Cl’1 |J n rtla u ò (D bsm w r Page B6 Celebrating March 15. 2006 Women's History & Careers S ports Celebrating Women’s History Month Cheryl Miller sent game to new heights M any basketball follow ers say that Cheryl M iller did for w o m en 's basketball what Julius Erving did for m en 's basket­ ball: she took the gam e o ff the court and put it into the air. W ith trem endous grace and athletic ability, M iller established a legacy throughout her high school and college career that may never be equaled. A s a sch o lastic stan d o u t at R iv er­ side (C alif.) Poly H igh S ch o o l, M iller av erag ed 32.8 p o in ts and 15.0 rebo u n d s th ro u g h 9 0 g am es, d ish ed out 368 a s­ sists and o n ce sco red an in cred ib le 105 p o in ts in a gam e. In guiding Poly High to a four-year mark o f 132-4, M iller becam e the first male or Cheryl Miller led USC to NCAA titles in 1983 and 1984 female nam ed a Parade A ll- A m e r ic a fo u r straight years. As a co l­ legiate forward at South­ ern California from 1982- 86, Miller helpedtobring w o m en 's basketball to the forefront o f A m eri­ can sports. She led the T rojans to a 112-20 record and NCAA titles in 1983 and 1984. At the in tern a­ tio n a l le v e l. M ille r guided the United States to a gold m edal in the 1984 O lym pic G am es, and gold m edals at the 1983 Pan A m erican and 1986Goodwi 11 G am es. Duke’s Josh McRoberts shoots over Boston College's Jared Dudley In Sunday's Atlantic Coast Conference tournament championship basketball game in Greensboro, N.C. Duke has the No. 1 seed in the NCAA tourna­ ment beginning Thursday. (AP photo) NCAA Tourney Begins Thursday Duke No. 1 seed (AP) — No. 1 seed Duke opens the NCAA tournament Thursday in G reens­ boro, N.C., against Southern University. The Blue Devils (30-3) break a record as the top seed in the m en’s D ivision I tournam ent for a l()th time. T op seeds with Duke are Connecticut, Villanova and M emphis, follow ed by a 65-team lineup. M emphis (30-3), which lost one game in Conference USA this season, leads the O akland Regional and plays Oral Roberts. UCLA, the No. 2 seed and Pac- 10 cham pions, face tournam ent new ­ com er Belmont at San Diego. At Salt Lake City, third-seeded G onzaga goes against A tlantic-10 cham pion Xavier. C onnecticut is the top seed in the W ashington Regional. T he Huskies (27- 3), who were beaten by Syracuse in the Big East quarterfinals, play A lbany, which is making its first appearance, in Philadelphia. At Dayton.defendingcham - pion North C arolina is the third seed against M urray State. V illanova (24-4) is the top seed in the M inneapolis Regional. The W ildcats will open in their hom e city o f Philadelphia against the w inner o f Tuesday night’s o p e n in g -r o u n d gam e b e tw e e n M onm outh and H am pton. T he other gam e in that doubleheader has eighth- seeded A rizona against No. 9 W iscon­ sin. First round gam es begin Thursday and continue all weekend. The Final Four is April I and the cham pionship April 3 in Indianapolis. Olympic Hopefuls Faceoff O lym pic-style am ateur boxing featuring up and com ing northwest am ateur boxer takes place Satur­ day, M arch 18 starting at 7 p.m. at Chinook W inds C asino Resort in Lincoln City. Sanctioned by USA Boxing, the fight card is set for 10 bouts o f three to four rounds, with each round lasting one or two minutes. A few of the exciting matches include Jonte W illis against national cham pion M ike W ilson o f M edford: third ra n k e d T ro y W o h o s k y fro m M edford against Juan Ibanez o f Hillsboro; and the light heavyweight bout featuring Pete Rodriquez from B end ag a in st Ja v ier T o rre s o f M edford. For more inform ation or to o b ­ tain tickets,call I-888-M A IN -A CT (624-6228). Youth Basketball Team Looks Great The Open Meadow basketball team from north Portland wears new uniforms donated by Nike's Portland Factory Store. The uniforms were part o f the NikeGO program, awarding $100,000 in grants to neighborhood non-profits. Hall of Fame Coach Retires (A P) — John C haney retired M onday afte r 24 seaso n s as T em p le's basketball coach, end­ ing a Hall o f Fame career. The 74-year-old C haney, a fi­ ery sideline presence adm ired as much for his m entoring as his success on the court, guided Tem ple to live NCA A regional f i ­ nals and 17 N CA A tournam ent appearances and w as tw ice the national coach o f the year. T h is season. T em ple (17 -1 4 ) m ade the NIT fo rth e fifth straight season, a d ram atic d eclin e from w hen it w as an N CA A tourna- The Academy of CUSTOMER APPRECIATION DAYS Character and Ethics One Week Only March 13-19 ACE will be holding an informational night Buy 1, Get 1 for parents and students at: Mt. Olivet Baptist Church 8501 N. Chautauqua Blvd Worship Center Conference Rooms March 20, 2006 - 6:30pm Abel Specializing in Ethnic Hair Care Higher price prevails. N« double discounts 20°áff Temple coach John Chaney is retiring after 24 seasons with the school. (AP photo) Regis Salon products 5 0 offa " ACE w ill be located on the Jefferson Campus and w ill open September 2006 with limited space for 9"'grade students only. ACE is completely autonomous from the Jefferson Design Team's selection o f small schools. The Academy o f Character and Ethics is a non-faith based community option school. Student applications w ill be available at the informational night ^or by contacting Elysa Simone at 503.224.7729x 1789._____ , < s ele ct services Relaxer »Color Includo« color, porm. rotaxor waxing torvlcos and in to n titi condlttoning troatmont. Lloyd Center 503.282.2888/8652 m ent reg u lar. “ I h av e said all alo n g that I w ould k now w hen it w ould be tim e to step d o w n and now is that tim e ,” C h an ey said in a sta te ­ Peninsula Little league 2006 (Serving the Youth of Inner North & Northeast Portland ages 5 15) Would you like to own your own home! Softball Program Level Ages Mi nor 7-9 Major 10-12 Junior 13-15 O N LIN E Registration NOWAVAILABLE! www.eteam /peninsulalittleleague OR Baseball Program R efinance B ad C redit P urchase F irst -T ime B uyer Level Ages T-Ball5-6 Farm 7-8 M inor 7-9 Major 10-12 Junior 13-15 100% financing Option Available & No up front fees! | 1 DO IT ALL! I// c a n t do it nobody can! 360-823-1441 Charlene Martin HOM ELOAN SO URL F Managers, Coaches & Umpires Needed C oaches C lin ic TRA 222 N.F. Park Plaza Dr Suite 115 Vancouver. WA 98684 Lake Oswego Takes 4A Title ■ Goon C redit ■ ■ ■ ■ m ent. “ I w ant to thank T em p le U n iv ersity , its fans and c o m m u ­ nity fo r allo w in g m e to do w hat I love for so long. It has n ev er been a jo b fo r me, but a p a ssio n ." P .O . Box 1 1581 Portland, O R i=2 503-993-0846 («UM -CM H»«, t PORTLAND OBSERVER 4747 NE MLK Jr. Blvd Hours: 10 am - 5 pm (Mon-Friday) Participation Fee - $85.(X) (per player) $65 for T-ball $ 150.00 Family M axim um (2 or more children) The fee includes prepay o f fundraiser Items to b rim» to sign-ups; • • • • BirthCertificate P roof o f address D octor/lnsurance Inform ation Player Fee One year after finishing thecham- pionship gam e in tears. Lake O s­ w ego used near-perfect free throw shooting in the fourth quarter to hold o ff top-ranked South M edford and win its first O SA A C lass 4A boys basketball cham pionship Sat­ urday in Eugene. The final score was 59-57. Junior Kevin Love scored 24 points and had nine rebounds and three blocked shots but he needed big help from his team m ates to pull out the victory. T ransfer M ichael M cLaughlin had an up-and-dow n season at Lake O sw ego, but saved one o f his best gam es for the finals, scoring 14 points to go with six rebounds. Lake Oswego, which squandered a lead to Jesuit in the fourth quarter o f last y ear’s final gam e, m ade the most o f its opportunities this time. The Lakers made 11 o f 12 free throws in the fourth quarter. i