Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 08, 2006, Page 13, Image 13

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    Jl,e 'Jtlnrtlanò (S)bsertfcr
February 8. 2006
Page B5
BLACK HISTORY MONTH and the American Experience
C lassifieds /B ids
B usiness
Advertise with divei dt\ in
P o 11 la n h (O b f..
Career Fighting Scam Artists Ends
°*F C O ^
$4,017 $4,882 / month
Closes February 17, 2006
$4,326 - $5,258/ month
Closes February 24, 20006
Immediate full and part-tim e
openings. Seeking dependable,
well-groomed, positive Individuals.
$8,50 + starting wage
Overtime/ advancement potential
Medical & Dental. 40lk avail.
Drugtest/ Background check
Apply 12:00-l:00PM,
Mon, Wed, Thurs & Fri;
3:00-4:00PM Tues.
City Center Parking,
130 SW Stark. Portland.
$4,017 - $4,882 / month
Closes February 17, 2006
L ife W orks
Check our website for a
complete list of positions:
Disability, Aging,
& Veteran Services
$4,775 - $5,803 / month
Closes February 17, 2006
Mental Health Therapist N Portland
Provides adult outpatient mental
health services to individuals,
couples and groups. MA req in
human service field.
$9.50/ hour
Open Continuous
Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503)
846-4898 for information or see
our w ebsite: w w w .co.w ashing
ton.or.us. County application and
supplemental application forms
required. Women, minorities, and
peop le w ith d is a b ilitie s are
encouraged to apply.
Adolescent Milieu Counselor On Call
N Portland Provides group and
m ilieu tre a tm e n t se rvice s to
severely emotionally disturbed
adolescents in a day treatment
setting which services culturally
d ive rse youth in N Portland.
Potential to move to full-time. Req
BA and exp with SED adolescents.
Washington County Human
Resources Division
155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320
Hillsboro, OR 97124
Construction crime
investigator retires
$ I ()(),()()()
B ic k fo rd , w h o w as
f e a tu r e d
“ A m e r i c a 's
M o st
Bruce Buffington, C hief Enforcement
W a n te d ,” w as c o n ­
O fficer in the Special Investigations Unit
v icted o f scam m ing
at the O regon State C onstruction C on­
the eld erly , by o v er­
tractors Board has retired.
ch arg in g for shoddy
B u ffin g to n started at the C C B as a
roofingjobs. Bickford
S p e c ia l I n v e s tig a to r in 1992. T h e
w as nev er licensed as
agency has co m p lete ju risd ic tio n to
a c o n tra c to r in O r­
pursue and in v estig ate civil and crim i­
eg o n .
nal crim es related to the co n stru ctio n
The arrest cam e af­
in d u stry .
ter a tip from a C alifor­
Since 2(X)I, Buffington has overseen Bruce Buffington
nia police agency led
the successful prosecution o f over 100
him to ac ar repair shop
civil and crim inal cases.
in Puyallup, W ash. Buffington coordinated the
A m ong his m ost su ccessfu l co n v ictio n s
capture with the assistance of W ashington law
w as that o f Bill Bob B ickford w ho w as on the
enforcem ent. Bickford iscurrently serv in g a2 6
run for th ree years a fte r ju m p in g bail on a
month prison term.
B uffington is still w aiting for the arrest o f
G ary M andes, a scam artist su sp e cte d o f
bilk in g th o u san d s o f d o lla rs from eld erly
citiz en s for asp h alt seal co a tin g jo b s.
B uffington’s law enforcem ent career was
preceded by w orking as an Investigator in
C alifornia during the 1970’s. He worked fo ra
firm where the well-know n attorney Johnny
Cochran was a partner.
H ¡scarcer in law enforcem ent and interest in
public safety w on't end when Buffington leaves
the CCB. He will continue as a volunteer in the
Beaverton Police D epartm ents Loss Preven
tion Program.
Additionally, Buffington, an avid cyclist,
started a non-profit bicycle safety organization
called NW Bicycle Safety Council. The group
hosts safety events, sponsor rides and hosts
cable television program s dedicated to public
safety and cycling education.
Newspaper Veteran Leads Association
West Coast Black
Publishers elect president
The West Coast Black Pub­
lishers Association has elected
a new president.
Les Kimber, a founding mem­
ber of the organization, said his
priorities in the position will be
to ensure that member publica­
tions receive their fair share of
the multi-billion dollar newspa­
per advertising budgets from
U.S. corporations that African
Am erican new spapers have
in many cases been unfairly
W CBPA has 22 m em ber
newspapers, including the Port­
land Observer, with more than
34 editions published in 18 mar­
kets encompassing the states
of Arizona, California, Nevada,
Oregon and Washington.
Kimber began publishing the
California Advocate Newspa­
per in Fresno, Calif, with his
wife Pauline in 1967. He is also
Prevention Specialist N Portland
E n e rg e tic and in d e p e n d e n t
person to provide alcohol/drug
prevention services for children
and families living in low income
Revenue and Taxation S p e c ia lis t I housing communities. Includes
The Revenue Bureau License & fam ily goal setting, mentoring,
Tax D ivision is re c ru itin g for school liaison work and operating
Revenue and Tax Specialist Is who a fte r sch oo l program for
are responsible for handling cash; elem entary and middle school
providing business license and students. BA/BS in social work or
incom e tax custom er service human services. Knowledge of
assistance; performing data entry a lco h o l/d ru g prevention. Bi­
and d ocu m e n t m an age m e n t lingual (English/Spanish) a plus.
services for bureau, City, and other People of color encouraged to
jurisdictions; operating a variety of apply.
office equipment and machines;
and p ro v id in g b u re a u -w id e Interested applicants may e-mail
resumes to hr@lifeworksnw.org.
o p e ra tio n a l and
mail to: LifeWorks NW, 14600
re g u la to ry
su p p o rt
w hile
maintaining strict confidentiality. NW C ornell Rd, Portland, OR
97229 Attn: Human Resources
To Place Your
Duties range from perform ing
or fax to: 503-690-9605. Please
problem solving in basic business
include in your cover letter the
license or income tax programs
Contact: Kathy Linder
p o sitio n fo r w hich you are
to assisting in regulatory program
Phone: 503-288-0033
applying. To learn more about
p ro ce sse s u sin g e xte n siv e
Fax: 503-288-0015
LifeW orks NW please visit our
communication and referral skills.
e-mail: classifieds@
web site at www.lifeworksnw.org.
The position requires a working
Equal Opportunity Employer
knowledge of business math/
p ra c tic e s,
go ve rn m e n ta l
programs/codes, English spelling
and grammar, keyboarding, data
This is a summary of Calendar Year 2006 Amendment No. 1. The
e n try and w ord p ro c e s s in g
City of Portland proposes to amend its FY 2005-06 Action Plan as
software and data systems for
license application and tax return
processing. This recruitment will
A. Add a new activity: $8,000 of Community Development Block
initially be used to fill one limited
Grant (CDBG) funds to Native American Youth Association for
term full time in the License & Tax
the Native American Home Buying Fair.
Division and 10 temporary Revenue
B. Allocate an additional $8,653 CDBG to Rose Com m unity
and Tax Specialists Is vacancies in
D e ve lo p m e n t C o m m issio n fo r Le n ts H o m e o w n e rsh ip
the Personal Income Tax Program.
Some positions may require a valid
C. Allocate an additional $7,000 (CDBG) funds to Northwest
state drivers license.
Housing Alternatives for the Weidler Commons Rehab project.
D. Allocate an additional $3,737 (CDBG) to Cascadia Behavioral
Ap pro xim ate M onthly S alary:
Healthcare Housing for the Pigsah/Harriet Court Rehab project.
$2,470 at entry to $3,214
demands that we
work together for
a better society.”
“WCBPA ful­
p resid en t o f K im ber
fills the legitimate
Kimber & Associates, a
press and com ­
national marketing firm
m u n ic a tio n s
which develops media
needs of our com­
buys for over 200 Afri­
munity. We are
can American newspa­
the new spapers
Les Kimber
pers across the nation.
that print the sto­
Kimber has been an active ries and images about the hard­
and respected b u siness and ships and struggles of our people
community leader at the local, along with messages of hope
regional and national levels. He and progress.”
formerly served for eight years
Founded in 1971 as a trade
as a Fresno City Councilman association for African Ameri­
and has been an effective advo­ can
ow ned
n ew sp ap ers,
cate for equality and economic WCBPA serves the western re­
developm ent in the A frican gion of the United States, the
American community in C en­ fastest growing region in the
tral California.
country with a combined circu­
“I am honored to have this lation of 600,000 with a weekly
unique opportunity to head up readership of more than 1.9
WCBPA,” Kimber said. “Our million.
newspapers are the most effec­
WCBPA serves a culturally
tive way for corporate America diverse market in which African
to tap into the purchasing power Americans expend more than
of African Americans. Realism $200 billion per annum.
To learn more about this position,
or to apply online, visit our website
at www.ci.portland.or.us/jobs/ or
pickup an application at 1120 SW
5,h Ave. Portland, Oregon 97204
bv N icole H ooper
T he P ortland O bserver
A complete description of the amendments can be found at:
www.portlandonline.com/bhcd/index.cfm7cM1262. To request
a hard copy of the complete proposed amendment, for further
information or to comment on these proposed amendments,
contact Beth Kaye by mail, phone or email at Bureau of Housing
and Community Development, 421 SW 6'\ Suite 1100, Portland,
OR 97204, 503 8 2 3 -2 3 8 8 , T T Y (5 0 3 ) 8 2 3 -6 8 6 8 ,
bkaye@ci.portland.or.us by M arch 6 ,2 0 0 6 .
ÌZÙtazii iBaxtrzi ¿Strofi
Here when you need usi
cD c
O L liliB & © K »
A.D. Williams
213 N.E Hancock
Portland, OR 97212
9 am-8 pm Tuaa.-Sat.
Shop 503 ?az Z920
Cell 503-308-4488
Michael E. Harper, Sr.
• rart ra a «
Retail and Office Suites Available
New fashions
in Portland
Application deadline is 4:30 pm,
Tuesday, February 13,2006
A flair in fashion has led Eric
Holden to form his own
clothing store, Head-to-Toe.
Pittili. OR972I9
When Eric Holden is out in
about in Portland, he is often
asked about his attire. Holden
takes prides in wearing nice suits
that resemble a Chicago style,
which are often seen on come­
dian Steve Harvey.
Little did Holden know that his
fashion Hair would become a
business venture.
“I decided to bring the flavor
to Portland and start my own
business,” he said.
In the coming months expect
to see a Head to Toe fashions
clothing store in Portland.
“My thing is catering to every­
one and give less expensive prices
than some other stores,” Holden
said. The average suit at the
M en's Warehouse is at least $200;
he plans on beating prices of
local competitors.
Holden wants to sell suits but
also design them. He's relying on
his experiences as an artist to
help guide him.
In 2002, Holden moved from
Oakland, Calif, to Portland with
his wife and child. A 10-year
veteran of the collections busi­
ness, he believes that he will be a
better entrepreneur than having a
regular 9 to 5 job. Making the
decision to go into business for
him was one that he thought
about completely.
“I am a little nervous about
starting my own business, the
only thing that worries me is
people no, shopping a lot, but if
this doesn't work out, I have
other plans like starting a limou­
sine company,” Holden said.
For more information about
Head to Toe fashions, call 503-