^ IJ n rtla n ù ©hscrucr BLACK HISTORY MONTH and the American Experience Page B4 L aw J ustice Teen Arrested in Benson Shooting Abortion Again Before Court Bush justices Charged with attempted murder may change outcome A team o f tactical police u n its e x e c u te d search w ar­ rants at tw o northeast Port­ land hom es Friday m orning, arresting 17-year-old D ennis Ray W ilson in connection with last m o n th ’s sh o o tin g n ear B enson H igh S chool. T h e p re -d a w n ra id s o c ­ cu rred at 1905 N.E. Ju n io r St. and 634 N .E . C hurch St. W il­ so n w a s c h a rg e d w ith a t­ tem p ted m urder, assault and unlaw ful use o f a w eapon. D etectives believe the Jan. 24 shooting w as gang related. T w o w om en leaving a bask et­ ball gam e at the school, driv- ing northbound on N ortheast 12th A venue, w ere not the in­ tended targets, police said. D river 2 3 -year-old Ebony W o o d s an d p a s s e n g e r 22- year-old A llison P rasad sus­ tained m inor injuries from shat­ tered glass. Investigators believe W il­ son w as shooting at a vehicle n ear the school, but instead hit the v ic tim s’ autom obile. T he investigation is continu­ ing, and anyone w ith inform a­ tion is asked to call D etective M itch H ergert at the G ang E nforcem ent T eam 503-823- 4106. (A P )— The Supreme Court said Tuesday it will consider the consti­ tutionality o f banning a type of late-term abortion, teeing up a con­ tentious issue for a new ly-consti­ tuted court already in a state o f tlux over privacy rights. The Bush adm inistration has pressed the high court to reinstate the federal law, passed in 2003 but never put in effect because it was struck down by judges in C alifor­ nia, N ebraska and New York. The outcom e will likely rest with the two men that President Bush ■ Goon C redit Firm can be sued over ‘boys’ remark (A P) — T he Suprem e Court stepped into a dispute Tuesday over whether white managers can be sued for calling black em ployees “boys.” The court unanim ously o ver­ turned an appeals court decision that said the term “boy” alone was R efinance B ad C redit P urchase F irst -T ime B uyer If I ca n t do it nobody can! 222 N.E. Park Plaza Dr. Suite 115 Vancouver, WA 986X4 360-823-1441 Charlette Martin HOMELOAN SO L ’RC F tomu M U oo R tm I» « » Jazz really does try to include everything. It's always been p o p u la r music. B ut the w onderful thing iil a b o u t jazz is its V willingness to ta k e chances... M adeleine V » Peyroux k m h d X’- ’V ■ . _ . ■ I w w w .k m h d .fm not evidence o f workplace discrim i­ out the decision. nation. Ash had 15 years experience with The decision, one o f the first Tyson Foods and Hithon 13 years. actions with new Justice Samuel A white man w ho got a m anage­ Alito, is a loss for Tyson Foods Inc. ment jo b they sought at an A la­ which was sued by tw o longtime bam a plant had less than tw o years black em ployees w hoclaim ed they experience. Eric Schnapper, a law professor were passed over for prom otions by a white manager whocalled them at the U niversity o f W ashington "b o y s.” w ho is representing the men, told A jury aw arded Anthony Ash justices that the term "boy” is of­ and John H ithon $1.75 m illion fensive and is considered a slur by apiece in damages, but a judge threw other courts. Elijah Mikell Craig, 24, was ar­ rested and charged with kidnap­ ping, rape, sodom y and sexual abuse Friday in the attack on a woman last month in the 8 1 (X) block o f Southeast C enter Street. The U.S. M arsh al's Fugitive Task Force, team ed with detectives from the Portland Police Bureau Sexual Assault Detail, carried out the arrest. A u th o ritie s charged C raig with forcing the female vic­ tim to a secluded area and sexually assault­ ing her. The victim began scream ing for help during the as­ sau lt, p ro m p tin g a r F rom H ead to T oe was started in January o f 2002 by Eric Holden. The company has been doing business for the past 3 years. We specialize in various styles of suits and urban apparel for men, women and youth. Mr. Holden is a custom designer and the founder of Royalty N Collection, a dynamic and —X upcoming clothing line. From Eric Holden Head To Toe has the hottest family m em bertocom e outside to help her. In­ v e s tig a to rs b e lie v e Craig fired one round from a sem i-autom atic pistol at the fam ily m em ber but missed. Craig was identified as a suspect after labo­ ratory evidence was "T his form o f verbal abuse has its origins in the slave era." he wrote in the appeal. The case returns to the I IthU .S . Circuit C ourt in Atlanta. T he lawyers for Tyson Foods said that ev id en ce show ed the m anager "w as rude and curt to all em ployees — w hite and black — but had never used racial epithets.” Ash and Hithon were am ong six people w ho sued under a 1964 civil rights law Windows photo bv M ark W ashincton /T he P ortland O bserver One o f the many car windows broken by vandals Monday night. Portland police are looking for inform a­ tion leading to an arrest for the persons or persons responsible for a w ide swath of vandalism M onday night in northeast Port­ land. About 7:30 p.m., several w indow s were broken out o f cars in the vicinity o f W ygant Street between I l ,h and 18"' Avenues. A nyone with inform ation in the case is urged to call O fficer Chapin at the N orth­ east Precinct at 503-823-5700. Tailgating No.l Driver Error Behavior risky, costly and deadly T ailgating isa ris k y ,c o s tly and som etim es dead ly d riv er b eh av ­ ior that is O re g o n 's n um ber one erro r in au to m o b ile crash es, a c ­ co rd in g to the O regon D ep art­ m ent o f T ra n sp o rta tio n 's Safety D ivision. “ Drivers are tailgating so much today that it has becom e the lead­ ing factor in crash es,” said an O D O T spokes person. T ailgating is a factor in nearly one-third o f all Oregon vehicle co l­ lisions. not just fatal crashes, where speed, alcohol and failure to use passenger restraints play a more deadly role. “Thousands of drivers who think they're saving tim e are actually los­ ing money in the cost o f collisions and in term s o f injuries and som e­ times fatalities," said Steve Vitolo, th e T ra n s p o r ta tio n S a fe ty D ivision's traffic law enforcem ent analyzed. C h ie f D errick F oxw orth e x ­ p re sse d g ra titu d e to th e U .S. M a rsh a l's S ervice, the O regon State Police C rim e Lab and the d e­ tectives from the Portland Police Bureau Sexual Assault Detail, call­ ing these types o f partnerships “ in­ strumental in solving neighborhood crime." Campus Killer Begins Term Vandals Smash F 89.1 out in the second or th ird tr im e s te r , in which a fetus is par­ tially removed from the womb, and the skull is punctured or crushed. Justices on a 9-0 vote vote in a New H am pshire case reaf­ firm ed in January that states can require pa­ rental involvem ent in a b o r tio n d e c is io n s and that state restric­ tions m ust have an exception to protect the m o th er's health. The federal law in the current case has no health exception, but defenders maintain that the proce­ dure is never m edically necessary to protect a w om an’s health. Police Break Sexual Assault Case 100% financing Option Available & No up front fees! I DO IT ALL! has recently installed on the court, John Roberts and Samuel A lito. Ju stices had been split 5-4 in 2000 in striking dow n a sta te law , b arrin g what critics call par­ tial birth abortion be­ cause it lacked an ex ­ ception to protect the health o f the mother. But Justice Sandra Day O ’Connor, who John Roberts was the tie-breaking Samuel Alito vote, retired late last month. tions on ab o rtio n s, w hich w ere A lito, in his ru lin g s on the 3rd leg alized in the R oe v. W ade d e ­ U.S. C ircu it C ourt o f A ppeals in cisio n in I973. P h iladelphia, has been m ore w ill­ The federal Partial-Birth A bor­ ing th a n O ’C o n n o r, th e firs t tion Ban Act prohibits a certain w om an ju stice , to allow re stric ­ type o f abortion, generally carried Court Renews Discrimination Case Would you like to own your own home? ■ ■ ■ ■ Februaiy 22. 2006 program manager. "O ften, you can add to those costs possible fines and increases in autom o­ bile insurance rates.” In2(X )4.13,000crashesoutof 4 1 .(XX) total across the state were the result o f rear-end collisions caused by drivers w ho were fol­ low ing too closely. “ Drivers throughout the state are inclined to press speed limits and follow too closely in what seems like a race to get to their destination,” V itolo said. A T u rk is h man w ho sexu­ ally a ssau lted and strangled a U n iv e rsity o f P o rtla n d s tu ­ d en t in n o rth P o rtla n d fiv e years ago has begun a life sen­ tence in prison, with the possibility o f parole after 37 years. Deniz A ydiner, 30, was sentenced Feb. 10 in the death o f Kate Johnson, 21, o f Vancouver. Her body was found May 2 9 ,2 0 0 1 , in her locked second- story dorm itory room. Police said A ydiner lived near the cam pus and knew Johnson. T hey linked him to the crim e through DN A evidence. A ydiner w as arrested in 2004 after he returned from Turkey on a tem po­ rary visa that local police and pros­ ecutors arranged with federal H om e­ land Security officials to get for him. Turkey prohibits extradition o f iLsciti- zens for crim es com m itted in foreign countries. 3- 0 ? 3 o a m ro u fashion due to the consistent effort to provide the latest apparel in the clothing industry. From Head To Toe serves a variety of customers at affordable prices for quality merchandise. Mr. Eric Holden is from Oakland. CA and is opening a new clothing store within the next couple of months. Mr. Eric Holden is looking for serious investors to help launch one of the greatest clothing stores in the Pacific Northwest. 0 Ô c r o o For more information Call 503 442-5243 r o 0 10 ffi u 0) Q. 0 & > 0) •0 01 c s Jimmy’s Dry Cleaners Global Management Strategies, LLC B.A.G. & Company, LLC Williams St. Market Rural & Urban Development League, LLC CORNER OF FREMONT & N. WILLIAMS AVE. affordable pricing • pick-up & delivery • business planners Retail and Office Suites Available •g 5’ co c r zi Happy Birthday *0 M a r c o W a s h in g to n ■5 jwilsonassoc@yahoo.com 3 S 3 0) *0 503.284.6884 • 7 30 A M -10:00 PM S' from your family with love