March 8, 2006 Page B 6 Speaking up for Immigrant Justice about com passion. But groups pushing for a crackdown on illegal immigration accuse them of trying to bolster their flock by catering to Hispanics, who comprise the ma­ jority of undocumented newcom­ ers. U.S. and Mexican bishops is­ sued a statem ent on migration in2OO3 saying that "more powerful economic nations, which have the ability to protect and feed their resi­ dents, have a stronger obligation to accommodate migration flows.” The bishops also said that na­ tions were obligated to respect the dignity of migrants “regardless of their legal status.” Cardinal’s plea: ‘Make room’ for newcomers (AP) — Catholic leaders have launched a “Justice for Immigrants" campaign, appealing to President Bush and congressional leaders for a legalization program, sharply criti­ cizing a bill passed by the U.S. House of Representatives in De­ cember to tighten border controls. When Cardinal Roger Mahony of Los Angeles last week called on Roman Catholic leaders to embrace immigrants regardless of legal sta­ tus, he wasn’t just reiterating the church's long tradition of reaching out to the downtrodden. Mahony and other U.S. Catholic bishops are increasingly weighing into the debate over what to do about the roughly 11 million illegal immigrants living in the United States - a development that’s being met with criticism from groups push- ing for tougher immigration law en­ forcement. Among other things, the bill - now before the Senate - would ob­ ligate churches and other social organizations to ask immigrants for legal documentation before provid­ ing assistance. A handful of bishops have de­ nounced it. Mahony, the leader of the nation's largest archdiocese, went a step further. He promised to defy it if it’s passed into law. “I would say to all priests, dea­ cons and members of the church that we are not going to observe this law,” Mahony said after an Ash Wednesday Mass calling on Catholics to “make room” for immi­ grants. Church leaders say they are sim­ ply adhering to Catholic teachings < % Cardinal Roger Mahony marks the forehead of parishioners during Ash Wednesday ser­ vices March 1 at the Cathedral o f Our Lady of the Angels in Los Angeles. (AP photo) Thousands March for Immigrants in Portland Many protest postions of GOP candidates (A P) — A b o iste ro u s but p a n ic o r g a n iz a tio n s , la b o r peaceful march of about 4,000 unions, church and social groups. They were opposed to pend­ dem onstrators opposed to pend­ ing stricter immigration legisla­ ing legislation in Congress that tio n d ru m m e d and c h a n te d would bring stiff increases in mi­ through downtown Portland on gration enforcem ent. They also Saturday, bringing together His­ protested the position of Ron S axton, the fo rm er P o rtland aired views along the same lines. The number of illegal im m i­ School Board member and attor­ ney who is seeking the Republi­ grants in Oregon is not certain can gubernatorial nomination in and probably varies by season. Some estimates put the number in M ay’s primary. “Saxton, we pick your food,” the 150,000 range, part of an esti­ mated 11 million in the nation. read some signs. Saturday’s dem onstrators pa­ Saxton has said that as gover­ nor he would stop supplying state raded for an amnesty, sim ilar to benefits and driver’s licenses to one granted in 1986, or other people living in Oregon illegally moves that would let them stay in and has pledged "zero tolerance.” the United States legally. “The House bill, which passed His tw o G OP opponents have Identity Theft Suspect on Camera Vancouver Police need help identifying this woman who presented a stolen credit card to make a purchase at Sears at the Vancouver Westfield Mall on Jan. 26. The photo was cap­ tured from surveillance video. The woman is a suspect in over $50,000 in theft due to credit card fraud. Anyone with information is urged to contact Detective Troy Price at 360-735-8826. Toxic Riverfront Restored continued from Metro and black hawthorn w i 11 em erge, with a lush understory o f sw am p rose, O regon grape, red -flo w ­ erin g currant and other native shrubs. T hese plants and trees will provide food for native animals, and hopefully, peaceful natural areas for people to enjoy as well. M ikell O ’M ealy, o u tre a c h coordinator w ith the O regon D e­ p a rtm e n t o f E n v iro n m e n ta l Q uality, said the neighborhood volunteers w ere vital in m aking the plantings a success. “A special thank to all o f you w ho planted trees,” she said. Individuals and groups inter­ ested in touring the site this spring and sum m er to check on the trees and talk about potential future uses for the property are w elcom e to contact O ' M ealy at 503-229-6590. last year and is now in the Senate, w ould^beef up border security with the help of local law enforce­ ment and military technology and im pose to ugher penalties for sm uggling and re-entry. It makes drunken driving a de­ portable offense and make un­ lawful presence in the United States a felony. It also would require all em ­ ployers to submit Social Security numbers and other information to a national data base to verify the legal status o f workers. Some predicted the bill in the Senate would make it a crime to help illegal immigrants or pro­ vide for them in church soup kitchens. “A crim e versus people is a crim e versus G od," said David Leslie, executive director o f the Ecumenical Council of Oregon. "It undercuts what it means to be a part of a caring w orld.” CRIME STOPPERS Wanted Robbery Suspect On Feb. 7, 20-year-old Robin Lamont Thompson, and another man, robbed two people at a house in the 4600 block of Southeast Taylor Street. The victim s w ere pistol- whipped, bound with duct tape, and one of them was shot when he tried to get away. Thompson was indicted by a Multnomah County Grand Jury and has outstanding warrants for multiple counts of robbery, assault, kidnapping and burglary with a total bail of $287,000. He is about 5' 10”, 150 pounds, with black hair and brown eyes and has long braids. He has lived in Northeast Portland, but his current address is unknown. Thompson should be considered armed and dangerous. D e Ve c - lives would like to iden­ tify the sec­ ond man in Robin Lamont t h e s e Thompson crimes. He is described as a black male between 18and25-years-oldwitha stocky build. He is about 5’ 10” with short hair or even a shaved head. Crime Stoppers is offering a cash reward o f up to $1,000 for information, reported to Crime Stoppers, that leads to an arrest in this case, or any unsolved felony, and you may remain anonymous. Call Crime Stoppers at (503) 823-HELP (4357). Teens Attack, Curfew Considered ( AP) — Police police said they are increasing patrols in northeast Port land after a couple riding their bicycles to a friend's house were confronted and attacked by more than two dozen teenagers. Jason Maxfield, 27, said he at­ tempted to avoid the group on Northeast Garfield Avenue be­ tween Going and Skidmore streets by riding up the sidewalk, but he could not escape. Several rushed toward him and pushed him into a wall. He fell to the ground, and when he looked up, found at least when a patrol car started to ap­ proach. five young teens, ages 13 to 16. Portland Police Chief Derrick “We need some bikes,” they Foxworth said there have been simi­ laughed and yelled. Maxfield said when he reached lar cases reported recently, with to grab his bike, he was punched groups of teens attacking bicyclists repeatedly in the face and head and and pedestrians. He said police are kicked in the back and sides. After considering special curfew crack­ his wife, Julie, yelled for the group downs and other enforcement to to leave, one boy waved what ap­ address the problem. Northeast Precinct Cmdr. Bret peared to be a gun at her. “We live in your neighborhood, Smith thinks some of the incidents please don’t hurt us,” Maxfield happen when teenagers leave an pleaded to the boys, who scattered event and feel strength in numbers. OPEN n o w Alberta Street Market 909 N.E. Alberta Street 503-282-2169 * Hot Food * * Best Chicken Wings In Town ★ ★ Best Selection of Mirco Brew ★ and Wine M on-Sun • 8AM - 1 2 PM Fri-Sat • 8 AM - 1 PM