tri’1 art hath (©bserucr Page A6 March 22. 2006 Rally one of Portland’s largest (A P )— A peaceful but passion­ ate parade o f protesters marched through dow ntow n Portland Sun­ day to denounce the war in Iraq as it enters its fourth year. The rally and inarch, named "End the War, Begin the Peace," was co­ sponsored by some 160 organiza­ tions. Portland police estim ated the turnout at about H).(XX) and re­ ported one arrest on a minor charge. It took the parade, with marchers eight to ten abreast, nearly an hour to pass. “A year from now, which one o f you will beaG old Star family m em ­ ber," asked Steven D eFord at a pre­ march rally. His son, O regon N a­ tional G uard Sgt. D avid Johnson, 37, was killed in Iraq by a roadside bomb in Septem ber 2(X)4. "If 64 percent of the United States thinks this invasion is wrong, where are they?" he said. "W hat if I had done more? I live with that thought every day.” "It is time now for you to take back your country,” he said. The Rev. LeRoy Haynes Jr., a veteran o f the Student Nonviolent T h e 4 8 th A n n u a l E B O N Y F A S H IO N F A IR P H I SI N IS Ctx>rdinat ing Com m ittee that arose in the 1960s and the Black Panther movement, said the Sept. 11 attacks were extrem e terrorism but the war in Iraq is "unjust and im m oral.” “ "W e will not give up our dem oc­ racy to Bush and C heney,” he said. "W e say no to an adm inistration who asks our sons and daughters to fight for dem ocracy in a foreign nation w hile they steal it from us at home." 1 raqi journal i st and acti vist Eman A hm ed K ham as told a cheering crow d that the w ar "is the worst Save This Date 200B/2006 Sponsored by The Portland Chapter The Links, Incorporated Benefit of Links Educational/Scholarshlp Fund’ I Tic*.i Uric* inctud* ■ on. Friday, April 21,2006 • 8:00 P.M. Oregon Convention Center Portland, Oregon ption io EBONY or ti» months io J f T tnd ch.noM to WIN round trip tnn.port.tion »or two to >ny dwMn.tlon Mrvod i by AMERICAN AIRLINES L «AMERICAN EAGLE In lth«dortt*.tl« US. 4« Ticket Price: I « . » . ,« joo » fo * o 1 E «pkW .nd MNCMd $45.00 General Admission $75.00 Patron human rights violation a country can do" and said those responsible should have to answ er for it. “A pow erful country does not have the right to elim inate other nations,” she said. W hile a sea o f peace signs and anti-w ar slogans bobbed above the marchers. President Bush was the target o f hundreds o f more: “Fire the Liar.” “ Im peach the Evildoer." The terrorist lives in the W hite H ouse.” M any m o to rists h onked and flashed peace signs in support. There was little visible opposition, but tw o men along the edge o f the m arch h eld a b a n n e r re a d in g “ Bombs for G od.” The protest drew people o f all ages. Som e arrived in wheelchairs and many brought children in stroll- Tickets Available At: Geneve's Shear Perfection SeO1NEM.LK.Blvd. 803-288-11 N One Stop Record Shop 1815 NE Kllllngaworth 503-284-2435 Me R eel on 42nd KflBAJU £ Mart 503-287-8258 Simply Elegant Naila/S 332 NE 82nd Avenue 603-262-8208 The Talking Drum 446 NE Kllllngaworth 503-288-4070 Tondalayera Designen Said 6401 NE Cully Blvd. 903-284-0712 or Iront any links Member For morn Information contact: 503-253 0617 • 503 245 5156 w w w .e b o n y fa s h io n fa ir .c o m EBONY I photo by I «IH Some banks’ home equity rates are so high, only dogs can hear them. Competitive rates. Part of our Five Star Service. S arah B i . oijnt /T he P ortland O bserver Children are among the thousands o f protesters at Sunday's march against the Iraq War. Hand­ made signs with anti-Bush sentiments also dot the sea o f humanity flooding the downtown streets. We say no to an administration who asks our sons and daughters to fight for democracy in a foreign nation while they steal it from us at home. — Rev. LeRoy Haynes Jr., Allen Temple CME Church ers and dogs on leashes. “Bones, not Bom bs,” read a sign attached to one pet. T hough the Iraq w ar w as the focus, som e p ro testers brought o th er issues, such as ed u catio n , im m igration and a general u nhap­ piness w ith the Bush ad m in istra- fro m Front “The I A>rd is moving New Begin­ nings onto new levels o f life chang­ ing ministry to the city, the nations and beyond,” Pastor Brad said. “T hat is why we m ust finish the course and rem ain strong in our resolve to arise and build our heri­ tage o f freedom .” LOTTERY NOW OPEN Portland Children'« M o ltu ra OPAL PUBLIC CHARTER SCHOOL: K-5 A u niqtip Portia n P ortlan d C h ild r e n s M useum , or by c a llin g 5 0 3 471 9 9 1 7 . A ll app lication s must be postm arked by 3 PM Friday, M arch 3 1 /2 0 0 6 New Beginnings is part o f a cul­ tural m ovem ent across the coun­ try, with churches that reach thou­ sands locally, along with global outreach. “For this tim e in history, God has cal led certain leaders to lead m ove­ m ents,” Cole said. “W e happen to call them m ega churches.” Church m em bers also m eet in sm aller groups, around 200 groups gather around the city each week. New Beginnings is proud to be P o rtla n d ’s la rg e st m u lti-ra c ia l church in Portland "W e believe G od created all people,” C ole said. “ In order for us to w orshipand really learn, we need to em brace all nationalities.” They also embrace Christianity’s Jew ish roots, and support Rabbi Joseph S hulam ’s m inistry in Isra el Each year Shulam flies to Portland to teach biblical roots in a Torah class. M akowski said to understand the Bible, C hristians must under­ stand the custom s and traditions during the tim e o f Christ. T he c h u rc h ’s g rand op en in g ev en t th is su m m er is a fou r-w eek s p re a d , d e s ig n e d to e s ta b lis h b onds w ith the co m m u n ity . N ew B eg in n in g s is inviting city d ig n i­ taries in the G resh am area, will ho n o r local p olice and fire d e ­ p artm en ts and plan to invite and d o n ate funds to the school d is­ trict. C o le said they w ill invite Shulam to blow a sh o far at the ce leb ratio n .