Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 05, 2006, Page 10, Image 10

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Page B2
“ Because I know
how to play jazz
and th at’s where
my heart is, I need
to com e back to
som ething simple
again to satisfy
my integrity. T he
average person
may not
Brian M cKnight
KM HD is a nonprofit arts organization
dedicated to providing quality jazz, blues, and
traditional American music 24 hours a day,
365 days a year.
8 9 .1 www.kmhd.fm
T h e 4 8 th
S u p erm o d el N aom i
C a m p b e ll is le d o u t
o f a p o lic e p r e c in c t
in N ew York
T hursday, c h a r g e d
w ith s e c o n d - d e g r e e
a s s a u lt a f te r h ittin g
h e r h o u s e k e e p e r in
C& B Records announces the release
o f the debut CD “D islocated Joints," by
Stefon aka Stefanino, an album that broad­
ens the urban hip-hop and rap palette with
a succession o f spins with a variety o f
styles and moods.
Stefon’s hypnotic vocal tone is re­
vealed though his neo-soul, hip hop with
a touch o f R&B music. The rapper and songw riter is a native o f Los A ngeles w ho was
first introduced to hip hop at the age o f eight when his babysitter was listening to a
record by Sugar Hill Gang.
He rem em bers thinking “W ow, this is different.” He w as later influenced by the
Jackson Five, Prince, the Stylistics and many other greats. He has acted in a num ber
of movies and TV shows, including Family Matters, In Living Colors, and South Central.
M useum A fter H o u rs —Catcha
performance o f energetic, rock solid
drum m ing by Tony C olem an, voted
Drum M agazine’s R&B and blues drum m er of
the year in 1998, on W ednesday, M arch 29. Perfor­
m ance is 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Portland Arts
M useum, 1219 S.W. Park Ave. A dm ission is $5 for
m em bers/$8 for nonmembers.
B attle o f th e B an d s - O nce in the Sun, V acuum Tree
Head and The Guy T yler Band will perform a kick-off
o f Radiant T heatre’s upcom ing production o f ‘The
W ho’s TO M M Y ” at H olocene. The Friday, April 14
celebration at 9 p.m. will also include a silent auction
and door prizes. Cost is $5 to $20 sliding scale, avail­
able at the door.
S p o n s o re d by
The Portland Chapter
The Links, Incorporated
C irq u e Du S oleil — Nine additional perform ances from
April 19 through 23 have been added to the Portland
engagem ent ofVarekai. Tickets are available by calling
l-800-678-5440orcirquedusoleil.com .
Benefit of
Links Educational/Scholarship Fund
G lad ys K night — Music legend Gladys
Friday, April 21,2006 • 8:00 P.M.
Oregon Convention Center
Portland, Oregon
Knight will perform tw o show s at 8
p.m., April 7 and 8, at C hinook W inds
Casino Resort in Lincoln C ity . Tickets
are $30 to $50 and are available by
calling I-888-M AIN-ACT or 541-996-
Ticket Price:
$45.00 General Admission
$75.00 Patron
Ice C u b e — Notorious gangsta rapper
Tickets Available At:
Geneva's Shear Perfection
5601 NE M.L.K.Blvd.
Me Rae’s on 42nd
5852 N.E. 42nd
C L in o o k V v in d ;
Gladys Knight
April 7 & 8, 8PM • Tickets $30-$50
On Sale Now ! Call 1-888-M A IN ACT or TICKETSWEST AT 1 -8 0 0 -9 9 2 -TIXX
» »
r iM
'/ >
1 - 8 8 8 - C H I N 0 0 K
th e h e a d w ith a
p h o n e du rin g an
a r g u m e n t in h e r
P ark A v e n u e
a p a r tm e n t. P o lice
s a i d th e 4 1 -y e a r -o ld
h o u sek eep er
r e c e iv e d four
s t it c h e s . (AP p h o to )
jazz.every Sunday at 9 p.m. at
F ’ T he B lu e M onk (3341
Belmont ). Participate in a mixed-me­
dia open mic night each M on d ay at the
Back to Back Café ( 614 East Burnside ). The Thom City
Improv, featuring m em bers o f O ldom inion, Q uivah,
The Chosen and The Black Notes, perform at C o n an 's
(3862S.E . Haw thorne) every T u esd ay at 10p.m .C el­
ebrate Hump Day at The Red Sea (3 8 1 S.W. 3nl Ave)
after work on W ed n esd a y s, from 5 to 9 p.m. Inch
tow ard the w eekend at the Candlelight Room (2032
SW 5lh Ave) with the Black Notes, perform ing each
T h u rsd a y . C elebrate F rid ay with Mel Brown, who
plays jazz at Salty ’ s on the Colum bia every Friday and
Saturday, and Jim m y M ak’s on Tuesdays and T hurs­
days. Round off your week with live Reggae on
Fridays and S a tu rd a y s at M ontego Bay, ( 1239 S.W.
In n ovation S tation — Kids will have a hall at
O M S I’s new Innovation Station by explor­
ing the hum an side o f technology. For more
inform ation, visit w w w .om si.edu.
O n the R a d io -- G roove to soul and hip-hop
with Kevin Berry from 7 to 9 p.m. M ondays
at 90.7 FM /K BO O . Check out the C om m u­
nity Potpourri talk show from 7 to 8 a.m.
M ondays. W ednesday and Fridays at 1480
A M /K BM S. Tune in to African A merican
Health Radio W ednesday nights on 1290
Ice Cube com es to the Roseland T he­ G la d y s K nigh t
ater on Friday, April 28 at 8 p.m. Tickets
for the all ages show are $30 advance and $35 at the C all to A rtists — Local artists are encouraged to show
door, plus service fees, available at T icketsW est.com o ff their talent by becom ing a Portland O pen Studios
o r503-224-8499.
Artist. Each year, 96 artists are chosen from the metro
area to open their studios and becom e part o f an
B an d s at H ip C h ick s — A Friday, April 7 benefit for In
e x c itin g
re g io n a l
a rt
e v e n t.
V isit
O ther W ords and Rock Pow er for G irls features three
portlandopenstudios.com for more inform ation.
bands - Cocks in the Henhouse, Excuse Me Sir and
Little Sue, plus tire dancing and puppets at H ipC hicks, T rip p in ’ th rou gh Tow n — Take a trip through time to
4510 S.E. 23rd Ave. Tickets are $5 to $50 sliding scale, find the hottest poetry, hip-hop and soul influencing
availableat503-232-6003orteresa@ rockandread.org.
Portland on W ednesdays at the
Ohm. $ 7 cover. 31 N.W. First Ave.
B u gsy M a lo n e J r. — A young mob
o f prohibition-era gangsters recre­
Intense F r ie n d s h ip - Insight Out
ate the 1920 film classic at the North­
Theatre Collective p resen ts‘Kin­
west C hildren’s Theater. Perfor­
d red’ by Daniel K eleher at the
mances are Saturday and Sunday
Interstate Firehouse Cult ural C en­
m atinees at 2 p.m. through April 18
ter. 5340 N. Interstate Ave. The
at the NW N eighborhood Cultural
play tracks the last 90 m inutes o f
Center, 1819 NW Everett St. Special
one prisoner’s life in jail and his
Spring Break matinees March 28-31
in te n s e frie n d s h ip w ith his
at 2 p.m. For tickets call 503-222-
cellm ate. Show s run W ednes-
4 4 8 0 o r visit w w w .nw cts.org.
B u g s y M a lo n e Jr.
days-Saturdays at 8 p.m. Tickets
are $15: W ednesday perform ances are sliding scale
A rd ien te P a cien cia (B u rn in g P a tien ce ) — The all-
$ 5 -$ 1 5 .
T ic k e ts
a re
a v a ila b le
Spanish language Bellas Artes Production com es to
www.insightouttheatre.org or by calling 503-234-0973.
the M ilagroTheatre, 525 SE Stark St. O pening night is
Friday, April 7, and continues through April 29, on Belly D ance C la sse s—Caravan Studios offers classes
Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m., Sundays at 2 p.m. and in belly dance, A frican d ance and m ore. V isit
Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. English supertitles at Thursday w w w .gypsycaravan.us.
and Sunday perform ances. Tickets are $ 13 to $ 18 and
can be purchased at the box office, 503-236-7253 or T im e to J a m — Jam Night, P ortland's ever-popular
com edy and variety show is at Christian Perform ing
Arts C enter, 8131 N. D enver Ave. Shows continue
C ro w n s — A play every Friday night starting at 9 p.m. with dinner by
exploring the rela­ M ondem aj C atering next door to the show at 6:30 and
tio n sh ip b etw een 7:30p.m.
black w omen and
the hats they wear. M u lticu ltu ral Film F estival - Jefferson High School
C ontinues through hosts a free m ulticultural film festival each first M on­
April 9 at Portland day o f the m onth through M ay from 6 to 8:30 p.m. For
C enter for the Per­ more inform ation, call J. Doncan at 5 0 3 -9 16 - 5 180.
fo rm in g
A rts
N ew m ark Theatre,
1111 SW Broadway.
The p la y ‘C ro w n s '
Tickets are $15 to
$56, and can be purchased at the box office or by cal ling
M u rd e r In Show biz — "M usical C om edy M urders of
1940" pokes fun at H ollyw ood thrillers during the
genre’s heyday in the 1930s and 1940s. The mix up of
murder, m adness and m ayhem is now playing through
April 9, on Thursdays through Saturdays at 8 p.m. and
Sunday m atinees at 2 p.m. at the L akew ood C enter for
the Arts, 368 State St. in Lake Osw ego. Tickets are $24
for adults and $22 for students and seniors, available
at the Lakew ood Theatre box office at 503-635-3901 or
ww w.lakew ood-center.org.
T r a d itio n a l A fr ic a n M u sic --M a ste r drum m er O bo
Supermodel Charged
A n n u al
It’s Better at the Beach!
April S, 2006
A ddy w ill p erfo rm w ith his tra d itio n a l g ro u p
O kropong in a b en efit p erfo rm an ce for the T o guna
C ultural C e n te r in M ali, A frica, on T h u rsd ay M ay
25 at 7 p.m . at Jack so n M iddle S ch o o l, 10625 S.W .
35th A ve. A dm ission is $5. F or m ore in fo rm atio n
call 503-916-3411.
I Jve m u sic every night — Kick o ff your w eek with live
S esa m eS tree t In te ra c tio n —The Portland C hildren’s
M useum presents “Can You Tell Me How to G et To
Sesam e Street," using telev isio n 's chrom a-key tech­
nology so local kids can see them selves on TV
alongside their favorite M uppet characters. For infor­
m a tio n ,
c a ll
5 0 3 - 2 2 3 -6 5 0 0
v isit
w w w .portlandchildrensm uscum .org.
H ip-hop D ance C lasses - Vancouver-Clark Parks and
Recreation is hosting family friendly hip-hop dance
classes for ages 5 to 18. V arious lessons teach rhythm,
technique, coordination, agility, com binations and
team w ork through urban dance moves. For more
information,call 360-696-8236.