'¡¡Jnrtlanh (¡Dbserucr February 8. 2006 Page B3 BLACK HISTORY MONTH and the American Experience Focus F rom H ead to T oe siuneu in ju n u u ry o j Dave Chappelle told Oprah Winfrey that he has not ruled out returning to film the rest of the third and fourth seasons o f "Chappelle's Show" but only under certain circumstances. Stress Blamed in Leaving Chappelle Show Portland Community College students gather to promote the Illumination Project, an interactive theater performance that tackles racism and other barriers. Theater Students Confront Racism Foster climate of equality, compassion An innovative Portland C om m unity C ollege stu­ dent group will tackle racism and other barriers for students in interactive theater perform ances. The Illum ination Project, a stu­ dent leadership and education pro­ gram designed to foster a clim ate o f equality and com passion, is hosting perform ances designed to encourage audience participation. Perform ances run from Thursday, Feb. 16 to M arch 6. They focus on problem ­ solving o f issues that traditionally have made access and retention in higher education more diffi­ cult for students o f color, women, the poor and w orking class, im m igrant and sexual m inorities. The Illumination Project allow s audience members to intervene on the scenarios presented to better understand the project’s message. Recently, the Ford Foundation aw arded the project a $ 1 (X),(XX) grant to prom ote constructive dialogue at PCC. The plays will be held in the Performing Arts C enter Lobby on the Sylvania Cam pus, located at 12(XX) S.W . 49th Ave., with a special perform ance sched­ uled Thursday, M arch 2 at the PCC C as­ cade cam pus in north Portland. The Illum ination Project is a program o f P C C ’s Sylvania W om en’s Resource and M ulticultural centers. For more inform ation, call 503-977-8149 (AP) — D ave C happelle told O prah W infrey he was stressed out and not crazy or on drugs when he abruptly left his hit C om ­ edy Central show last spring dur­ ing production. In his first television interview s in c e d itc h in g “C h a p p e lle ’s Show ’’ in M ay, the com edian said that after he signed a $50 million deal for the third and fourth sea­ sons in A ugust 2004, too many people were trying to control him and his show. “ I w asn’tcrazy but it is incred­ ibly stressful,” Chappelle, 32, said during his appearance on "The O prah W infrey Show ” that aired Friday. I felt in a lot o f instances I was deliberately being put through stress because when y o u ’re a guy w ho generates money, people have a vested interested in con­ trolling you," C happelle said. T he status o f his show has hung in lim bo since May. C om ­ edy Central announced in D e­ cem ber that four half-hour ep i­ sodes o f “C happelle’s Show ” will prem iere in w eekly airings this spring. A full season w ould have been between IGand I3episodes. oy \ The company has been doing business for the past 3 years. ■ specialize in various styles ° f su’ts an