50¿ U 36 years of community service Drawn into School Battle Creative Expressions Over church-backed Siren’s Echo backs i u student i l V 111 . i 1 1 u show w academ y l^ n V See Metro, inside fk 8*-g |Z inside ^ee See ^e Metro, ,r<>’ *ns* <*e ^dnriutuu (Dueeruer 4 ‘City of Roses’ Established in 1970 Committed to Cultural Diversity Volume XXXVI, Number 10 www.portlandobserver.corti Wednesday • March 22. 2006 a A Iff Bishop T.D. Jakes will speak at New Begin­ nings Christian Center on Saturday, March 25. Bishop T.D Jakes to Visit Portland Considered one of the most influential pastors photo by S arah B iahjnt /T he P ortland O bserver One o f the largest protests in Portland history, and the largest anti-war rally in the world marking the third anniversary o f the Iraq War, fills Waterfront Park. Portland Police estim ated nearly 10 ,0 0 0 participated in Sunday's downtown rally and march. See story and additional photo, page A6 by S arah B lount T he P ortland O bserver New Beginnings Christian Center is taking their congregation in a radical new direction this summ er, moving to a new 60,000 square-foot hom e on 24 acres at33OON.E. 172nd Place in Gresham. The church will celebrate the move early, with an appearance by Bishop T.D. Jakes on Saturday, M arch 25. Last yearTim e magazine named Jakes as one o f the 25 most Influential evangelicals in America. He is the pastor o f The Potter’s House, a multiracial, nonde- nominational church in Dallas, with more than 50 outreach ministries. D oors for the event will open at 9:30 a m., and the program starts 10:30 a.m. Jakes will share his “word with the Northwest” shortly after. New Beginnings is at 7600 N.E. G lisan St. and the special appearance is open to the community. Childcare is available for infants to 12 years o f age. The church, which has been in northeast Portland for the past 12 years, will relocate to the G resham property they purchased in 1995. Senior pastors Larry and Tiz Hutch left last year to launch a w orldwide m inistry out o f Dallas. New Beginnings’ senior pas­ tors are now Brad and Lisa M akowski. continued on page A6 Drivers Offered $300 for Study ODOT' recruits 300 volunteers Electronic monitoring equipment would be installed the front dash and back end o f vehicles participating in a mileage counting study by the Oregon Department o f Transportation. TLWeek in The Review Man Dies after Taser Shot Portland police used a taser on a man w ho w itnesses say was speak­ ing gibberish, foaming at the mouth and running intotraf- fic on N o rth ea st S an d y Boulevard. He died on the way to the hospital. See sto ry , p ag e A3 Challenger Endorsed incum bent T ed Kulongoski. See sto ry , p ag e A3 Iraq War Defended President Bush said Tuesday there will be "m ore tough fighting ahead" in Iraq, but added, “W e’re making progress” and denied claim s that Iraq is in the grips o f a civil war. He also re­ je c te d a c c u s a tio n s that he was determined to wage w ar in Iraq from early in his presi­ dency. Form er State T reasurer Jim Iraq Prison Hill has picked up a major Stormed endorsem ent from the Ser­ Insurgents storm ed a Jim Hill vice E m ployees In tern a­ jail around dawn Tues­ tional Union in his race for gover­ day in the Sunni M uslim heartland nor in the May 16 Prim ary against north o f Baghdad, killing 19 police The Oregon D epartm ent o f Transportation will offer up to 300volunteers ¿minimum o f $300 guaranteed with the opportunity to earn more with price breaks on gasoline to help it test m ileage­ counting equipm ent. R esidents o f northeast and southeast Portland w ho drive 1996 or new ercars may qualify in the R oadU serFee Pilot Program, a program to test options for replacing O regon’s gas tax. The participants in the pilot pro­ gram will need to purchase their gas at one o f tw o stations in northeast and southeast Portland at least tw ice per month, O D O T officials said. During one six-m onth period, most volunteers will not have to pay the gas tax thereby saving 24 cents on each gallon o f gas. The program will run for one year starting in May. Like a m ile­ age o d o m eter, h ardw are in ­ stalled in the volunteers’ ve­ hicles will count the num ber o f mi les they travel in Oregon. Elec­ tronic devices will have the abil­ ity to record and transm it m ile­ age information between the car and the gas pump. Potential volunteers can im ­ m ediately see if they are eligible by v is itin g h ttp :// w w w .oregon.gov/O D O T / and click on “Road user fees.” Potential volunteers may sign up for the program by contacting Alex Nydahl at 503-423-3837. neighborhoods shattered by H ur­ ricane Katrina. See sto ry , page A2 and a co u rth o u se guard in a prison break that freed doz­ ens o f pri soners and le ft 10 a tta c k e rs dead. Teen Killed for Walk on Lawn Santana Speaks Out on War C a rlo s S a n ta n a quoted his old friend Jimi Hendrix in lash­ in g o u t a g a in s t Carlos Santana calls for peace over war. P resident Bush in an an ti-w a r r lessage M onday. “T h ere is more v alu e in p lacin g a Big Easy Rebuilding Plan flow er in a rifle jarrel than m aking New Orleans M ayor Ray Nagin fin­ w a r," S an ta n , sa id . “ A s Jim i ished work M onday on a plan to H en d rix u sed to say , m u sical rebuild New O rleans, endorsing a notes have m ore im p o rta n ce than proposal that would allow all resi­ dents to rebuild their hom es in b u lle ts." f A man in O hio w ho neighbors say was devoted to his m eticulously kept lawn was charged with murder in the shooting o f a 15-year-old boy who apparently w alked across his yard. See sto ry , p ag e A2 Chrysler Vehicles Recalled C hrysler is recalling 268,8(X) ve­ hicles from the 2005-2006 model years to replace a faulty front w ind­ shield w iper motor, the com pany said M onday The vehicles include the Dodge Durango. D odge C ara­ van an d G ra n d C a ra v a n , an d C hrysler Tow n & Country.