Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 15, 2006, Page 2, Image 2

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March 15. 2006
Celebrating Women's H istoiy & Careers
Journey Remembered
Senator Proposes Bush Censure
(AP) — A D em ocrat and po­
tential W hite House contender is
proposing censuring P resident
Bush for authorizing dom estic
eavesdropping, saying the W hile
House m isled A m ericans about
its legality.
'The president has broken the
law and, in som e w ay, he m ust be
held accountable.” said Sen. Russ
Feingold, D-W is.
A censure resolution, which
simply would scold the president,
has been used just once in U.S.
history — against Andrew Jack-
son in 1834.
The five-page resolution co n ­
tends that Bush violated the law
w hen, on his own, he set up the
eavesdropping program within the
National Security A gency in the
m onths follow ing the attacks o f
Sept. 11,2001.
T he reso lu tio n say s the p re si­
d ent “ repeatedly m isled the p u b ­
lic” before the d isc lo su re o f the
N SA p ro g ram last D ecem b er
w hen he ind icated the ad m in is­
tratio n w as rely in g on co u rt o r­
d ers to w iretap te rro r su sp ects
inside the.
In th e H o u se , R ep . Jo h n
C o n y ers o f M ichigan, the top
D em ocrat on the House Judiciary
Com m ittee, is pushing legislation
that would call on the Republican-
controlled C ongress to determ ine
w hether there are grounds for im­
peachm ent.
U.S. Sen. Russ Feingold
Ingredients for life
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Gordon Parks leaves a legacy
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Jum bo R aw Stirimi
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(A P ) — G o rd o n P a r k s ’ the score.
In 1989, "T he Learning Tree”
groundbreakingjourney from poor
am ong the first 25 A merican
high-school dropout to black pio­
to be placed on the National
neer left a legacy o f stark and un­
blinking photographs, genre-forg­ Film Regi stry o f the Library o f C on­
ing m ovies, novels, poetry, music gress. The registry is intended to
and even a ballet.
“ I think m ost people
can do a w hole awful lot
more if they just try," Parks
told The A ssociated Press
in 2000. "They ju st d o n 't
have the confidence that
they can write a novel or
they can write poetry or
they can take pictures or
paint or whatever, and so
they d o n ’t do it, and they
leave the planet dissatis­
fied with them selves.”
Parks, the first black
American photojoum alist
for Life m agazine and the
first leading black film ­
m aker with m ovies such
as "The Learning T ree”
and “Shaft,” died M arch 7
at his hom e in New York.
He was 93.
“Gordon was the ulti­
m ate cool,” said Richard
Roundtree, who starred in
1971’s “ S h aft,” w hich
spawned a series o f black-
oriented films. “T here's no
one cooler than G ordon
Gordon Parks achieved at the highest
levels in a long career that included
Parks covered every­
photo journalism, making movies and
th in g from fash io n to
sports during his 20 years
at Life from 1948 to 1968, but was highlight film sof particular cultural,
perhaps best known for his gritty historical or aesthetic importance.
Parks directed “Shaft” and a se­
photo essays on the grinding ef­
fects o f poverty in the U nited States quel, "S h aft's Big Score." in 1972,
and abroad and on the spirit o f the and that same year his son Gordon
Jr. d ir e c te d “ S u p e r f ly .” T h e
Civil Rights movem ent.
“ T h o s e s p e c ia l p ro b le m s younger Parks was killed in a plane
spaw ned by poverty and crim e crash in 1979.
In addition to novels, poetry and
touched me more, and I dug into
a u to b io g ra p h ic a l w ritin g s.
them with more enthusiasm ,” he
said. “W orking at them again re­ Parks’ writing credits include a 1971
vealed the superiority o f the cam ­ book ofessays called “Bom Black”;
era to explore the dilem m as they “A H ungry Heart: A M em oir"; and
“Eyes W ith W inged Thoughts,”
p o se d .”
In 1961, his photographs in Life featuring his poetry and photo­
o f a poor, ailing Brazilian boy named graphs.
P arks' other film credits include
Flavio da Silva brought donations
that saved the boy and purchased "The Super C ops" in 1974 and
a new hom e for him and his family. “L eadbelly” in 1976. He also wrote
“ G o rd o n w a s o n e o f th e m usical com positions including
m a g az in e’s m ost acco m p lish ed “M artin,” a ballet about the Rev.
shooters and one o f the very great­ M artin Luther King Jr.
Parks was bom Nov. 3 0 ,1 9 12. in
est A m erican photographers o f the
20th century,” said L ife's m anag­ Fort Scott. Kan., the youngest o f 15
ing editor. Bill Shapiro. “He m oved children. In his 1990 autobiogra­
as easily am ong the glam orous fig­ phy, “V oices in the M irror,” he re­
ures o f H ollyw ood and Paris as he m em bered it as a world o f racism
did am ong the poor in Brazil and the and poverty, but also a world where
his parents gave their children love,
pow erful in W ashington."
“The Learning T ree” w as P arks’ discipline and religious faith.
“ N othing cam e easy ,” Parks
first film, in 1969. It was based on his
1963 autobiographical novel o f the wrote. "I was ju st born with a need
same name, in w hich the young to explore every tool shop o f my
hero grapples with fear and racism mind, and with long searching and
as well as first love and schoolboy hard work. I becam e devoted to my
trium phs. Parks directed and wrote restlessn e ss."
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SA«E* p U S 2N m 2
Isaac Hayes Quits ‘South Park’
Cites bigotry towards religion
e tp rrra lh when you're using a really flaw rrful
p ie re o f beef like
Rancher's Reserve
Tender Angus.
Snack Crackers
7 lo 10-0?
Selected varetes
Chib Poce S’ 66 ea
SAVE up lo $4.58 M 3
24-Pack Budweiser.
Miller or Coors
24-pack. 5-liter bottles
SAVE up lo S4 M e « I
12-oz cans
Selected varieties
Plus Deposit m Oregon
SAVE up 10 S4 U
Irish Spring or
S to u tfe rs M eal
Sateway Butter
Top Bread
22 5 o? Homeslyle
White or Wheal
SAVE up Ip St I t M 2
« to 4 5-0? 3-bar or
7 5 -0 ? Pump
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Club Price $ , 6 6 » a
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2** ’* Hl »Ä, 21L
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Complete Dirnen
Gub Pnce: $2 00 u
SAVE up lu St 34 M I
at Home. W e Deliver.
Refreshe Water
rrifw m iM r hx npujMph
wiw item* nuv he tar iled and w b w i ro
ft irtfibT the w u n d tent tree ROGO « rtm i r not I 7 pr» e «lev If onhr a M p i
N il
(A P) — Isaac H ayes has quit
“South Park,” where he voices Chef,
saying he can no longer stom ach
its take on religion.
Hayes, w ho has played the la­
d ies' man/school cook in the ani­
m ated Com edy Central satire since
1997, said in a statem ent M onday
that he feels a line has been crossed.
“There is a place in this world for
satire, but there is a time when satire
ends and intolerance and bigotry
tow ards religious beliefs o f others
begins,” the 63-year-old soul singer
and outspoken Scientologist said.
“ Religious beliefs are sacred to
people, and at all tim es should be
respected and honored," he co n ­
tinued. “As a civil rights activist of
the past 40 years. I cannot support
a show that disrespects those b e­
liefs and practices."
“South Park" eo-creator Matt
Stone responded sharply in an in­
terview with The A ssociated Press
M onday, saying, “T his is 1 (X) per­
cent having to do with his faith o f
Scientology... He has no problem
— and h e’s cashed plenty o f checks
— with our show making fun o f
C hristians.”
Last N ovem ber, “ South Park"
Isaac Hayes
targeted the Church of Scientology
and its celebrity followers, includ­
ing actors Tom Cruise and John
T ravolta, in a top-rated episode
called “T rapped in the C loset." In
the episode, Stan, one o f the show 's
four m ischievous fourth graders, is
hailed as a reluctant savior by
Scientology leaders, while a car­
toon Cruise locks him selfinacloset
and w o n ’t com e out.
Stone told The AP he and co­
creator Trey Parker "never heard a
peep out o f Isaac in any way until
we did Scientology. He wants a
d ifferen t standard for relig io n s
other than his own. and to me, that
is where intolerance and bigotry