^ J J o rtla n h (Observer Page A4 Februaiy 8, 2006 BLACK HISTORY MONTH and the American Experience Opinion articles do not necessarily reflect or represent the views o f The Portland Observer O pinion Change Direction with Universal Healthcare Current plan cuts budget at expense of poor by J udge G reg M athis House Republicans have passed a bill that, among other things, makes cu ts to M e d ic a id , the fed eral g o v e rn m e n t's health insurance program for the poor. President Bush praises the bill, saying these cuts will help control government spending. H ow ever, a recent report says the cuts will result in higher co­ paym ents and prem ium s for pro­ gram participants, eventually forc­ ing many people to drop out o f the programs because the out o f pocket expenses will be too high. Control- lin g g o v e rn m e n t spending is a noble g o a l, b u t s h o u ld ac h ie v in g th a t goal com e at the expense of the pr? O nce again, it se e m s th is adm in istratio n ’s p ri­ orities d o n ’t include the well-being o f some of our country’s most vulnerable citizens. According to the Congressional Budget Office, about 13 million low- income A m ericans - that’s about one fifth o f M edicaid recipients - would have to deal with higher co ­ paym ents for doctor’s visits and other medical services. The office estim ates that one-third o f those affected will be children and almost half would be people living below Our elected officials work for us and their priorities and values should mirror our own. the federal poverty level. ,n his State o f the Union ad ­ d re ss, P re sid e n t B ush b rie fly touched on several topics, includ­ ing the current state o f A m erica’s healthcare system. He urged C on­ gress to address rising healthcare costs and asked small businesses to work together to secure lower insurance rates so more workers could be insured. Keep costs under control and expand access, that’s what the Presi­ dent wants to do. But he d id n ’t reveal a plan for making this vision a reality. The Am erican Federation o f Labor and Congress o f Indus­ trial Organizations (AFL-CIO), how­ ever. does have a plan: a govern­ ment run health insurance program. The organization has urged C on­ gress to institute universal health insurance for all A m ericans. The group has begun to push for legis­ lation that requires com panies to pay a specific percentage o f their payroll tow ard the cost o f health insurance. The state of M aryland has already introduced such a m ea­ sure; 30 other states are expected to roll out sim ilar program s. The A FL-CIO is a federation of more than 50 national and interna­ tio n a l la b o r u n io n s , representing nine million w orking people from every walk o f life - teachers, m usicians, firefighters, doctors and more. President Bush insists that a governm ent-run healthcare system isn ’t the way to go. He prefers a private health care system , where Am ericans are free to “choose.” But, with the cuts to M edicaid, too many Americans will have tochoose between paying the light bill or paying for medicine. N oone should be forced to make such a decision. A m ericans should rally behind the A F L -C IO 's push for universal healthcare. W rite your local legis­ lators and dem and they support this initiative. Ask that they work to control governm ent spending by putting and end to the wars in Iraq and A fghanistan, not by cutting poor people o ff from necessary m edical services. O ur elected officials work for us and th eir p rio rities and values should m irror our own. Judge Greg Mathis is national vice president o f Rainbow PUSH and a national board member o f the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. Coretta Scott King: Pillar of Strength and Bravery raised fourchildren, constantly shielding them from the vio­ lence o f the times. She served as the g lu e that held the family together which by U.S. R ep . M axine W aters I was deeply saddened by the allow ed Dr. K ing to have the passing o f C oretta Scott King and p rolific im pact that he had wish to express my sym pathy and not only on this co u n try but my deepest condolences to her fam­ the w orld at large. I am c e r­ tain th at on nights too n u ­ ily for their loss. Mrs. King was a pillar o f strength m erous to co u n t, it w as she w ho and bravery during the civil rights answ ered the telep h o n e only to m ovem ent and she rem ained dedi­ hear d eath threats on the o th er cated to her late husband’s dream side. Y et she rem ained a p icture o f achieving racial equality. She o f g race and dign ity d u rin g these s u ffe re d m ig h tily d u rin g h e r tum ultuous tim es. G iven the recent controversy husband’s lifetime and lived under the constant threat o f persecution, surrounding the President’s autho­ at ti mes from her o w n govern men t. 11 rization of wiretap surveillance on was within this framework, that she American citizens, I am reminded of She Lived Under Constant Threats / am reminded o f the many injustices faced by the King family during the civil rights movement. the many injustices faced by the King family during the civil rights movement. Dr. King w as under constant surveillance by the United States governm ent. The organiza­ tion he founded, the Student N on­ violent C oordinating Com m ittee, w as in filtra ted by g o v ern m en t agents that attem pted to disrupt the good work that he and others were doing in an effort to obliterate racism and bigotry from our nation. T he g o v ern m en t even spied on M rs. K ing and her ch ild ren and sent hateful letters in the mail in an attem p t to u nderm ine her love and d ed icatio n to her h u s­ band. T h ro u g h it all, M rs. K ing w as ste ad fast in her su p p o rt o f her husband and refused to bow dow n to the in ju stic es they faced. It is u n fo rtu n ate that o n ce again, w e m ust co n fro n t a g o v ern m en t that sp ies on its c itiz en s an d ig n o res an in d iv id u a l’s rig h t to be left alone. I am sad d en ed that causes th at her h u sb an d w o rk ed so hard to ad d ress: p o v erty , a f­ fo rd ab le h o u sin g , an d eq u al em ­ p lo y m en t o p p o rtu n ities are is­ sues that w e co n tin u e to stru g g le w ith today. She and her husband stru g g led to fo rce th is cou n try to live up to a stan d ard o f ju stic e and d em o cracy th a t we h av e yet to see. I am certain that President Bush will express his sym pathy regard­ ing her death. However, it is ironic that the President laid a wreath on the grave o f her slain husband to honor the anniversary o f his death, y etju st one year earlier, his A dm in­ istration filed a brief to oppose af­ firm ative action. He has also re ­ fused to meet with the N A ACP, an organization that w orks to carry on the legacy o f Dr. K ing’s vision. 1 am sure that he will have kind words for the King family, but w ouldn’t it be acau se for celebration ifh is actions m atched his w ords? So, on this fateful day, I honor Mrs. King for her strength, her d ig ­ nity and herdedication. She will be sorely missed. Maxine Waters is a member o f Congress from California. Black History Month Tribute to Civil Rights Champions by U.S. R ep . J ulia C arson A w om an o f great stature has left us behind. A woman whom many leaned on for support and guidance. C oretta Scott King left behind a legacy o f com passion, love and standing for w hat is right. She was a phenom enal w om an who was kind to all she met and worked tirelessly for those she had not. The mark she has left on America and the world is indelible and we are all better for her having lived the life she led. However, we must rem em ber all those who have passed and left a mark on our lives. Today, in h o norof Black History Month, I would like to pay tribute to some o f those we have lost in the past year. O ver one year ago we lost Shirley C hisholm , the first Af­ rican A m erican w om an to se rv e in C o n g re s s . M s. Chisholm served honorably for seven term s and was never one to back down from a fight. A founding m em ber o f the Congressional Black Caucus and the first viable African American and female candi­ date for President, she won 152 delegates to the 1972 D em ocratic Convention. Ossie Davis was the consummate Ameri­ c a n e n t e r ta in e r an d a p a ra g o n o f integrity. W hile he spent many years of his life as an entertainer he also served our country as an activist w orking alongside the likes of Martin I .uther King Jr., Malcolm X and Jesse Jackson. R osa P arks, w hen she sat dow n the w h o le w o rld s to o d up to c h a n g e A m erica. If it w ere not fo r her, the M o th er o f the M odern Day C ivil R ights M ovem ent, w e m ay never have heard o f M artin L u th e r K ing Jr. R osa P ark s m arched to a d ru m b eat in p u rsu it o f liberty, in p u rsu it o f eq u a lity and in pursuit o f ju stic e fo r all p eople. Johnnie C ochran served as an attorney to the stars. He worked in court not only on behalf o f A frican A merican entertainers and athletes, but cham pioned the cause o f everyday people. He understood the law and worked hard to make sure his clients were served fairly by the courts, often taking cases in w hich police brutality was a factor. D r.C . D elores Tucker, starting in 1971, served as the first African A m erica Secre­ tary o f State in Pennsylvania. During this tim e she worked to appoint more women and African A m ericans to boards and com ­ missions. She led the fight to move the voting age to 18 from 21, as well as started voter registration by mail. As a younger w oman she participated in the 1965 M arch on Selma. These are but a few o f those w ho left us th isp asty ear. Iu rg e y o u to ta k e so m e tim e to look over one o f these biographies this month. Let us never forget the sacrifices of those w ho cam e before us. Congresswoman Julia Carson is a member o f the Congressional Black Cau­ cus from Indiana. Coretta Scott King m eth becomes your d o tte d l i n e . TEAR HERE m e th l i e s , you d e c id e . If you know someone with a meth problem call 1-800-923-HELP. It is sym bolic that C oretta Scott K ing died on the 141" A n n iv er­ sary o f the 13th am en d m en t to the C o n s titu tio n , w h ich a b o lish e d slav ery . T he p assag e o f this a m en d ­ m ent by tw o votes d u rin g the C ivil W ar rem inds us that the fight ag ain st racial d isc rim in atio n and fo r hum an d ig n ity has been a p itc h e d b a ttle th ro u g h o u t o u r h isto ry . C o retta Scott K ing w as in the fo re fro n t o f th e re v o lu tio n o f progress and heartbreak. She will be rem em b ered , not ju s t as the w idow o f Dr. M artin L uther K ing Jr., but as a w om an o f g reat c o u r­ age and d ig n ity in her ow n right, w hose role in the civil rights m ove­ m ent is o nly now being fully a p ­ p reciated . I jo in w ith the nation in ex ten d ­ ing c o n d o len ces to the K ing fa m ­ ily and in ho n o rin g the life o f C o retta Scott King. U.S. Rep. Earl Hlumenhauer, Oregon Congressman from Port­ land