March 22. 2006 Clu ]Llortlanb (íDbserucr In Loving Memory Frenzella Newsom Berry Frenzella New som Berry died March 14, 2006 in Portland. She was bom in M arshall, T exas on Aug. 14, 1940 to the union of Jesse and Valrie New som . Her family relocated toO akland, Calif, when she was a small child. O n Dec. 14, 1958 she entered into holy matrimony with Clarence Douglass Berry; to this union three children were bom . She was a second and third grade te ac h er’s aide at E lliot E lem entary School. She also w orked forC oast Jani­ torial, retiring in 2000 after 30 years o f service. She was a dedicated, loyal, and active m em ber o f the M allory Avenue Church o f Christ for 42 years. Her love o f people was dem onstrated by her many com m unity activities. Frenzellaenjoyed traveling, entertaining, and most o f all, cooking. Her famous Banana Nut Bread was enjoyed by so many that it prompted Sunset M agazine to seek her out, featuring her recipe in their T hanksgiving 1999 issue. She would alw ays have treats from her kitchen for the delivery and postal w orkers who served her neighborhood and it is rum ored that they would playfully fight am ong them selves to get that route. Frenzella is survived by three children, Fredrick Berry, Annette Berry, and Jonathan (K olaj) Berry, o f Portland; tw o adopted sons, Kenneth Ray Ellison and T hom as M artin, nine grandchildren, one great grandson, many foster children and a host o f extended family and friends. She will be m issed by all. A memorial service was held at the M allory Avenue Church. M emorial contributions can be sent to a foundation established in her memory in care o f the F.F.A.J. C orporation, 2828 N.E. I l'h Ave., Portland. OR 97212. Your friends at Killingsworth St John’s Lombard Little Chapel of the Chimes Page BS L aw & J ustice Sketch Used in Portland Manhunt Girl escapes kidnapping Police have released a sketch of a man accused o f trying to kidnap a 14-year-old girl last m onth in the area o f North Lom bard Street and C atlin Avenue. He is d escrib ed as a 4 0 -y ear- old w hite m ale o f m edium to heavy build, ab o u t 5 feet 7 inches tall w ith brow n h air an d a full beard and m ustache. H e w as w earin g a navy blue p o lo -ty p e sh irt and je a n s and w as su n tan n ed on his fo rearm s and face, su g g estin g he may w ork outside. T h e s u s p e c t’s c a r w as d e ­ scrib ed as a late 9 0 ’s red -co lo red C hevy B lazer sport utility vehicle w ith an O reg o n "tre e ” license plate. T h e fo u rth dig it o f the li­ cen se plate w as p o ssibly the le t­ ters L, I, o r the n um ber l . T he v ictim , a fem ale student at R o o sev elt H igh S chool, told o f­ fice rs th at she w as w alking w est­ b o u n d o n th e n o rth s id e o f L om b ard S treet w hen the man pulled up alo n g sid e her and of- Gunfire Near Police Station Hurts Teen A local teenager w as arrested at his hom e March 15, about three hours after an argum ent that ended with another teenager being shot in the leg. Police said the incident followed an argum ent between a group of juveniles in the vicinity o f N orth­ east Em erson Street and Garfield A venue, ju st one block from the B lazers Boys and Girls Club and the Northeast Police Precinct. Your Care Our First Priority East Precinct officers discovered the bodies o f tw o adults and two children on March 16, during a “welfare check” at an apartment near Northeast 162nd and Fremont. P o lic e b e lie v e 3 1 -y e a r-o ld Somkhith Soulinhocom m itted sui­ cide after murdering his 24-year- o ld g ir lf rie n d , S o u p a p h a n e Homsombath, and hertw ochildren, eight-year-old Lionel Homsombath Chiroprai tic Physician We are located at 1716 N.E. 42nd Ave. Portland, O R 97213 2 (Between Broadway and Sandy Blvd.) MM • Automobile accident injuries • Chronic headache and joint pain • Workers Compensation injuries Call for an appointment! (503) Residential and Oregon/Washington 503 267 7586 cell 503-2491903 office 503-249-6527 fax Family Service Counselor P o rtla n d , O r. 9 7 2 1 3 (503)281-1800 Si FAX: (5 0 3 )2 8 6 -1 1 4 6 INSURANCE COMPANIES 4733 N E Thom pson Teresa Davis Multi-Million $ Service OFF.: (5 0 3 ) 286-1 103 STATE FARM the 2007 L eg islatu re on w hat changes are needed to “assure equal protection” for gays and les­ bians. In particular, he said, the task force will look for ways “to ensure that Oregon law provides an appro­ priate legal pathway for grievance, enforcem ent and resolution if O r­ egonians experience unequal treat­ ment or discrim ination in either the public or private sectors.” Last N ovem ber a judge upheld O regon’s voter-approved ban on gay marriage. ILLINOIS Lyne Porter ERNEST J. HILL, JR. Agent Office Manager Racist Past Ends M onum ent Plan WE 'VE MOVED! 4 9 4 6 N. Vancouver Ave. Portland, OR 97217 MARTIN CLEANING SERVICE CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING R esidential & C o m m ercial Service M ich ael E. Harper, Sr. CARPET CLEANING $25. OO A Each Area 1 CLEANING AREA PRE-SPRA Y TRAFFIC AREA (HALL EXTRA CHARGE) $ 3 5 .0 0 STAIRS (with other service) $ 1 .5 0 Each Additional Services • AREA A ORIENTAL RUG CLEANING • AUTO / BOAT / R V CLEANING • DEODORIZING A PET ODOR TREA TMENT • SPOT A STAIN REMOVAL SERVICE • SCOTCHGUARD PROTECTION U P H O LSTER Y C LE A N IN G SOFA---------------------- $ 6 9 .0 0 LOVESEAT ------------ $ 4 9 .0 0 SECTIONAL ----------- $9 9 .0 0 CHAIR OR RECLINER $ 3 5 .0 0 THROW PILLOWS ---- - $ 5 .0 0 r I I I Gov. Ted Kulongoski has cre­ ated a task force to study w hether new laws are needed to guarantee equal rights for gays and lesbians. T he governor assem bled the group after a failure to gain ap ­ proval of a new state law outlaw ing sexual-orientation discrimination in the Legislature last year. Kulongoski said the issue in­ volves basic fairness and making Oregon “a better p la te for every­ one to live.” The governor said the task force would make recom m endations to HOME OFFICES: BLOOMINGTON. w w w.rosshol I y woodfuneralchapel. net 2 CLEANING AREAS OR MORE PRE-SPRA Y TRAFFIC AREAS INCLUDES 1 SMALL HALL an d s ix - y e a r - o ld L eana Homsombath. S ou lin h o w as H o m so m b a th ’s form er brother-in-law . Police said he had a history o f v iolence. In 1999, he shot his o ld e r b ro th er, T ia S oulinho, in the arm . He spent five years in prison for the crim e. He has also spent tim e in the O regon S tate H ospital for m ental health issues. Gay Rights Study Begins Commercial Broker PROPERTIES. ported to a hospital with a non-life threatening wound. The shooter was charged with assault with a firearm, m enacing with a firearm and unlawful use o f a weapon and was lodged at the Ju ­ venile D etention Center. 228-6140 Wally Tesfa New location same great people, same great service and same attention to detail The 14-year-old taken into cus­ tody is accused o f pulling out a .22 caliber, sem i-autom atic pistol and firing several rounds, striking the other teen behind his right knee. The victim rode his bicycle to the police station, where he was trans­ Mother, Children Killed Dr. Marcelitte Failla have relocated! Ross Hollywood Chapel A police sketch o f a man accused o f trying to kidnap a 14-year-oldgirl. fered h e ra rid e . A fter she refu sed and co n tin u ed w alking, he d ro v e past her and parked his ca r fu r­ th er dow n the street. The man then got out o f his car and approached the girl on foot, ordering her to get into his car. W hen he grabbed for her arm , she kicked him, causing him to fall . She then fled, notifying her parents and the police. A nyone w ith in fo rm atio n is a sk ed to call D ete ctiv e M ike W einstein.of the Portland Police B ureau's M issing Persons Unit, 503-823-0446. COUPON SPECIAL AN Y 3 CLEANING AREAS PLUS HALL A SOFA OR HALL. LOVESEAT A CHAIR ________ $ 1 3 5 0 0 ________ CALL FOR APPOINTMENT: (503) 281-3949 IM tWBAMCI 9045 SWBartxr. Suite 109 Ptrtland,OR 97219 (503)221-3050 S T A T E F A R M IN S U R A N C E C O M P A N IE S HOME OFFICES: BLOOMINGTON. G resham City Council will not reconsider a proposal to erect a historic monument to former M ayor Dr. Herbert H. Hughes. The proposal will not be revis­ ited due to concerns brought forth by G resham 's Japanese A m erican C om m unity as well as exam ination o f inform ation that further links Dr. H ughes to an organization that sought to prevent the return o f OPEN n o w Alberta Street Market 909 N.E. Alberta Street 503-282-2169 * Hot Food * * Best Chicken Wings In Town * * Best Selection of Mirco Brew ★ and Wine Non-Sun • 8AN - 12 PN Pi ¡-Sal • 8 AN - I PN residents o f Japanese decent to G resham after W orld W ar II. “ It is clear that w hile the original research w as w ell-intentioned it was not com plete. We appreciate the m em bers o f the com m unity that cam e forw ard to share their co n ­ c e rn s ,” said C o u n c il-P re sid e n t S h an e B e m is. “T h is p ro p o sa l should not have com e forw ard to begin w ith.” Deputy Robbed for Drugs A C lackam as County s h e rif f s deputy w ho resigned in disgrace in January pleaded guilty M arch 15 to arm ed robbery and other charges, telling a ju d g e that an addiction to pain m edication led him to com m it the crim es. David V erbos. 36, told U.S. D is­ trict Judge Jam es Redden that he was guilty o f robbing tw o p h arm a­ cies, a bank and a quiek-eash outlet late last year. V erbos w as charged in federal court with stealing about $5.(XM) worth o f cash and drugs, including hundreds o f tablets o f the painkill­ ers O xyeontin and m orphine. Verbos, the father o f tw o teenag­ ers. is scheduled to be sentenced May 23. In a plea agreem ent, the prosecution is recom m ending 15 years in prison. i