Page B5 March 8. 2006 Portland. OL s e r v e r Anto R e v i e w hv K athleen C arr This all-new, m id-size sedan is a replacem ent for the horribly out- of-date Taurus It’s not ju st fabu­ lous for a Ford, fabulous for the price or fabulous com pared to the ghastly car it replaces. It’s an out­ standing car with no excuses. The ford Fusion starts at $ 1 8,(XX) for the 2.3L with five speed autom atic or manual to $ 2 1,710 for the 3.0L, V6 w ith the six speed autom atic. The im pressive features start on the outside with a gorgeous body. It’s a fairly aggressive style fora family car, with an unmistakable front end that do esn ’t try to be high­ way camouflage like m anyofitsdull- looking competitors. A big, bold grille is flanked by tw o distinctive head­ lights that are shaped like a weird com bination o f square and teardrop. Ford calls the shape a “squircle” , while its triangular taillights have eye-catching silver reflectors that y ou’ll either love or hate. Inside, the Fusion isn 't quite as distinctive, but it’s still a great cabin. In fact, the first thing 1 thought when I sat inside was, "This d o esn 't look like a Ford at all.” T h at’s a good thing. Its sm ooth-revving V bengine bad plenty o f pow er for everyday driving w ithout m aking much o f a fuss, and its six-speed autom atic transm ission m ust have been psychic because it alw ays seem ed to know how and when I w anted it to shift — silky and com fortable for regular driving, or quick and aggressive for more spir­ ited drives Its su sp e n sio n , b ased on the highly acclaim ed Mazda. 6 sporty sedan, also offers a sublim e blend o f com fort and perform ance. It can fly though com ers when you want to have fun, but it never loses its com ­ posure over bum py, rough surfaces, either. T he Ford Fusion is an outstand­ ing vehicle, one that will give Toyota Carnry and H onda A ccord a run for their money. It has a sophistication o f a luxury vehicle at an affordable price. Even the 2.3L Fusion com es nicely equipped. Worship Promotes HIV/AIDS Healing Civil and religious organiza­ tio n s working on issues related to HIV and AIDS arp inviting local residents to a community worship service, Sunday, March 12 at 4 p.m. at Allen Temple CMEChurch. 4236 N.E. Eighth Ave. The "HIV/AIDS Healing” cel­ ebration is sponsored by Balm in Gilead, the Albina Ministerial Al­ liance, Brother 2 Brother, The Links Inc., Delta Sigma Theta, Multnomah County Health De­ partment and Cascade AIDS Project. Rev. Matt Hennessee of the Vancouver Avenue Baptist Church will serve as keynote speaker. The worship aims to break Dear Deanna! My husband and I separated because of finances. While separated he met someone else and had a child. We are now talking about getting back to­ gether but I want to adjust to having a stepchild and dealing with anotherwoman. He'smov ing too fast and 1 think he's up to something. He’s having argu­ ments with this woman and there are whispers of child support issues. How do I tell him I don’t want to be in this mess? — Jeanna T.; Birmingham, Ala. Dear Jeanna: Regardless of your decision, you’ll have a cheater, confusion and “baby momma drama” if you take him back. Your hus­ band having a baby by another woman didn't show he wanted toget back with you for the right reasons. He's looking for a place to stay and help with child sup­ port. He needs to work out his issues. You need to feed him with a long handle spoon and watch him like a hawk before taking him back. for black adults ages 25 to 44, ahead of heart disease, cancer and homicide. Dr. LeRoy Haynes of Allen Temple is the local coordinator for Balm in Gilead, a non-profit, non-governmental organization based in New York City. Balm in Gilead has an international mission to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS throughout the Af- riuan Diaspora by building the capacity of faith communities to provide AIDS education and support networks for all people living and affected by HIV/ Dr. LeRoy Haynes Rev. Matt Hennessee ' AIDS. Dr. Haynes has been the silence on HIV/AIDS in the spread of the disease through involved in this work since the Portland-area African Ameri­ education. Nationally, AIDS is early days of the AIDS epi­ can communities and to fight the number one cause of death demic. Ask ö James Authur Mayes Jr. Local #8. In 1944, he m et G e n e v a R u th S im o n , a n d m a rrie d May 3, 1945 in P o rtla n d . T o thisunioneight children were born (four boys and four girls). His love o f driving car­ ried him and the family across many miles o f highway. Sunday outings involved picnics along the Oregon Coast and Sandy River. Jam es had a love for cooking; his specialties included barbeques ¿ind gumbo. His motto was that he was “A God Sent Chi Id” and he had a quest to help people. W hile at hom e he had marathon oral history lessons Dear James: apply concepts such as love, faith, service, patience, hum ility and for­ giveness in their everyday activi­ ties. The reader is em pow ered to get the most out o f their singleness as it relates to their platonic relation­ ships, rom antic encounters, fam ily anil career related interactions as New location, same great people, same great service and same attention to detail Ross Hollywood Chapel Dear Linda: You're a grown woman and can control everything that goes in, on or around your body. There’s no excuse other than weakness, skinny faith and low- self esteem that causes you to sacrifice your temple. Stop dealing with men that aren’t Godly and in sync with your commitment of faith. If you date a Godly man and he kicks you to the curb for holding out, then he w asn't who he claimed to be. God should occupy your m ind and when it’s time for a physi­ cal mate, he'll send you one. 4733 NE Thompson Portland, Or. 97213 Teresa Davis Family Service Counselor (5 0 3 )2 8 1 -1 8 0 0 . ('Inisi pie sumís: I Oth (^| nni veisu uf well as in the proper expression of their sexuality. M organ likes to em phasize that this bixik is not just a collection of his opinions. Rather, it is based on divine revelations. Biblical insights and w ell-docum ented research. To learn more about this book and the author, visit w w w.gixisykm .com Dave Hinton General Manager Ask Deanna is written by Deanna M. Write Ask D eanna! E m ail: askdeanna I @ or 264 S. L aC ienega Blvd. Suite 1283 Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Website: H U H', askde anna, com L. Carson ( Benny), C urtis R. Mayes (D eborah), G eorge M . M ayes, Edna D. M ayes, all o f Portland; Darryel E. M ayes (Rose) Los Angeles; 15grand- about life for his children and other children, 13 great-grandchil­ children as well. He taught hischil-, dren; one niece and a host o f dren to count by playing dom inoes and cards with them. During his cousins and friends. most recent illness, Jam es contin­ ued to participate in the activities of his grandchildren and great-grand­ children. W ithin the last few weeks Ifitf/tfatid United (dnnefi he spoke o f the love he had for Jesus Christ. He acknow ledged his appreciation for the love, support, and care given by the family. On Feb. 14. 2006 at 6 p.m., he P a s ta i /( i(e s went peacefully hom e to join his wife G eneva, w ho preceded him in death in 1984. W aiting on the peace­ Rev. D r. W.C». I lanly, Jr. O I ’irst ful shores are his eight children: Jam es A. M ayes III (Cynthia) D al­ Help uf honor this “Great Alan & Wt»wtiw las, Texas; Chyerel R. Mayes, Jane o Dynamic Visionary E. M ayes (W illiam Jarrell), M arsha o Spiritual beacon in the community o Grvhestrated ministry* acquisition o f a note church campu* Book Advises Single Christians God o f O ur Single Years is the title o f a recently published book that deals specifically with issues w hich affect A frican-A m erican Christian singles. Full o f keen insights and helpful suggestions, the book by Kevin M organ exam ines how African- A m erican C hristian singles can Your friends at Killingsworth, St John ’s and Lombard Little Chapel o f the Chimes have relocated! --James; Charles- of physical contact? —Linda; Orlando, Fla. Time to connect with your femi­ nine side and maximize your sixth sehse. If it looks like a cheating woman, then it is a cheating woman. She's happy to go out with her friends be­ cause. that’s a cover up to meet her other man. There’s nothing to ask because the evidence is in your face. You have two Real People, Real Advice choices. Be a fool and sit and An advice column known fo r watch it happen with your its fearless approach Io reality crushed heart on your sleeve or based subjects! man up, address the issue and keep it moving. Dear Deanna! I think my girlfriend is cheating. Dear Deanna! She’s changed and only wants I've managed to turn my life of to spend time with her friends sex, drugs and sin around and and gives me no attention. Inti­ I’m so happy. The only thing macy is almost invisible. The missing is a relationship. I admit only time she perks up and gets that I'm a Christian but keep a light in her eyes is when she's slipping each time I get with a going out with her girlfriends. man. 1 feel bad about giving up I 'v e noticed her ’h air has my body and then the relation­ changed, her perfume is differ­ ship doesn’t work out. How can ent and new lingerie. I’m not I remain saved and still date getting the benefits of these without losing the man because things. How do I ask if she's In Loving Memory A hom egoing celebration was held Feb. 24 for Jam es A rthur M ayes Jr. He was 82. He was born to Jam es A rthur Sr. and Edna M ayes on M ay 24, 1923 at St. M ary’s hospital in Victoria, Texas. He was preceded in death by his m other in 1930, father in 1931, and his brother, Leroy M ayes in 1933. His grandfather introduced him to G od at the age o f five years old. As a child he loved going to Sunday school and loved math and science in grade school. He at­ tended Yoakum Texas High School and Tellotson C ollege where he played tw o years o f football. He worked 12 years a waiter for Southern/N orthern Union Pacific Rai Iroad. Later he worked as a long­ shorem an and m em ber o f 1LWU cheating? tan, S.C. 2 0 0 6 Ford Fusion V6 SEL '\p p ícela tian Lady Ali I lardy God* Honorary Doctorat* o f Divinity, M t, Carmel Theological Seminary (Fresno, C A ) It eeèen d