œi,e'JiJortkxnò (ßbseruer Page A2 March 8, 2006 Video Shows Bush Knew of Risks to New Orleans Levees A frame of government video obtained by The Associated Press shows then-Federal Emergency Management Agency chief Michael Brown on Aug. 28, taking part in a briefing of President Bush the day before Hurricane Katrina struck. (AP Photo) SUPPORT PENINSULA LITTLE LEAGUE BBQ DINNER °R SANDWICH MARCH 11,2006 • 12pm to 4pm •* BBQ Pork Sandwich $6.0« Pork Ribs or Chicken, collard greens, potato salad, bread and dessert $12.00 Dessert: r UH Peach Cobbler or German Chocolate Cake CALL NOW TO ORDER: 503-288-0033 or FAX 503-288-0015 Pick up at Parking lot of Portland Observer • 4747 NE Martin Luther King. JR. Blvd A vailable (minimum 2 dinners or more) QWEST BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 1 ? O jo « £■ g ? ing the day b efo re K atrina struck the G u lf C o ast on Aug. 29. T he vid eo p rom pted D em o ­ cratic leaders on C apitol H ill to reiterate th eir calls for a new in ­ v estig atio n in to the federal re ­ spo n se to K atrina. H ouse D em o ­ cratic L ead er N ancy P elosi o f C a lifo rn ia said (he video "p o in ts out the need for an in dependent co m m issio n ” to review ev en ts su rro u n d in g the hurricane. Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid o f Nevada said the video “con­ firms what we have suspected all along, that this A dm inistration did anything they can to hide what really happened." He said the ad ­ ministration "system atically misled the A m erican people.” In the Aug. 29 briefing. Bush d id n 't ask a single question but assured soon-to-be-battered state officials: "W e are fully prepared.” But Sen. M ary Landrieu, D-La., said the video shows that the ad ­ m inistration failed to prepare ad­ equately for the possible breach of the levees protecting New Orleans. “T his adm inistration was told what Louisiana already knew: that our federally constructed levees could certainly fail,” she said. "But these concerns, and others made by disaster relief experts, fell on deaf ears.” T he fo o tag e - along w ith seven days o f tran scrip ts o f b riefings o b ta in ed by A P - show in e x c ru ­ ciatin g d etail that w h ile federal o ffic ia ls an ticip ated the tragedy that u n fo ld ed in N ew O rlean s and elsew h ere along the G u lf C oast, they w ere fatally slow to realize they had not m u s te re d ‘enough reso u rce s to deal w ith the u n ­ p reced en ted disaster. A top hurricane expert voiced "grave concerns" about the levees and Brow n, then the Federal Em er­ gency M anagem ent A gency chief, told the president and H omeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff that he feared there w eren’tenough disaster team s to help evacuees at the Superdom e. Baseball Mourns a Legend PRE-ORDER YOUR bs HBE*? (A P ) — On the eve o f H u rri­ can e K atrin a’s fateful landfall. P resid en t Bush w as co n fid en t. H is ho m elan d security c h ie f ap ­ peared relaxed. Louisiana officials w ere heaping praise on the fed ­ eral governm ent. And w arnings o f the com ing destruction - breached or overrun levees, deaths at the New O rleans S u p erd o m e and o v erw h elm in g needs for post-storm rescues - were delivered in dram atic term s to all involved. All o f it was captured on video­ tape. The Associated Press obtained the confidential governm ent video and m ade it public last week, offer­ ing Am ericans their own inside glim pse into the governm ent’s fate­ ful final Katrina preparations after m onths o f fingerpointing and po­ litical recriminations. ‘ My gut tells m e ... this is a bad one and a big o n e,” then-federal d isaster ch ief M ichael Brow n told the final g o v ern m en t-w id e brief- m an Jeff Idelson said. Only L o u G e h rig , a t 3 7 , w as younger. Puckett led the Tw ins to cham pionships in 1987 and (AP) — Kirby Puckett didn’ t need 1991 after breaking into the much tim e to make a big impact. m ajors in 1984. W ith a career Those who felt it, near and far, can batting average o f .318, six only wish he had stayed around G old G loves and 10 All-Star longer. gam e appearances, Puckett The bubbly Hall o f Fam er with w oke up one m orning during the boyish enthusiasm for base­ spring training in 1996 and ball, who led the M innesota Tw ins never played again because to two W orld Series titles before his o f blindness in his right eye. career was cut short by glaucom a, A makeshift m em orial b e­ died M onday after a stroke. He was gan to form M onday night 45. o u tsid e the M etrodom e in “ He was revered throughout the M inneapolis, M inn., with a country and will be rem em bered handful o f bouquets, caps and Kirby Puckett led his team to two candles laid on the sidewalk. championships. “ 1 grew up in Centerfield yell­ wherever the gam e is played," com ­ ing down on him. It’sju st not right,” m issioner Bud Selig said. "K irby said fan Daniel Boche, who knelt was taken from us much too soon - down to pay his respects. "H e was my idol grow ing up.” and too quickly.” “ I t ’ s tough to take," Tw ins gen­ Indeed, Puckett was the second- youngest person to die having al­ eral m anager Terry Ryan said from re a d y been e n s h rin e d at the team ’s spring training cam p in Cooperstown, Hall of Fame spokes­ Fort M yers, Fla. Kirby Puckett dead at 45 GETA BETTER VALUE FOR YOUR BUSINESS. Jackson 5 Drummer Killed QWEST MOST CABLE INTERNET PROVIDERS HIGH-SPEED INTERNET • Very fast Internet speeds E f • Dedicated connection E Í □ • Faster upload speed BÍ □ • FREE professional installation □ r (AP) - Prosecutors said a woman told police she stabbed a form er drum m er for the Jackson 5 with a steak knife when he lunged at her during a fight. Y olanda D avis, 44, w as being held w ithout bond on a ch arg e o f m u rd er M onday. She is ch arg ed w ith killing Jo h n n y Jack so n , 54. o f G ary, Ind. w ho w as found dead M arch 1 in a G ary hom e. He re ­ p laced the Ja ck so n 5 ’s o rig in al d ru m m er M ilfo rd H ite aro u n d 1967, b ut re p o rts c o n flic t on w h eth er he w as related to G a ry ’s leg en d ary Jack so n fam ily , w hich in clu d es pop stars M ichael and Jan et. He grew up a few blocks from the Jackson family and had made a name for him self as a drum m ing prodigy before he started high school, said Gordon Keith, who has sued Jackson family members over the rights to their early record­ ings with his Steeltow n Records. “ He was a show drummer,” Keith recalled. "There were tim es that he would outshine M ichael at their sh o w s." Qwest High-Speed Internet gives you everything you need at a great price. The facts speak for themselves. When you compare Qwest High-Speed Internet to most cable Internet providers, it's an easy decision. For a low monthly price you can give your small business an advantage. S £ Choose Qwest* today! Get Qwest Choice DSL Premier with Internet Prime 42 99 a month for an entire year ■When bundled with a Qualifying business phone package $47.99/mo without Price includes $15 monthly discount available to new Owes! DSt* customers only Offer expires 4/29/06 BlackBerry email devices will continue to operate after a settle­ ment in a patent lawsuit. BlackBerrys to Stay On ¡i M ih S S M Sf? CALL 1 866-379-4983 CLICK qwest.com/businessvalue To find a Qwest Solutions Center,' call 1877-567-1717 or visit qwest.com/stores VISIT any Qwest store (A P ) — T h e m a k er o f the BlackBerry e-mail device has settled, its long-running patent d ispute with a small V irginia-based firm, averting a possible court-ordered shutdow n o f the BlackBerry sys­ tem. Research in M otion. Ltd., will cough up $ 6 12 million in a “full and final settlem ent o f all claim s," the com panies said. The settlem ent ends a period of anxiety for many o f the more than 3 m illion BlackBerry users in the United States. U ncertainty over the outcom e had some custom ers w on­ dering w hether they w ould experi­ ences b rief outages o r even a shut­ down. “ I ’m r e lie v e d ,” s a id M a tt Lattman. a m anagem ent consultant in Boston. “ I’ve had it for about a year, and at this point. I c a n ’t im ag­ ine life w ithout it." Black Berry officials had assured users it had developed new soft­ ware to work around patents. But because few details were released, analysts and som e corporations expressed concerns.