il!e|J n rth tn ò (Dbserher M arch 8, 2 0 0 6 Focus Page B3 WRONGFULLY TERMINATED??? Remember Hob Marley ? Then G E T UP and STAND UP for your employment rights. Call Sona Joiner at 503-241-1113 for a free phone consultation with an experienced plaintiff’s attorney. Let’s see if your rights have been • violated. Call Today. Love, Locketsat In Other Words Love and Lockets: Portraits from the City o f Roses and the City o f A ngels is the theme o f new art exhibit by A m ber Valentine and O livia Edith on display all month at In O ther W ords, a recently relocated fem inist book­ store and com m unity resource center at 8 N.E. K illingsw orthSt. A free opening reception for the exhibit w ill be held from 7pm - M idnight on St. P atricks D ay, Friday, M arch 17. T he young Portraits from the City o f Roses and the City o f Anges by Amber Valentine and Olivia Edith. q u ee r artists w ill m eet and show d etailed , c a n v a s. around. h eartfelt, and m agical p o rtraits o f their The reception will also include entertainm ent In O ther W ords C urator Nicole G eorges in­ fam iliar in this show , a hodgepodge o f with DJ Haunch, DJ Freddie Fagula, DJ W esley vites area residents to "help dance our new space o ils, acry lics and collage on paper and and DJ Fancy V alentine and refreshm ents all into the neighborhood!” OFF.: (5 0 3 )2 8 6 -1 1 0 3 FAX: STATE FARM (5 0 3 )2 8 6 1146 INSURANCE COMPANIES HOME OFFICES: BLOOMINGTON. * ILLINOIS ERNEST J. HILL, JR. Agent WE'VE MOVED! 4 9 4 6 N. Vancouver Ave. Imani Winds’ Debut Album lm ani W inds, a G ram m y n om i­ nated g roup know n for its soulful blend o f classica l, w orld, L atin and ja z z m usic, has released a self-titled Imani W inds album , the second com m ercial release for the en sem b le, w hich has p erform ed m ultiple tim es in P ortland ov er the past tw o years. T he classically -b ased w o o d ­ w ind quintet us com prised exclu­ sively o f young A frican-A m erican and Latino perform ers. Their pas­ sion for innovation and pushing the boundaries o f the traditional w ind quintet is em bodied in every performance. The highly-anticipated album is a follow -up to the G ram m y-nom i­ nated debut recording "T he C lassi­ cal U nderground.” T he group - Valerie Coleman, flute; Toyin Spellm an-D iaz, oboe; M ariam Adam, clarinet: Je ff Scott, French horn; M onica Ellis, bassoon - has been perfecting this pan-dia­ lectical m usic-m aking since they form edin 1997. Exploring the links between Eu­ ropean, African and A m erican m u­ sical traditions is at the heart of their mission. Portland, OR 97217 Wally Tesfa Residential and Commercial Broker Oregon/Washington 503-267-7586 cell 503-249-1903 office 503-249 6527 fax PROPERTIES. Imani Winds stays true to traditional chamber music while nodding to spicier African and American elements. MM On , Your Care Our First Priority Dr. Marceline Fatila Ch i ropractic Physician Music Walk Begins 2nd Year N MISSISSIPPI « Holly Figueroa will perform The 2nd Thursday Music Walk Thursday night at Mississippi on M ississip p i A v en u e boldly Pizza, 3 5 5 2 N. Mississippi Ave. m arches forward into its second year on March 9. throughout the night. O ther par­ Scheduled events include m u­ ticipating m erchants along the av­ sic, entertainm ent and open houses enue will be open late for business, at participating businesses on M is­ with some holding their own events sissippi between Skidmore and Fre­ such as music, open houses, and mont Streets, show casing the d i­ art exhibits. versity o f local talent and busi­ Historic Mississippi Avenue in­ nesses on M ississippi Avenue. vites you to stroll down the avenue Many restaurants, studios and and enjoy the sights, sounds, sur­ clubs will be featuring live music prises and people of Mississippi. We are located at 1716 N.E. 42nd Ave. Portland, OR 97213 (Between Broadway and Sandy Bled.) • A utom obile accident injuries • Chronic- headache and jo in t pain • W orkers C om pensation injuries Call for an appointment! R ock, Soul and D O O W O P M arch 1 8 -2 0 Jerry Butler Shirley Alston Reeves The Harptones D oo-w op favorite»« fr o m ili<* T»<)s a n d *60« h a v e n e v e r so u n d e d b etter in thin s h o w feat tirin g T h e Jerry B u tle r O rchentra (“O nly T h e S tr o n g Survive"). W illie W in field a n d T h e lin r p to n e « (“S u n d a y K in d o f I j O W . " "Life is But a Dream ") a n d S h ir le y A lsto n R eeve«, th e o r ig in a l lea d o f th e S h ireH c« (“S o ld ie r Boy." “W ill You S till L ove M e T om orrow ." “M a n ia Said"). Tickets $ 2 7 -7 6 P L E A SE NO TE: O reg o n S y m p h o n y orchw etra doe» no t O R E G O N SYM P H O N Y C«»t ~y K.i Mum Puinti» PiirtlandTrihunc perform OREgONÜWk’li« 5 0 3 -2 2 8 -1 3 5 3 w w w .orsym T icke t o ffic e : Mon - Sat., 9 a m. - 5 p.m. 1-8 0 0 -2 2 8 -7 3 4 3 G ro u p sales: 5 0 3-4 16-6 38 0 92 3 SW W A S H IN G T O N , P O R T LA N D A R C E N E S C H N IT Z E R C O N C E R T HACC SW M AIN 8 B R O A D W A Y PO R TLAN D CENTER FÖR THE PER FO R M N G ARTS G U A R D IN O G A LLE R Y • Changing Exhibitions • Contemporary Art & Craft in Gift Shop • Custom Framing O PEN six days a week Featured: Marilyn Lysohir "1968 High School" clay bust Convenient Northeast location: 2939 NE Alberta • Portland, OR 97211 503 281-9048 • irds of Oregon An Oregon Field Guide Special Television Premiere Thursday, March 9 at 8pm OPB TV Channel 10 Multi-Million $ Service (503) 228-6140