February I, 2006 Page A3 (n’* Jlurtlanò (Obserupr Bliick History Month Family Alleges Fix in Grand Jury Probe Police witness paid to testify (A P )-P ortland city officials took the unusual step o f paying a na­ tional expert on deadly force to testify before a grand jury that ulti­ mately cleared a police officer in the fatal 2004 shooting o f an unarm ed black motorist in the St. Johns neigh­ borhood o f north Portland. O utside experts often testify at trials. Grand jury proceedings, how ­ ever, are secret hearings where the p ro se c u tio n p re se n ts the c a se alone. No attorney w ould be able to questio n the c re d ib ility o f the pro secu tio n ’s expert before the grand jury decides w hether crim i­ nal charges are appropriate. City attorneys said the expert was hired to educate jurors in a com plex case. They couldn’t recall another tim e w hen an outside ex ­ pert was hired to provide testim ony in a grand jury review o f a police shooting. Elden Rosenthal, the attorney representing the fam ily o f Jam es Jahar Perez, contends the expert was sum m oned to influence jurors not to indict, according to papers filed in the fam ily’s wrongful death lawsuit against the Portland police James Jahar Perez departm ent. Perez, 28, was shot and killed in the driver’s seat o f his ca ro n March 28, 2(X)4, after he was stopped by O fficer Jason Sery and his partner, Sean M acom ber. The officers said th e y f o llo w e d P e r e z ’s 1997 M itsubishi with tinted w indow s because it “stood out,” and pulled Perez over after he signaled for a turn only 20 to 30 feet before m ak­ ing it — not the required distance o f at least I (X) feet. Perez reportedly struggled with M acom ber before the fatal shots were fired by Sery, w ho said he thought the driver was armed. An autopsy found that Perez had co- Jason Sery caine in his body. T he shooting prom pted anger across the city and led to calls for a public inquest, w hich follow ed the grand ju ry proceeding. The city paid more than $6,(XX) to hire the expert to testify before the g ra n d ju r y an d th e in q u e s t, Rosenthal learned. He said in court papers that city officials spent “sub­ stantial taxpayer dollars" to ensure the grand jury cleared Sery. Multnomah County District At­ torney Michael Schrunk told The Oregonian that he accepted the city’s offer to pay for the expert — Will iam Lewinski, a law enforcement profes­ sor at a M innesota university — ‘r i''|J n rth n ib (ObserverEstablished 1970 USPS 959-680 because he thought the testimony would be relevant. He said Lewinski w asn't a "hired gun" advocating for or against the police. Schrunk said his office d id n 't have the money to bring in Lewinski, and he doubts jurors were told o f the city ’s paym ent. At the public inquest in 2(X)4, Lewinski said officers are trained in the action-reaction principle and explained it. He said it would take som eone a tenth o f a second to pull a gun from a ca r’s console. An officer, even with his gun draw n, w ould no, have tim e to react before he was shot, he said. "In sim ple term s, if I see the gun I’m dead?” Shrunk asked Lewinski back then. “ In sim p le term s, th a t’s it,” Lew inski said. Rosenthal said that kind o f tes­ tim ony is why the city w anted the professor. 4747 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR 97211 EniTOK-iM-CHiif, P u blishm . Charles H. Washington E ditor M ichael Leighton M tstu ii: M ark W a sh in g to n C rkativs D ir ic to r : P au! N e u fe ld t D istribution the Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions Manuscripts and photographs should he clearly labeled and w ill be returned it accompanied by a sell addressed envelope. 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Portland. 0 R 9 7 2 0 8 CALL 503-288-0033 PAX 503-288-0015 news@iwnlandobsener.iim jtds@iwnlandobsener.com New Orleans Recovery Uneven by Race Study looks at hardest hit areas and who lived there Providence Health System- Committed to diversity in the workplace As one of Oregon's largest private employers, Providence Health System respects and values differences in our patients and employees. We've developed programs to support diverse needs and have been recognized as one of the best places to work in the state. At Providence, we honor diversity while sharing a common goal-making a difference in your health. One o f the hardest hit areas o f New Orleans was the Lower Ninth Ward, a predominantly African American area. One local family — Alysia Chariot (left), her brother Alon, (center) and mother Alison — look at damage to the neighborhood from their front porch last December. (A P )— T hecity ofN ew O rleans could lose up to 80 percent o f its black population if people d is­ placed by H urricane K atrinaare not able to return to dam aged neigh­ borhoods, according to an analy­ sis by a Brown U niversity sociolo­ gist. Professor John R. Logan deter­ m ined that if the c ity ’s returning population was lim ited to neigh­ borhoods undam aged by Katrina, half o f the w hite population would not return and 80 percent o f the black population w ould not return. “T here’s very good reason for people to be concerned that the future New O rleans will not be a place for the people w ho used to live there, that there w o n ', be room in New O rleans for large segm ents o f the population that used to call it hom e,” said Logan, w ho studies urban areas. The study used m aps from the Federal Em ergency M anagem ent Agency that detailed flood and wind pher and political analyst based in dam age and com pared them to data from the 2000 U.S. C ensus to deter­ m ine w ho and w hat areas were af­ fected. I, found the storm -dam aged ar­ eas had been 75 percent black, com ­ pared to 4 6 percent black in undam ­ aged areas o f the city. It also found that 29 percent o f the households in dam aged areas lived below the poverty line, com pared with 24 per­ cent o f households in undam aged areas. M ore than h alf o f those who lived in the city ’s dam aged neigh­ borhoods w ere renters, the analy­ sis found. “The odds o f I i vi ng i n a dam aged area were clearly m uch greater for blacks, renters and poor people," the study said. “ In these respects th e m o st v u ln e ra b le re sid e n ts turned out also to be at greatest risk.” Elliot, Stonecipher, a dem ogra- Shreveport, La., said the analysis gets to the heart o f the debate over how to rebuild New O rleans. Racial tensions have been high with some w orried that those in charge o f the rebuilding will push black residents out o f the city. “For this storm to suddenly rip that aw ay from them , that feeling is at the heart o f this grow ing racial im passe," Stonecipher said. The study was funded by a gran, from the National Science Founda­ tion and is ongoing, Logan said. Nine Accused of Katrina Help Fraud N ine P ortland resid en ts have been charged w ith fraud in c o n ­ n ection w ith the receipt o f federal m onies in H urricane K atrina re ­ lie f assistance. In v e s tig a to rs sa id se v en o f th e d e fe n d a n ts are c h a rg e d w ith m a k in g fa lse s ta te m e n ts in o r ­ d e r to q u a lify fo r $ 2 ,0 0 0 in d i ­ s a s te r r e lie f alo n g w ith $ 2 ,3 5 8 fo r re n ta l a s s is ta n c e p a y m e n ts fro m he F e d e ra l E m e rg e n c y M anagem ent A gency. The c h a rg e s c a rry a m a x im u m p e n ­ a lty o f 10 y e a rs in p riso n an d a $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 fine. T he o ther tw o p ersons w ere hi, v ith five co u n ts o f m ail fraud, accused o f using th eir ow n nam es and o th e r nam es to falsely claim m oney for tem p o rary housing. Mail frau dcarriesam ax im u m pen­ alty o f 20 y ears in p riso n and a $ I m illion fine. In v estig ato rs said none o f the nine d efe n d an ts had been d is­ placed from the storm and d id not q ualify fo r relief. T h e se v e n p e o p le c h a rg e d with m aking false statem ents w ere id entified as O le lia L . B row n, 21; C han tel C urry, 38; D om inique A ndrew , 19; V irg er G arlan d , 46; Je n n ife r Jo n es, 36; T rin a W ilson, 37; and S teven B row n, 50. T he tw o peo p le ch arg ed w ith m ail fraud are Jam es A. Irby, 46 and M iranda J. N elson, 20. 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W e h a v e k n o w le d g e a b le , frie n d ly p h a r m a c is ts w h o h a v e th e tim e to s h a r e in fo r m a tio n . •Z O u r p r ic e s a re c o m p e titiv e . W e a c c e p t m o s t in s u r a n c e p la n s a n d a re a d d in g o th e r s a s r e q u e s te d . |Z W e s p e c ia liz e in c u s t o m c o m p o u n d in g . Y O U R L O C A L L Y O W N E D , N E IG H B O R H O O D P H A R M A C Y AT ARBOR LODGE N IN T E R S T A T E A V E N U E A P O R T L A N D BLVD 8 0 3 4 6 7 4 8 4 8 • W W W N E W S E A S O N S M A R K E T .C O M M O N -F R I 9 a m -7 p m • SA T 9 a m 6 p m • S U N 1 0 a m -4 p rn /