il’e^Jnrtlanb (Observer Page B2 Women Making Movies continued from Metro descent. The 1989 film runs 17 minutes. “ Killing Time" and “Fannie’s Film” by Fronza Wotxis are groundbreaking films from the late 70s and early 80s. "Killing Time” takes an offbeat, wryly humorous look at the dilemma of a would-be suicide, examin­ ing the personal habits, social­ ization, and complexities of life that keep us going. In “Fannie's Film", a 65-year-old cleaning woman performs her job while telling us in voiceover about her life, hopes, goals, and feelings. “Picking Tribes” by S. Pearl Sharp (aka Saundra Sharp) is a heartfelt, and often hilarious, attempt to be more than ordi­ nary' for a girl growing up in the 1940s who tries to choose between her African-Ameri­ can and Native-American heri­ tages. As a child, she is in­ spired to ‘lay claim to my one- quarter Indian blood.’ When she becomes a young woman, she is surrounded by images of the civil rights movement and African pride. Suddenly, ‘Indi­ ans are out and Mother Africa is in!’ The 1988 short runs 7 minutes. Admission to the film series is a suggested $7 donation. to include Jazz really does everything. It's always been popular music. But the wonderful thing about jazz is its willingness to take chances... Madeleine Peyroux - Ilf ' .k m h d .fm IJo rtla n b (Observer Advertise with diversity in Call 503-288-0033 ■UHHHV' M u r d e r In S h o w b iz GLIDE “Musical Comedy Murders of 1940” pokes fun at Hollywood thrillers during the genre’s heyday in the 1930s and 1940s. The mix up of murder, madness and mayhem is now play­ ing through April 9 at the Lake- wood Center for the Arts, 368 State St. in Lake Oswego. Tickets are available by calling the box office at 503-635-3901 or v isitin g •Crow n s' Benefit — A fundraiser performance of the theatre production of ‘Crowns’ to benefit African American women for breast cancer awareness is Tuesday, March 14 at Portland Center for the Performing Arts’ Newmark Theatre, 1111 S.W. Broadway. A private reception at 5 p.m., followed by preview performance. $50 donation. Celebrated Alvin Ailey - The thrilling Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre's world premierof "Reminiscin’ features ambassadors of African American culture, dancing to music by jazz greats. Performances are Tuesday and Wednesday, March 14 and 15 at the Arlene SchnitzerConcert Hall. T ic k e ts are a v a ila b le at all ticketmaster outlets. C a ll to A rtis ts - Local artists are encouraged to show off their talent by becoming a Portland Open Studios Artist. Each year, 96 artists are chosen from the metro area to open their studios and become part of an exciting regional art event. Visit for more information. i Sesame Street In te ra c tio n — T he P o rtlan d Children’s Mu­ seum presents “Can You Tell Me How to Get To S esam e S treet,” using te le v is io n ’s c h ro m a -k e y technology so local kids can see themselves on TV alongside their favorite Muppet characters. For in fo rm a tio n , call 5 0 3 -2 2 3 -6 5 0 0 or v isit T rip p in ’ through Town - Take a trip through time to find the hottest poetry, hip-hop and soul influencing Portland on Wednesdays at the Ohm. $7 cover. 31 N.W. First Ave. Belly Dance Classes — Caravan Studios offers classes in b elly d a n c e , A frican dance and m ore. V isit Time to Ja m -Jam Night, Portland'sever-popular comedy and variety show is at Christian Performing Arts Center,. 8131 N. Denver Ave. Shows continue every Friday night starting at 9 p.m. with dinner by Mondemaj Catering next door to the show at 6:30 and 7:30 p.m. Innovation Station -- Kids will have a ball at O M Sl’s new Innovation Station by exploring the human side of technology. For more informa­ tion, visit V —89.1 March 8. 2006 H ip -h o p D ance C lasses — V ancouver-Clark Parks and Recreation is hosting family friendly hip-hop dance classes for ages 5 to 18. V arious lessons teach rhythm, technique, coordination, agility, combinations and team ­ work through urban dance moves. For more inform a­ tion, call 360-696-8236. O n th e R adio - Groove to soul and hip-hop with Kevin Berry from 7 to 9 p.m. M ondays at 90.7 FM/KBOO. Check out the Com ­ munity Potpourri talk show from 7 to 8 a.m. M ondays, W ednesday and Fridays at 1480 AM/KBMS. Count your blessings with M elo­ dies from Heaven from 6 to 10 p.m. M ondays through Fridays at 1290 AM/KKSL. Tune in to African American Health Radio W ednes- N orm an Sylvester Band — The Norman Sylvester Band plays at the Candlelight in Portland on Thursday, Feb. 16 at9:30p.m. M u lt ic u lt u r a l F ilm F e s tiv a l - Jefferson High School hosts a free multicultural film festival each first Monday o f the month through May from 6 to 8:30 p.m. For more inform ation, call J. Doncan at 503-916-5180. Oprah Radio Coming X -frS " (AP) — Oprah W infrey has ment topics with personalities signed a three-year, $55 million deal that appear on W infrey'sT V pro­ with XM Satellite Radio Holdings g ra m , “ T he O p ra h W in fre y Inc. to launch a new radio channel Show," as well as in O, The Oprah M agazine. It will also feature a beginning in September,. The new channel. "O prah & weekly radio show with W infrey Friends,” will air programming on and G ayle King, a frequent guest fitness, health and self-im prove­ on her TV show. FOLKS FROM ¿¡¡7? STATE UMIVERSITy rOWMOW JILL SCQT t * -THÉIMAAOAMS US WEEKLY w ith S p ecial Guests The O riginal M a n h a tta n s fe a tu rin g G e ra ld A lsto n & B lue L o v e tt Thu, M ar 23 * 7:30p ROGllf m f b r a fflBI fflf)fllCTOHSwa«*PHOI M BROÏHERS HlMS»»ii«IICHFI COW JRY UWfMSI HOT M l COMMON IKflISBS fJMPWZ ERYMHBADU Jill B I H B DM OWRlf WQWTfLll'SBfOCKfUr JKOfllY SMYIH HACK Jiff S H IH M fOBNI J® Hili ( f t «HÄOIM GRUÑÍ DOPI Kffi «Sfili BRIGHI «GUIII MAMHIAN MK IM» ~MAIAABÄlHUA JM FONG "T O DWTfllf iBOB YAfll "AMICHU GONIIRV SBC IB R A M F IÄ SOUNDÍRACKALBUMAVAIIABIEONGEFFENRECOROS. e» o ä ROGUE O N L Y IN T H E A T R E S NOW ! I IT heatesopthe C louds AT TUT POST 6APDEN AAŒ A FR IC A N A M E B IC A N CHAMBER OF COMMERCE On S ale now a t th e RQ Box O ffic e , R o s e Q u a rte r.c o m , T ic k e tm a s te r O u tle ts , or by c allin g 5 0 3 .2 2 4 .4 4 0 0 . Group S avings for 15+ c a ll 5 0 3 .9 6 3 .4 4 0 0 . ticketmaster