Page B2 February I, 2 0 0 6 ^'ÍJortianii (DbBcruer Black History Month Focus Veteran Actor Honored re h ti rarv 14th 2006 Dinner for 2 with Champagne & Chocolates enjoy our special Valentine's Menu all for $30.00 per couple By Reservations Only. A ctor Samuel L. Jackson was honored with his hand and foot­ print cem ented into history with some o f the other stars o f the cinem a at M ann’s Chinese T he­ ater in Hollywood, Calif. M on­ day. Having appeared in over 90 theatrical and television films, Jackson is respectfully labeled as one o f the hardest working actors in Hollywood. His films have grossed more money in box of­ ‘Boondocks’ Under Fire for N-word hop videos, among other things. In the episode. King is branded a traitor and terrorist sympathizer for his “tum-the-other-cheek” phi­ losophy of nonviolence in response to post-Sept. 11 retaliation. Ex­ hausted, he moves to Canada, but his speech provokes a second civil- rights revolution. Cartoon Network released a statement saying the episode is a tribute to King and "in no way was meant to offend or ‘desecrate’ his name. “We think Aaron McGruder came up with a thought-provoking way of not only showing Dr. King’s bravery but also of reminiding us of Cartoon Network Series ATS •a * e- For Reservations » t a l Ili» l ‘503*460-2595 Wally Tesfa Residential and Commercial Broker Oregon/Washington 503-2677586cell 503-249-1903 office 503-249 6527 fax Multi-Million $ Service A M E R IP L A N HEALTH Helping you make money ANTHONY C A SH REGIONAL SALES MANAGER Cell: (503) 756-6557 YOU WILL MAKE $1000 OO a week online: JOIN MY TEAM TODAY ONLINE $100.000 00 A YEAR GUARANTEED ■■ Michael E. Harper, Sr. 9(M5SWBartxr,Suitel()9 Rutland, OR97219 as M ace Windu in the final epi­ sode o f the Star W ars trilogy Star W ars: Episode 111 - Revenge o f the Sith. In early 2005, Jack- son topped the opening w eek­ end box office charts with the success o f C oach C arter, in which he portrayed real-life high school basketball coach, Ken Carter, a dedicated role model and advocate for students suc­ ceeding in the classroom as well Samuel L. Jackson as on the basketball court. fice sales than any other actor in the history o f filmmaking. Jackson made an indelible mark on American cinem a with his portrayal of Jules, the phi­ losophizing hit-man. in Quentin T arantino’s Pulp Fiction. In addition to unanim ous critical acclaim for his perform ance, he received Academy Award and Golden Globe nom inations as Best Supporting Actor. Recently, Jackson appeared (A P)~ The Rev. AlSharpton has asked for an apology from Cartoon Network for an episode of edgy animated series “The Boondocks” that shows the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. saying the n-word. The episode, “The Return of the K ing,” aired Jan. 15, the day before the national holiday hon­ oring the slain civil-rights leader. It shows King em erging from a coma and using the n-word in an angry speech venting his frustra­ tion toward sexually explicit hip- Rev. Al Sharpton what he stood and fought for, and why even today, it is important for all of us to remember that and to continue to take action,” the state­ ment said. McGruder, who has been called a “genious” and “the angriest black man in A m erica” as he skew ered everything from the Bush W hite House to Black En­ tertainm ent T elevision, began w riting "The Boondocks” comic strip, on which the TV series is based, in 1997. The strip, known for its risky political and social satire, follow s the adventures of two black children living in a white, m iddle-class suburb. Tim e to Jam -Jam Night, Portland’s ever-popu- larcomedy and variety show is at Christian Perform­ ing Arts Center, 8131 N. Denver Ave. Shows continue every Friday night starting at 9 p.m. with dinner by Mondemaj Catering next door to the show at 6:30 and 7:30 p.m. Y oung Artist Jazz C oncert — Leroy Vinnegar Jazz Institute at Portland State University presents the 2"^ Annual Young Artist Jazz Concert featuring pianist Jed Wilson with Ken Ollis and Dan Schulte of Friday, Eeb. 24 starting at 7:30 p.m. at The Old Church, I422S.W . 11 th Ave. Tick­ ets, available at the PSU Box Office and Tickemaster are $ 10 in advance or $12 at the show. GLIDE M ulticultural Film Festival — Jefferson High School hosts a free multicultural film festival each first Monday of the month through May from 6 to 8:30p.m. For more information, call J. Doncan at 503-916-5180. Intense Friendship - Insight Out Theatre Collective opens ‘Kindred’ by Daniel Keleheron Friday, Feb. 3 at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center, 5340 N. Interstate Ave. The play tracks the last 90 minutes of one prisoner’s life in jail and his in­ I tense frie n d sh ip w ith his ‘Kindred," a play on prison life. cellmate. Every Wednesdays- Saturdays at 8 p.m. Tickets are $15; Wednesday performances are sliding scale $5-$ 15. Tickets are available at or by calling 503-234-0973. D azzlin g F lam en co D aneers — Nuevo Ballet Espanol, Spain’s most critically acclaimed flamenco com­ pany will make its debut in Portland on Wednesday, Feb. 8 starting at 7:30 p.m. For more information call 5 0 3 -7 9 0 -2 7 8 7 or visit Flamenco Dancers Belly D ance C lasses — Caravan Studios offers classes in belly dance, African dance and more. Visit STATE l- ARM INSURANCE COMPANIES HOME OFFICES: BLOOMINGTON, N orm an Sylvester Band -- The Norman Sylvester Band plays at the Candlelight in Portland on Thursday, Feb. 16 at 9:30 p.m. (303)221-3090 On the Radio — Groove to soul and hip-hop with Kevin Berry from 7 to 9 p.m. Mondays at 90.7 FM/KBOO. Check out theCominunity Potpourri talk show from 7 to 8 a m. Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays at 1480 AM/KBMS. Count your blessings with Melodies from Heaven from 6 to 10 p.m. Mondays through Fridays at 1290 AM/KKSL. Tune in to African American Health Radio Wednesday nights on 1290 AM/KKSL. Sesam e Street Interaction — The Portland Children’s Museum pre­ sents “Can You Tell Me How toGet To Sesame Street,” using television’s chroma-key technology so local kids can see themselves on TV along­ side their favorite Muppet characters. For information, call 503-223-6500 or visit STATE FARM H ip-hop D ance C lasses — Vancouver-Clark Parks and Recreation is hosting family friendly hip-hop dance classes for ages 5 to 18. Various lessons teach rhythm, technique, coordination, agility, combinations and teamwork through urban dance moves. For more information, call 360-696-8236. OFF.: (5 0 3)2 8 6 -1 1 0 3 FAX: (503)286-1146 INSURANCE COMPANIES Innovation Station — Kids will have a ball at OM SI’s new Innovation Station by exploring the human side of technology. For more informa­ tion, visit HOME OFFICES: BLOOMINGTON. ILLINOIS ERNEST J. HILL, JR. Agent T rip pin ’ through Tow n - Take a trip through time to find the hottest WE'VE MOVED! poetry, hip-hop and soul influencing Portland on Wednesdays at the Ohm. $7 cover. 3 1 N.W. First Ave. 4 9 4 6 N. Vancouver Ave. Portland, OR 97217 \4 I IllCalSl I 4 I t l« IU 4 l TL 4 l i l i 4 IH < I4 4 Í 4 4 C IllP I Author Gathers Input on Race wicker I 4kl I *llll4 k 4 I I Ì I 4 I U .I4 I Ì4 4 4‘ l l l e r AUTO ACCIDENT INJURIES ON THE JOB INJURIES NECK PAIN BACK PAIN HEADACHES WELLNESS CARE SPORTS INJURIES • We accept most insurance plans. • No referral required. Located at: 4317 NETillmook St. Portland, OR 97213 • Treatment for auto injuries covered by most insurance carriers. Jimmy’s Dry Cleaners WI-FI HOTSPOT QUICK COPIES I to Global Management Strategies, LLC 5 5 B.A.G. & Company, LLC Williams St. Market Rural & Urban Development League, LLC ■ ■o I 5‘ ■ VI Conveniently located in the Hollywood area, ju st one block north o f Sandy Blvd. c _____ Martin J. Codino, DC ______ jwilsonassoc@yahoo.com___________________________ CORNER OF FREMONT & N. WILLIAMS AVE. affordable pricing Telephone: (503) 493-9730 COMMUNITY SHOPPING pick-up & delivery • business planners Retail and Office Suites Available 503.284.6884 • 7:30 AM -10:00 PM ■o •O (S' VI Speak Up, a local production team, wants people of color or bi- raeial backgrounds to give their input during a round table discus­ sion on race on Wednesday, Feb. 1 and Wednesday, Feb. 15 at the ReflectionsCoffee House, 446 N.E. Killingsworth St. Both sessions will begin at 6 p.m. Local playwright Lava Alapai is currently writing a play, titled “Mutt,” eoncemingherexperiences growing up bi-racially. She has been awarded a grant by the Regional Arts and Culture Council. Alapai would liketogathcr Port­ land area community members to share experiences on the same topic, in hopes of making the play a richer reflection of the greater Portland community. I