Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 15, 2006, Page 13, Image 13

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    íl!f JJortlaxtò (©bseruer
February 15. 2006
Page B7
BLACK HISTORY M ONTH and the American Experience
Our scientific power has outrun our
spiritual power. We have guided
missiles and misguided men.
R eligion
You are cordially invited to attend an
A ppreciation W orship Service
— Martin Luther King Jr.
Z io n C M E C h u r c h - P o r tla n d , O r e g o n
Saturday, February 18, 2006
5 :0 0 p . m . R eception Z 6 KM) p jn . Worship Service
R tv ir tn d M a t t H t m t a t t
V a n co u v er A v e a m F in « B avtiat C)ntr<h
3 1 3 S N. V a n co u v er A v e n e e - F orilan H , O n j o »
sue st sbl ;
P a s to r
C hrfa« T em * le CM E
C h o se n G e n e r a tio n ; C a r y S im m s ;
J u lia n n e J o h n so n ;
G lo r ia S tid u m «ft C a lv in A llm o n
The House o f Prayer
4936 N .E . Skidm ore
Portland, O R 97218
In the Spirit of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
Take N.E. Prescott,
Heading East (toward 60th) to
N.E. 49lh and Turn Right,
Go Two Blocks and Turn Left
Kaiser Permanente employee Tiffany Crumble bags rice at the Oregon Food Bank in northeast Portland as part o f the “Day On Not A
Day Off" commemoration o f the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday. Kaiser paid for Crumble and approximately 700 other employ­
ees to spend half a day serving their community at 16 local non-profit agencies, safety-net medical clinics and schools.
Sunday Sehool
Sunday Morning Service
Wednesday Prayer
Wednesday Evening
of Negro
is Welcome!
With the growth and develop­
ment of so many new music genres,
the Negro spiritual faces the dan­
ger of being lost if not preserved for
future generations.
Asa meanscontinuing the legacy
of the spiritual, the Bethel AME
Cathedral Choir will perform their
annual concert, “An Evening of
Negro Spirituals,” on Sunday, Feb.
2 6 at 4p.m. at Bethel AMEChurch,
5828 N.E. Eighth Ave.
Concert leaders said the perfor­
mance will retain the spirit of the
“oral” spiritual and the style o f the “Lord Guide my Feet" will be the theme o f the musical concert "An Evening of Negro Spirituals"
“concert” spiritual.
Sunday, Feb. 26 at Bethel AME Church, 5828 N.E. Eighth Ave.
Ask Deanna!
Real People,
Real Advice
to advice
known fa r
reality based
Dear Deanna!
If a relationship is doing well and
things are fine without marriage,
why do women complain? I ’ ve been
with my girlfriend for nine years
and sometimes she rants about
being legal and having a piece of
paper justify our relationship. I feel
it w on't make any difference be­
cause we have love and neither one
of us is going anywhere. -R onnie;
Beaumont, Texas
Dear Ronnie:
So you want to sacrifice salvation for
physical comfort? True, your court­
ship lasted longer than most mar­
riages. If you love the relationship
you should do the right thing and
not fornicate by living the shacking
lifestyle. Marriage will change things
because you'll have the true bless­
ing of God over your relationship as
well as many marriage perks and
benefits. After 9 years, quit playing
and do the right thing.
Dear Deanna!
I’m in prison and have been here for
over 10 years. My children were
babies when I left and my wife al­
ways throws it in my face that I
never did anything for them. No I
haven't paid child support or pro­
vided material things, but I can share
wisdom. Now they’ve gone astray
and she's blaming it on me. I feel I
can help if she would only bring
them to see me. -Anonymous;
9:30 am
11:00 am
12:00 Noon
7:00 pm
Soledad Prison in Calif.
Dear Anonymous:
Child support and material things
don't raise children. Love, support,
and wisdom along with discipline
and faith lead children in the right
way. She should be bringing those
kids to visit you every chance she
gets. A child seeing their father in
prison is the ultimate tool to help
them do right and stay out of trouble.
When they visit, help them by keep­
ing it real about the consequences
of your misdeed that landed you in
prison and took your life, your
dreams and your family.
Dear Deanna!
I spent so much time raising my
kids that I lost m yself in my m ar­
riage. Next thing you know, my
husband files for divorce, takes
the house, the money and the
kids. Now he’staking me to court
for child support and I do n 't think
its right. I d on’t know what to do
as a housew ife with no educa­
tion. —Jeanie; Paoli, Penn.
King Orations Recorded Live
Famous orations of Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr. will be presented
during the devotional hour each
Saturday at 9 a.m. at Irvington
Mason St. at Martin Luther King
Jr. Boulevard
Council Celebrates 42 Years
Portland's division of the Na­
tional Council of Negro Women
celebrates 42 years of community
service this year with its 16,h an­
nual Ecumenical Prayer Breakfast
on Saturday, Feb. 18, from 9a.m. to
noon at the Portland Airport
Ask Deanna is written by Deanna
M. Write Ask Deanna! Email:
askdeannal@ yahoo.com or 264
S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283
Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Website:
Dr. M ary M cLeod Bethune
founded the National organization
in 1935, as a way to unite those
concerned with the welfare of Afri­
can American women. The organi­
zation also promotes the unity of
educational, cultural, economic,
social and spiritual life in America.
Would you like to own
your own hornet
■ Goon Gr,rrrr
Dear Jeanie:
If you had custody of those kids
you would’ve beat the court doors
off the hinges trying to get some
money Regardless of gender, ab­
sent parents should pay child sup­
port. Like being homeless, divorce
is not an overnight thing and you
should've seen i, coming. You knew
what you were working with. Like
they tell men, stop whining, get a
job and handle your business even
if you have to flip a few burgers.
Host Charles E. Long invites area
residents to attend the orations,
which were recorded live.
The free series begins Saturday,
Feb. 18 and continues through
April. For more information, call
R efinance
B al C redit
P urchase
F irst -T ime B uyer
100% financing O ption Available & N o up front fees!
Hi N
If I cant do it nobody can!
* JR
Au x
Charlette Martin
222 N.E. Park Plaza Dr.
Suite 115
Vancouver, WA 98684
Pastor Marcia L. Taylor
Tel: (503) 284-9959
O u r F irs t P rio rity
Dr. Marceline Failla
Chiropractic Physician
Call for an appointment!
(503) 228-6140
We are located at
1716 N.E. 42nd Ave., Portland, O R 97213
(Between Broadway and Sandy Blvd.)
We specialize in:
• Automobile accident injuries
• Chronic headache and joint pain
• Workers Compensation injuries
North Portland Bible College’s
Third Annual Martin Luther King
Lecture Series
will be presented on
February 23, 2006 - 6 p.m.
at Portland Community College
Cascade Campus - Terrell Hall, room 122
“ M artin Luther King, Jr. and M alcolm X:
A Com parative Analysis”
Rev. Dr. LeRoy Haynes, Jr.
Dr. Haynes is highly qualified to do this
series, not only through his scholarly
studies, but also by personal involvement
in the struggle. He holds degrees from the
University of North Texas, Perkins School
of Theology, Southern Methodist Univer­
sity, and Texas Christian University. His
experience includes working in the Civil
Rights Movement as Field Organizer for
the Student Nonviolent Christian Leader­
ship Conference (SNCC), as a leader in
Rev. Dr. Haynes, Jr.
Southern Christian Leadership Conference
(SCLC), and as co-founder of the Black Panther Party of Texas.
Among other activities and responsibilities. Dr. Haynes serves
as President of North Portland Bible College and is chairman of
the Albina Ministerial Alliance’s ad hoc committee: Coalition for
Justice and Police Accountability.
Even a brief glance at the list of accomplishments of Dr. LeRoy
Haynes, Jr. will reveal a person uniquely qualified to speak about
the struggle for justice and freedom, who continues not only the
words bu, also the works of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
N orth P ortland B ible C ollege
4905 N. Vancouver. Portland, Oregon
email: npbcadmOaol.com