Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 22, 2006, Page 5, Image 5

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March 22. 2006
Page A5
Jay Honored for
Project Clean Slate
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The follow ing young women were recently named Ambassadors to the 2006 Rose Festival Court:
Kelly B.
Kelly B. Edwards was voted
Franklin High School
ambassador on March 14.
Edwards has played volley­
ball all four years at Franklin
and recently received the
"Most Inspirational Player’
award. She is a volunteer
mentor in Big Brother, Big
Sister and wants to become
an elementary school teacher.
She plans on attending
Warner Pacific College. Her
parents are Vicki Edwards
and James Bums.
Martina Chelsea Williams was
crowed Marshall High School
ambassador on March 13.
Williams has been involved in
volleyball, basketball, softball
and golf. She is a member of
the National Honors Society
and plans to enter Brigham
Young University-Hawaii or
Portland State University. She
is the daughter of Allen and
Phyllis Williams and has two
brothers, Michael and
Local African American busi­
ness leader Roy Jay has earned
special recognition for his lead­
ership in Project Clean Slate, a
program that has assisted nearly
3,000 individuals in regaining
driving licenses and expunging
minor criminal convictions from
their records.
Jay was one o f the seven
individuals recognized last week
as Newsmaker of the Year by
the Royal Rosarians, a Portland
civil group associated with the
Rose Festival.
The honor came before a
packed house of w ho's who in
broadcast and print media at the
Governor Hotel. The award was
sponsored by the Portland Ob­
server and presented by pub­
lisher Charles Washington.
Jay said the idea behind
Project Clean Slate Jay came
from a movement in other cities,
including California to free
people from the burdens of the
past with a chance for better
Jay heads the highly influen-
Treauna Pachel Jackson was
selected Jefferson High
School ambassador on March
16. Jackson is co-caption o f
the Demo Dance Squad, a
member of the National Honor
Society and the Black Student
Union. A Pamplin Fellow, she
plans to attend the University
of Oregon or North Carolina
A&T State University to
major in accounting. She is
the daughter of Evelynlena
Grace Katherine Neal was
crowned ambassador from
Cleveland High School on
March 17. Neal enjoys writing
and running in her free time.
She has participated in soccer,
cross-country, basketball and
track at Cleveland. She plans
to pursue a degree in journal­
ism by attending the Univer­
sity of Oregon. She is the
daughter of Kevin Neal and
Lecia Neal and has a sister,
of the Year
Seniors and people with disabili­
ties are being warned about of a
telephone scam that asks Medicare
beneficiaries for money and check­
ing account information to help
them enroll in a Medicare Prescrip­
tion Drug Plan.
This scheme is called the "$299
Ring” for the typical amount of
money Medicare beneficiaries are
talked into withdrawing from their
checking accounts to pay fora non­
existent prescription drug plan.
Consum ers can report these
cases to their local law enforcement
agencies to the federal Centers for
Medicare and Medicaid Services at
No Medicare drug plan can ask
a person with Medicare for bank
account or other personal informa­
tion over the telephone. No benefi-
ciary should ever provide that kind
of information to a caller.
People with Medicare should
also remember that they should be
on the lookout for anyone trying to
take advantage of them and take
steps to protect themselves keep­
ing all personal information, such
as your Medicare number, safe, just
as you would a credit card or a bank
account number.
P ose O uaptep
tial African American Cham­
ber of Commerce in Portland,
the city’s Alliance of Minority
Chambers and is also President
of the Oregon Convention &
Visitor Services Network and
several other private business
He was recently featured in
the December edition of Port­
land Monthly as one of the Top
25 people that helped shaped
the City in 2005.
He will also be receiving the
APEX national award in May at
Treasure Island Hotel and Ca­
sino in Las Vegas for his
achievements and recognition
in the convention and tourism
Ojays concert at
the Rose Garden
is cancelled.
Refunds are
available at point of
purchase beginning
...re a lly
N o t all “ n a tu r a l" c h ic k e n is c r e a t e d e q u a l. In fa c t, m o s t s u p e r ­
m a r k e t c h ic k e n t h a t c la i m s to b e “ all n a t u r a l” h a s lik e ly b e e n
r a is e d u n d e r e x t r e m e ly c r o w d e d c o n d i t i o n s a n d g r o w n o n
f e e d c o n t a in in g a n im a l b y - p r o d u c t s a n d a n tib io tic s .
O u r P a c i f i c V illa g e c h i c k e n s a r e r a is e d f o r u s b y a f a m ily -
o w n e d a n d o p e r a t e d g r o u p o f r a n c h e r s in N o r t h e r n C a lifo r n ia .
T h e s e f o lk s h a v e b e e n r a is in g c h ic k e n s u s in g th e s a m e t im e
i ...
t e s t e d m e t h o d s s in c e 1 9 2 5 . T h e y d o n ’t u s e a n y a n t ib io t ic s
a n d th e b ir d s a r e f e d a n all v e g e ta r ia n r a tio n o f c o r n a n d s o y ­
b e a n s . T h e r e s u lt o f th is e x tr a t im e a n d c a r e is tru e , d e lic io u s ,
o ld - f a s h io n e d c h ic k e n fla v o r.
Y o u c a n f in d o u r P a c if ic V illa g e c h i c k e n s in t h r e e d if f e r e n t
o p t io n s — f r e e - r a n g e , y o u n g f r y e r a n d o r g a n ic . S t o p b y f o r a
t a s t e t h is w e e k e n d d u r in g o u r b e n e f it b a r b e c u e to s u p p o r t
S h a r e O u r S tr e n g th . V is it u s S a tu r d a y & S u n d a y , 1 1 a m - 5 p m .
N In te rs ta te
C O N C O R D IA :
a n d fo u r o th e r P o r tla n d
N E 3 3 rd
a re a
A v e & P o r tla n d
& K illin g s w o r t h
B lv d
P o r tla n d
P o r tla n d
lo c a t io n s . V is it u s o n lin e
5 0 3 4 6 7 .4 7 7 7
9 7 2 1 1 5 0 3 .2 8 8 .3 8 3 8
a t w w w .n e w s e a s o n s m a r k e t.c o m .