36 ycavs 500 Youth Make U-Ttirns at Project Hope Provides schooling and skills of •’'community service See M e t r o p ag e in sid e ‘City of Roses Volume XXXVI. Number 15 , Week ¡n The Review Foxworth Put on Leave l Police Chief Derrick Fox w orth was p laced on paid admin is tra tiv e J leav e by Mayor Tom --------------—J Potter Tues day pending an investigation of a complaint brought against him by a woman who claims sexual impropriety and police miscon­ duct. See sto ry on page A2. t Five More Soldiers Killed The U.S. military reported the deaths of five more soldiers in Iraq, including three killed Tues­ day in a roadside bombing north of Baghdad. The latest casualties raised the U.S. death toll so far this month in Iraq to at least 31 - the same for all of March. Bomb Kills 41 in Pakistan A suicide attacker detonated bomb at a mass prayer service in Karachi, Pakistan on Tuesday night, police said, killing at least 41 people, including the top lead­ ership o f an influential Sunni Muslim religious group. Iran Enriches Uranium Iran has successfully enriched uranium for the first time, a land­ mark in its quest to develop nuclear fuel for peaceful pur po ses, h a rd -lin e r P re sid e n t M ahmoud A hm adinejad said Tuesday. The W est is trying to convince T ehran to halt its nuclear program Historic Church Reopens Established in 1970 www.portlandobserver.com Committed to Cultural Diversity Wednesday • April 12. 2006 Movement Builds Momentum Latino families appeal for citizenship (Yes We Can) in between exu­ berant cries. “W e've been waiting for this for a long tim e,” said Adrian Martin, a vocal sup­ porter in the thick o f the crowd. “Thousands o f us pay taxes, w e're not convicts. My kids are U.S. citizens." Alberto Rossales stood on the sidewalk with his son An­ gel, observing the crowd within the plaza. "W eonly come for work,” he said, “w e’re doing nothing bad.” Not everyone present was for the march. Some Portland S tate U n iv e rsity C o lleg e Republicanswatched the rally until only a few lingered. “My fam ily came here le­ gally from Mexico,” said group president M ario Cam pbell. "They had to jum p through hoops, I do n ’t sec why they can ’t follow the rules...w hat makes them better people than u s?” The Portland protest was one of hundreds across the nation in the past few days, including a crowd estimated at 10,000 in Salem, and tens of thousands in Washington, D.C. According to the Pew His­ panic Center, the number o f il­ legal immigrants in Oregon in 2004was l75.(XX),a6(M)percent increase from 1990. by S arah B i . odnt T he P ortland O bserver Thousands of immigrants and Latino American citizens gathered in downtown Port­ land Monday, after the col­ lapse of a U.S. Senate bill to put illegal immigrants on the path tocitizenship, making way fora U.S. House bill that would crim inalize undocum ented workers. The rally began at Terry Shrunk Plaza, with speakers addressing a crowd at noon, followed by a march down Southw est T hird A venue, w ith m any p assin g cars honking horns in support. Hundreds of Mexican and A m erican flags w aved as people chanted “Si Se Puede” Jesus Guerrero ~ waves a flag as his mother Ignes Guerrero looks on at Monday's Immigration rights rally in downtown Portland. S arah B i . olnt / T he P ortland O bserver se« related photo coverage on page A6, Ineide V photo by ■M N H N H M M M The Tax Man Cometh by S arah B i . olnt T he P ortland O bserver With palm fronds stacked high, pews filled and joyous music, St. A ugustine, the historically black Catholic church in New Orleans celebrated Palm Sun­ day. T he serv ice cam e tw o w eeks after the church was closed amid protests over post- Hurricane Katrina budget cuts. But the re-opening may not last. See story, page B5. California Flooding Gov. Arnold Schw arzenegger declared a state o f em ergency M onday in seven C alifornia counties that have been bat­ tered by storms and flooding. $218 Trillion Phone Bill A Malaysian man said he nearly fainted when he received a $ 2 18 trillion phone bill and was o r­ dered to pay up within 10 days or face prosecution. The man told a new spaper that the phone was disconnected in January and he settled a $23 bill. As tax day nears, don’t let it end in tears. Computer software like TurboTax can stream­ line the step-by-step process, and those who need face time with tax experts can drop by the walk-in IRS office, downtown. For the thousands o f Americans that would never dream of a volunteer visit with the IRS, Multnomah County libraries also offer tax form s and assistance. Visit www.multcolib.org for more information. Procrastinators get a lucky break this year - April 15 falls on a Saturday so last- minute filers face a Postage cancellation stamp deadline of midnight on Monday, April 17. STATE The Oregon Department of Revenue is offering extended customer service tele­ phone hours of 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. weekdaysand from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday. Call 503- 378-4988 or 1-8(X)-356-4222. Weekday walk-in office hours at the Port­ Late filers get two extra days this year land district office, 800 N.E. Oregon St, Suite 505,are 7:45a.m. to 5 p.m., through Monday. You can send an em ail in q u iry to q u e stio n s.d o r@ sta te .o r.u s o r v isit www.oregon.gov. FEDERAL IRS tax specialist Steve Matthews said late filers can call the IRS at I -800-829-1040 for general assistance, or stop by the walk- in office at 122OS. W. Third Ave. -open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. for people to get last minute forms, advice and assistance. It' s I i kely to be too late for most taxpayers to order publications orforms, but Matthews reminds unprepared filers that the most im­ portant thing is to gather your records and tile an extension Form 4868, available at www.IRS.gov. You have to estimate tax liability and indicate what payments have been already sent in, he said. However, any monies due after April 17 could have interest - to avoid continued Yolanda Millage receives tax help from George Vance, an AARP volunteer tax consultant, at the Multicultural SeniorCenter located on Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and Killingsworth Street. photo by M ark W ashington / T he P ortland O bserver on page A 6 i Best Cannon's Barbecue in Portland u O i I u. > C □