Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 08, 2006, Page 10, Image 10

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February 8, 2006
BLACK HISTORY MONTH and the American Experience
OFF.: (5 0 3 )2 8 6 -1 1 0 3
FAX: (503)286-1146
Chinese Puppets
4 9 4 6 N. Vancouver Ave.
Portland, OR 9 7 2 1 7
Nancy Aldrich
flexes her
muscles in the
Tears of Joy
Theatre production
of the “Monkey
Ring," a
hilarious story
o f three adven­
turers on a
journey to India.
Tears of Joy presents
‘Monkey King’
Tears o f Joy Theatre is featuring 30 spectacu­
lar C hinese puppets in the production “M onkey
K in g -
Puppeteers use extraordinary Chinese control
techniques to tell a hilarious story o f three adven­
turers on ajoum ey to India. M onkey King is a fun,
fast-paced tale featuring a fearless folk hero and
his loyal friends.
The play is ju st one episode in the ancient
Chinese fantasy novel, Journey to the West,
written 400 years ago during the Chinese Song
Dynasty. This episode follows Sun W u-kung
(the M onkey King), Tong-sen (the M onk) and
B a-jeer (the General Pig) on their jo u rn ey .
The spectacle opens on Friday, Feb. 10, at 7:30
p.m . an d ru n s u n til S u n d ay , Feb. 2 6, at
W inningstad Theatre, on 1111 S.W. Broadway.
Tickets are $ 12 forchildren and $ 15 for adults. For
more inform ation and tickets call 360-695-0477,
503-248-0557 or visit w ww.tojt.com.
i e p p ’1
Portland Expo Center • February 8-12
• Fly Tying
,i • Live M ontana G rizzly
Bear Encounter
> Casting Contest
• Duck Decoy Painting
for Kids
V • Head & Horns
Cam p Cooking
’ Tackle & Marine
Free Kid's Trout Pond
■ Free Seminars and Demos
i • Guides, Outfitters, Resorts
y & Lodges
1 Interactive Virtual GPS Trips
1 •
Outdoor Safety Expert
Boat & RV Displays
Bait Rigging
Pro Plan Petco Information
& Education Center
Wed - Fri............. I) a m. - 8 p.m
Adults.......................................... $9
Sat...................... 10 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Juniors (6-16).............................. $5
Sun......................10 a m. - ó p.m.
Children under 6 ......................FREE
Art M useum Free Day — The entire Portland
Arts M useum will be open with free adm ission
to the public on the Presidents’ Day holiday,
M onday, Feb. 20 through the support o f Fred
M eyer stores, the city o f Portland and the Lamb
Baldwin Foundation. Passes are available at
Fred M eyer custom er inform ation desks.
Intense Friendship - Insight Out Theatre C o l­
lective presents ‘K indred’ by D aniel K eleherat
the Interstate Firehouse C ultural Center, 5340
N. Interstate Ave. T he play tracks the
last 90 m inutes o f one prisoner’s life
nsight Out Theatre
in jail and his intense friendship with
Collective presents
his cellm ate. Show s run W ednes-
days-Saturdays at 8 p.m. Tickets are
$15; W ednesday perform ances are
sliding scale $5-$ 15. Tickets are avail­
able at w w w .insightouttheatre.org or
by calling 503-234-0973.
$2 discount coupons available at:
For complete show and seminar info go to:
meneen* “W te* 4
Rf “In the community...for the community"
Belly Dance C lasses - Caravan S tu­
dios offers classes in belly dance,
I A fric a n d a n c e an d m ore. V isit
I w w w .gypsyearavan.us.
Featuring. . . .
The Kirk Green Band
AAMC Valentine's Day Dance
Saturday. February 11.2006
9pm - 2am
R am adalnnat the Airport
6221 NE 82nd Avenue
Per pers, on
Portland. Oregon
Dress: After 5
Dance.. Music...Fun...Raffle.. Food.. No Host Bar
*7tc£etd avacM tic n t:
AAMC Member
All Fastixx Locations
Hair Creations «5425 NE 30th Avenue Portland • 503 281 1185
Its About Hair« 5501 NE 30th Avenue. Portland» 503 493 4040
One Stop Music. Inc »1615 NE Killingsworth Street Portland »503 284 8103
D iam ondsare Forever -R izzais hosting D ia­
monds are Forever, a unique party at Bliss on
13 N.W. 6'h Ave. on Friday, Feb. 10. O v er$7,000
in diam onds will be given aw ay, provided by
Liquid Assets. Dress code strictly enforced,
dress to im press, no athletic attire. Doors open
p .m .,
e - m a ilin g
diam ondsareforeverparty@ yahoo.coni. Entry
fee is $ 10 before 11 p.m. or $20 after 11 p.m.
Innovation Station - Kids will have a ball at
O M S I's new Innovation Station by exploring
the human side o f technology. For more infor­
mation, visit w w w .om si.edu.
T rip p in ’ th ro u g h T o w n - Take a trip through
time to find the hottest poetry, hip-hop and soul
influencing Portland on W ednesdays at the
Ohm. $7 cover. 3 1 N.W . First Ave.
Y oung Artist Jazz C oncert - Leroy Vinnegar
Jazz. Institute at P ortland S tate U niversity
p resen ts the 2nd A nnual Y oung A rtist Jazz
C o n cert featu rin g p ian ist Jed W ilson with
Ken O llis and Dan S ch u lte o f Friday, Feb. 24
starting at 7:30 p.m . at T he O ld C hurch, 1422
S.W . II th A ve. T ick ets, av ailab le at the PSU
Box O ffice and T ick em aster are $10 in ad ­
vance or $12 at the show .
Rib Express« 5410 NE 33rd Avenue. Portland • 503 288 3836
D a zzlin g F la m en co D a n cers —
N uevo Ballet Español, S pain’s most critically
acclaim ed flam enco com pany will make its d e­
but in Portland on W ednesday, Feb. 8 starting
at 7:30p.m . For more inform ation call 503-790-
2787orvisitw w w .ticketm aster.com .
M u lt ic u lt u r a l
Film F estival —
J e f f e r s o n H ig h S c h o o l h o s ts a f re e
m ulticultural film festival each first M onday
o f the m onth through M ay from 6 to 8:30 p.m.
F or m ore in fo rm atio n , call J. D oncan at 503-
Dr. Darrell M illner, PSU Professor o f Black Studies,
illuminates the little-known experiences o f African
Americans explorers and settlers, and offers a new
perspective on York o f the Lewis & Clark Expedition.
L ewis & C lark : Tin N ational B icentennial E xhibition
National treasures and rare artifacts from the Lewis & Clark Expedition o f 1804-06
make the National Exhibition a onee-in-a-lifetime museum experience. Only through
March 11, 2006 Reserve tickets by calling 503-306-5214, or online at www.ohs.org.
O r g a n iz e
M issouri H istoricai S cx ii
ty .
P rcscntt -D by E merson .
N orm an S y lvester Band - The N orm an
Sylvester Band plays at the Candlelight in
Portland on Thursday, Feb. 16 at 9:30 p.m.
On th e Radio - - Groo ve to sou landhip-hopw ith
Kevin Berry from 7 to 9 p.m. M ondays at 90.7
FM /KBOO. Check out the C om m unity Pot­
pourri talk show from 7 to 8 a.m. M ondays,
W ednesday and Fridays at 1480 A M /K BM S.
C ount your blessings with M elodies from
Heaven from 6 to 10 p.m. M ondays through
Fridays at 1290 A M /K K SL. Tune in to African
Am erican Health Radio W ednesday nights on
1290 AM/KKSL.
living Wage lobs:
H o w M U ttM L
7 pm. Wednesday, February 8
Oregon Historical Society
1200 SW Park Avenue, Portland
Now on view at the Oregon Historical Society
Hip-hop Dance C lasses - Vancouver-Clark
Parks and R ecreation is hosting family friendly
hip-hop dance classes for ages 5 to 18. Various
lessons teach rhythm , technique, coordina­
tion, agility, co m b in atio n s and team w ork
through urban dance moves. For more inform a­
tion, call 360-696-8236.
Tim e to Jam -
Ja m
N ig h t,
P ortland’s ever-
popular com edy
and variety show
is at Christian Per­
fo rm in g
A rts
Center, 8131 N.
D enver
A v e.
Show s continue
e v e ry
F rid a y
night starting at 9
p.m. with dinner
by Mondernaj Ca­
tering next door
to the show at 6:30
and7:30p.m .
African American Explorers
and Settlers in the West
Free with regular museum admission
Info: 503-222-1741 and www.ohs.org
Sesam e Street Interaction - The Portland
C hildren’s M useum presents “Can You Tell
M e How to G et T o Sesam e Street,” using
television’s chrom a-key technology so local
kids can see them selves on TV alongside their
favorite Muppet characters. For inform ation,
call 5 0 3 -2 2 3 -6 5 0 0 o r visit w w w .portland
childrensm useum .org.
Please Join
Rep. Chip Shields
at a Community
Forum about
creating and
keeping living
wage jobs in N/NE
Special Guests
Tom Chamberlain
President of Oregon AFL-CIO
Sam Brooks
Chair, Oregon Association of
Minority Entreprenuers
Chip Shields' Town
Hall Meeting Schedule
Feb. 15:
Living Wage Jobs
March 8:
War in Iraq;
A Local Response
March 22:
Health Care
Apr. 5:
Come shan
your idcptfii
Feb 15th
@ 0AM E Offices
4134 N. Vancouver
Portland, Oregon
For more Information:
503 231-2564