M a rc h 8 , 2 0 0 6 Œl!‘|Jo rtla n ò © bseruer Page A 3 Seniors Secure Homes in Locks Program P o lic e h e lp w ith c rim e p re v e n tio n The Portland Police Bureau manages a hands-on program designed to help eli­ gible senior residents secure their hom es - at no charge. The Senior Locks Program is a crim e prevention effort guided by its tw o em ployees, Jeff A ugustine and John Kraus. Augustine, who has been a locksmith for more than 25 years, and Kraus, who was a Portland police officer for 32 years, com bine their know ledge and experience to make this program a valuable asset in the Portland com m unities. “W e com plem ent each other,” said Kraus, w ho has been with the program for five years. " I ’ve seen my share o f burglar­ ies as an officer, and Jeff can repair or change any lock there is.” Although the name says “locks,” that is only a part o f the service the program provides. For M arilyn HH A ugustine and Kraus perform a house security survey. This “checklist" includes inspecting all doors, w indows, burglar alarm s and even sm oke detectors. As they inspect the hom e they m ake recom m enda­ tions, including suggestions for lighting and shrubbery around the outside o f the house. Once the recommendations are accepted by the hom eowners, A ugustine and Kraus will com e back with their workshop-on- wheels and begin securing the home. “T his d o e s n 't g u ara n tee that y o u r house will not get broken into,” said A u­ gustine. “ But even with m inim al security measures, the chances o f being a victim are reduced.” The other percentage o f the p ro g ram 's workload is assisting Police Bureau m em ­ bers. This part o f the jo b could be as Marilyn Carlson of southeast Portland shows how a double­ headed nail installed by the Senior Locks Program helps prevent burglars from entering from the outside. C arlson o f southeast Port land, this was an opportu- nity she c o u ld n 't pass up. in S c i'ic iiih c i < .Iil'-'I 1.0111,1 .1 -u .v ir , i : nN , outside hei home B| b S811 i 11 m ? i h i s . I *> ;. • i,:,.! I I ' j » 5 on the w in d o w where the ft j screen was. In g re d ie n ts f o r life leraflgBlalF She called the police, and a I in gcrprmt technician came overand found handprints [ t .,ji RANCHERS jH » VjEROi The techm - cia n p ro \id e d ( u ilso u u ith prevention material about the Senior Lo cks Program. " A f t e r seeing the hand- -¿i I vi R prints on the window, I ' r afc-'"" tho ugh t this person m ig h t w ant to get in here a g a in ." _ g a 1 said C arlson. c**« WRk "W h e n I heard about the program . R y .t'-R I called im m ediately . Since k * then. I'v e fe lt really safe ! T? j L e a n G ro u n d B e e f R | 1 inside m y hom e, and to ld program." The program is funded by the P o rtla n d P o lic e j A Rancher s Reserve Angus Beef New York Strip Steak 80% Lean ?0% Fat Minimum 5-lb package Limit 2 SAVE up to $2 00 lb V 1» F m y frien ds a ll about the I Botn-in. SAVE up to $4 00 lb 699 . _ s 1 Bureau and the Bureau o f H ousing and C o m m u n ity j D e velo pm e nt. T o be e li- SAFEWAY O I [ p gible, you must be 55 years j effAugustine^ o ro ld e ro w n o rm .h e p ro - Sen/£ cess o f buying the house lock a t a lo c a l t Manor House Chicken Breast Tenderloins you are l.vtng m, *Ve was installed b within the Portlandcty l.m- m e a s u r e its, and be under the 50 percent m edian income limit. A ugustine and K raus checked and m ade sure Carlson ’ s existing doors closed and locked properly, installed galvanized mesh screens on her back door and base­ ment w indow s, and put locking pins on her first-floor w indow s. An added benefit o f this program is that all locks and repairs they m ake are maintained by the program at no cost. Carlson is am ong approxim ately 200 new clients tjie program help^each year, w hich m akes up 90 percent o f its annual workload. O nce an applicant is eligible. ikjwlual QoO I'Ortr ScU <11 3-1 rBiilib» Up (a S5 9 «» SAVE up to SOC It E x tra L a rg e V in e R ip e T o m a to e s Red Seedless Grapes Broccoli Crowns Fresh Itom Chile Club Puce S ltX llb SAVE up lo Jt9 N M 10 Guaranteed Tender. Every Time YES NO Are all ^xterior doors (including basem ent and garage) strong enough to withstand excessive force? YES NO Are all strike plates and frames for each door strong enough to w ithstand excessive force? YES NO Is there a w ide-angle view er on all entrances? YES NO Are sliding glass doors and w indow s secure? YES NO Are all entrances lighted at night? YES NO Are all your locks in good repair? YES NO Have you changed the locks since you m oved into your residence? YES NO Are w indow s secured with pins or locks? YES NO Do easem ent w indow s work properly? YES NO Can all bars/locks be rem oved in ease o f fire? YES NO Do your basem ent w indow s have protection? YES NO Are garage doors secured with padlock or hasp? YES NO D o you lock your garage dpor at night? YES NO Do you k x k your car in that garage? YES NO Do you cover and lock garage w indow s? YES NO Are trees and shrubs kept trim m ed? YES NO Is your address posted clearly and visible at night and day? YES NO Are lights installed around perim eter? NO Weather permitting SAVE up to S3 00 lb Club P n « SI 00 « SAVE up to SOc lb SAVE up to $1.11 lb find Deinmus Reef Recipes und Cooking YES Fresh Whole Cooked Dungeness Crab Have you locked up your ladders and made sure trellises and drain pipes c a n 't be used as ladders? T ips i l l wivu.safeieay.com Mix * Match! Ml \ artet ie»! 12 Pack Daily Glen Milk Safeway SELECT Pop Oilton Whole 2 '. 1% or Fw Fiee U-« ariSM uO iM W i R M d q m lk l Oiegon Club Price $? 00 iu SAVE up I d S3 St on 4 BUY" ONt, 6FT ONI Hearty Signature Soups in the Deli Dreyer's Grand Ice Cream I 75-flt BUY ONE. G tT ONE Safeway SELECT Paper Towels Clos Du Bois. Gallo of Sonoma or Slone Wolf 8 roil ultra Pbjorbenl package Club Price S i 00 ea SAVE upM S3 N i » 2 Selected w wiies SAVE up to K M o n ? Safeway Juice or Juice Cocktail M o; boltle Assortie varielies SAVE up tt S3 U oo 2 750-ml bottles Selected v jn tta k SAVE op MSS 12 ' 5 naturally delicious broth based soups tor heatthrer meal choices ■As low as 100 calories per serving As low as 3 grams of fat per serving Packed lull ot vegetables a great source of fiber No added artificial preservatives, .irtihr ial Correction: Benefit One Night A b e n e fit p re v ie w o f th e p lay “C ro w n s,” a P ortland C e n ter Stage P roduction w hich celeb rates A frican- A m erican w om en and the hats they w ear, w ill be held on T uesday. M arch 14 at d tjw n to w n 's N ew m ark T h e ­ ater. A $5 0 donation includes adm is­ sion to a private reception at 5 p.m ., fo llo w ed by the p erfo rm an ce at 7 p .m . T he o n e n ig h t “C ro w n ed Jew els” b e n e f it is f o r A fr ic a n A m e r ic a n W om en ty r B reast C a n c e r A w are­ n ess, P re v e n tio n an d E d u c a tio n , a collab o ratio n o f C h ry salis M inistries and P ortlan d C e n te r S tag e and c o ­ sponsored by the P ortland O bserver. rotors or MSG 25-OZ. container SAVE up to SI.00 LuCBm e FREE SAVE up to S3 05 on 2 iq m ia a ia M tw M M n curro 3" Lucerne Chunk or Shredded (htese 16-0. Setected >> - » 10 11 B tt ret U 11 14 Signature Garden Salads 13 to 17-oz Setrrdwt « e rte ti«