œin IJo rtlan b ffîhscrucr Page B4 JA TC *»< A O ( N t l O t KL t C T t l l C A L C lassifieds /B ids f The Area 1 Inside Electrical JATC an equal opportunity apprentice­ ship and training program will open fo r a p p lic a tio n s d u rin g th e follow ing dates and tim es; February 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 1 6 .2 0 ,2 1 ,2 2 ,2 3 ,2 7 .2 8 ,2 0 0 6 . Application tim es are 9 :00 AM u n til 4 :3 0 PM on th e a b o v e specified dates only. Applications m ust be filled out in person at 6915 NE 42nd Avenue Portland, OR 97218 F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n a b o u t p rogra m re q u ire m e n ts p lease v is it our w eb page at 459-4056lia tC W o m e n a n d M in o ritie s a re strongly encouraged to apply. The Academy for Character and Ethics Title: School Director 9-12 Education and Experience: 1. M in im u m o f a M a s te r’s D e g re e , fiv e (5 ) y e a rs secondary-level adm inistrative e x p e rie n c e , O re go n A d m in i­ strative License. 2. W o rk in g k n o w le d g e and a p p lic a tio n o f re s e a rc h on Character Education, and the Early College High School Model. JOB GOAL: Provide educational leadership for ACE staff, insuring that the school focus rem ains consistent with its mission, vision and goals. School D irector m ust have know ledge and u n d e rs ta n d in g of O regon S m a ll School In itia tiv e partnership agreem ents. Please send resum e and three letters of reference to: Hannah B. Fener The Academy for Character and Ethics 8501 N. Chautauqua Blvd Portland, OR 97217 Phone: 503.240.7729 Fax: 503.285.4668 City of Longview, Washington Entry-level Police Officer $46,352 - $59,964 + Exceptional Benefits The City is seeking applicants to fill im m e d ia te a n d u p c o m in g v a c a n c ie s fo r p o lic e o ffic e r. Longview is a com fortable and affordable rural com m unity within e a s y a c c e s s to th e g re a te r P o rtla n d -V a n c o u v e r a re a . Longview abounds with outdoor recreational a ctivitie s and is a great place to live, work and play! P u b lic S a fe ty T e s tin g (P S T ) adm inisters the entry-level testing for Longview, as well as several other W ashington public safety agencies, and will be conducting testing in Kelso, W ashington on Saturday, February 18,2006 and in V a n c o u v e r, W a s h in g to n on Saturday, March 25,2006 If you are interested in m ore inform ation about applying to test, please visit call 1.86e'447.3911. If you would like to know more about Longview go to our w e b s ite w w w .m vlongview .com and click on “Em ploym ent Opportunities". W o m e n a n d m in o ritie s a re encouraged to apply. EOE P rogram S pecialist T h e P o rtla n d P o lic e B u re a u Program Specialist assigned to the Records Division is responsible fo r a va rie ty of p ublic records programs. The Program Specialist w ill u tiliz e s tr o n g p ro je c t m a n a g e m e n t s k ills to en su re tim ely response to subpoenas, p u b lic re c o rd s re q u e s ts , and m edia requests. Duties include re vie w in g and v e rifyin g p ublic records requests and subpoenas, ensuring release of information is fully in com pliance with federal, state and local laws, regulations, and consistent with Bureau and D iv is io n p o lic y ; d r a ft in g and tracking written correspondence: a n d d e s ig n in g , m a in ta in in g , Im p le m e n tin g a n d u p d a tin g records m anagem ent com puter database systems. Through daily com m unication th e incum bent will m aintain effe ctive w orkin g re la tio n sh ip s w ith a v a rie ty of stakeholders. Additional duties in c lu d e p ro c e s s in g re im b u rse m e n t p a p e rw o rk fo r S ta te a nd F e d e ra l c a s e s , co lle ctin g fee s and b illin g law o ffic e s . A p p ro xim a te M o n th ly S a la ry : $ 3 ,9 9 9 - $ 5 ,3 3 2 . Applications must be received no later than 4:30pm, Tuesday, February 21, 2006. A p p lic a tio n s a re available at The Portland Bldg. Application Center 1120 SW 5th Avenue or to apply online, visit http:/www.ci.portland.or.us/jobs/ Sous Chef, University of Oregon T h is p o s itio n o ffe rs a u n iq u e opportunity for a skilled chef on the University of Oregon campus. The ideal candidate will have a passion for food and a successful track record providing high quality food, presentations and service in high vo lu m e p ro d u c tio n . T h is position supervises a staff o f 11 classified staff, and is responsible fo r m a n a g in g th e co m m issa ry k itc h e n in c lu d in g all c u lin a ry standards, recipe developm ent, production, sanitation, sta ffin g a n d tra in in g . M u s t h a ve d em onstra ted exp e rie n ce with and/or com m itm ent to w orking effectively within an increasingly d iv e rs e h ig h e r e d u c a tio n population. Annual starting salary $ 3 2 ,0 0 0 - $ 3 7 ,0 0 0 w ith a c o m p re h e n s iv e b e n e fits package. To a p p ly se n d a p p lic a tio n , re s u m e and re s p o n s e to s u p p le m e n ta l questions (com plete jo b posting and supplem ental questions are available at www.hr.uoregon.edu/ jobs/ or call 346-3159, T TY 346- 0852) to Human Resources, 463 Oregon Hall, Eugene, OR 97403. Forfirst priority application materials must be received by 5:00 pm February 20,2006. Position will remain open until filled. AA/EO/AD A institution com m itted to cultural diversity a n d c o m p lia n c e w ith th e Am ericans with Disabilities Act. w/ben; $ 13.48 $ 15.07/hr, BA or equiv; 3 yrs exp. with seniors or adults with disabilities. Send resum e, c o v e r le tte r a nd o n lin e a p p . ( w w .p o r t la n d im p a c t.o r g ) to P o rtla n d Im p a ct, Attn . HR AJ, 7211 SE 62nd Ave, Portland, OR 97206. EOE. P r o g r a m A d v o c a t e I I FT Revenue and Taxation S p e c ialis t II T h e B u re a u o f L ic e n s e s is recruiting for limited term full-time and tem porary Revenue and Tax Specialists II who are responsible fo r re v ie w in g , a n a ly z in g a n d entering detailed inform ation on individual returns. Duties include providing business license and tax customer service assistance over th e p h o n e a n d in p e rs o n , in fo rm a tio n a nd re fe rra l fo r b u re a u , C ity , a nd o th e r ju ris d ic tio n s and b u re a u -w id e p ro g ra m o p e ra tio n a l and regulatory support. The position requires a w orking knowledge of b u s in e s s m a th / p ra c tic e s , governm ental program s/codes, English sp e llin g and gram m ar, word p roce ssin g softw a re and d a ta s y s te m s fo r lic e n s e a p p lic a tio n a n d ta x re tu rn p roce ssin g. For th e Personal In c o m e Tax P ro g ra m , a keyboarding speed of 45 words per minute and ten-key by touch is preferred, but not required to qualify for the eligible list. This recruitment will Initially be used to fill two limited term full time in the License & Tax Division and 6 tem porary Revenue and Tax S p ecialists Ils vacancies In the Personal Income Tax Program. Some positions may require a valid state drivers license. A p p ro x im a te M o n th ly S a la ry: $2,960 at entry to $3,550 after tw o years February 8, 2006 R eprographic O p e ra to r I R eprographics O perator I’s are m ainly responsible for operating a full range copy center, including h ig h -s p e e d b la c k a n d w h ite copier/printers and color copier/ p rin te rs , a n d b a s ic b in d e ry equipment. Employees occupying this position may also be required to learn and operate m icrofilm equipm ent and a one-color offset press. This position requires an understanding of M icrosoft Excel for variable data applications and Adobe Acrobat for printer set-up, and a basic u n d e rs ta n d in g of m ailing issues and requirem ents is desirable. The w orking shifts are open to bid and may require w orking on sw ing shift (3:00pm to 12:00am ) and/or third shift (11:30pm to 8:00am ). W ork in this class is typically performed in a shop environm ent and requires lifting up to 50 pounds, making d e liv e rie s in a ll w e a th e r conditions, being exposed to high n o is e le v e ls , re p ro g ra p h ic chem icals and w orkin g around m achinery with m oving parts. A p p ro x im a te M o n th ly S a la ry: $2,482 at entry - $3,182 after three years Application deadline is 4:30 pm, Monday, February 13, 2006 To learn more about this position, or to apply online, visit our website at www.ci.portland.or.us/jobs/ or pickup an application at 1120 SW 5lh Ave. Portland, Oregon 97204 EMPLOYMENT Application deadline is 4:30 pm, Monday, February 20, 2006 OREGON BOARD OF M EDICAL EXAM INERS The Oregon Board of Medical Examiners is a fee-supported state regulatory agency created to protect the public from the practice of medicine by unauthorized or unqualified persons and from unprofessional conduct by persons licensed to practice under the Board's statute. The Board is located in a professional office in downtown Portland. We currently have the following positions available: To learn more about this position, o rto apply online, visit our website at www.ci.portland.or.us/jobs/ or pickup an application at 1120 SW 5th Ave. Portland, Oregon 97204 Accounts Payable (AP) Clerk Announcement #LE 060028 The successful AP Clerk will be a detail-oriented team player, responsible for accounts payable, which includes payment to vendors for all Board purchases and expenses, for inventory and other related accounting functions by applying generally accepted accounting principles, and controls to various tasks. The AP Clerk will also work with the Accounting Support to ensure the smooth running of the office. ’M ì ' t ' l » LIVE-IN CHILD CARE AVAILABLE SAVE $ 3 5 0 if you a p p ly now. N a tio n ’s la rg e s t a nd m o s t e xp e rie n ce d live-in ch ild care o rg a n iza tio n has scre en e d au pairs aged 18-26 available. Save $350 if you apply now. Choose an au p a ir fro m o n e o f 55 countries to live in your home and help care for your children. Au pairs stay for one year with an opition to extend for a second year, h a ve le ga l v isa , m e d ica l and liability insurance, tra inin g and child care experience. This is a U.S. governm ent designated cultural exchange program. Excellent local support in your community. C a ll now fo r S p rin g / S u m m e r placem ent $ $350 application discount available until Feb 28. Call Au Pair in Am erica at 800- 928 -72 4 7 e xt 5161 or e -m a il a m artinez@ a ifs .co m . A p p ly o n ­ line at w w w .aupairam erica.com . Project M anager T acom a H o u s in g A u th o rity is lo o k in g fo r a fu lltim e P ro je c t Manager. Responsibilities include the developm ent of affordable re s id e n tia l c o m m u n itie s . Specifically, m anaging the $200 Million HOPE VI redevelopm ent. P le a s e v is it h ttp :/ / w w w .t a c o m a h o u s in g .o r g / em plovm ent.htm for application process. Resumes accepted until 4:30 pm 2/17/06. EOE TECTONIC, a leader and innovator in Homeland Security services, invites qualified ESB/W BE/ MBE companies to participate in a professional team to provide the Portland Urban Area Points of Contact Group (UAPOC) with a Critical Public Infrastructure Protection Plan in accordance with RFP # 104881. A qualified team m em ber is considered to have the following: 1. Extensive expe rien ce in co n d u ctin g security assessm ents and developing protection plans for sectors of Critical Infrastructure (Cl) as defined by the Departm ent of Hom eland Security. 2. A b ility to a ssist p rim a ry team m e m bers with com pletion o f a professional technical report. 3. Ability to successfully pass a rigorous background security check. 4. Be capable of providing applicable background and references so that qualifications can be verified. If your company can meet these requirements, please provide us company details and key personnel resumes by no later than January 31, 2006. Please submit all information by e-mail to EFMartella@tectonicengineering.com EOE These are just a few of the current job openings available with the State of Oregon. A more complete announcement listing, application forms, and additional job information are available at: a) local Employment Department field offices, or b) the Oregon jobs page at: www.oregonjobs.org. The State of Oregon offers employees competitive salaries and comprehensive benefits that includes employer paid health insurance: paid holidays, vacation, sick and personal leave: membership in the Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan (OPSRP); and opportunities ,* . to participate In the Oregon Savings Growth ° Plans. The State of Oregon and all its divisions " * are proud to be equal opportunity employers. Compliance Officer Announcement #LE 060050 The successful Compliance Officer is responsible for monitoring the compliance of licensees who have had limitations placed on their license. This position will also receive, evaluate, and investigate written or verbal complaints against licensees of the Board alleged to have violated terms of a Board order. For the full announcements and application materials, please visit www.oregonlobs.org and reference the above announcement number. To find out more about the Board of Medical Examiners, visit the Board’s website at http:.7egov.oregon.gov/BME. OREGON DEPARTMENT OF HUM AN SERVICES ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES • Principal Executlve/Manager C Social Service Supervisor - Part-Time OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (ODOT) ODOT People drive Oregon's Department of Transportation. If Salary: $3,287 - $4,84O/month Announcement #LEHS6054 Wallowa County Close Date: February 14. 2006 great benefits, a professional work environment, job innovation, and career growth opportunity drive you. then come to ODOT. Current recruitments include: • Principal Executive/Manager F Manager, Customer Service & Support MANAGEMENT/PROFESSIONAL • Government Relations Manager Salary: $5,334 - $7,857/month Announcement #LEHS6051 Salem Close Date: February 14,2006 Salary: $4.181 $6,169/month Announcement #0CDT6223 Salem • Information Systems Specialist 7 Senior Systems Analyst/Primary Developer ACCOUNTING/AUDIT/FINANCIAL • Financial Coordinator Salary: $4.119 - $5.681/month Announcement #LEHS6063 Portland Close Date: February 22. 2006 Salary: $3.272 - $4.566/month Announcement #OCDT6280 Salem • Senior Internal Auditor (Underfill Option) HEALTH SERVICES • Public Health Educator 1 Immunization Health Educator - Job-Share Salary: $3,451 - $4.840/month (IA2) Salary: $2.846 - $3,981/month (IA1) Announcement #OCDT60O5 Salem • Central Payroll Technician Salary: $15.33 - $21.28/hour Announcement #LEHS6053 Portland Close Date: February 13.2006 Salary $2.258 - $3,121/month Announcement »0CDT6226 Salem • Research Analyst 3 Adolescent Health Research Analyst Part-Time (20 hours/week) CUSTOMER SERVICE/ENFORCEMENT • Communications Center Dispatcher Salary: $2.258 - $3.121/month Announcement # 0CDT5121A Central Point Salary: $1,560 - $2.175/montb Announcement #LEHS6049 Portland Close Date February 13.2006 • Salem Permit Analyst (Underfill Option) Salary: $2,257 - $3,122/month (TSR2) Salary: $2,067 - $2.847/month (TSR1) Announcement H0CDT6008 Salem ■ Public Health Educator 1 Immunization Health Educator Salary: $2.846 - $3,953/month Announcement »LEHS6O52 Portland Close Date: February 13.2006 ENGINEERING/ENVIRONMENTAL • Right of Way Surveyor/Descriptions Writer • Program Technician 2 Health Services Development Salary: $3.734 - $5,347/month Announcement #0CDT6123 Bend Salary: $3,272 - $4,566/montb Announcement KLEHS6047 Portland Close Date: February 13.2006 • Surveyor/Inspector Salary: $2.783 - $3.989/month Announcement X0CDT6032 Ontario • Research Analyst 4 Research Analyst - Limited-Duration • Traffic Signal Tech 2 Salary: $2,922 $4,183/month Announcement #0CDT6278 Salem Salary: $3.772 - $5,26O/month Announcement 4LEHS6050 Portland Close Date: February 13, 2006 • Quality Assurance Tech Salary: $2,783 $3,989/month Announcement »0CDT5425 Salem • Program Technician 2 Health Educatlon/Tralnlng Coordinator • Geotechnical Engineer Salary: $3.272 - $4,566/month Announcement #LEHS6048 Portland Close Date: February 21,2006 Salary: $3,916 $5.614/month Announcement #0CDT5877A Salem • Assistant Project Manager Salary: $3.916 - $5,614/month Announcement X0CDT5964A Corvallis PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREM ENT SYSTEM (PERS) Tigard PERS covers ready 300.000 members and administers retirement, disability benefits, health insurance, and deferred compensated plans statewide. • Word Processing Tech 3 Provide specialized automated text processing support for the agency Salary: $1.999 - $2.717/month Announcement «LE060040 Close Date: February 13,2006 • Administrative Specialist 1 Provide administrative assistance to the disability retirement section. Salary: $2.069 - $2.846/month Announcement »LE060039 Close Date: February 15. 2006 w . O r e g • Bridge Maintenance Supervisor Salary: $2.659 - $3,725/month Announcement XOC0T3550 Klamath Falls PROJECT MANAGEMENT/PLANNING • Consultant Project Manager Salary: $4,613 - $6.469/month Announcement #0CDT6282 Salem • Planner 2 • Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)/ Affirmative Action Officer The Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission is seeking outstanding candidates with exceptional qualifications to be considered for the Director of Oregon's Department of Fish and Wildlife (0DFW) in Salem. Oregon The Department is respected nationally for being a leader in the field of natural resource management and for Its highly skilled and professional workforce The Director is hned by the Commission to manage the Department for a four-year term The Director will be responsible for the overall management of a maior agency within state government For Announcement SES635006. Including specific q ualification* and duties, please visit www.oragoojobs.org or www.dfw.state.or.us. interested candidate* ar* encouraged to submit a current professional resume, a cover letter detailing how your background matches the desired competencies and attnbutes of this position, a Hst of S professional references. Including one p a s t ' current supervisor, peer, and subordinate, and the Executive Service Applicant Inform ation Form (Included a* part of the announcement packet). This recruitment is open until filled: however, application materials received after Monday. April 3, 2006 may not be considered w Salary: $2,706 - $3.981/month Announcement #0CDT6125 Ontario Salary $2.922 - $4.183/month Announcement »0CDT6311 Roseburg OREGON DEPARTMENT OF FISH & W ILDLIFE Director Salary: $70 ,5 3 6 - $ 1 0 3.8 8 4 /y e ar w MANAGEMENT/PROFESSIONAL • Customer Service Manager - DMV o Salary: $3.617 - $5,078/month Announcement HOCOT6249 Salem • Region 2 Right of Way Manager Salary: $3,794 - $5,596/month Announcement #0CDT6247 Salem TRADES • Landscape Maintenance Specialist Salary $2,069 - $2.846/month Announcement »OCDT5377 The Dalles ODOT... BulMIng Careen. Bridging the Future Detailed job announcements include qualifications, requirements, and instructions on how to apply for these lobs. Go to www.odotstateor.us/iods for a complete copy or call 503986-4030 (TTY 503986-3854| to request by mail ODOT is proud to operate as an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer Announcements will be made available in alternate format upon request. (503) 3786202. TTY 1800-9938898 n J o b s . o r g