Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 15, 2006, Page 13, Image 13

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    ìl!C ^íortlanh (í) b s e ruer
March IS. 2006
Page BS
Celebrating Women's H istoiy & Careers
Black Panther
Coming to Oregon
front .Metro
re sta u ra te u r and e n tre p re n e u r
since those days.
The C o rv a llis Branch o f the
N A A C P has hosted a Freedom
Fund Banquet each year since its
fo u n d in g in 1973. In a d d itio n to
d in n e r and the address by Bobby
Seale the evening w ill in clude
re c ita tio n s by the O SU B lack
Poets S ociety and service awards
to c o m m u n ity members.
The banquet w ill start at 6 p.m.
at the M e th o d ist C hurch C o m ­
m u n ity C enter. 121 N .W . 12th St.
The event is open to the p u b lic.
T icke ts are $45 and may be o b ­
ta in e d b y c o n ta c tin g Joan
C o lliso n at 5 4 1-745-7901.
C lassifieds /B ids
Journeylevel Carpentry
Im m e d ia te fu ll and p a rt-tim e
openings. Seekin g d ep en dable,
well-groomed, positive individuals.
$ 8 .5 0 + starting wage
Overtime/advancement potential
Medical & Dental, 401kavail.
Drugtest/Background check
Apply 12 :00 -1:00PM,
Mon, Wed, Thurs & Frt;
Our design / build rem odeling
division seeks a Journeylevel. all-
around carpenter with strong
finish w ork sk ills who enjoys
working in a team environment.
The successful applicant will work
w ith a gro u p of Neil K elly
designers, project managers and
c a rp e n te rs
c o m p le te
residential remodeling projects in
the Portland M etro area. We
need someone who takes pride
in g e ttin g th in g s done right,
appreciates quality, and has good
communication skills.
3 : 0 0 - 4:00PM Tues.
City Center Parking,
130 SW Stark, Portland.
New Management!
Newer Spacious Apt. Homes
(you won’t believe It!)
1 Bedroom $500
2 Bedroom $630
M cCuller Crossing at 236 N.
K illin g s w o rth .
R ecent
renovations. Near trendy Alberta
St., H um bolt N eighborhood,
close to schools, shopping, bus.
Dishwashers, On-Site laundry,
controlled access entry, off street
parking, friendly, professional
No pets
Income restrictions apply.
Contact Donna for your personal
sh o w in g appt. at 5 0 3 -2 8 6 -
0265 or drhodes@reachcdc.org
Equal Housing Opportunity
Neil Kelly is a Union contractor. If
not a current Carpenters’ Union
m em ber, th en m ust jo in .
Expected to provide own van or
pick-up and tools. A clean driving
record re q u ire d . D ru g -fre e
w o rk p la c e . For im m e d ia te
consideration, send resume, tool
list, vehicle type and brief letter
d e s c rib in g you r in te re st and
experience aligned to this position
to :
Hum an
R e so u rces
C o o rd in a to r, RE: R em odel
Carpenter, Neil Kelly Company,
804 N. Alberta St., Portland, OR
97217 - FAX: 503-288-1723 -
em ail: hr2@ neilkellv.com . No
phone calls, please.
Oregon Cities. Local government
policy/lobbying position in Salem
beginning salary low $50s - low
$60s. Closes March 31, 2006.
For application information and
jo b
d e s c rip tio n
w w w .orcities.org or call (503)
Request for Proposals
Planning Department
Consultant Services - Great Urban Communities Study
The Long Range Planning Division of Metro, Department of Metro,
a metropolitan service district organized under the laws of the
State of Oregon and the Metro Charter, located at 600 NE Grand
Avenue, Portland, OR 97232-2736, is requesting proposals for
con su ltan t to assist d e fin in g the con cep t of G reat Urban
Communities as a component of Metro's New Look at Region 2040
work program. Proposals will be due no later than 4 p.m... M a rc h
2 7 , 2 0 0 6 to the attention of Cinna'Mon Williams, Procurement
Division, Metro 600 NE Grand Avenue, Portland, OR 97232-2736.
Proposal documents may be obtained by contacting 503-797-1590
or may be downloaded by visiting http://www.metro-region.org/
All questions relating to this RFP should be addressed to Tim O'Brien
at (503) 797-1840. Any questions, which in the opinion of Metro,
warrant a written reply or RFP amendment will be furnished to all
parties receiving this RFP. Metro will not respond to questions
received after March 23, 2006.
Roriland OIL s e r v e r
stitching in the leather so i f you d o n 't like the
satin and patterned alum inum trim , there's a
Wales Mahogany in te rio r trim option at no
2006 Mercury
K athlkf . n C arr
The 2006 M ercury M ila n is a new midsize
sedan, and i t ’ s the best car M ercury has had
fo r many years. Designed to compete w ith
the Toyota C'amry and other midsize fa m ily
cars, the M ila n is based on the superb Mazda
6 platform . It's smaller than the Montego and
w ill be M e rc u ry ’ s entry-level car from now
on. It shares much in com m on w ith the new
Ford Fusion The base M ila n comes w ith a
2.3-liter, four-cylinder engine, w ithastarting
price o f$ 18,995.
M ercury ’ s V 6 engine is a good one, o ffe r­
ing smooth, even acceleration at most speeds
w ithout ever sounding coarse or unrefined.
It suspension has a sport-like feeling, g rip ­
ping the road while zigzagging through curs es
Ask Deanna !
Real People,
Real Advice
.4« adrice
known fo r
reality based
Dear Deanna!
M y grandmother raised me because
my parents were crack addicts. Now
that I ’ m older, I want to see my
mother. I ’ m in the m iddle o f a war
because m y grandm other feels be­
trayed and m y mother wants a sec­
ond chance. I ’ m grateful and appre­
ciative, but I can't hate m y mother.
I ’ m tryin g to do the right thing but
my grandm other has threatened to
e vict me and disown me i f I reach
out to m y mother. W hat do I do? -
-Anonymous; Omaha, Neb.
Dear Anonymous:
Y o u 're the baby o f the bunch that
o f the road.
M ercury exterior is bold w ith tapered lines.
It has an upscale luxury lo o k that has consum ­
ers interested. It has M ercury traditional wa­
terfall g rille and is surrounded by a much more
conventional-looking com bination headlamp
You can tell the M ila n has high aspirations
as soon as you sit in the cabin. It has trim that
looks like brushed alum inum , an upscale, tw o-
tone co lo r scheme, and contrasting colored
can teach grow th and w isdom to
these ladies. Y o u r grandm other
wants to protect you from further
harm but she’ s taking the wrong
approach. She’ s possessive be­
cause w ith a m other on crack, there
are plenty o f things you were too
young to see o r remember. Ask
your grandm other to partner w ith
you as you reach out and seek to
seal and heal the triangle together.
Dear Deanna!
I tossed m y future w ife out o f the
house in the m iddle o f the night.
M y fa m ily is taking her side be­
cause she told them about an old
a ffa ir I had. However, she failed to
mention I walked in and a strange
man was asleep in my bed. I only
wanted her to be honest about this
man right then and there. She never
came up w ith a good reason so 1
kicked her out im m ediately. I'm
confused because she wants to
return. Should I give her another
chance? --Tony; Orlando, Fla.
Tested Vehicle Information: Price: $25,495;
Engine: 3.0EDOHC V6; Transmission: Cata­
lyst 6-Speed Automatic.
Dear Tony:
She’ s p la y in g you le ft and rig h t
and th a t’ s w h y yo u c a n 't see
straight. U nless you ju s t fe ll o f f
the tu rn ip tru c k , the man in yo u r
bed was there fo r a reason. Y o u
d id the rig h t th in g by g e ttin g her
out o f the house on the spot. Y ou
a lw ays have the o p tio n o f stay­
ing and fa kin g it since y o u 're both
cheaters. B u t yo u should keep it
real and get out o f th is re la tio n ­
ship w ith the lo tte ry approach
and te ll yo u r fia n ce e ' “ D o n 't play
me. play L o tto !"
Dear Deanna!
I have a small habit o f h ittin g my
husband. It's always pla yfu l but
recently, he said he's going to start
h ittin g back. I d id n 't think anything
o f it until I slapped him in the back
because he w asn't listening to me.
He caught me o ffg u a rd and hit me
so hard that I lost my breath. This
has caused a problem because he
w o n 't apologize and I feel abused.
I'm kxrking at him diffe re n tly and
w onder is this a warning my hus­
band is physically abusive? —
Camille; Pasadena, Calif.
Dear Camille:
H e 's not abusive. A s a m atter o f
fact, he's tire d o f you beating on
h im and ta kin g it lig h tly because
y o u ’ re a woman. He gave you fa ir
w a rn in g but w hen he put yo u r
lig h ts out you wanted to cry be­
cause you d id n 't get y o u r w ay. I f
he w a sn 't physieal before, d u r­
ing o r after m arriage, there's not
m uch there. I f it was that bad, you
w o u ld ’ ve ca lle d the a uthorities.
In the fu tu re , rem em ber and re­
spect his w a rn in g and keep yo u r
hands to yo u rse lf.
Ask Deanna is written by Deanna
M. Write Ask Deanna! Email:
a.skdeannal@yahoo.com or 264
S. LaCienega Hlvd. Suite 1283
Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Website:
h u m ’, askdeanna, com
Stage Set for Spanish-Language Theater
Bellas Artes
presents Ardiente
tion picture II Postino (The Post­
man). Ardiente Paciencia imagines
An all Spanish-Language Bellas
A rte s P ro d u c tio n o f A n to n io
Skarmeta (Burning Patience)comes
to the M ila g ro Theatre. 525 S.E.
Start St., w ith an opening night
performance, Friday, A p ril 7 at 8
Based on A n to n iio Skarmeta's
novel, the source o f the 1995 Acad­
emy Aw ard-nom inated Italian m o­
liv e r mail to the hero o f the people.
T heir friendship over tim e becomes
and Sunday matinees to
reach all audiences.
Ardiente Paciencia is a
stunning and pow erful play
m ulti-layered w ith poetry,
passion, and p o litics to tell
the most com pelling o f love
the Chilean poet Pablo Neruda
m a kin g frie n d s w ith M a rio , a
lovestruck and untutored postman
whose o nly assignment is to de­
stories, not o nly o f the ten­
der love o f M a rio fo r Beatriz,
but o f the Chi lean people fo r
theirgreat poet and po litica l
idol - Pablo Neruda.
more passionate than any tradi­
tional love story as M a rio is deeply
in s p ire d to g re a t h e ig h ts by
N e ru d a 's p o e try and p o litic s .
Though thischarm ing romance w ill
be present in the o rig in a l Spanish
language, English supertitles w ill
be available on Thursday evenings
Your friends at
Killingsworth, St John ’s and
Lombard Little Chapel o f the Chimes
have relocated!
Martin del Campo as
Mario and Yoana Molina
Marcial as Beatriz star in
Ardiente Paciencia
(Burning Patience).
Immigrants Share in
Robust Economies
Wages increase with newcomers
Each proposal must be submitted in a form as described in this
proposal document.
W ant to make more money?
M ove to a city teeming w ith im m i­
grants. say tw o economists from
All proposals must conform to the RFP format and be complete
including the use of any required forms. Metro may accept or reject
any or all bids, in whole or in part, or waive irregularities not affecting
substantial rights if such action is deemed in the public interest.
Metro extends equal opportunity to all persons and specifically
encourages minority and women-owned businesses to access and
participate in this and all Metro projects, programs and services.
The C o m fo rt package in clu d e s a leather-
w rapped steering w heel w ith secondary
a udio, speed and clim a te co n tro ls, a uto­
m a tic e le c tro n ic c lim a te c o n tr o l, a u to
headlam ps, fog lam ps, puddle lam ps, and an
auto d im m in g in te rio r re a rvie w m irro r w ith
compass. O p tio n s in clu d e tra c tio n assist
<$95), heated seats ($ 2 9 5 ), pow er m oon ro o f
($795), and the A u d io p h ile system w ith eight
speakers ($420).
The M ila n is the best car M ercury has made
in a long time. It looks great, drives even better.
It w ill d e live r a smooth, enjoyable ride w ith
enhanced d riv a b ility .
O bservador
All information submitted by Proposers shall become public record
and will be subject to disclosure under the Oregon Public Records
Act, except those portions of the proposals for which Proposers
request exception from disclosure consistent with Oregon law.
Metro and its contractors will not discriminate against any person(s)
based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age,
religion, physical handicap, political affiliation or marital status.
A u t o R e v ie w
New location, same great people, same great
service and same attention to detail
4733 N E Thom pson
Portland, Or. 97213
Teresa Davis
Family Service
Dave Hinton
General Manager
C alifornia and Italy who have linked
im m igrant labor to robust econo­
mies in Am erican cities.
The five cities that have ben­
efited the most are Los Angeles.
San Jose. A u stin . Houston and
Phoenix, all w hich have seen tre­
mendous increases in their im m i­
grant residents over the past 30
years, say G iovanni Peri from the
U niversity o fC a lifo m ia . Davis, and
Gianm arcoOttaviano from the U n i­
versity o f Bologna. Italy.
By lo oking at the data on the I (X)
largest U.S. cities over the past
three decades, the tw o economists
found that fo r each one percent
increase in the number o f foreign-
born workers in a city. A m erican-
born workers saw a 0.3 percent in ­
crease in real wages.
Sacramento, w hich is average
fo r grow th in im m igrant workers
among the I (X) cities studied, saw
an eight percent grow th in im m i­
grant labor from 1970 to 2000. That
translates to a tw o percent im prove­
ment in real wages fo r Am erican-
born workers over those three de­
cades due to the im m igration effect.
Peri said. In 2(X X), im m igrants com ­
prised more than 14 percent o f the
Sacramento w ork force.
"Our w ork shows that cities w ith
more d iversity — more im m igrants
— in the w ork force e xh ib it higher
pro d u ctivity fo r the Am erican-bom
em ployees." Peri said.
C ities w ith little o r no grow th in
im m igration, such as Cleveland.
B u ffa lo and Pittsburgh, did not
benefit from this phenomenon d u r­
ing the same tim e, according to Peri
and O ttaviano's calculations.
"W e fin d no evidence that the
A m erican-born workers leave the
city, but we do fin d evidence that
they earn higher average wages,"
Peri said.