JInrthtnb (Observer Page A8 April 5. 2006 H ousing t=r Pay for the House but Not the Land 1 » • ", ► f z/- / « 1 rS&jËÿrT-' * sr îé ' î « i b HBH J k Two north Portland homes bought through Portland Community Land Trust's buyer initiated programs. The Land Trust offers affordable housing by removing land costs from the housing equation. ‘Smart Growth' connects families with homes Many people dream of owning their own home, but think it is out of reach in today’s booming housing market. Portland Community Land Trust is a non­ profit com m unity organization that puts homeownership within reach by providing fi­ nancial assistance and removing the cost of land from the housing equation. PCLT is able to sell homes at 30 to 50 percent below market prices. In exchange for buying a home at a price they can afford, land trust homeowners pass the good deal to future buyers through a shared appreciation agree­ ment. Families build assets while creating a portfolio of homes that will be affordable into the future. A new opportunity called the Community Land Trust Smart Growth program provides grants of up to $60,000 to assist income quali­ fied buyers in purchasing homes in north and northeast Portland near transit corridors, and in Lents where light rail is planned for 2007. The CLT Smart Growth program addresses the need to keep homes affordable in neigh­ borhoods where public improvements and neighborhood reinvestment are leading to a sharp rise in home prices, and longtime resi­ dents are being priced out. The program is a buyer-initiated program; buyers are able to search the market for homes that meet their fam ilies’ needs. At closing, the buyer purchases the home, while the land trust gran, purchases the land be­ neath the home and provides funding for renovations. The grant includes up to $ 10,000 for home repairs, for first-time homebuyers below 80 percent of the area median income. Eligible buyers must be able to borrow be­ tween $ 100,000 and $ 150,000 with a partici­ pating lender in order to make the program work. The land trust offers free one-hour class for those interested in learning more. To RSVP or get more information, contact Kelly at 503-493-0293, email kelly@ pclt.org, or visit www.pclt.org. Want your own room in your own home? We sell donated new & used building materials to help build more homes tor Habitat. You c a n h e lp b y • donating materials • volunteering in the store • purchasing from our store 66 SE Morrison • 503.283.6247 (under the Morrison Bridge) H A B IT A T ReStore if f Habitat for Humanity P orli*«)'Vaniouvfr Arc* Affiliates w w w .p d xre sto re .o rg If you've been caught in traffic on 1-5 near the Columbia River, You're an expert.Talk with us. We are working to relieve traffic congestion and improve safety in a five-mile stretch of 1-5 that includes the Interstate Bridge. We need your feedback on ideas being considered and which ones to move forward. Come talk with us about driving, riding transit, walking, or biking between Vancouver and Portland. Bring the kids for a bridge-building activity and local storyteller Ed Edmo. Drop by anytime between 4:30 and 7:30 p.m. to tour exhibits and talk with Columbia River Crossing team members. Storytelling at 4:45 and 6 p.m. Project presentations at 5:30 and 6:30 p.m. We look forward to seeing you. ership, while lents affordable kingyour p Vancouver Portland D a te : Wednesday, April 12,2006 D a te : Thursday, April 13,2006 T im e : 4:30 - 7:30 p.m. T im e : 4 3 0 -7 :3 0 p.m. P la c e : Hudson's Bay High School P la c e : 1206 E. Reserve Street 909 N. Hayden Island Drive Red Lion Inn - Jantzen Beach JumpStart is a tool to help first-time homebuyers increase their buying power by temporarily lowering the payment on their first mortgage. This enables you to purchase and renovate a home today, that you might otherwise have to delay. Columbia River Call S03-823-3400 or e-mail nhp@pdc.us. P ile CROSSING M E IQ M B Q H H Q Q q H O U H IN Q r Ti Your Partner for Home Purchase, Repair & Renovation cam tratw n I'orrUiufi hnt»rr a PDC Purchase and '««novation Srst mortgage PDC place» the proceeds from the JumpStart loan r a secured account Each month, money it wUhdnmm from this account and added to »our temporarily -educed *rsl mortgage payment to make the f j l payment on the W mortgage O ver the newt four yean W M h in « to n D e p a r tm e n t of T r a n s p o rta tio n r. Or« gort O « p e r fm « n f o f T r» n tfto r1 *tto n y www. pdc .us/homepurchase frrrtftort n a MCtxx) mortgage u»ed Visit us online: www.ColumbiaRiverCrossing.org »our fcest mortgage payment» gradua»» tncreafe begmnmg of me Mlh * a r the JumpStart asustanee end» and you begm m>mg the M payment on the I r « mortgage At the PDC PORTLAND DIVtlO PM INT COMMISSION Meeting facilities are wheelchair accessible. Russian, Spanish and Vietnamese translators will be on hand. Individuals requiring reasonable accommodations may request written material in alternative formats or sign language interpreters by calling the project office at 866-396-2726 or by calling Washington State's TTY telephone number, 800-833-6388.