ílíe^ I o r tla n ó (íDbseruer Page A4 March 22. 2006 Opinion articles do not necessarily reflect or represent the views o f The Portland Observer O pinion Rebuilding New Orleans - No Red-Lining Please Plans reminiscent of uglier time in America M aim H. M orial Nearly six m onths after the rav­ age of Hurricane Katrina, a new plan has been proposed to rebuild New O rleans that could shake the foun­ dation o f the basic rights to prop­ erty and freedom o f choice we Am ericans hold dear. And it's hap­ pening as we speak. The "Bring New Orleans Back Com m is­ sion” recently unveiled a plan that was not only an affront to Katrina victims, but sm acked of the exclusion, division and social engineering practices reminiscent o f an earlier, uglier tim e in this nation’s history. The proposal identified "certain neigh­ borhoods” for redevelopm ent and recom ­ mended the dem olition o f many o f the city 's most racially diverse ones. Resi­ dents from areas like the Ninth W ard, New by O rleans East, and Lakeview would not be perm itted to move back for at least four m onths and would have to prove why their neighborhtxxis should not be bulldozed. These same neighborhoods represent al­ most tw o-thirds o f the city and m ore than h alf its homeowners. To add in­ sult to injury, the plan pro- posedabu.id or marshal the necessary support and re­ sources o f the federal governm ent to re­ build the city in earnest. T his lethargy has caused some to ask if Am erica should even invest in rebuilding New O rleans? The answ er must be yes. First, we must recognize that Katrina was an equal opportunity destroyer. It devastated the lives and hom es o f the rich rebuilding plan should write off, select out or rediine any neighborhood. v ° in s m o ra to - ing riu m th a t w ould prohibit returnees from obtaining city perm its for their contractors even if they chose to rebuild and not sell their property to the city. The com m ission’s plan am ounts to a m assive, red-lining schem e and a giant land grab for real estate developers. M ore­ over, it has once again called into question the ability o f local leadership to d em on­ strate any ability to unify the com m unity and poor, black and white, the "haves” and the "havenots". O ur nation’s core values dem and that K atrina's victims have the right to return, rebuild and recover. And our nation’s history has reaffirm ed that right, in every century, again and again. In the 19th century, the great city o f C hicago was devastated by fire. Three hundred people lost their lives, and 90,000 people were left homeless. Yet, Chicago stands today as one o f the nation’s great ce n te rs o f co m m erce, cu ltu re, m u lti­ culturalism and diversity. In the 20th century, San Francisco was ravaged by a great earthquake. It killed more than 700 citizens and caused more than $400 million in dam age. However, today San Francisco is one of the nation and w orld’s great cultural and financial centers. In 2001, New York City, was struck by a terrorist attack w hich left nearly 3,000 people o f all races, creeds and colors dead, and destroyed tw o great tow ers which were sym bols o f A m erican strength and com m erce. Yet, New York City is now experiencing a strong econom ic rebound. All o f these cities have risen from the ashes. T h ey ’ve com e back from great d i­ sasters. But, will New O rleans stand alongside San Francisco, C hicago and New York as a city that experiences a great rebound? Am erica must com m it to invest its muscle, its might and its will in the rebuilding of this community. P eople m ust have the right to return. N o reb u ild in g plan sh o u ld w rite o ff, select out o r red lin e any neig h b o rh o o d . R etu rn ees need a " 9 /1 1 ” - like v ic tim ’s co m p en satio n fund and fair rep ay m en t at up to 120 p ercen t o f th eir hom e equity for p roperty. The federal governm ent should sup­ port the building o f a C ategory 5 levee and flixxl protection system with coastal ero­ sion protections. W e could pay for this system with some o f the $6 billion dollars earned annually from oil and gas leases lo cated alo n g L o u is ia n a 's co a stlin e. Katrina survivors must retain their right to vote and have the first opportunities to work in the region. And finally, a memorial to the 1,000 victim s w ho died m ust be created to honor them. The images and reality o f Katrina struck this nation. It changed our lives, and it changed the course o f events in our life­ time. New O rleans and the region need to be rebuilt, but any plan m ust include ev ­ eryone. Marc H. Mortal is president and chief executive officer o f National Urban League and former Mayor o f New Or­ leans. MMMMI Energizing our Social Justice Movement ing for that very thing. The "O ur Right to Return and Rebuild” march and rally is d e­ signed to respond to the tw o trag­ edies that traumatized by J udge G reg M athis so m a n y p e o p le , many o f them black: In the hours, days, weeks and m onths follow ing H ur­ Hurricane Katrina it­ ricane Katrina, countless s e lf an d th e people showed their sup­ governm ent’s inabil­ port for the storm ’s victims ity to respond to the by making financial contri­ needs o f those a f­ butions. The services the fected. money funded were and are still In the afterm ath o f Hurricane very much needed. Katrina, the federal government was However, more than six months slow to send aid to the hardest hit after the worst natural disaster in areas, slow to rescue survivors Am erican history, the residents of trapped in the heavily flooded city New O rleans also need a push for and slow to find suitable shelter for social justice. On April I “, Rainbow those lucky enough to evacuate PUSH will be in New O rleans, call­ the city before the storm hit. Supporting Rainbow/Push people o f color. A m ericans, A fri­ can-A m ericans in particular, can­ not allow this blatant disregard for hum an life to persist. The Katrina tragedy has been com pared to “Bloody Sunday.” On Sunday. March 7,1965, civil rights m archers, looking to bring atten­ tion to voting rights violations, began a peaceful m arch out o f vides stable housing for evacuees, Selm a, Ala. They only m ade it six many of themelderlyorill, and they’ve b lo ck s, to the E dm und P ettu s yet to ensure adequate funding for Bridge. There, police officers at­ the rebuilding process. Katrina has tacked them with tear gas and billy b een lo n g g o n e , b u t the clubs; several m archers w ere in­ government ’ s incompetence contin­ jured. The assault was filmed by a ues to victimize thousands of people. news crew and televised for the The Katrina tragedy has shown entire nation to see. A m ericans saw the country - and the world -th e firsthand the type o f brutality and way this governm ent discounts the victim ization black citizens en ­ lives o f the poor and the lives of dured. Katrina has been long gone, but the government's incompetence continues to victimize thousands o f people.^ U n fo rtu n a te ly , th e g o v e r n ­ m ent’s efforts h av en 't improved with time. Recently, the federal government cut off temporary hous­ ing to thousands of Katrina evacu­ ees. Yet, several thousand trailer homes, caught up in governm ent red tape and bureaucracy, are sit­ ting unused. Government officials have Io yet to reveal a long-term plan that pro­ Support for the civil rights m ove­ m ent grew after "B loody Sunday.” H u rric a n e K a tr in a is th is g en e ratio n ’s “ B loody S u n d ay .” W e m ust now begin to put our voices and our m oney behind the energized social justice movement. As National V ice President of Rainbow PUSH, 1 urge you to sup­ port our efforts, beginning with the New O rleans march. T o learn about other ways you can help advance the movem ent, call PUSH at 866-559-4004 or visit w w w . h ttp ://w w w .re tu rn -a n d - rebuild.org/index.htm . Judge Greg Mathis is national vice president o f Rainbow PUSH and a national board member o f the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. NMMMMMW Youth Services Model For All dro p p ed m ore than 4 0 percent, w ith additional cu ts b eing c o n ­ sidered for n ext y ea r - a reckless budgetary d ecim atio n o f the p ro ­ gram s and services that help keep ch ild ren out o f tro u b le an d on the rig h t p ath . If w e k n o w w h at w orks, how can w e allow the g o vernm ent to ignore the im m e­ diate needs o f ch ild ren , p articu ­ sc h o o l and su m m er program s, larly poor and m inority ch ild ren ? E lim in a tin g y o u th se rv ic e s as w ell as jo b s. T hese are am ong the right preventive investm ents con d em n s us to m uch m ore pain in the long run in term s o f o u r in o u r n atio n ’s youth. ' Since 2001, how ever, the Bush crim inal ju stic e sy stem , in c ar­ ad m in istra tio n has p ro p o sed a ceration and oth er public costs. red u c tio n in funds o f nearly 66 C o n serv ativ e estim ates p lace the p erc en t fo r federal y outh p re ­ total savings o fd iv ertin g on e child v e n tio n an d in te rv e n tio n p r o ­ from a lifetim e o f crim e at about g r a m s . A c tu a l f u n d in g h a s $1.5 m illion. M ost im portantly. M arian W right E dei . man • T he crim inalization o f ourchil- d ren has reach ed a d an g ero u s In crease. R esearchers and practitioners p re fe r m entoring, tutoring, gang p revention, substance abuse pro ­ g ram s, dropout reduction, c o m ­ m u n ity service, nurse visitation in itia tiv e s , a n d q u a lity a f te r ­ by that ch ild has the o p p o rtu n ity to su cceed in life - an o p p ortunity that is each p e rso n 's G od -g iv en right. T h ere are m odels fo r how we can help m ore o f o u r-n a tio n ’s Missouri breaks juvenile lockup trap d iv isio n ’s recen tly retired d irec­ tor, w ith b u ild in g an d sustaining the c o u n try ’s fin est state ju v e n ile co rrectio n s system . D ub b ed the “ M issouri m o d el” by reform ers in o th e r states, it em p h asizes re- c o u n se lo rs. W hen a young person co m ­ m its a crim e, ju d g e s generally reserve co m m itm en t to a D iv i­ sion o f Y outh S ervices resid e n ­ tial facility for o nly the toughest -------- o f cases - ab o u t 1,300 ea ch y ea r. F o r m o st youths, “aftercare” c o n ­ sists o f a p ro lo n g ed rela­ tio n sh ip w ith a case m an ­ ager. M any y o u th s are also assig n ed a “track er” - often college students, — ® o r so m etim es resid en ts * 'If we know what works, how can we allow the government to ignore the immediate needs o f children ch ild ren . T he state o f M isso u ri’s ap p ro ach is one. E xperts praise M is so u ri’s D iv isio n o f Y outh Services as a “guiding light.” They c r e d i t M a rk S te w a r d , th e h abilitating you n g offen d ers in hom ey, sm all-g ro u p settings that incorporate co n stan t therapy and positive peer pressu re u nder the direct gu id an ce o f w ell-trained hours, and th ese facilities o ffe r a w ay station for teen s afte r leav­ ing a resid en tial facility. H ow d o w e know M is so u ri's ap p ro ach is w o rk in g ? A lo n g ­ term rec id iv ism stu d y sh o w ed th at o n ly 8 p erc en t o f y o u th s released in 1999 w ere in carcer­ ated in y outh o r adult co rrectio n s three years later. A n o th er 19 p er­ cen t w ere sen ten ced to adult pro­ bation. T h is m eans that nearly th re e -fo u rth s o f th e s e y o u th s avo id ed prison or p robation for at least three years. C o m p ara­ tively, M isso u ri’s results are re­ m arkable. o f the y o u th ’s hom e co m m u n ity - w h o m o n ito r th eir p ro g ress. Marian Wright Edelman is M issouri also o p erates 11 non- president and fo u n d er o f the residential “day treatm en t” c e n ­ ters y e a r-ro u n d d u rin g sch o o l Children's Defense Fund. Letter to the Editor OFF TAX PREPARATION RAPID REFUND ■ JflCKSOH HEWITT MS' * u m w i TAX SERVICE Insist on Exit Plan W hile attem pting to improve his ever-dim inishing poll ratings and distract the American public into thinking we still need to be in Iraq, the president is found once again relying on the doctrine of staging pre-emptive attacks. Instead of using such Orwellian inspired tac­ tics (e.g„ never-ending war) for his public rela- tions campaign, the president needs to come up with an exit strategy with a timeline to bring our troops home. Congress, on both sides of the aisle, has an important responsibility to stand up to the president and insist on an exit strategy, which will stop the Iraqi insurgency that is fueled by the presence of our troops. Ty L. 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