n s. The heart o f any BM W is its en ­ gine, and the one in the new 3 Series is first rate. It rem ains true to B M W ’scom m itm ent to inline six- cylinder engines, as other m anu­ facturers have sw itched alm ost exclusively to V6s. The straight six presents m ore packaging ch a l­ lenges, but its unique perform ance characteristics and sm oothness make it a favorite am ong enthusi­ ast drivers. The 325i rem ains a true sports sedan with it top o f the line suspension for the true driving en th u siasts. The all-new 2(X)6 BM W 3 Series sedans are true to their predeces­ sors, with a couple o f caveats. The typical BM W buyer will likely ap­ preciate the technology built into the new 3, and particularly the elec­ tronic stability control wizardry. Here when you need uel A.D. Williams 213 N.E. Hancock Portland. OR 97212 9 am-6 pm Tuea.-Sat. Shop 503-282-2920 Cell 503-309-4488 Michael E. Harper, Sr. 9045 SWBarbur, Suite I09 R»tland.OR972l9 (503)221-3050 STATE FARM INSURANCF.COMPANIES HOME OFFICES BLOOMINGTON. ILLINOIS MARTIN CLEANING SERVICE _______CARPET CLEANING 1 CLEANING AREA PRE-SPRA Y TRAFFIC AREA (HALL EXTRA CHARGE) $ 3 5 .0 0 STAIRS (with other service) $ i. 5 0 E ach N eig h b o rh o o d lib ra rie s are hosting Hispanic festivals this month in celebration o f chil­ dren, their cultures and lan­ guages, m ultilingual literacy, and the magic of books. Ad­ mission is free and the public is invited to attend. M u ltn o m ah C o u n ty ’s Fairview-Columbia, Gregory Heights, Gresham, Holgate, M idland, N orth P o rtlan d , Rockwood, and St. Johns li­ braries will celebrate with a variety of performances and activities in both Spanish and English, including dance, mu­ sic, crafts, clowns, puppets and stories. For more information and lo­ cation-specific events, call your library or visit w w w .m ult colib.org/libros/dia. Each Area Gallery pays tribute to Mexican artist T he w ork o f M exican artist G uillerm o M artinez G arrido is on display through April 25 at O nda A rteLatina/CrossCurrentsG allery, 2 2 15 N.E. Alberta St. The tw enty pieces in the show represent G arrid o ’s m ost recent abstract mixed media technique. He worked in acrylic, oil and pastels using a vibrant palette, which promi­ nently featured M exican pink. He added texture by layering pumice stone on heavy cotton paper that had been primed with acrylic m e­ dium, and then m anipulated the pumice with a putty knife. G arrido was born and raised in M exico City. He began painting as a young boy, studied architecture fr o m M etro the PSD library and leading up to Hoffman Hall. Students and a board o f direc­ tors including faculty, alumni and com m unity m em bers provided ini­ tial donations for the W alk. The rem aining donations will com e as gifts from private foundations, cor­ porations and individuals. A few heroines visitors will find “A re you looking to Buy a Home or Sell your Home?" A d d itio n a l S e rvices • AREA A ORIENTAL RUG CLEANING • AUTO / BOAT/ R V CLEANING • DEODORIZING A PET ODOR TREA TRENT • SPOT A STAIN REMOVAL SERVICE • SCOTCHGUARD PROTECTION James Smallwood Jr. Real Estate Broker UPHOLSTERY CLEANING SOFA-------------------------------------- LOVESEAT --------------------------- SECTIONAL ---------------------------- CHAIR OR RECLINER _________ THROW PILLOWS --------------- 1 1 1 1 $ 6 9 .0 0 $ 4 9 .0 0 $ 9 9 .0 0 $ 3 5 .0 0 $ 5 .0 0 COUPON SPECIAL A N Y 3 CLEANING AREAS PLUS HALL A SOFA OR HALL. LOVESEA TA CHAIR $135.00 □ Hart Realty, Inc. 9 7 38 SE W a sh in g to n S t., S te. Q P ortla nd , O re g o n 9 7 2 1 6 Business (503) 252-2121 Fax (503) 252-2621 C ellular (503) 4 4 9 -6 5 8 9 E -M ail ¡sm all jr@ m sn .co m I I I I Each Office Is Independently Owned A nd Operated fit Call W. James Smallwood Jr. to help with all your Real Estate Needs. CALL FOR APPOINTMENT: (503) 281-3949 A Legacy Preserved Vibrant colors and textures are found in works by Mexican artist Martinez Garrido. and industrial design and produced and exhibited art until his untim ely death last year at age 58. H is d a u g h te r, w ho liv e s in Corvallis, inherited the art co llec­ tion along with her brother and has w orked to preserve the a rtist’s legacy by show ing his paintings. Gallery hours are 11 a.m .toôp.m . Tuesday through Thursday, 11a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday through Saturday, and noon to 4 p.m. on Sunday. For m o re in f o rm a tio n v is it w w w .ondagallery.com . Walk of the Heroines com m unities and invited people to p r e s e n ta tio n s ,” sa id J o h a n n a B re n n e r, c h a irw o m a n o f th e w om en’s studies departm ent and the W alk 's executive com m ittee director. PSU donated the land for the city block-long W alk, beginning near Residential & Commercial Service $ 2 5 .0 0 Libraries Ô'K Celebrate NE ALBI RIA 51 Cultures co n tin u ed CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING 2 CLEANING AREAS OR MORE PRE-SPRA Y TRAFFIC AREAS INCLUDES 1 SMALL HALL Josephine M. G am ez-Reyes, a student at F au b io n E lem entary School, has once again been ac­ cepted into the People to People Student A m bassador Program , an educational travel program founded by President D. Eisenhower. She will explore Paris and Lon­ don for 14 days this sum m er as a m em ber o f the Port land de legal ion. The group leaves June 19 and re­ turns on July 2. By participating in the T ale o f T w oC ities itinerary, G am ez-Reyes can earn academ ic credit w hile get­ ting to know the people, culture and history o f the places visited. She will take part in a variety of activities such as a meeting with a M em ber o f Parliament and learning ab o u t the B ritish g o v ern m e n t, clim bing to the heights o f the Eiffel Each Office is independently Owned and Operated I along the walk are w om en’s rights pioneer Dr. Alice Arm strong, A fri­ can native and cross-cultural leader Em m a Fofanah and O reg o n 's first woman governor, Barbara Roberts. Here is a description o f w hat you can expect when the W alk is co m ­ pleted: Starting at the south end, visi­ tors can walk along a series o f arched, curving wal Is engraved with approximately 1,3 5 0 names, resting at stone benches engraved with literary quotes. The walls will also include recesses along the south wall, displaying art objects co m ­ m issioned for the Walk. If you continue walking along the naming wall, visitors will com e to a stage. The wall will serve as a backdrop to this public platform , d esig n ed for ra llie s, c o n c e rts, speakouts and cerem onies. On quieter days, the stage will provide a backdrop for a panoramic view o f the park. W alk a few paces ahead, and visitors will find a fountain featur­ ing an illum inated jet o f water, shooting out into a pool with a spiraling mosaic design. The foun­ tain will turn into a w atercourse, w eaving through the park. Several benches will line the waterway for reflection and conversation. The w atercourse will lead visi­ tors to an educational kiosk, at the heart o f the W alk. The freestanding steel structure, covered by a float­ ing glass rixtf, will include tw ocom - puter term inals, plus six graphic- display panels housing rotating exhibits that feature women o f spe­ cial achievem ent. The highly inter­ active displays will allow visitors to access photographs, biographies and life narratives o f the women honored. T he executive com m ittee is still in the fundraising and selection phase o f the Walk. Individuals, fami­ lies, groups or organizations may honor any wom an, living or d e­ ceased. H eroines do not necessar­ ily need to be from O regon, but m ust reflect and rep resen t the w om en w ho have m attered in the lives o f people in this region. There are many honoring oppor­ tunities. Donations can be made to name an elem ent, piece o f art, or sculpture for your heroine, or a sim ple engraving, w hich requires a donation o f $2(X). In order to re­ serve a place for your heroine, you must make an initial contribution or pledge, but you can spread your paym ent out over a long period of time. "The idea is to m ake it accessible to everyone," Brenner said. “You d o n 't have to have a lot o f money.” C ontributions for the W alk will go tow ard construction costs, plus m aintenance and repair. The W alk project also supports a perm anent fund for student scholarships and educational program m ing through PSU ’s D epartm ent o f W om en's Studies. For more inform ation about the project or donation opportunities, contact the W om en’s Studies D e­ partm ent at 5 0 3 -725-8188, visit the W a lk ’s w e b s ite at w w w .w h o .p d x .e d u o r c o n ta c t heroines@ pdx.edu. I