lì ortlanb Page B2 © bseruer March I, 2006 Focus T A l ru , ■Ml If 1 / // Actors are eager to take it off for “ The Full Monty," a benefit for Profile Theatre Project. Full Monty Returns to Portland Stage “T he Full M o n ty ,” a m usical co m ­ edy based on the O scar-w in n in g B rit­ ish film , returns to P ortland w ith a full stage m usical p ro d u ctio n by the P ro ­ file T h eatre P roject. L ast y e a r 's o n e-n ig h t b enefit p e r­ fo rm an ce lacked the elab o rate sets and co stu m in g . E v en so, it w as a sm ash, w ith au d ien ces d em an d in g a repeat p erfo rm an ce. T h is year, the local p ro d u ctio n is d irec ted by the D ra m m y -a w a rd w in n in g G re g T am blyn Portland artist M ichael Allen H arrison serv es as m usical d irec to r and co n d u cto r. “The Full M onty" tells the story o f six w orking-class men who find an inge­ nious way to make money and return self-w orth to their lives. The musical received 10 Tony A w ard nom inations and the movie was an international hit, earning four A cadem y A w ard nom ina­ tions and an O scar for Best Score. T he show s are F riday and S atu r­ day, M arch 3 and 4 , at 8 p.m . at the W orld T rade C en ter th eatre, 121 S.W . Salm on St. For m ore in fo rm atio n , call the Profile T heatre P ro ject’s box office at 503- 2 4 2 -0 0 8 0 or v is it w w w .p ro fileth eatre.o rg. Murder and Madness Brings Laughs March 3 and continues T hursdays - Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 7 p.m. until April 9,2006. There w ill also be 2 p.m. Sunday m atinees March 12th and April 9th. The theatre is located at Lakewood C enter for the Arts, 368 S. State Street in Lake Oswego. Ticket prices are $24 for adults and $22 for students and seniors and are available through the Lake w