¿1,e JJnrtlanh (ßbseruer Page A2 Congress Debates Immigration ÊÏ March 29. 2006 Taser Deaths on Rise Report cites 156 fatalities try illegally. stren g teh n b o rd er patrol, create new T he p a n e l’s vote cleared the way o p p o rtu n itie s fo r so -ca lle d g u est for the full S enate to begin d ebate w o rk ers and d eterm in e the legal fu ­ T uesday on the em o tio n al im m ig ra­ ture o f the estim ated 11 m illion im m i­ (A P )— The Senate Judiciary C om ­ tion issue. g ran ts living in the U nited States m ittee approved election-year im m i­ “ All A m erican s w anted fairness illegally. g ra tio n le g isla tio n M onday that and they got it th is e v e n in g ,” said At sev eral critical p o p in ts, co m ­ clears the w ay for m illions o f u n ­ Sen. E dw ard M. K ennedy, the M as­ m ittee D em o crats w ere united w hile docum ented w orkers to seek U.S. sachusetts D em ocrat w ho play ed a R ep u b lican s sp lin tered . In general, citizen sh ip w ithout having to first pivotal role in d raftin g the leg isla­ G O P Sens. L indsay G raham o f South leave the country. tion, approved 12-6. C arolina, Sam B row nback o f K ansas A fter days o f street d em o n stra­ C om m ittee C hairm an A rlen S pec­ and M ike D eW ine o f O hio, w ho is tions that stretched from C alifo rn ia ter, R -Pa., voted fo r the bill but sig ­ seek in g re-electio n this fall, sided to the gounds o f the U .S. C apitol, naled that som e o f the p ro v isio n s w ith D em ocrats. the com m ittee also voted to strip could w ell be ch an g ed by the full T h at gave D em o crats a m ajority out p roposed crim inal p enalties for S enate. that allo w ed them to shape the bill to resid en ts found to be in this c o u n ­ In g en eral, the bill is d esig n ed to th eir liking. Kennedy wins vote for ‘fairness’ Il!r •¡¡Jortlanh (Observer Established 1970 USPS 959-680 ____________________________ 4 7 4 7 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR 97211 E ditor - in -C hief , P ublisher : Charles H. Washington E ditor : Michael Leighton D istribution M anager : Mark Washington C reative D irector : Paul Neufeldt O ffice M anager : Kathy Linder (A P ) - The num ber of people who have died in the U.S. after being shocked by police stun guns is growing rapidly. A m ­ nesty International says in a report that catalogs 156 in the past five years. Deaths after the use o f Taser stun guns have risen from three in 2001 to 61 last year, the inter­ national human rights group said. Fourteen have died so far this year, it said, citing police and autopsy reports as well as press accounts. The rise in deaths accom pa­ nies a marked increase in the num ber o f U.S. law enforce­ ment agencies em ploying de­ vices made by T aser Interna­ tional o f Scottsdale, Ariz. A m nesty urged police de­ Taserguns, such as this one shown on St. Paul, Minn., police officer Julie Maidment, are legal in 43 states. (AP Photo) partm ents to suspend the use o f Tasers pending more study. The com pany says on its W eb site th a t T ase rs have saved more than 9,000 lives because police officers have been able to use stun guns instead o f bullets. Tasers d e­ liver a 50,000-volt jo lt through tw o barbed darts that can pen­ etrate clothing. T he A m nesty report is the latest study that raises con- cem s that use o f a T aser — intended as a nonlethal alternative to a gun — can be fatal in certain circum ­ stances, m ost often when the victim is using illegal drugs. Many o f those whodied were high on drugs, m entally ill or o th e rw is e a g ita te d . M an y deaths in the past year o c­ curred after victim s w ere hit by T asers at least three tim es and, in som e cases, for prolonged periods, the report said. In seven cases m edical ex ­ am iners or coroners determined that T aser use w as a cause o f death. Seattle Shooting Mystery (AP)— Aaron Kyle H uff lived with his twin brother and delivered pizzas during the five years he lived in Se­ attle. They w ere “tw in teddy bears,” their apartm ent manager said, “the kindest, sweetest, gentlest people.” But police say the man who opened fire on partygoers after a w eekend rave, killing six and wounding two, was anything but gentle. He “ap- The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions. Manuscripts and photographs should be clearly labeled and will be returned if accompanied by a self addressed envelope. All created design display ads become the sole property of the newspaper and cannot be used in other publications or personal usage without the written consent of the general manager, unless the client has purchased the composition of such ad. © 1996 THE PORTLAND OBSERVER. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. REPRODUCTION IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PERMISSION IS PROHIBITED. The Portland Observer-Oregon's Oldest Multicultural Publication-is a member of the National Newspaper Association-Founded in 1885, and The National Advertising Representative Amalgamated Publishers. Inc. New York, NY, and The West Coast Black Publishers Association P ostmaster : Send address changes to Portland Observer, P 0 B o x 31 37 , Portland, 0 R 9 7 2 0 8 503-288-0033 P A X 503-288-0015 news@portlandobserver.com subscription@portlandobserver.com ads@portlandobserver.com 1 i H i U I ■ i 1 1 B * Aaron Kyle Huff p ro ach ed the h o u se sh o o tin g and d id n ’t stop shooting” until he killed h im s e lf, p o lic e s p o k e sm a n S ean W hitcom b said. The question everyone is now ask­ ing is why. T oxicology reports on the shooter are still in process, and search o f his apartm ent d id n ’t turn up anything that might point to a motive, police said. Rose Court Complete The following young women complete the assembly o f Ambassadors to the 2006 Rose Festival Court: Asia Washington Asia W ashington was crow ned as Roosevelt High School am bassador on M arch 23. W ashington is a cheerleader w ho plans to study business at Portland State U niver­ sity and interior design at Portland Com m unity College. She is in­ volved in her church and Habitat For Humanity. She is the daughter o f Toni and Larry G ibson and Carl W ashington. H er three siblings are Chanel 1, D aem on and Carl. Katrina Z. Holland Katrina Z. Holland was voted M adi­ son H igh S chool am b assad o r on M arch 22. Holland aspires to use a singing and acting career for public education and political involvem ent. She is also involved in student gov­ ernm ent and com m unity organiza­ tions like the O regon Bus Project. She plans to attend C oncordia University or an out o f state school. She is the daughter o f W allace and Julia H ol­ land, and has tw o siblings, Anthony and Christopher Robertson. Gambling can have its own safety features Alix M. Sandbothe When you gamble Set a budget. Set a time limit. Play safe. Alix M. Sandbothe was crow ned D avid D ouglas High School am bassador on March 20. Sandbothe plans to attend medical school, via a science degree at the U niversity o f Portland. She is a m em ber o f National H onor Society, Student Council and various theater and music programs. Sandbothe is the daughter o f Tony and stepm other Tam m y Sandbothe, and her m other Kathy Sandbothe. Julia George Mayfield Julia G eorge M ayfield becam e Lin­ coln High School am bassador on Mach 21. M ayfield enjoys historical fiction and will pursue a com m unica­ tions degree at Lake Forest College in Illinois. She is M adison’s student body vice president and y ea rb œ k c o -c h ie f ed ito r and v o lu n teers at Legacy Emmanuel Meridian Park Hos­ pital. She is the only child or John M ayfield and D iane G eorge. Beth Susan Ford OREGON LOTTERY t Elizabeth “ Beth" Susan Ford was crow ned M arch 24 as the final am bassador to the 2006 Rose Festival Court. The W ilson High School senior is involved in theater, speech and debate, and is co-senior editor o f her school new spaper. She is also a counselor in training at an all-ages sum m er camp. She plans to m ajor in journalism , with a m inor in creative writing. She is the daughter o f Diane and Charlie Ford and has two siblings. Julia and Benjamin. p i I