January 25. 2006 (TIn* el | J n r t la n ò © h s c r n c r Page B J O bservador N u e v o B a lle t Español K The intensely charismatic Angel Rojas and Carlos t, Rodriquez of Spain are leading stars with Nuevo Ballet Espanol. 7 / Y' Spain s Nuevo Ballet Espanol displays both a unique flare o f flamenco dance and traditional movement. Dazzling flamenco dancers to perform N uevo Ballet E spanol, S p a in 's most critically acclaim ed flam enco com pany will m ake its debut in Portland on W ednesday, Feb. 8 starting at 7:30 p.m. W hite Bird is proud to present the highly acclaim ed production that has been hailed w orldw ide as successfu lly in fu sin g tra d i­ tional flam enco dance and m usic w ith contem p o rary m ovem ent. T h e fo u n d e rs, c h o re o g ra ­ Spain, M ad rid 's leading new s­ phy will take c e n te r stag e at p h e rs and p rin c ip a l d a n c e rs o f pap er El Pais says "A ngel and A rlene S ch n itzer C o n cert Hall. this rem arkable en sem b le o f nine C arlos dance with soul, and if it is Tickets are $ 18 to $50 depending d a n c e rs an d sev en m u sic ia n s v irtu o sity that w e are talking on the seating at T ick etm aster are th e in te n se ly c h a rism a tic about, we can class these tw o as outlets, plus a serv ice fee. T here A n g e l R o ja s a n d C a r l o s new sta rs.” R o d riq u ez. This breath tak in g choreogra- SOMETIMES THE SEASON’S BEST COMEDY CAN S N E d k UP O N YOU. Hispanics Fall Behind in Medical Care Officials say they don't know why (AP) — Hispanics are falling further behind whites in getting quality medical care, w hile other minority groups are closing the gap, according to a new report b y the federal government. The areas where H ispanics were slipping include treatm ent for dia­ betes. mental illness and tubercu- will be a discount for co lleg e stu- d en ts/sen io rs and groups. For more information call 503- 7 9 0 -2 7 8 7 or v isit www.tickctmaster.com. losis. O fficials also found growing gaps for H ispanics in getting regu­ lar dental visits for their children and speedy care for injury or ill­ ness. O fficials say they don’t know why disparities in health care are growing for Hispanics but narrow ­ ing for blacks, Asians and A m eri­ can Indians. “The fact that we know it exists prompts a lot o f local com m unities -U» Mty, ^W hat's going on here?’ and to figure out also why it mat­ ters,” said Carolyn Clancy, director o f the Agency for H ealthcare Re- search and Quality. T he gov ern m en t, using data mostly from 2002 and 2003, m ea­ sured 40 types o f disparities in the quality of health care between whites and minorities. Among blacks. 58 percent o f those disparities were becom ing sm aller and 42 percent were becom ing larger. In contrast, am ong the dispari­ ties between whites and Hispanics, 4 1 percent were becom ing smaller, while 59 percent were growing. T h e g o v e rn m e n t also m e a ­ sured access to health care. In all categ o ries, d isp arities narrow ed inaa Simon Mike Donald Blair Wendy Raquel Golden Tara- p ,na Alfr LATHAN BAKER EPPS EAISOIM UNDERWOOD ROBINSON BROOKS HENSON WOODARD for b lacks, A sians and A m erican Indians. But the gap w orsened for H ispanics in five out o f six categ o ries, including access to health insurance. Dr. Elena Rios, president and C E O ofthe National Hispanic Medi­ cal A ssociation, said two out of five Hispanics d o n 't have insur­ ance, and that group contains both legal and illegal immigrants. Overal I, the quality o f health care for all Americans improved at a rate o f 2.8 percent, the same rate o f increase shown in last year’s re­ port. Î MJUTB» MKB-WMMMO I tov« SOMflHING NtW A m aivekx» iw H t loving croabon i t « ort Ihot d e w t •ncourogo» ond o rtftn i what nnd who we actuottv ore it aho reminds ut love « the revolution •hot can t b e «topped ond it >« the heart not the mind or the Mercedes that a W V. She had it all u n d e r control. Except her heart. IN N M M H M M H Pinochet Stripped of Immunity (A P )— Form erC hilean dictator mother. A u g u s to P in o c h e t h as b een The president o f the Santiago stripped o f immunity from prosecu­ Court o f Appeals said the justices tion in 59 cases o f torture and kid­ voted 13-5 Friday to lift Pinochet's napping at a secret detention cen­ immunity, but the ruling must be ter w here hundreds o f dissidents upheld by the Suprem e Court be­ were held — including President­ fo re th e 9 0 - y e a r- o ld fo rm e r elect M ichelle Bachelet and her strongman can be tried. Pinochet’s new defense team said it will appeal. Bachelet and her mother, A n­ gela Jeria, were arrested 15 months after the 1973 coup led by Pinochet and taken to Villa Grim aldi, where both were tortured. Theircases were not am ong the cases before the Former Chilean dictator appeals court. Augusto Pinochet (right). A rom antic com edy w ith a whole lot o f dram a. mow * at»«» « ir öBttura imiNm »m i» « mmmii « o n e «mug im i m un -»ms»« *WMia fo c u s T BW » Dear Deanna! My cousin married her husband two years ago at age 19. She has confessed to me that she's in love Ask with her husband’s best friend who h as a g ir lf r ie n d an d is m y boyfriend's cousin. These 3 guys h av e been frie n d s sin ce high school. I know this isn't my prob­ lem, but can you please give me some advice? --Michelle; Port­ but w e're still together. He doesn't when I saw the real man. The police know if he wants to stay with his wife say as long as he pays bills and or leave. I told him if he stays then I isn't physically abusive they can 't may not be there. I also have a son make him leave my home. H e'scom e that's I yearold. I love him so much a long way but I d o n 't love him and and don't want to lose him again. - honestly I never did. I ’ve been up -Lost in Love; On-Line Reader front and very honest with him. What can I do? —Desperate; Okla­ Dear Lost: land. Ore. Dear Michelle: First remind your friend that she has a husband. At such a young Real People, Real Advice age. she hasn't sampled life, men or An advice column known fo r the world and it's not surprising its fearless approach to reality sh e's ready to cheat. S he's also based subjects! very imm ature if sh e 's going to risk her husband's friendship for her Dear Deanna! confused em otions. If it's not too I have a 10-year old daughter whose kite, suggest a giwxl counselor that dad got married several months ago. can help her decide if she wants to I still love him and I’m sure he still me married anil move forward or loves me. He called twice on his save face and feelings now with an wedding day to let me know he was annulment. thinking about me. He got married You lost him when he m arried an­ other woman. That spoke volumes because kids or no kids, he d id n 't choose you. Y ou've settled for less by allow ing him to have the best o f both worlds by being with him. You can get through the pain by fix-us­ ing on yourchildren. your faith and your life. If he loves you, dem and that he leave and see what hap­ pens. If he d oesn't com e your way cut him o ff and keep it moving. L egal N otices I C-, A T u »■ » » P r e v ie w STARTS EVERYWHERE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3! /fe w ttc e u t "Mte* 4 “In the community...for the community" ^0 Dear Desperate: You can pack your bags and leave or pack his and put him out. If it's your house with your name on it, then you do as you please. How­ ever. your man may react and get violent. If th at's the case, sell your house, m ove and start a new life. If he c a n 't accept your honesty, lack o f love and wishes, then yo u 're entitled to handle your business. Ask Deanna is written by Deanna I'm in a 5-year relationship with a M. Write Ask Deanna! Email: man w h o 's not my cup o f tea. I askdeanna! @yahoo.com or 264 discovered he has some bad hab­ S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283 its. He kept these things hidden to Beverly Hills, CA 40211. Website: impress me but I asked him to leave www,askdeanna.com ceived physical training, rifle marksmanship, fie ld training exercises, and special training in human relations. In addition, airmen who com­ plete basic training earn credits tow ard an associate degree through the Community College o f the A ir Force. Price is the daughter o f Tamia Gaston o f northeast Portland. AleshiaR. Price S p e c ia l i f Dear Deanna! Benson Grad Joins Air Force A leshia R. Price, a 2005 graduate o f Benson IIigh School,’ has graduated from basic m ili­ tary training at Lackland A ir Force Base. San Antonio. Texas. D u rin g the six weeks o f training, the airman studied the A ir Force mission, organiza­ tion. and m ilita ry customs and courtesies; performed d rill and cerem ony marches, and re- homa City, Okla. «ww«>™>Nna™,wnwa..n.l Need to publish a court document or notice? Need an affidavit of publication quickly and efficiently? Please fax or e-mail your notice for a free price quote! Fax. 5 0 3 2 8 8 0 0 1 5 e-mail: ? Featuring. . . . The Kirk Green Band AAMC Valentine’s Day Dance Saturday. February 11,2006 9pm - 2am Ramada Inn at the Airport 6221 NE 82nd Avenue Per pers on Portland. Oregon 503.255.6511 Dress: After 5 Dance ...Music ...Fun...Raffle ...Food.No Host Bar *7ectée¿i aacufarffe AAMC Member All Fastixx Locations Hair Creations • 5425 ME 30th Avenue. Portland » 503 281 1185 It s About Hair » 5501 NE 30th Avenue Portland • 503 493 4040 classifleds@portlan