Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 22, 2006, Page 12, Image 12

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March 22. 2006
Students Help New
Orleans Rebuild
The Portland Community Col­ part of a nation-wide effort called
lege chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, “The 2nd Freedom Ride: A Spring
a two-year honor society, is send­ of Rebuilding."
Their goal is to have college stu­
ing a group of students to New
Orleans to help rebuild during dents from across the nation go to
New Orleans to rebuild during their
spring break.
break. More information
The students are w orking
relief effort can be found
through Common Ground Relief,
a grassroots organization that has
been serving those in need since phpbb/index.php. Students will be
the week following Hurricane fund-raising at PCC and with busi­
Katrina. The PCC students will nesses to find funds to go the New
join many other students from Orleans.
Todonate, contact Cami Bishop
historically African-American
colleges and universities who are at 503-977-4920.
North Portland
Bible College
The founders of the Portland chapter of Zeta Sigma Omega in 1955.
4905 N. V ancou ver Ave.,
Portland, OR 97217
5 0 3 -2 8 8 -2 9 1 9
Celebrating Women’s History
The charter members were Susie college women. The sorority was
Anderson, LaVerne Bagley, Emma founded to enrich and encourage
Chiles, Mary Henderson, Allie the intellectual pursuits of col­
Jacobson, Mamie Jones, Martha lege women. The ideal of high
J o rd a n , A n n a b e lle M o h le r, e th ic a l sta n d a rd s, sc h o la stic
Mildred Reynolds, Alma Ruth achievem ent and dedication to
The Zeta Sigma Omega Chapter S p e n c e r, R o b e rta V ann and “service to all mankind is still the
focus of this great sorority.
of Alpha Kappa Alpha recently Althea W illiams.
Zeta Sigma Omega continues to
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority
celebrated 50 years of service to the
Portland community at the Acadian Inc. was established in 1908 at provide various services through­
H ow ard U n iv ersity. It is the out the community with emphasis
Zeta Sigma Omega was char­ coun try ’s first Greek letter orga­ on scholarship, economics, health
tered at Portland on Nov. 2 5 ,1955. nization estab lished by black and the arts. The chapter has seen
many changes since its founding
and early development. Through­
out this time it has maintained its
dedication, growth and persever­
Zeta Sigma Omega will continue
its mission to enrich and encourage
the intellectual achievement of col­
lege women and the well being of all
women everywhere as it strives to
strongly uphold the integrity and
dedication of the founders of its
an environment with women you
have things in common with. Take
the time todetermine why you want
to date and what you expect out of
a relationship and what you can
contribute. Once this is done be­
come more open-minded and focus
on aspects other than physical ap­
pearance. These tips should boost
your confidence and help you come
out of your shell as you seek a mate
on your own or with assistance.
go and move on? —Emille; Pitts­
Chapter reflects
on 50 years
of service
Dear Deanna!
My boyfriend goes to a college two
states away and I feel as if I’m
losing him. We got engaged after
high school and have plans to marry
when we both graduate. H e's now
acting as if he’s not interested,
standing me up for dates and he
forgot my birthday. He insists that
things are fine but his actions indi­
cate other things. Should I volun­
teer to transfer to his school to help
this re la tio n sh ip ? --Audrey;
S p ring T erm Schedule, 2006
A pril 3-June 15
Classes to enhance ministry, fo r anyone, any night
Jim Sellers, M. Div
O T S 103
O ld T estam ent Survey, III
Isaiah through M alachi
U M 201
U nderstanding the C ity
Dr. R ichard W hite, PH .D
A c lo ser look a t the d ynam ics o f the contem porary city
a n d the im pact o f an effective C hristian presence
PM 222
Lay Counseling: Caring for People God’s Way, III
U N 204
*M inistry to U rban Y outh
*Fred W oods, M. Div.
P rogram s a n d strategies f o r m eeting needs o f yo u th in the
Carol Chism, MSSA
urban setting
N T 103
burgh, Penn.
New T estam ent Survey III
Dan H offm an, B.A.
H ebrew s through R evelation
Dear Emille:
Dear Deanna!
Wichita. Kan.
My mother stayed friends with my
Real People, Real Advice wife after our divorce. My ex-wife
Dear Audrey:
cheated on me, placed me in debt
zb» advice column known fo r
You were not bom last night to
and wrecked another man' s family.
know the fat lady is singing on the
My mother is still holding on to her
sidelines of your relationship. Face
because my wife was the daughter
it, you had a good run and it’s over.
she never had. I have no use for this
Distance relationships are hard and my age. The attractive older women
woman and wish my mother would
even harder for youngsters who tend to want younger men around
the same. We are arguing more
haven’t tasted life. His behavior 5 0 or 60. I’m not primarily looking
m ore
and actions are confirming your for intimacy but I’m still active with­
misgivings. Share with him your out Viagra. I’m not outgoing and
concerns and be prepared for the find it difficult to talk to women on
to div id e.
worse. As for the transfer, if he the street. I want a relationship and
How do I
hasn’t asked you to be with him, want to know if I should try a dating
m ake
don't force it and keep it moving. service? --Anonymous; On-Line
d e rs ta n d
Dear Deanna!
I' m a62-year-old divorced man and Dear On-Line Reader:
1 find it difficult to meet women at Regardless of age, place yourself in needs to let
A divorce is like death and there
must be a grieving period before
moving on. Your mother had an
emotional attachment and family
bond with your wife. It’s true that
spouses don't marry the family but
your case is an exception. Your
mother has forgiven her for the pain
and you should talk to your mother
and seek healing. If your mother is
happy and no harm or disrespect is
coming your way, leave it alone and
let things run its course.
G E 112
W riting R esearch Papers
C onnie Stanton, B. A.
C ollege level w riting (m orning class)
BF 103
Bible lands and C ustom s
D ave B row n, M. Div
Study the physical & cultural environm ent o f B ible events, fo r
U M 201
Biblical Mandate for World Evangelism
accurate interpretation
Dr. Rick Calenberg, Th.D.
A com prehensive look a t the M a ste r's w orld plan
C M 204
Pastoral L eadership
Dr. Jam es Sw eeny, Ph.D.
Spiritual form ation, team m inistry, m inisterial ethics &
M U 080
Basic Piano (Individual/G roup lessons)
Z etta B urton, B.A.
M onday. W ednesday, a n d T hursday (by appointm ent only)
Ask Deanna is written by Deanna
M. Write Ask Deanna! Email:
askdeannal@yahoo.com or 264
S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283
Beverly Hills. CA 9021L Website:
w'H’H’. askdeanna, com
All classes are from 6:30 - 9:30.
Morning class from 9-12 noon
Tuition: $90 per course
Required fo r the ACM degree in Christian Ministry
The Muslim Community Center of Portland
N ew
T e s ta m e n t
C hurch, 1237 N.E. F ail­
in g S t. w ill w e lc o m e
e v a n g e lis t
D w ayne
L oughridge o f Los A n­
geles, for a revival on
S u n d a y , M a rc h 26 at
11:3() a.m . and 7:30 p.m .,
co n tinuing through M arch
31 at 7:30 p.m . nightly.
T he public is w elcom e.
For m ore inform ation,
c a ll h o st P a s to r L eo n
Brew erJr. at 503-284-7594.
in cooperation with
Shura Board of Oregon and Southwest Washington
imam W. Deen Mohammad
it a ( v e in s laborer (or the
interests of peace and
Justice in our world. He has
worked for and realized
direct and genuine dialogue
bet ween people of ail races
and religions Outdntanc
in , the purveyors of narrow
monamnwo »
te«oc’ sn
continues to buMd upon a
solid religious foundation
with concrete plant for the
strengthening of families
“From Dust to Industry”
Semi-Formal Dinner
/or more Information:
-- ----------
Call MCCP at 503.281.7691 or Omar
RSVP by March 13th 2006
S u n d a y A p r il 1 6 , 2 0 0 6
11 A M
Imam W. Deen Mohammed
F rid ay A p ril 1 4 @ 7 PM
"H e G o t U p " C o n c e rt
S a tu rd a y A pril 1 5 @ 9
will be giving a Free Public Address
“The Need for Interfaith Community Building tr
Celebrating over 30 years of visionary interfaith dialog.
(fo r m e n )
n d a y A p ril 1 6 @ 3 :3 0
B is h o p a n d
S n m u e l M . Ir v in g
e G o t U p" M u s ic a l
Albina Christian Life Center
2I49 il ÍUillaTnette Blud.
P o r tla n d . O re q o n 9 1 2 I Ì
Sunday, March 26, 2006
at 1 pm
'R e s u rre c tio n
B re a k fa s t*
Doors open a t 12 noon
AU are Welcome