‘riu |Lìortlanb ffîbseruer March 8. 2006 Doris ‘Granny D’ Haddock 96-year-old Activist to Visit 2006 Transit Open Houses Come talk to us! ____ G ranny D, an activist w ho has w alked thousands o f m iles in her 90s to raise attention to political causes, will pay a visit to the U ni­ versity o f Portland. Doris "Granny D" Haddock will speak to students at 10 a.m. Friday. March 10 in Mago Hunt Theater on campus. 5000 N. Willamette Blvd. Her talk is free and open to the public. Bom in 1910 in Laconia, N.H.. H addock attended Emerson C ol­ lege. worked and raised her family during the G reat D epression, and later worked in a shoe factory in M anchester for 20 years. W ith her husband Jam es, she helped stop the planned use o f hydrogen bombs in Alaska in 1960, saving an Inuit fishing village at Point Hope. She nursed her hus­ b a n d th ro u g h 10 y e a r s o f A lzheim er’s disease. InJanuary 1999, at the age o f 89, she began a walk across the coun­ try to dem onstrate her concern for cam paign reform. She walked more than I,(XX) miles through deserts andclim bedthe A ppalachian range in blizzard conditions. In 2003 and 2004, she em barked on a 23,(XX) mile tour of the “swing states,” encouraging w omen and the residents o f poor neighbor­ hoods to register to vote. Visit one of our open houses in March and see what’s planned for the Portland Mall renovation and bus relocation. Plus 1-205 Light Rail, Washington County Commuter Rail, and much more. You’ll find friendly people and inform ative exhibits explaining TriMet’s five-year Transit Investment Plan (TIP) and what it means for you. Downtown Portland Wednesday, March 15 Session 1:11 a.m.-2 p.m. Session 2 :4 -7 p.m. Portland Building, Room C 1120 SW 5th Ave., Portland, OR 97204 Located on the Portland Mall, served by 48 TriMet bus lines and all three MAX lines Southeast Portland Doris “Granny D " Haddock walked across America for vote reform W hen no D em ocrat would run against popular U.S. Sen. Judd G regg in her hom e state o f New H am pshire, she announced her candidacy for the seat. Even though she was the official Democratic Party nom inee for that seat, she refused all special interest PAC contributions, walking the neigh­ borhoods o f the state to talk to people directly. Her memoirisentitled. Granny D: Y ou’re N ever T oo O ld to Raise a Little Hell. Hip Hop Generation Stepping Up b o a t.” will be televised to air on Portland H e ’s lo o k in g fo r in s p ire d Com m unity Media. He w elcom es own business, SpeakLife E duca­ young people to jo in him in ad ­ youth who are interested in getting tion and Consulting. d ressing the issu es faced by A f­ involved with the sum m it, or an­ " W e ’re trying to build an e c o ­ rican A m ericans. other project, NEXT: G enerationof nom ic p latform so we can see eye “ I w ant to m ake a call to all high Leaders, a program geared toward to eye w ith the p uppet m asters school and co lleg e y outh w ho youth getting involved in federal, w ho are co n tro llin g things in our see them selv es as a lead er,” he local and state policies that affect c o m m u n ity ,” he said. “W hen we said. com m unities o f color. have o u r ow n businesses, we can Crew s said the sum m it is tenta­ F or more inform ation, contact say w hat w e say, and rock the tively scheduled for late M arch and Crews at 503-259-7109. continued Page A5 Tuesday, March 21,4-7 p.m. Portland Adventist Academy 1500 SE 96th Ave., Portland, OR 97216 Served by bus lines 15-Belmont and 27-M arket/M ain Beaverton Wednesday, March 22,4-7 p.m. Beaverton Community Center, 12350 SW 5th St., Beaverton, OR 97005 1 Served by bus lines 76-Beaverton/Tualatin and 78-Beaverton/Lake Oswego Visit a virtual open house at trim et.org/tip beginning March 15. fro m Front ■MMMHMBMnNMMMMRMMMHHIHnHHHMMMHHHMMMI Parkrose Teen Begins Tradition Jeannette A shley Jam ison, a Parkrose High School senior and aspiring sociologist, ushered in one o f P ortland’s oldest traditions last Friday when she was chosen as th isy ea r’s first Rose Festival Court A m bassador. Jam ison represents the first o f 14 Portland-area schools to serve as am bassadors. Selections are made throughout the month. Jam ison is involved in many ac­ tivities at Parkrose, including vol­ leyball. National Honor Society and the Black Student Union. O utside o f school, she volunteers with the Oregon Zoo, Big B rothers/Big Sis­ ters o f M etro Portland and New Hope C om m unity Church. Rose Festival A m bassadors re­ ceive a $3,500 Rose Festival Court Scholarship, and Jam ison is con­ sidering G eorge Fox University, La Sierra University or A zusa Pacific University. She is the daughter o f Dorothy Jam ison. Smooth Jazz Is Here! Jeannette Ashley Jamison Write Around Reading Friday Write Around Portland will spon­ sor a reading from its latest anthol­ ogy, “T he Sparkle in the G rit,” at 7 p.m. Friday, M arch 10 at Peet’s Coffee, 1441 N.E. Broadway. W rite Around Portland is a non­ profit group that helps people not usually heard from in literature to express them selves in writing. The w ords produced through these ef­ forts are collected in anthologies and published. “The S parkle in the G rit,’’cam e out o f a series o f w orkshops held for, am ong oth ers, the C o ffee C reek W o m en ’s D etention C e n ­ ter in M cM inn v ille, the C ascade A ids P roject, the JO IN hom eless s e lf-h e lp p r o g ra m and H e le n s v ie w a l te r n a tiv e h ig h school. Eight o f the 40 authors w ho ap­ peared in the anthology will be present and read from their work and copies o f the publication will be available for sale. York Documentary Honored O regon Public B roadcasting Radio has won a prestigious honor for a radio docum entary about Y ork; W illiam C lark' s slave and the only African American m em ber o f the Lewis and Clark Expedition. T he U ndiscovered E xplorer: Im agining York won the G racie Allen Award from the American W om en in Radio and Television. T he h o u r-lo n g au d io d o c u ­ m e n ta ry , n a r r a te d by D an n y G lover, te lls the story o f Y ork through a rich w eave o f m usic, interview s, perfo rm an ce and d ra ­ m atic readings. It aired on O PB R adio and on public rad io sta­ tio n s nationally in February. Portland's Only Smooth Jazz Station kijz.com ♦