Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 05, 2006, Page 11, Image 11

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    ül,‘' | J n r t l a n h ( © b s e r u e r
A p ril S. 2006
Page B 3
O reg o n
D e p a r tm e n t
o f T ra n s p o rta tio n
Oregon businesses are finding opportunities
for growth with the Oregon Department
of Transportation's OTIA III State Bridge
Delivery Program.
Other materials suppliers, design and
construction firms, specialty contractors, and
local businesses also are benefiting from the
increased construction work.
The bridge program is repairing or replacing
more than 300 bridges on Oregon's highways.
It is also designed to stimulate Oregon’s
economy. And it's working.
To learn more, visit ODOT’s web site at
h t t p : //e g o v .o r e g o n .g o v /O D O T /H W Y /O T IA /
b rid g e _ d e liv e ry .s h tm l.
Fought & Company Inc., an Oregon-based
steel fabricator, has supplied nearly
$4 million in structural steel for several bridge
program projects. Because of this business,
the company has hired 10 new employees
and plans to hire more in the near future.
The world famous Harlem Gospel Choir will perform blues, jazz and Gospel April 13 at the
Colubmia Theatre in Longview.
Theater Hosts Harlem Choir
faith through its m usic, and raising
funds for children’s charities. The
choir was founded in 1986 hy world
famous dancer A lien Bailey after he
attended a celebration in honor o f
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. at the
From the heart o f Harlem. New renow ned C otton Club in Harlem.
Y orkC ity, USA, the internationally
T he choir is a gathering o f the
fam ous Harlem G ospel C hoir will finest singers and m usicians from
bring foot stom ping and hand-clap­ various black churches in Harlem.
ping blues, jazz and gospel spiritu­ They have shared their m essage of
als to the C olum bia T heatre in love, peace and harm ony with thou­
Longview on Thursday, April 13 at sands o f people from various na­
tions, backgrounds, and cultures.
O ne o f the pre-em inent gospel
T heir songs o f inspiration touch
choirs in the world, the Harlem group the depths o f the soul and raise
travels the globe, sharing its joy o f spirits to angelic heights.
Perform ance
scheduled in
Tickets for the upcoming perfor­
mance are $ 19 to $25 for adults and
$ 13 to $ 19 for students. The show
is b e in g c o - s p o n s o r e d by
W inderm ere Real Estate/Allen &
A ssociates and by C hicago Title
Com pany
For more inform ation on any of
the productions or to purchase tick­
ets, call the box office at 360-575-
8499; toll-free, dial 888-575-8499. Or
visit the th e a tre 's w eh site at
w w w.colum biatheatre.com.
The C olum bia Theatre is located
in dow ntow n Longview at the in­
tersection o f C om m erce Street and
V andercook Way.
*12th Annual Northwest
Career Fair
Saturday, April 22nd 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Oregon Convention Center
Flirting With Extremes
Sensory deprivation and dance
Free Admission — Meet potential employers face-to-face
Sensory saturation and deprivation, m anipulation
and restraint, inhuman appearances, disquieting and
visceral sound; these are the elem ents o f “ Benum bed,”
a new collaboration between choreographer Angelle
Hebert and com poser Phillip Kraft.
"In a society w here our senses are constantly being
bom barded with m edia and com m ercialism , we w ere
interested in exploring the effect this has on us as
individuals: our ability to filter through inform ation,
m aintain a sense o f individual thought, and avoid the
m ind-num bingeffects o f constant stim ulation,” explained
Hebert. “ W e began by experim enting with extrem es,
im provising while depriving ourselves o f sensory stim u­
lus, as well as taking each o f the senses separately and
investigating the possibilities.”
“ Benum bed” perform ances are April 7-9 at the Inter­
state Firehouse Cultural Center, 5340 North Interstate
Ave. Friday and Saturday perform ances are 8 p.m., and
a Sunday m atinee is at 2 p.m. A dm ission is $10 for
students, seniors, and w orking artists, and $ 12 for g en­ “Benumbed" is a collaborative performance
eral . For reserv at ions cal1503- 774-0997, orem ai I me_a_tus project by choreographer Angelle Hebert and
@ Comcast, net.
composer Phillip Kraft.
To purchase a booth, contact Rose City Radio at 503.243.7595
Adecco Employment
Horizon Air
Ameriprise Financial, Inc.
Jack's Overhead Door,
BallyTotal Fitness
EchoStar Satellite/DISH
Enterprise Rent-A-Car
J Express Personnel
I Services
Harris Transportation
Les Schwab Tire Centers
New Horizons Computer
Learning Centers
Portland FBI
State o f Oregon
Transportation Security
Adm inistration
US A ir Force
Pacific Coast Fruit
US Arm y
Pacific Office Autom ation
Warner Pacific College
Adult Degree Program
Interested in an effective school that promotes academic rigor, curriculum relevance, meaningful
relationships, and self discipline that will prepare your child to be a life-long learner?
Then SEI Academy is the school for you!
SEI ACADEMY Enrollment Information Meetings
SEI Academy will serve 6lh-8,hgraders in the 2006-2007school year
Accepting applications for incoming 6th graders only!
e April 21-22
• April 28-29
May 6
Sunset Lanes
20th Century Lanes
Hazel Dell Lanes
Sign up now
at www.bowlforkidssal<e2006.org
or call 503-249 4859.
SEI Academy offers:
-Small Student -to-Teacher Ratio (12:1)
-Certified Educators
-Rigorous Core Subject Blocks
-Computer Technology
-Foreign Language
-Health/Physical Education
-Field Trips & Service Learning
-Extended-Day & Summer Programs
y X
< PGE /
b a n
■ w
~ SKfScIf
The Business Journal (comcast
-Counseling and Wrap-Around Services
-Gender Specific Advisory Classes
-Relationship Model Curriculum
-Small Group Enrichment Classes
-Accelerated Programs for Talented and Gifted Students
-Tutoring and Homework Club
Saturday, April 8th 12 00-1:00 p m
Center for Self Enhancement
3920 N Kerby Avenue
Portland, OR 97227
(503) 249-1721, x330
You mu«t attend an Enrollment Meeting in order to receive an application.