Committed to C u llili ul Diversity Mon h 22. 2006 High Octane Action M etro Australia’s Leigh Warren Dancers dazzle î,!l ^îo rtlan b (Observer set* Focus page B3 - /Community V a le n d a r SECTION S h a r in g ¿Creative E x p re s s io n s Community Wellness Fair The non-profit Holladay Park Plaza retirement com m unity will host its 4"' Annual C om m unity W ellness F air on Friday, March 24 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the main floor o f the H olladay Park Plaza, 1300 N.E. 16*. RSV Ps are appreciated but not required. For more inform ation call 541-280 2216or toll-free at I -800-777-5517. Grant Rummage Sale A com m unity rum m age with quality items and baked treats sale takes place Saturday, April 8 from 8 a m. to 4 p.m ., at Rose C ity P ark U nited M ethodist Church, 5830 N.E. Alameda Ave benefiting the Grant High School Royal Blues C ham ber singers. Lead-Safe Remodeling M etro offers household lead test kits and hom e im provem ent m anuals for do-it-yourselfers w orking on hom es built before 1978 during a free w orkshop on Saturday, April 8 from 10a.m. to noon at the H istoric K enton Firehouse, 8105 N. Brandon Ave No registration required, for more information call 503-988-4000. Get Wet Indoors All March, spring break extended hours take place at the Colum bia. M att D ishman, Mt. Scott and Southw est C om m unity C en­ ter pools. Register for spring classes by calling Portland Parks and Recreating at 503-823-5130. Courageous Moms Seminar Rick Johnson will present Cou rageous M oms: Raising Boys to Becom e G ood Men. M arch 18,9 a.m. to noon at Parkrose High School and C om m unity Center, 12003 N.E. Shaver St. C hildcare and activities for kids provided Cost is free, but lim ited to first 100 registrants. To register call 5 0 3 -6 6 5 -3 7 6 1 o r e -m a il rick @ betterdads. net. Siren’s Echo backs student show Jefferson High School students will share their creative expressions about their lives, their community, and their world during a ‘Take Back the M ic' celebration featuring the hip-hop and R&B group Siren’s Echo. The community is invited to the free- for-all-ages event, Friday, March 24 on the Cascade Campus of Portland Com­ munity College in north Portland. A student arts show kicks off the special night at 6 p.m. in Room 104 of the new Moriarty Arts & Humanities building, followed by student poets at 7 p.m. and a special performance by Siren’s Echo at 8 p.m. Siren’s Echo will light up the stage with themes of justice, community, rhyme and soul. The Portland group is known for its tight cuts and neck-breaking beat, bringing real, crafting songs with intelli­ gence and heart. These ladies have the ability to bring it hard and rugged or soft and soulful. With the combination of powerfully, emotional production and lyrics of struggle. Siren’s Echo pull you out of pain and lift you above the mad­ ness. “Take Back the Mic” is sponsored by the A m erican F riends S ervice Committee’s United Voices Youth Pro­ gram, Veterans For Peace Chapter 72, Portland Community College, local vi­ sual and performing artists and Jefferson High School teachers and students. Siren's Echo will perform Friday on the Portland Community College Cascade Campus in north Portland for a ‘Take Back the M ic' poetry and art show featuring Jefferson High School students. Mt. Olivet Drawn into School Battle Over church backed academy Elephant Birthday by S arah B lount T he P o rtland O bserv er C e leb rate E lephantastic! It’s Packy’s 44,h birthday party, Sat­ urday, April 8 and 9 from 10a.m. to 4 p.m. at the O regon Zoo. B irthday cake fo r everyone, Packy too! Cake served at 2 p.m., free with zoo admission. For more information, call 503-226-1561. Creative Space For Dance Aurora Dance Studio, 5433 N.E. 30th, offers an array o f classes for children, teens and adults at all levels o f ability. Call 503-249- 0201 o r v is it o n lin e at w w w /auroradance for m ore information. Women in NAACP W om en in N A A C P m eets from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. the first S at­ urday o f each month at the Ameri­ can R edC ross Building, 3 131 N. V ancouver. For questions, call 503-249-6263. K Portland School Superintendent Vicki Phillips A redesign strategy for Jefferson High Seh(H)l is finally com ing together, but amid the shuffle, the recent approval o f a church- backed academ y has incited alarm s by some parents and com m unity members. The A cadem y o f C haracter and Ethics is sponsored by one o f Portland’s oldest A frican A m erican co n g reg atio n s. Mt. O live, Baptist C hurch. It is slated to be­ com e an alternative school inside Jefferson High School this fall. M axine K ilcrease, assistant superinten­ dent for the Portland School District, said final approval for the school is pending before the School Board. The academ y plans to focus on charac­ ter, ethics and academ ic rigor, and includes elem ents o f an early college high school model. But the opposition com es from those unhappy with its connection to a church. "M y primary concern is the outrageous­ ness o f a church-sponsored school in pub­ lic school,” said Julie Pous, o f the watchdog group Neighborhood Schools Alliance. Anne Trudeau, another m em ber o f the group, accused the academ y o f being form ed undem ocratically, violating the district’s non-discrim ination rules and ig­ noring the separation o f church and state. Basic Rights Oregon, agay rights group, raised the issue o f Mt. O live, providing $ 15,000 to the backers o f Ballot M easure 37, the initiative that outlaw ed marriage betw een sam e-sex couples in the state. "W hat type o f ethics will be taught at a school with leadership w hose values in­ clude the core value, according to Mt. O liv e t's website: M arriage is the perm a­ nent union o f one man and one w o m an ,'” Basic Rights executive Roey Thorpe said. Kilcrease flatly rejected that religion will play a role at the school. She said the academ y will have a co n ­ tract with the school district and receive public m onies on a daily rate per student. A self-elected board will make all school decisions. A nother com plaint was in how the school was approved. O ther opposition is com ing from how the academ y was approved. T ru d e au said the sch o o l w as not brought up at any com m unity Jefferson Design team meetings. Only one m em ber o f that team is on the new im plem entation team, a follow -up com m ittee form ed last month, which includes Mt. O livet’s pas­ tor, Jam es Martin. A letter w ritten by Phillips earlier this month d id n 't offer a direct response about religious concerns, but focused ideally on the academ y forging new territory and creating a niche a, the new ly redesigned school. Phi I lips expressed regret that many inaccurately believe the academ y is a faith- based program. O ne of the academ y’s main architects, school ad m in istrato r and coach Paula Kinney, said a church/school partnership is actually a good thing for the com m unity. Kinney has a track record o f starting alternative schools. She grew up attend­ ing a black church in D es M oines, Iowa. She said the church w as her central source ofinform ation. “ In the A frican A m erican com m unity, black churches are the hubs. It’s not un­ com m on for a church and a com m unity to com e together.” She said Mt. O livet w on’t influence curriculum, but congregation members will provide after-school tutoring. Work Against Abuse Com m unity A dvocates invites those interested in protecting children from abuse to becom e an event volunteer, event out­ reach, technology expert, graphic artists o r office support team member. For more inform ation, call 503-280-1388. Red Cross Teaches Safety The A m erican Red C ross offers a range o f safety classes for cri­ sis situations, from learning how to baby si, to perform ing CPR. The courses are intended for children aged 8 through adult. F o r m ore in fo rm a tio n v isit w w w years «f •^community service 6Open Eyes’ Unites Social Consciousness Art and social justice are com ing together with local men and w om en com m itting them ­ selves to supporting the prin­ ciples o f the M illions More M ovement. Troy M uham m ad and Sul­ tan X o f the M uham m ad Study G roup, through their com pany O pen Eyes Productions, are am ong those w orking to unify artists through their talents for the upliftm ent o f the human family. Sim ilar to the Million Man March in 1995, many o f these attendees are striving to unify their local com m unities. Their televised production, “O pen Eyes," a post tribute to Sav­ iors’ Day 2(X)6, was recently te le v ise d on p u b lic ac cess Channel 22. F o r m o re te le v is io n broadcasting pertaining to artistic and cultural devel­ opm ent, P ortlanders can tune to “O pen Eyes” each Friday at 5 p.m. Muhammad Study Group participants gather for the produc­ tion o f ‘Open Eyes. ' a media presentation to support the principles of the Millions More Movement.