Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 01, 2006, Page 11, Image 11

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    Februaiy I. 2006
r' ÏJnrtlanb (Jibaerucr B l a c k H ÎS tO fy M o n t h
L aw Ó J ustice
Page B3
C lassifieds / B ids
W M M tM
m c n tic A L i
Humboldt Gardens HOPE VI Construction M anager/
General Contractor Services
4 Mexican police
officer shines his
flashlight in a
tunnel used to
smuggle drugs
across the
border. (AP photo)
H R 4,. £■ s
2 Tons of Pot in Border Tunnel
Passage stretched
from Mexico to
California warehouse
(A P) — A uthorities said they discovered more
than 2 tons o f marijuana in a cross-border tunnel
that began hear the Tijuana airport and ended
inside a w arehouse on the LJ.S. side.
The 2,400-foot passageway is longer than most
o f the 21 cross-border tunnels that have been
discovered since authorities began keeping track
alter the Sept. I 1 attacks, U.S. Immigration and
Custom s Enforcement officials said.
“ It was like being in a cavern or a cave,” said
M ichael Unzueta, custom s special agent in charge
in San Diego.
I he tu n n e l’s discovery prom pted the U.S.
A ttorney’s office in San Diego to open a criminal
investigation, said Lauren Mack, a spokeswoman
tor U.S. Immigration and Custom s Enforcement.
Mexican authorities found the entrance about
100 yards south o f the border on Tuesday, and
officers on the U.S. side found the exit W ednes­
day. Mexican officials allow ed reporters and pho­
tographers, including an Associated Press pho­
tographer, into the tunnel late W ednesday.
I he tunnel was about five feet wide and high
enough tor an adult to stand inside, had a cement
floor, and lights mounted on one o f the hard soil
walls. It was equipped w ith a pulley system on the
Mexican side.
Four tunnels have been discovered this month
in the I ijuana-San Diego area, including more a
prim itive tunnel that was also found W ednesday
when a U.S. Border Patrol vehicle struck a sink­
80 Marijuana
Plants Seized
Ebony Woods (KGW photo)
Driver Survives Shooting
A 23-year-old woman narrowly missed being shot and
killed Jan. 24 as she was driving home from a basketball
game at Benson High School.
Ebony Woods told KGW that she thinks the gunfire
was directed at another car involved in a drug deal.
A bullet came inches from her head when it entered
through her driver’s side window. She suffered cuts to
her lace and eye from shattered glass. Her passenger,
Allison Prasad, 22, also suffered cuts from glass.
Police said they don t believe either woman was the
intended target of the shooting.
No arrests have been made. Anyone with information
is asked to call the Gang Enforcement Team at 503-823-
Police seized 80 marijuana plants from a home
at 8845 N.E. Beech St. and arrested three people
Thursday on drug charges.
Dan Bennett, 22, Joseph Bailey, 22, and Eric
Osperberg, 23, are charged with manufacturing,
distribution and possession of a controlled sub­
Eight pounds of marijuana, $ 17 ,133 in cash,
scales, packaging material and equipment used
to manufacture marijuana were also seized.
The Housing Authority of Portland (HAP) is soliciting written
proposals from qualified entities capable of providing Construction
M a n a ge r/G e n e ra l C o n tra c to r (C M /G C ) S e rv ic e s fo r
redevelopm ent of the H um boldt G ardens public housing
development. The revitalized project, formerly named Iris Court,
will enhance the quality of life for residents and link people to
opportunities that will increase self-sufficiency. In service of HAP's
Economic Participation goals, partnerships between larger firms
and Targeted Businesses (D/M/W/ESB firms) are encouraged.
HAP's interest in this type of arrangement is two fold: (1) identifying
CM/GC entities capable of delivering a project on budget and
within the established schedule, and (2) building the capacity of
Targeted Businesses.
Those interested in
responding to the Request for Proposals (RFP) are strongly
encouraged to attend a Pre-Proposal Conference at 4:00 p.m. on
February 8, 2006. The Conference will be held at the Oregon
Association of Minority Entrepreneurs (0AME), 4134 N. Vancouver,
Portland, Oregon.
Obtaining the RFP: Hard copies of the RFP package can be obtained
at the HAP Development Office, 135 SW Ash St., Suite 500, Portland,
OR 97204 between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:30 pm. Electronic
copies may be obtained from the HAP website, www.hapdx.org.
Questions: All communications and submissions pertaining to this
RFP must be directed to:
Housing Authority of Portland
Attn: Jerry Walker, Purchasing Manager
135 S.W. Ash Street, 4th floor
Portland, Oregon 97204
(503) 802-8509
email: jerryw2@hapdx.org
Diversity: The Housing Authority is an Equal Em ploym ent
Opportunity Employer and strongly encourages minority-owned and
w om en -ow ne d b u s in e sse s, s o c ia lly and e co n o m ic a lly
disadvantaged businesses and small businesses to submit
proposals or to participate as subcontractors and suppliers on
this and all HAP contracts.
was finally able to break free
and found a b icyclist w hocalled
For m ore in fo rm a tio n ab ou t
program requirem ents please
v is it o u r w eb
iww.arealiatc.com or call 503-
W om en and M in o ritie s are
strongly encouraged to apply.
(A ges 18+) R e sid e n ts of
Multnomah county to participate
in a 1 day decision making study
to be held in Portland on Saturday
2/25. Must be registered voter
or have valid drivers license.
Reward: $175. For more info and
to apply, call 8 8 8 -8 3 6 -6 8 4 8
between noon-7pm Wed 2/1 thru
Fri 2/3 & Sun 2/5 thru Tues 2/7.
Need to p u b lish a cou rt
document or notice? Need an
affidavit of publication quickly
and efficiently? Please fax or
e-mail your notice for a free
price quote!
*ri!‘ jJortlanò (Ohs enter
Call 503-288-0033
ads @ portlandobserver.com
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Fax: 50 3-2 88 0015
The Portland Observer
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1 A n n > i n »■ a m
I - H 0 0 - 2 3 0 4 L A N • W W W .p p cvv.o rg
N orth P recinct police o ffic ­
ers found three o f the suspects
right aw ay, arresting 18-year-
old T revorSm allw ood, 17-year-
old M arty Sm allw ood, and 15-
year-old Sean T apio. T w o days
later, officers located and a r­
r e s te d
1 5 - y e a r - o ld
A la n
J a m e r s o n a n d 1 7 - y e a r - o ld
A ntionc R obinson.
Police believe robbery may
have been the motive for the as­
sault. T hey also b elie v e the
young men are suspects in recent
sim ilar, but unreported crim es.
Anyone with inform ation is
asked to ca ll D e te c tiv e Jim
McCausland at 503-823-0871.
st,u<- b
i -, ii , v .
Southeast Portland: ¡3 ! I SI ’»(Mb Ave
Vancouver: 33(H) \ | Kl-iih (
Suite \
Salmon Creek: 3105 M | »uh si Suit,- 103
N a tio n a l B la c k
Richard Koehrsen
ii Yltfk'VU'£ "27 c /
Five Teens Charged in Jogger Attack
Trevor Smallwood
Applications must be filled out in
person at 6915 NE 4 2'" Avenue
Portland, OR 97218
Proposal Deadline: Sealed Proposals must be received no later
than 3.00 p.m. on February 28,2006 Faxed or emailed proposals
will not be accepted.
Man Charged in Downtown Murder
Five teenage boys have been
arrested tor attacking a man jog­
ging on a bike path in north Port­
Andrew Yarusso, 32, was on
the bike path near the 68(X) block
ot North Lombard Street just after
10 p.m. on Jan. 23 when he en­
countered the five young men.
Police said he was punched
by one o f the su sp ects, struck
in the head by an o th er and was
beaten by all five m ales when
he fell to the ground. Y arusso
Application times are 9:00 AM
until 4:30 PM on th e ab ove
specified dates only.
PreProposal Conference and Walk Through:
A local resident suffered serious injuries
alter getting shot once or twice in the face at his
home in the 6200 block ot North Mississippi
Avenue Thursday.
Police said Eddie Miller, 53, answered a knock
at his front door about 10:25 p.m. and as imme­
diately shot in the face.
Neighbors told police they saw a man run­
ning from the house to Peninsula Park, about a
block away. A police dog was used to searched
the area bu, no one was found.
suspected motive
February 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15,
16,20,21,22,23,27, 28.2006.
The scope of work shall include demolition of existing buildings
and infrastructure and construction of 129 new housing units
with new public and private infrastructure. Building types are likely
to include two- and three-story wood framed townhouses and flats
and mixed-use commercial/residential apartment buildings. The
value of the work is estimated at approximately $21.5 million.
Man Shot in the Face
A man is charged with murder in the
beating death of another man on a down­
town sidewalk.
Richard Paul Koehrsen, 45, is accused
of ki I ling Christopher Darry Carter, 42, on
Jan . 23 around 10 p.m. near Southwest 12“’
Avenue and Alder Street.
Carter’s body had signs of sharp force
trauma leading officers to believe he had
been the victim of a homicide.
Detectives are looking for anyone who
may have seen any portion of the assault
or know either the suspect or victim.
Anyone with information is asked to call
Detective Rich Austria at 503-823-0449 or
detective Ken Whattam at 503-823-0696.
Christopher Carter
The Area 1 Inside Electrical JATC
an equal opportunity apprentice­
ship and training program will open
fo r a p p lic a tio n s d u rin g the
following dates and times;
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