Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 15, 2006, Page 11, Image 11

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    œ*!‘ IJortlanò ©bseruer
February 15. 2006
BLACK HISTORY MONTH and the American Experience
P o r i i a n il O b s e r v e r A u t o JRLe v ie w
Page B5
C lassifieds /B ids
Ore. Convention Center, North Side AV Control Room,
Exhibit and Meeting Spaces
Sound System and Related Infrastructure Replacement Project
Request for Bids, due March 7,2006,2:00PM, MERC Admin. Offices
The MERC is soliciting “sealed bids" for the OR Convention Center
(0CC) North Side Sound System Replacem ent and Related
Infrastructure in accordance with the Project Specifications
available for pick up, at the OCC, MERC Admin. Offices at 777 N.E.
MLK Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR, 97232, North Holladay Lobby, top/
ballroom level on concourse. One copy per prospective Bidder at
no charge. Specifications are not available electronically and will
not be mailed. The work consists of all labor and materials for the
removal and replacement of the original building AV equipment in
the head end room, exhibit and meeting spaces, and associated
wiring, apparatus and infrastructure per the specification.
A site visitation will be held on February 21,2006, at 9:00AM Pacific Time,
to commence at the Holladay Lobby of the OCC. The meeting will start
promptly. If you are late, you will be left behind.
Tested Vehicle Information: Price: $54,140; Engine: 3.0 liter DOHC, 24-valve Valvetronic 6-
cylinder with VANOS steplessly variable valve timing; Transmission: Six Speed Manual.
K athleen C arr
The BMW 5 Series deliv­
ers just about everything you
could ask for in a luxury se­
dan. It offers the features,
comfort and convenience of
full-size luxury sedans, the
sporting character of smaller
ones, and a better compro­
mise between interior space
and physical bulk. It’sabench-
mark for the auto industry and
engineers alike.
The 525X1 engine is a 3.0-
lite r dual o v erh ead cam
(DOHC), 24-valve inline 215-
horsepower 6-cy I i nder engine
with composite magnesium/
alum inum en g in e block,
Valvetronic system, and 1-
stage air intake manifold of­
fers all the power and exhila­
ration one might need in their
driving experience.
The 525x1 provides the spec­
trum of BMW mechanical sys­
tem s for perfo rm an ce and
safety, including Dynamic Sta­
bility Control (DSC) that can
correct potentially dangerous
car movements when wheels
slip laterally. This year, BMW
upgrades the DSC equipment
by adding Brake Fading Com ­
pen satio n , B rake S tandby,
Brake Drying, plus Start-off
The base price o f the 525X1
starts at $44,000 which in­
cludes remote keyless entry
security alarm system with
rem ote trunk release, auto­
matic clim ate control with m i­
cro-filter and air-recirculation,
leather wrapped m ulti-func­
tion steering wheel, power tilt
and telescopic, steering wheel.
Anti-theft AM /FM /CD audio
system, memory system for
driver seat, side-view m ir­
rors and steering wheel posi­
tion, power window, seats,
head restraints, and glass
moon roof, service interval
indicators, ¡Drive system with
on board com puter, check
control vehicle m onitor sys­
tem and pre-wiring for BMW
6-Disc CD Changer and sat­
ellite radio.
The BMW 525X1 on the
upside is a great, exhilarating,
powerful experience with the
superior handlingthatBMW is
known for. The downside of
vehicle is that you cannot tune
the radio to certain stations in
the area, there no ability to
control where the heat is flow­
ing, and it would be great if the
premium package were in­
cluded in the price.
Alarcon Tackles Community Issues
the city.”
W e st/N o rth w e st. He shares
from Metro
He faults the decisions of the Griffith-Valade's sentiment; saying
past 11 years he has seen neighbor­ past made by top ONI administra­ others in his group lean toward a
hood programs drift from predomi­ tors who failed to get the opinions "less is better” belief when it comes
nant community participation to of local residents.
to agency involvement.
vague support.
“The difficulty with a top-down
“There’s a broad concern from
“There’s been a drift of focus of administration is you’re relying on neighborhood volunteers that the
what the neighborhood associa­ community to be clients, not re­ city was not as interested in hear­
tions are supposed to be," he said. sources," he said.
ing from the public,” he said. “ I
“The result is a dissonance be­
Mark Sieber is the volunteer ex­ think the Potter administration in­
tween grass-roots participants and ecutive director for N eighbors tends to open things up.”
Quality Training
Great Wages
Superb Benefits
The NECA-IBEW Local 48 Electrical Training
Center is accepting applications for the Union
Inside Electrican and Limited Energy
Apprenticeship Programs:
February 13-17 and February 20-24
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Orientations 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Electrical Training Center
For more information visit www.niete.org
or call 503-262-9991
Sealed Bids m ust be subm itted in legible English, clearly
designated for the Project, by March 7, 2006, by 2:00PM, PT, US
Naval Observatory Master Clock, at the MERC Administrative
Offices. Bids submitted after this time cannot be accepted. First
tier subcontractors lists must be submitted prior to 4:00PM the
same day, at which time the Bids will be opened and publicly read.
The City is seeking applicants to
fill im m ediate and up com ing
va c a n c ie s for p o lice o ffic e r.
Longview is a comfortable and
affordable rural community within
e a sy a cce ss to the g re a te r
P o rtla n d -V a n c o u ve r
Longview abounds with outdoor
recreational activities and is a
great place to live, work and play!
P u b lic Safety Te stin g (P S T)
administers the entry-level testing
for Longview, as well as several
other Washington public safety
agencies, and will be conducting
testing in Kelso. Washington on
Saturday, February 18,2006 and in
Vancouver, W ashin gton on
Saturday, March 25,2006. If you are
interested in more information
about applying to test, please visit
call 1.866.447.3911. If you would
like to know more about Longview
w eb site
on "Employment Opportunities".
W om en and m in o ritie s are
encouraged to apply. EOE
Tri-Met Gateway Transit Center
Bid Package: #2 Park & Ride Garafe Signage
Bids Due: February 21, 2006 at 2:00pm
Bid Documents - Willamette Print & Blueprint (503/223-5011) or
Hoffman Construction
Company of Oregon
M etro
Event Manager I - Part-time, Oregon
C o nve n tio n Center. $17.30 -
$19.07/hr. Deadline: 2-22-06.;
Coordinates facility events and
acts as liaison to facility users.
Phone: (503) 221-8811 - Bid F r : (503) 221-8888
This opportunity is open to First
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all
interested firms Including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans
and emerging small business enterprises.
(C o lu m b ia B ou levard on the
north; 42nd Avenue on the east;
the B anfield Freew ay on the
south, and North Chautauqua
Boulevard on the west), whose
total annual incom e does not
exceed $25,000 as an individual,
or $ 4 0 ,0 0 0 fo r an e n tire
h o u se h o ld , fo r the past 12
Opportunity Target Area residents
80S SV& Broadway. Suite 2100 - Portland, OR 972US CCB LIC# 28417
Other Subcontracting Opportunities - Internet http://www.hoffmancorp.com
The Oregon State Board of Higher Education/OUS is seeking
qualified construction management firms interested in providing
Construction Management/General Contractor (CMGC) services
in connection with the Miller Theatre Addition to Villard Hall project
on the University of Oregon campus.
The successful CM/GC will be working closely with a design firm
and the University on scheduling, budget and constructability issues
through the Design Development and Construction Document
phases of design. The project will include a new 150 seat Black
Box experimental theatre, new lobby that serves the new and
existing Robinson Theatre, as well as support facilities for the
theatre spaces. Renovations within the existing building are
probable. The adjacent building will be occupied during the entire
construction process. The addition will be approximately 25,000
sf with additional renovated space. The current construction budget
is between $4.5 - $5 million. The project intends to bid during the
winter of 2006-2007 for a spring 2007 construction start.
Written proposals completed in accordance with the RFP must be
received by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education at the
University of Oregon Facilities Services Department, Capital
Construction, by 4PM, PST, March 2,2006.
If submitted by m a il, send to:
Department of Facilities Services
Capital Construction
1276 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-1276
If delivered by m e s s e n g e r or other delivery service:
Department of Facilities Services
Capital Construction
1295 Franklin Boulevard
Eugene, OR 97403
A voluntary pre-proposal conference and examination of the site
conditions will be conducted at: the Villard Hall Conference Room,
on February 21, 2006 at 10:00 AM, PST.
All proposers must comply with requirements of the prevailing wage
law in ORS 279C.800 through ORS 279C.870. All proposers must
be registered with the Construction Contractor's Board at the time
of proposal submission.
Firms interested in obtaining the Request for Proposals (RFP),
which describes the application and selection process, should
phone, write or E-mail to:
rS £ W
Owner's contact and Project Manager is Mark Hunter, 503-731-
7827, or Heather Olsen, Construction Coordinator, at 503-731-
Documents will be electronically distributed upon your contacting
the University of Oregon at the below stated contact.
Where: NECA-IBEW Local 48
Electrical Training Center
16021 NE Airport Way
Portland, OR 97230
This is a Public Works Project pursuant to ORS 279C.800 to
City of Longview, Washington
Entry-level Police Officer
$46,352 - $59,964 +
Exceptional Benefits
University of Oregon Facilities Services
Attn: Linda Silver
1276 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-1276
Phone: 541-346-2287
e-mail: lsilver@uoregon.edu
By: Frances Dyke, Vice-President of Finance
and Administration, Eugene, Oregon
To acce ss the com p le te jo b
a n no un cem e nt and required
application materials, visit our
website at www.metro-region.org/
jobs or pick up a complete packet
at Metro Human Resources, 600
NE G rand Ave n ue , P ortlan d .
Resumes are not accepted.
AA/EEO Employer
K W V A F M R a d io S t a t i o n
G e n e r a l M a n a g e r - The Erb
Memorial Union at the University
of Oregon. Provides principal
accountability and manages 24-
hour a day student radio station,
including resource development,
p e rso n n e l
an i
b u d g et
m anagem ent, m aintenance of
fa c ilitie s
sys te m s ,
p ro gra m m in g, and a s s u rin g
broadcast services and station
o p e ra tio n s c o m p ly w ith FCC
regulations, federal, state, and
local laws, and University policies
and procedures. Bachelor degree
and at least th re e ye a rs
broadcasting e; ( erience; strong
oral and written ommunications
skills; demonstrated commitment
g o a ls
of a lte rn a tiv e ,
noncom m ercial broadcasting,
with emphasis on diversity and
equal opportunity; demonstrated
ability to work collaborauvely with
college students and volunteers
In an in c re a s in g ly d ive rse
e n v iro n m e n t;
e xp e rie n c e
providing exceptional customer
service, handling multiple tasks,
setting priorities, and meeting
d e a d lin e s
in a d yn am ic
e n v iro n m e n t;
e xp e rie n ce
s u p e rv is in g paid s ta ff and
m anaging financial resources.
Annual starting salary $38,000-
$40.000 based on qualifications
and e xp e rie n c e plus h igh ly
com p e titive benefit package.
Applications will be accepted until
position is filled, with priority given
to application s arrivin g on or
b efo re M arch 13, 2006.
Com plete announcem ent and
application information available
at H um an R e so u rc e s , 5210
University of Oregon, Eugene, OR
97403-5210 Eugene; (541) 346-
3159, TTY (541) 346-0852; on
the web http://hr.uoregon.edu/
jo b s . AA /E O /A D A in stitu tio n
committed to cultural diversity.