Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 01, 2006, Page 5, Image 5

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    February I. 2 00 6
Its rn w r
Page AS
fro m Front
King becam e a sym bol, in her
own right, o f her husband ’ s struggle
for peace and brotherhood, presid­
ing with a quiet, steady, stoic pres­
ence over sem inars and confer­
ences on global issues.
The Rev. Jesse Jackson, who
was with her husband when he was
assassinated, said T uesday that
she understood that every tim e he
left home, there was the chance he
might not com e back. “Like all great
cham pions, she learned to function
with pain and keep serving,” he
said. “So her legacy is secure as a
freedom fighter, but her work re­
mains unfinished."
King w rote a book, “ My Life
With Martin Luther King Jr.,” and,
in 1969 founded the m ultim illion-
dollar Martin Luther King Jr. Center
for N onviolent Social Change. She
saw to it that the center becam e
deeply involved with the issues
she said breed violence - hunger,
unem ploym ent, voting rights and
"T he center enables us to go out
and struggle against the evils in our
Black History Month
day.” Eighteen m onths later - June
18, 1953 - they did, at her parents’
hom e in M arion, Ala. The couple
moved to M ontgom ery, Ala., where
he becam e pastor o f the D exter
A venue Baptist C hurch and o rg a­
nized the fam ed M ontgom ery bus
boycott in 1955. W ith that cam ­
paign, King began enacting his
philosophy o f direct social action.
O ver the years. King was with
her husband in his finest hours.
She was at his side as he received
the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. She
m arched beside him from Selma,
Ala., into M ontgom ery in 1965 for
the trium phal clim ax to his drive for
a voting rights law.
O nly days after his death, she
flew to M em phis with three o f her
children to lead thousands m arch­
ing in honor o f her slain husband
and to plead for his cause. “I think
you rise to the occasion in a crisis,”
she once said. “ 1 think the Lord
gives you strength w hen you need
it. G od w as using us - and now h e’s
using me. too.”
The King family,especially King
and her father-in-law, Martin Luther
King said the w ar in V ietnam
w hich her h u sband o p p o sed "has
been rep laced by an undeclared
w ar on o u r cen tral citie s, a war
being fought by g an g s w ith guns
for d ru g s.” “T he value o f life in
o u r citie s has b ecom e as cheap as
the price o f a g u n ,” she said King
receiv ed n u m ero u s h onors for
h erse lf and trav eled around the
w orld in the p ro cess. In L ondon,
she stood in 1969 in the sam e
carv ed pulpit in St. P au l’s C a th e ­
dral w here her husband p reached
five years earlier. "M an y d e s p a ir
at all th e e v il and u n re st and
d is o rd e r in th e w o rld to d a y ,"
sh e p re a c h e d , “ but I see a new
so c ia l o rd e r an d I see th e d aw n
o f a new d a y .”
Ingredients for life
C o retta S c o tt King k is s in g h e r b e lo v e d h u s b a n d th e la te Rev.
M artin L u th er King Jr.
«vu r»ioU*.
xOur,Mi’» o , r " ’
R a n c h e r’s R e s e rv e
A ngus B eet B ottom
R ound R o ast
Manor House Boneless
Skinless Chicken Breast
« i reseila»ira»iMgfwS5 96ea
MawHauaM Tender tor ¿.97 «a
SAVE up to $1.25 lb.
SA VE up to $ 2 .5 0 lb.
C oretta S c o tt King d elive rs a s p e e c h a t th e King C e n te r for
N on vio len t S o cia l C h a n g e o n Jan. 1 3 . 2 0 0 4 . An im a g e o t h e r
la te h u s b a n d R ev. M artin L u th er King Jr. is in th e b a ckg ro u n d .
Hanoi House Hickory
Smoked Thick Slice« Baton
7 5-16 package
save up to
King Sr., were highly visible in 11
when form er G eorgia Gov. Jim
C arter ran for president. When
in te g ratio n d isp u te at Cart«
Plains church created a furor, K
cam paigned at C arter's side the n
She later was nam ed by Carte
serve as part o f the U.S. delegat
tothe United Nations, where Yoi
was the am bassador. In 19 9 7 ,:
s p o k e o u tin fa v o ro fa p u s h to g r
a trial for Jam es Earl Ray, w
pleaded guilty to killing her h
band and then recanted. “Ever
o v at*o n -
no new light is shed on the fa
At the sam e tim e, the King concerning my husband’s assas
C enter’s board o f directors was nation, at least w e and the nati
considering selling the site to the can have the satisfaction o f kno
National Park Service to let the fam- ing that justice has run its course
ily focus less on grounds mainte- this tragedy,” she told a judge. 3
nance and more on K ing’s mes- trial never took place; Ray died
sage. Tw o o f the four children were 1998.
strongly against such a move. A lso
King was bom April 27,1927,
in the news recently w as a new Perry County, Ala. Her father ra
b«H)k. "A t C anaan’s E dge” by Tay- country store. T o help her fam
rK r.r
sto oo m .
society, she often said.
She becam e increasingly out-
spoken against businesses such
as film and television com panies,
video arcades, gun m anufacturers
and toy m akers she accused o f pro-
moting violence. Shecalledforregu-
lation of their advertising. After her
stroke, King missed the annual King
holiday celebration in Atlanta tw o
w eeks ago, but she did appear with
her children at an aw ards dinner a
couple o f days earlier, smiling from
her w heelchair but not speaking,
The crow d gave her a standing
V IT lT jic
Vine Ripe
W M o Cooked
Dungeness Crab
Subject to availability
SAVE up lo $5 90 pet 16
«" 2ml puckpgu
Fresh Asparagus
Standard ot taroe sue
SAVE up to SI 5016
SAVE up lo $2.50 16
fcflME DRY;
S wings //
Mfl SHFfWflM «
Bl Y2B
Tropicana Pure
S i'« - « W z n g t u e
ieKUC dnnes
Club Pnce $2 50 w
SAVE up to $2 M ee 2
P re sid e n t J im m y C arter during a p u b lic e v e n t w alking with
C o retta S c o tt King.
lor Branch, that put allegations o f
herhusband s infidelity back in the
spotlight. It said her husband con-
fessed a long-standing affair to her
not long before he was assassi-
C oretta Scott was studying voice
at the New England C onservatory
o f Music and planning on a singing
career when a friend introduced her
to Martin Luther King, a young
Baptist m inister studying at Bos-
ton U n iv ersity . "S he said she
wanted me to meet a very promising
young minister fnrm Atlanta,” King
once said, adding with a laugh: "I
w a sn 't interested in m eeting a
young m inister at that tim e.” She
recalled that on their firs, date he
told her: "Y ou know, you have ev-
erything I ever w anted in a woman.
We ought to get m arried some-
d u rin g the D ep ressio n ,
C oretta picked cotton; la
worked as a w aitress to t
way through Antioch Co
Yellow Springs, Ohio.
In 1994, King ste p p e d «
head o f the King Center,
the jo b to son Dexter, wh<
passed the jo b on to her otl
M artin III, in 2004. Dexter
ued to serve as the center
operating officer. M artin
has served on the Fulton
(G a.) com m ission and as pi
o f the Southern C hristian I
ship Conference, co-foun
his father in 1957. D aughter 'I
becam e an actress and the
es,child, Bernice, becam e a
O n the 2 5 , h anniversary
h u sb a n d ’s death , A pril 5
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f l O G í T i orten,
hr u*ed on purchjwd urmt iwih
free netin •
rnt «trim miv hr limited and \« fe n i «n n jiü b tb n
> M t w the «rtoibd * r w tree W K ,O orten n not I
mrh i On ftu5 (>w . Gel One h w
Srfrw « Smm, It
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