Page B4 ^ ' ^ o r t l a n h (O b a m ie r B l a c k LIVE-IN CHILD CARE AVAILABLE CLARK COLLEGE ELECTRICAL & CONTROLS PLANNER Kraft Foods/Nabisco, a m ajor food m anufacturer and lo n g -te rm Portland citizen, currently has an opening fo r a Plant Electrical & C ontrols Planner. This position is responsible fo r all p la n t electrical & controls systems inclu d in g planning, installation and m aintenance o f te chnologically advanced bakery processing equipm ent, and supervision o f 11 skilled electricians covering three shifts. M inim um qualificatio n s include: Please send resume and three letters of reference to: Hannah B. Fener The Academy for Character and Ethics 8 5 0 1 N. Chautauqua Blvd Portland, OR 97217 Phone: • 4 -Year Engineering degree w ith dem onstrated electrica l & co ntro ls experience. 5 0 3 .2 4 0 .7 7 2 9 Fax: 5 0 3 .2 8 5 .4 6 6 8 • Oregon Lim ited Plant Supervisor's or General Supervisor's level license, or a b ility to obtain licensing w ith in one year. Property M anager • A b ility to w ork all shifts, weekends and holidays. • Expertise in industrial plant e lectrical & contro ls systems in clu d in g pow er d istrib u tio n , Allen Bradley PLCs, Packaging M o tio n C ontrol, HMIs, sm art in strum e n ta tio n systems, fa m ilia rity w ith D istributed C ontrol Systems. • Experience w ith CM M S based m aintenance supp o rt systems and SAP. • Knowledge o f regulatory and code requirem ents; NEC, IEEE, NFPA standards. • M inim u m 3 years o f m a nu facturin g experience, p rio r bakery or food m a nu facturin g preferred. Tacom a H ou sin g A u th o rity is looking for a fulltim e Project Manager. Responsibilities include the developm ent of affordable re s id e n tia l c o m m u n itie s. Specifically, managing the $200 Million HOPE VI redevelopment. • M inim u m 2 years o f supervisory experience and excellent com m un ica tion skills. K ra ft Foods offers an excellent pay and benefits package. Only individ u a ls m eeting m inim u m requirem ents w ill be considered. Q ua lifie d individuals should send a resume and cover letter, addressing specific requirem ents to : p d x b a k e ry h r@ k ra ft.c o m , o r K ra ft. D ept. OB, 100 NE C o lu m b ia Blvd., P o rtlan d , OR 9 7 2 1 1 . No w a lk -in s o r phone ca lls please. K raft Foods is an Equal O p p o rtu n ity/A ffirm a tive A ctio n Employer, M/F/D/V. Best Ptople. B est Brands. B rig h test Future. MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING MANAGER K ra ft Foods/Nabisco, a m ajor food m a nu facture r and lo n g -te rm Portland citizen, c u rre n tly has an opening fo r an Engineering M anager The person in th is position w ill be responsible fo r 9 supervisors and 60 m echanics, manage all Plant Engineering and M aintenance a c tiv itie s inclu d in g hum an and capita l resources, and develop strategies to ensure com pliance w ith o perating budgets. Q ua lifica tio ns and experience include: • 4+ Yr Engineering degree, • 3+ years’ m anaging m aintenance professionals, • 3+ years' experience w ith projects up to $5M , • A b ility to w ork all shifts, weekends and holidays, • D em onstrated knowledge o f safety and e nvironm ental requirem ents in a m an­ u fa ctu rin g setting, • Excellent com m un ica tion and team skills, • Experience w ith MS O ffice and SAP, • Knowledge o f Lean M a nu fa ctu rin g and Six Sigma a plus, • C ertifica tio n in Electrical and o r Process Control technology desired. K ra ft Foods o ffe rs an excellent pay and b enefits package. Only individ u a ls m e e t­ ing m inim um requirem ents w ill be considered. Q u alified individuals should send a resume and cover le tte r addressing specific requirem ents to : p d x b a k e ry h r@ k ra ft.c o m . o r K ra ft, D ept. OB. 1 0 0 NE C olu m bia Blvd., P o rtla n d , OR 9 7 2 1 1 . No w a lk -in s o r phone ca lls please K raft Foods is an Equal O p p o rtu n ity/A ffirm a tive A ction Employer, M /F/D/V. Best People B est Brands. B rig h test Future. S u m m e r R un Retirement Apartments M o n th February I. 2006 C lassifieds /B ids SAVE $350 if you apply now. N a tio n 's la rg e s t and m ost of Student Recruitment experienced live-in child care Clark College, the third largest organization has screened au The Academy for community college in Washington pairs aged 18 26 available. Save Character and Ethics State, is looking for a high-energy, $350 if you apply now. Choose innovative, creative professional an au p a ir from one of 55 Title: School Director 9 -1 2 to develop and implement student countries to live in your home and Education and Experience; recruitment marketing strategies. help care for your children. 1. M inim um of a M a s te r’s Starting salary range is $43,000 - D e gre e, fiv e (5) ye a rs $48,000. Closing date is February Au pairs stay for one year with an secondary-level administrative 2, 2006, 5 p.m. For position opition to extend for a second year, experience, Oregon Adm ini­ description and requirements, have legal visa, m edical and strative License. and application process, access liability insurance, training and our web site at; or child care experience. This is a U.S. 2. W orkin g know ledge and contact Clark College Human government designated cultural a p p lica tio n of research on Resources, 1800 E. McLoughlin exchange program. Excellent local Character Education, and the Blvd., Vancouver, WA 98663, support in your community. E arly C o lle g e High Sch oo l (360) 9 92 -21 05 [H e a rin g Model. Call now for S p rin g/S u m m e r im paired (36 0) 992 -23 17 ]; placement $ $350 application JOBLINE (360) 992-2836. AA/ JOB GOAL: discount available until Feb 28. EEO employer. Provide educational leadership for Call Au Pair in America at 800- ACE staff, insuring that the school 928-7247 ext 5161 or e-m ail Advertise^with d iv e r s it y in focus remains consistent with its mission, vision and goals. School 'r'" P o r tl a n d (O h s c m rr line at Director must have knowledge MANUFACTURING and understanding of Oregon S m all School In itia tiv e partnership agreements. Associate Director H is to r y for application process. Resumes accepted until 4:30 pm 2/3/06. EOE Revenue and Taxation Specialist I The Revenue Bureau License & Tax D ivision is re c ru itin g for Revenue and Tax Specialist Is who are responsible for handling cash; providing business license and incom e tax custom er service assistance; performing data entry and d o cu m e n t m anage m e nt services for bureau, City, and other jurisdictions; operating a variety of office equipment and machines; and p ro v id in g b u re a u -w id e program o p e ra tio n a l and re g u la to ry su p p o rt w h ile maintaining strict confidentiality. Duties range from perform ing problem solving in basic business license or income tax programs to assisting in regulatory program p ro ce sse s usin g e xte n sive communication and referral skills. The position requires a working knowledge of business math/ p ra c tic e s, g o ve rn m e n ta l programs/codes, English spelling and grammar, keyboarding, data e n try and w ord p ro c e ss in g software and data systems for license application and tax return processing. 7Ws recruitment will Tectonic, a leader and innovator C ity in Homeland Security services, invites qualified ESB / WBE / MBE com panies to participate in a professional team to provide the Portland Urban Area Points of Contact Group (UAPOC) with a C ritica l P ublic In fra stru ctu re Protection Plan in accordance with RFP # 104881. B u re a u o f P u rc h a se s 120 SW Fifth Ave, Room 750, Portland OR 97204 503-823-6855 Advertise w ith diversiix in