Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 05, 2006, Page 13, Image 13

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April 5. 2006
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Page B5
Intel Computer Clubhouse Makes a Difference
North Portland youth
earns vollege scholarship
Theodore "Theo" Matthew M aCauley, an
alum nus o f the Intel C om puter Clubhouse in
north Portland, has earned a C lubhouse to
CoIlege(C2C ) scholarship. The $2,5(X) scholar­
ship will help cover his costs a, Clark Atlanta
University in G eorgia, which he has been at­
tending since Septem ber 2005.
The scholarship is intended to provide re­
sources to selected C om puter Clubhouse M em ­
bers or alumni to support their transition to post
high school education. Applicants must dem ­
onstrate and describe a connection to the C om ­
puter C lubhouse and m ust have been active
participants in the C lubhouse for at least one
year. All applicants also must show a com m it­
ment to the ideals and activities that take place
in a C om puter Clubhouse.
well will thrive and attract the brightest
and most creative people to live and work
in Oregon," said Dr. Robert Silverman,
president of Mt. Hood Community Col­
lege. “The conference seeks to show
how the area can embrace diversity and
benefit from a multicultural community."
Keynote speakers include Dr. Janet
Bennett, executive director of the Insti­
tute for Intercultural Communication;
Oregonian columnist Renee Mitchell;
Steve Hanamura, author and president of
Hanamura Consulting.
m ore
info rm atio n
www.mhcc.edu, or contact Pam Polito at
mdi@mhcc.edu or 503-491 -7254.
OFF.: ( 5 0 3 ) 2 8 6 1103
Former Gov. Barbara Roberts
generations will com e to know this— by
seeing the building nam ed for her and
learning more about what she accom ­
plished for all o f us."
Among R oberts’ major accom plish­
ments was securing federal w aivers and
funding for the Oregon Health Plan, the
first such plan to help provide health
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Renee Mitchell
• Automobile accident injuries
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• Workers Compensation injuries
care for low-incom e citizens in the United
She also worked to im prove the avail­
ability o f low -incom e housing and spear­
headed an increase in the num ber o f
children statewide in the Head Start pro­
gram. She strongly advocated program s
to help move O regonians from welfare to
the w orkplace, and sought to strengthen
childcare in Oregon.
She fought for insurance to cover
outpatient drug and alcohol treatment,
and advanced teen pregnancy preven­
tion program s throughout Oregon.
“ I am gratified by this honor, w hich I
believe is also a salute to all Oregonians
who recognize our com m on obligation
to help people less fortunate than our­
selves," Gov. Roberts said. “W henever
people see my nam e on this building, I
hope they will think about our shared
capacity to help O regonians.”
Call for an appointment!
the group by purchasing fresh baked
goods and shopping from a yard sale on
Saturday, April 8 from 1 t o 5 p.m. outside
o f R edeem er Lutheran Church at the cor­
ner ol N ortheast 20"' and K iliingsworth.
Chicken dinners will be sold on Sunday,
April 9 from noon to 5 p.m. Call Rachel at
503-254-6590or Shannon at 503-806-6994.
(503) 228-6140
” 77//
iiiißf^'one/^'ßbiiif! 77
S u n d a y A p ril 16, 2 0 0 6
11 AM
F r id a y A p r il 1 4 @ 7 P M
"H e G o t U p " C o n c e rt
S a t u r d a y A p r il 1 5 @ 9
Women Empowering Other Women
W om en W ith A Vision Inc., a new
grassroots organization that em pow ers
w omen to be driven by purpose and to live
more fulfilled and healthier lives, will con­
duct two fundraisers to support scholar­
ships fortheirupcom ing W om en E m pow ­
ering W om en conference.
Local residents are invited to support
(5 0 3 )2 8 6 -1 1 4 6
Barbara Roberts Building Dedicated
The Oregon D epartm ent o f H um an Ser­
vices headquarters building in Salem has
been renam ed in honor o f form er Gov. Bar­
bara Roberts, the first w omen to hold the
state’s highest office.
Gov. Ted Kulongoski hosted a brief cer­
em ony on M arch 22 unveiling a permanent
display that details G overnor R oberts’ con­
tributions to human services, saying he could
think o f no one more deserving o f the honor.
G overnor Roberts took office on January
14, 19 9 1. D uring her term she gained recog­
nition as a strong advocate for human rights
and services.
“G overnor Roberts dedicated much of
her political career to fighting for the unmet
hum an services needs o f O re g o n ia n s,”
K ulongoski said. “ It’s fitting that future
A i
Honors contributions
to human services
ad s@ p o rtla n d o h scr\e ie o m
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After J PM
I Try Our Most Popular Sandwich: The Steakadelphia Supreme
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College tackles multicultural issues
C all 5O3-288-(X)33
The Intel Com puterC lubhouse
help bridge the technology gap
that gave M aCauley so much sup­
and help North Portland residents
port is the Salvation Army Mixire
succeed in our technological age.”
Street Corps andCom m unity C en­
M aCauley was aw arded the
ter in north Portland. It is part o f a
C 2C scholarship based on many
global network o f Intel C om puter
factors, including his commitment
C lu b h o u s e s
th a t
p r o v id e
to the Clubhouse and com m unity
underserved youth with access
involvem ent, his academ ics and
to high-end technology, industry
future goals, and his overall lead­
m entors and practical skills. The
ership in the Clubhouse. His ap­
B e a v e rto n P o lic e A c tiv itie s
plication included an essay and
League (PA L) operates the other
tw o recom m endations, one from
Theodore “ Theo"
Intel C lubhouse in O regon, at the
the C lubhouse C oordinator and
Matthew McCauley
Beaverton Resource Center.
another from an adult who has
“W ithout access to technology, many young
had an impact on his life. In his application,
people and their fam ilies are at risk o f losing
M aCauley and other supporters described his
their ability to participate fully in the com m u­ role in the C lubhouse as one tim e C hair o f the
nity, in education and in com m unity life," said
C lubhouse Council, a peer mentor, an active
Jill Eiland, Public A ffairs M anager at Intel O r­ C 2C participant and a 2(X)4 Teen Summit partici­
egon. "B y partnering with the Salvation Army
pant. He had been an active M em ber o f the
at the Intel C om puter C lubhouse, w e hope to
M oore Street Cfpbhouse since 2003.
Mt Hood Explores Diversity
The many facets of diversity will be
explored at the Metropolitan Diversity
Institute, a two-day conference, Friday,
April 7 and Saturday, April 8 hosted by
Mt. Hood Community College.
Twenty workshops led by local activ­
ists, professors, authors and performers
are scheduled to create a community
dialogueon multicultural issues.
Headlining the theme “Diversity: Ex­
cellence, Innovation, Equity,’’the confer­
ence will address critical diversity-related
issues by bringing together the Portland
and Gresham communities with educa­
tional, business and cultural leaders.
“Organizations that manage diversity
JJn rtla u ö (Ohsi'ttH'r
Advertise with diversity in
’R e s u r r e c t io n
B re a k fa s t*
(fo r m e n )
d a y A p r il 1 6 @ 3 : 3 0
G o t U p " M u s ic a l
W om en W ith A Vision isco m p rise d o f
w om en w ho live in Portland and are d ed i­
cated to helping diverse groups o f people
in various capacities. The group believes
in the im portance o f giving back to the
com m unity and pulling together people
without the barriers o f race, background
or denom ination.s
m e tti
In Loving Memory
A lthea Rosetta Rand Harden
Feb. 17, 1921 - April 7, 2005
The B roken C hain
We little knew that morning that God was going to call your name.
In life we loved you dearly, in death we do the same.
It broke our hearts to lose you, you did not go alone,
For part o f us went with you. the day G od called you home.
You left us peaceful m em ories, your love is still our guide.
And though we cannot see you. you are alw ays at our side.
O ur family chain is broken, and nothing seem s the same.
But as God calls us one by one. the chain will link again.
We miss you, even though we know you are still with us in spirit, it’s been a very long year.
L ike A ny J ourney
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Love your children.
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Prearranged Serv ices
New Avenuesin Waldorf Education
from Metro
connection to materials taught in
that w ay," Truby said.
The school differs from tradi­
tional W aldorf education because
it w on’t be an independent institu­
tion governed by teachers, and is
not eligible to join the A ssociation
o f W a ld o rf S ch o o ls o f N orth
A m erica. H ow ever, they foster
stro n g tie s w ith P o rtlan d -area
W aldorf Schools.
“ T h e y 'v e b e e n e x tr e m e ly
h e lp fu l.” H arris sa id . “T h e r e 's
such d e m a n d fo r d e c e n t e d u c a ­
tio n , an d th ey c a n 't m e e t th a t
d e m a n d .”
The Portland school is currently
accepting applications fo ra total o f
110 students. Those interested in
enrollm ent or volunteering can visit
w w w .portlandvillageschool.org or’
call 503-453-4665.
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Management Library
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